diff --git a/.wordlist.txt b/.wordlist.txt
index b3b8686678..a7955394f8 100644
--- a/.wordlist.txt
+++ b/.wordlist.txt
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ APUs
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ overindexing
diff --git a/docs/data/how-to/hip_runtime_api/asynchronous/sequential_async_event.drawio b/docs/data/how-to/hip_runtime_api/asynchronous/sequential_async_event.drawio
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index 0000000000..3d548182d7
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43d146db2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/data/how-to/hip_runtime_api/asynchronous/sequential_async_event.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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diff --git a/docs/how-to/hip_runtime_api.rst b/docs/how-to/hip_runtime_api.rst
index 65c89a60ed..f76851e078 100644
--- a/docs/how-to/hip_runtime_api.rst
+++ b/docs/how-to/hip_runtime_api.rst
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ Here are the various HIP Runtime API high level functions:
* :doc:`./hip_runtime_api/initialization`
* :doc:`./hip_runtime_api/memory_management`
* :doc:`./hip_runtime_api/error_handling`
+* :doc:`./hip_runtime_api/asynchronous`
* :doc:`./hip_runtime_api/cooperative_groups`
* :doc:`./hip_runtime_api/hipgraph`
* :doc:`./hip_runtime_api/call_stack`
diff --git a/docs/how-to/hip_runtime_api/asynchronous.rst b/docs/how-to/hip_runtime_api/asynchronous.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b68e743309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/how-to/hip_runtime_api/asynchronous.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+.. meta::
+ :description: This topic describes asynchronous concurrent execution in HIP
+ :keywords: AMD, ROCm, HIP, asynchronous concurrent execution, asynchronous, async, concurrent, concurrency
+.. _asynchronous_how-to:
+Asynchronous concurrent execution
+Asynchronous concurrent execution is important for efficient parallelism and
+resource utilization, with techniques such as overlapping computation and data
+transfer, managing concurrent kernel execution with streams on single or
+multiple devices, or using HIP graphs.
+Streams and concurrent execution
+All asynchronous APIs, such as kernel execution, data movement and potentially
+data allocation/freeing all happen in the context of device streams.
+Streams are FIFO buffers of commands to execute in order on a given device.
+Commands which enqueue tasks on a stream all return promptly and the task is
+executed asynchronously. Multiple streams can point to the same device and
+those streams might be fed from multiple concurrent host-side threads. Execution
+on multiple streams might be concurrent but isn't required to be.
+Managing streams
+Streams enable the overlap of computation and data transfer, ensuring
+continuous GPU activity.
+To create a stream, the following functions are used, each defining a handle
+to the newly created stream:
+- :cpp:func:`hipStreamCreate`: Creates a stream with default settings.
+- :cpp:func:`hipStreamCreateWithFlags`: Creates a stream, with specific
+ flags, listed below, enabling more control over stream behavior:
+ - ``hipStreamDefault``: creates a default stream suitable for most
+ operations. The default stream is a blocking operation.
+ - ``hipStreamNonBlocking``: creates a non-blocking stream, allowing
+ concurrent execution of operations. It ensures that tasks can run
+ simultaneously without waiting for each other to complete, thus improving
+ overall performance.
+- :cpp:func:`hipStreamCreateWithPriority`: Allows creating a stream with a
+ specified priority, enabling prioritization of certain tasks.
+The :cpp:func:`hipStreamSynchronize` function is used to block the calling host
+thread until all previously submitted tasks in a specified HIP stream have
+completed. It ensures that all operations in the given stream, such as kernel
+executions or memory transfers, are finished before the host thread proceeds.
+.. note::
+ If the :cpp:func:`hipStreamSynchronize` function input stream is 0 (or the
+ default stream), it waits for all operations in the default stream to
+ complete.
+Concurrent execution between host and device
+Concurrent execution between the host (CPU) and device (GPU) allows the CPU to
+perform other tasks while the GPU is executing kernels. Kernels can be launched
+asynchronously using ``hipLaunchKernelDefault`` with a stream, enabling the CPU
+to continue executing other code while the GPU processes the kernel. Similarly,
+memory operations like :cpp:func:`hipMemcpyAsync` can be performed
+asynchronously, allowing data transfers between the host and device without
+blocking the CPU.
