Memory Decoding: (OLD - UPDATE SOON)
RAM = A15 low
ROM = A15 high, A14 high
GFX = A15 high, A14 low, A13 low
VIA1 = A15 high, A14 low, A13 high, A12 high
VIA2 = A15 high, A14 low, A13 high, A12 low

Keyboard Scancodes:
Top bit - break code (0 for make, 1 for break)

Boots from SDOSBOOT.PRG on SD card

SD Error Codes:
00 - CMD0 wrong response - probably SD card isn't inserted or wires are loose.
01 - CMD8 wrong response - means the SD card is version 1 instead of version 2. may implement version 1 later.
02 - CMD55 wrong response - probably means the SD card isn't properly compliant and is expecting a valid CRC
03 - CMD58 wrong response - SD card is busy / too old (needs to be SDHC or SDXC with block addressing)
04 - CMD16 wrong response - don't know why this would fail
05 - Found FAT12 / FAT16 partition without MBR - only FAT32 is supported
06 - Found MBR with incorrect partition type - SD partition 1 formatted wrong (NTFS or CHS FAT32?)

Graphics Bus:
8 data bits (input)
1 clock line (input)
1 interrupt line (output)

Possible Resolutions:
400x300 60hz - 50 column text
512x384 60hz - 64 column text

Commands: (hex)
00: Clear Screen
01: Send Char (followed by ANSI char byte)
02: Send String (0 terminated)
03: Set Cursor Position (followed by X byte and Y byte)
04: Set Text Foreground Colour (followed by text colour)
05: Set Text Background Colour (followed by text colour)
06: Enable Cursor
07: Disable Cursor
Graphics Commands:
20: Draw Point (gfx colour, gfx coordinate)
21: Draw Line (gfx colour, gfx coordinate, gfx coordinate)
22: Draw Rect (gfx colour, gfx coordinate, gfx coordinate)
23: Draw Filled Rect (gfx colour, gfx coordinate, gfx coordinate)
24: reserved for some other primitive
26: Draw Bitmap (gfx coordinate, gfx coordinate for width and height, array of gfx colours)
27: Update Sprite Graphic (sprite index (byte), gfx coordinate for width and height, array of gfx colours)
28: Move Sprite (sprite index, gfx coordinate)
29: Make Sprite Visible (sprite index)
2A: Make Sprite Invisible (sprite index)
2B: Clear Sprites - removes all sprites / sprite info, useful for game exiting etc.

FF: Do Nothing (just returns the "ready" pulse)

sprites start invisible and at 0, 0

maybe implement bitmap transparency - using upper 2 colour bits?

Text colour indexes: (4-bit colour index - other 4 bits ignored)
0: Black
1: Red
2: Green
3: Yellow
4: Blue
5: Magenta
6: Cyan
7: White
8: BrightBlack
9: BrightRed
10: BrightGreen
11: BrightYellow
12: BrightBlue
13: BrightMagenta
14: BrightCyan
15: BrightWhite

Graphics Colours: 6 bits, RRGGBB, upper 2 bits ignored
(upper bit indicates transparency in bitmap mode - 1 is transparent)
Graphics Coordinates: 16 bits for x and 16 bits for y, little-endian (lower byte first)

qSDOS text input works like on the Atari.
Backspace doesn't shift stuff left, and you can use the Insert key to insert a space.
qSDOS Commands: (case insensitive)
cls - Clear Screen
reset - Reset the computer
run - Execute a file from SD card (1 argument - 8.3 file name, case insensitive)
ramdump - Hexdump a page of RAM (or any address space) (1 argument - hex byte, page of ram to dump) (changes $FE and $FF in zero page)
textdump - Print out the contents of a text file (1 argument - 8.3 file name, case insensitive)
command to reinitialise SD so it can be removed and reinserted?
text / background colour commands?
command to see files in dir like dir / ls?

Image viewer info:
fullsize 400x300 PPM = 352 KB
400x300 in native colour format = 117 KB
400x300 in packed 6 bit colour format = 87 KB - too much! file streaming? lossy compression (palettes)?
200x150 in packed 6 bit colour format = 21 KB - maybe? 1 for each quadrant?

System Bus Info:
1 - VCC
2 - Gnd
3 - Address 0
18 - Address 15
19 - Data 0
26 - Data 7
27 - Reset
28 - Clock
29 - IRQ 1
30 - IRQ 2
31 - IRQ 3
32 - NMI
33 - Read / Write
34 - Secondary Clock / Sound Clock
35 - IO Select (active high)
36 - User 1
37 - User 2
38 - User 3
39 - Gnd
40 - VCC

User 1 goes to ESP Pin 2 - also controls ESP's LED
User 2 goes to Keyboard Arduino Pin 4
User 3 goes to Keyboard Arduino Pin 5

irq from both vias goes to logic gate - how?
clock for audio comes from esp on another card
jumpers to unmap rom and ram
pullups on all irq lines
pullup on nmi
header on unused via pins
header on sound chip io ports
move sound and sd together, keyboard and video together

10uF electrolytic for power rails
0.1uF / 100nF ceramic for chips

bypass caps
chip sockets
right-angle headers
vga port
ps2 port
flux pen
rosin core solder (check if current is rosin core)

40pin x 4 (6502, 2 x 6522, AY-3-8910)
28pin x 1 (RAM)
14pin x 3 (NAND, AND, Clock Div)
8pin x 1 (clock)

io select active high

cs1 active high cs2b active low
cs1 - io sel
cs2 - a13

cs1 - io sel
cs2 - a12

VIA 1 = 0x9000
Video on Port B
Keyboard on Port A

VIA 2 = 0xA000
Sound Bus on Port B
Sound Ctrl on Port A (PA0 = BC1, PA1 = BDIR)
External Header on Port A (PA2 & PA3)
SD on Port A (PA4 = CS, PA5 = SCK, PA6 = MOSI, PA7 = MISO)