+Concurrent kernel execution
+Concurrent execution of multiple kernels on the GPU allows different kernels to
+run simultaneously to maximize GPU resource usage. Managing dependencies
+between kernels is crucial for ensuring correct execution order. This can be
+achieved using :cpp:func:`hipStreamWaitEvent`, which allows a kernel to wait
+for a specific event before starting execution.
+Independent kernels can only run concurrently if there are enough registers
+and shared memory for the kernels. To enable concurrent kernel executions, the
+developer may have to reduce the block size of the kernels. The kernel runtimes
+can be misleading for concurrent kernel runs, that is why during optimization
+it is a good practice to check the trace files, to see if one kernel is blocking another
+kernel, while they are running in parallel.
+When running kernels in parallel, the execution time can increase due to
+contention for shared resources. This is because multiple kernels may attempt
+to access the same GPU resources simultaneously, leading to delays.
+Asynchronous kernel execution is beneficial only under specific conditions. It
+is most effective when the kernels do not fully utilize the GPU's resources. In
+such cases, overlapping kernel execution can improve overall throughput and
+efficiency by keeping the GPU busy without exceeding its capacity.
+Overlap of data transfer and kernel execution
+One of the primary benefits of asynchronous operations is the ability to
+overlap data transfer with kernel execution, leading to better resource
+utilization and improved performance.
+Asynchronous execution is particularly advantageous in iterative processes. For
+instance, if an iteration calculation is initiated, it can be efficient to
+prepare the input data simultaneously, provided that this preparation does not
+depend on the kernel's execution.
+Querying device capabilities
+Some AMD HIP-enabled devices can perform asynchronous memory copy operations to
+or from the GPU concurrently with kernel execution. Applications can query this
+capability by checking the ``asyncEngineCount`` device property. Devices with
+an ``asyncEngineCount`` greater than zero support concurrent data transfers.
+Additionally, if host memory is involved in the copy, it should be page-locked
+to ensure optimal performance.
+Asynchronous memory operations
+Asynchronous memory operations allow data to be transferred between the host
+and device while kernels are being executed on the GPU. Using operations like
+:cpp:func:`hipMemcpyAsync`, developers can initiate data transfers without
+waiting for the previous operation to complete. This overlap of computation and
+data transfer ensures that the GPU is not idle while waiting for data. Examples
+include launching kernels in one stream while performing data transfers in
+another. This technique is especially useful in applications with large data
+sets that need to be processed quickly.
+Concurrent data transfers
+Concurrent data transfers are supported between the host and device, within
+device memory, and among multiple devices. Using :cpp:func:`hipMemcpyAsync`,
+data can be transferred asynchronously, allowing for efficient data movement
+without blocking other operations. :cpp:func:`hipMemcpyPeerAsync` enables data
+transfers between different GPUs, facilitating multi-GPU communication.
+Concurrent data transfers are important for applications that require frequent
+and large data movements. By overlapping data transfers with computation,
+developers can minimize idle times and enhance performance. This is
+particularly important for applications that need to handle large volumes of
+data efficiently.
+Concurrent data transfers with intra-device copies
+Devices that support the ``concurrentKernels`` property can perform
+intra-device copies concurrently with kernel execution. Additionally, devices
+that support the ``asyncEngineCount`` property can perform data transfers to
+or from the GPU simultaneously with kernel execution. Intra-device copies can
+be initiated using standard memory copy functions with destination and source
+addresses residing on the same device.
+Synchronization, event management and synchronous calls
+Synchronization and event management are important for coordinating tasks and
+ensuring correct execution order, and synchronous calls are necessary for
+maintaining data consistency.
+Synchronous calls
+Synchronous calls ensure task completion before moving to the next operation.
+For example, :cpp:func:`hipMemcpy` for data transfers waits for completion
+before returning control to the host. Similarly, synchronous kernel launches
+are used when immediate completion is required. When a synchronous function is
+called, control is not returned to the host thread before the device has
+completed the requested task. The behavior of the host thread—whether to yield,
+block, or spin—can be specified using :cpp:func:`hipSetDeviceFlags` with
+appropriate flags. Understanding when to use synchronous calls is important for
+managing execution flow and avoiding data races.
+Events for synchronization
+By creating an event with :cpp:func:`hipEventCreate` and recording it with
+:cpp:func:`hipEventRecord`, developers can synchronize operations across
+streams, ensuring correct task execution order. :cpp:func:`hipEventSynchronize`
+lets the application wait for an event to complete before proceeding with the next
+Programmatic dependent launch and synchronization
+While CUDA supports programmatic dependent launches allowing a secondary kernel
+to start before the primary kernel finishes, HIP achieves similar functionality
+using streams and events. By employing :cpp:func:`hipStreamWaitEvent`, it is
+possible to manage the execution order without explicit hardware support. This
+mechanism allows a secondary kernel to launch as soon as the necessary
+conditions are met, even if the primary kernel is still running.
+The examples shows the difference between sequential, asynchronous calls and
+asynchronous calls with ``hipEvents``.
+.. figure:: ../../data/how-to/hip_runtime_api/asynchronous/sequential_async_event.svg
+ :alt: Compare the different calls
+ :align: center
+The example codes
+.. tab-set::
+ .. tab-item:: Sequential
+ .. code-block:: cpp
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #define HIP_CHECK(expression) \
+ { \
+ const hipError_t status = expression; \
+ if(status != hipSuccess){ \
+ std::cerr << "HIP error " \
+ << status << ": " \
+ << hipGetErrorString(status) \
+ << " at " << __FILE__ << ":" \
+ << __LINE__ << std::endl; \
+ } \
+ }
+ // GPU Kernels
+ __global__ void kernelA(double* arrayA, size_t size){
+ const size_t x = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
+ if(x < size){arrayA[x] *= 2.0;}
+ };
+ __global__ void kernelB(double* arrayB, size_t size){
+ const size_t x = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
+ if(x < size){arrayB[x] += 3.0;}
+ };
+ int main()
+ {
+ constexpr int numOfBlocks = 256;
+ constexpr int threadsPerBlock = 4096;
+ constexpr int numberOfIterations = 50;
+ size_t arraySize = 1U << 20;
+ double *d_dataA;
+ double *d_dataB;
+ std::vector vectorA(arraySize, 4.0);
+ std::vector vectorB(arraySize, 2.0);
+ // Allocate device memory
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMalloc(&d_dataA, arraySize * sizeof(*d_dataA)));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMalloc(&d_dataB, arraySize * sizeof(*d_dataB)));
+ for(unsigned int iteration = 0; iteration < numberOfIterations; iteration++)
+ {
+ // Host to Device copies
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpy(d_dataA, vectorA.data(), arraySize * sizeof(*d_dataA), hipMemcpyHostToDevice));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpy(d_dataB, vectorB.data(), arraySize * sizeof(*d_dataB), hipMemcpyHostToDevice));
+ // Launch the GPU kernels
+ hipLaunchKernelGGL(kernelA, dim3(numOfBlocks), dim3(threadsPerBlock), 0, 0, d_dataA, arraySize);
+ hipLaunchKernelGGL(kernelB, dim3(numOfBlocks), dim3(threadsPerBlock), 0, 0, d_dataB, arraySize);
+ // Device to Host copies
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpy(vectorA.data(), d_dataA, arraySize * sizeof(*vectorA.data()), hipMemcpyDeviceToHost));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpy(vectorB.data(), d_dataB, arraySize * sizeof(*vectorB.data()), hipMemcpyDeviceToHost));
+ }
+ // Wait for all operations to complete
+ HIP_CHECK(hipDeviceSynchronize());
+ // Cleanup
+ HIP_CHECK(hipFree(d_dataA));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipFree(d_dataB));
+ std::cout << "Sequential execution completed successfully." << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ .. tab-item:: Asynchronous
+ .. code-block:: cpp
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #define HIP_CHECK(expression) \
+ { \
+ const hipError_t status = expression; \
+ if(status != hipSuccess){ \
+ std::cerr << "HIP error " \
+ << status << ": " \
+ << hipGetErrorString(status) \
+ << " at " << __FILE__ << ":" \
+ << __LINE__ << std::endl; \
+ } \
+ }
+ // GPU Kernels
+ __global__ void kernelA(double* arrayA, size_t size){
+ const size_t x = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
+ if(x < size){arrayA[x] *= 2.0;}
+ };
+ __global__ void kernelB(double* arrayB, size_t size){
+ const size_t x = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
+ if(x < size){arrayB[x] += 3.0;}
+ };
+ int main()
+ {
+ constexpr int numOfBlocks = 256;
+ constexpr int threadsPerBlock = 4096;
+ constexpr int numberOfIterations = 50;
+ size_t arraySize = 1U << 20;
+ double *d_dataA;
+ double *d_dataB;
+ std::vector vectorA(arraySize, 4.0);
+ std::vector vectorB(arraySize, 2.0);
+ // Allocate device memory
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMalloc(&d_dataA, arraySize * sizeof(*d_dataA)));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMalloc(&d_dataB, arraySize * sizeof(*d_dataB)));
+ // Create streams
+ hipStream_t streamA, streamB;
+ HIP_CHECK(hipStreamCreate(&streamA));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipStreamCreate(&streamB));
+ for(unsigned int iteration = 0; iteration < numberOfIterations; iteration++)
+ {
+ // Stream 1: Host to Device 1
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpyAsync(d_dataA, vectorA.data(), arraySize * sizeof(*d_dataA), hipMemcpyHostToDevice, streamA));
+ // Stream 2: Host to Device 2
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpyAsync(d_dataB, vectorB.data(), arraySize * sizeof(*d_dataB), hipMemcpyHostToDevice, streamB));
+ // Stream 1: Kernel 1
+ hipLaunchKernelGGL(kernelA, dim3(1024), dim3(1024), 0, streamA, d_dataA, arraySize);
+ // Stream 2: Kernel 2
+ hipLaunchKernelGGL(kernelB, dim3(1024), dim3(1024), 0, streamB, d_dataB, arraySize);
+ // Stream 1: Device to Host 2 (after Kernel 1)
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpyAsync(vectorA.data(), d_dataA, arraySize * sizeof(*vectorA.data()), hipMemcpyDeviceToHost, streamA));
+ // Stream 2: Device to Host 2 (after Kernel 2)
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpyAsync(vectorB.data(), d_dataB, arraySize * sizeof(*vectorB.data()), hipMemcpyDeviceToHost, streamB));
+ }
+ // Wait for all operations in both streams to complete
+ HIP_CHECK(hipStreamSynchronize(streamA));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipStreamSynchronize(streamB));
+ // Cleanup
+ HIP_CHECK(hipStreamDestroy(streamA));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipStreamDestroy(streamB));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipFree(d_dataA));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipFree(d_dataB));
+ std::cout << "Asynchronous execution with events completed successfully." << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ .. tab-item:: hipStreamWaitEvent
+ .. code-block:: cpp
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #define HIP_CHECK(expression) \
+ { \
+ const hipError_t status = expression; \
+ if(status != hipSuccess){ \
+ std::cerr << "HIP error " \
+ << status << ": " \
+ << hipGetErrorString(status) \
+ << " at " << __FILE__ << ":" \
+ << __LINE__ << std::endl; \
+ } \
+ }
+ // GPU Kernels
+ __global__ void kernelA(double* arrayA, size_t size){
+ const size_t x = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
+ if(x < size){arrayA[x] *= 2.0;}
+ };
+ __global__ void kernelB(double* arrayB, size_t size){
+ const size_t x = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
+ if(x < size){arrayB[x] += 3.0;}
+ };
+ int main()
+ {
+ constexpr int numOfBlocks = 256;
+ constexpr int threadsPerBlock = 4096;
+ constexpr int numberOfIterations = 50;
+ size_t arraySize = 1U << 20;
+ double *d_dataA;
+ double *d_dataB;
+ std::vector vectorA(arraySize, 4.0);
+ std::vector vectorB(arraySize, 2.0);
+ // Allocate device memory
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMalloc(&d_dataA, arraySize * sizeof(*d_dataA)));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMalloc(&d_dataB, arraySize * sizeof(*d_dataB)));
+ // Create streams
+ hipStream_t streamA, streamB;
+ HIP_CHECK(hipStreamCreate(&streamA));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipStreamCreate(&streamB));
+ // Create events
+ hipEvent_t event, eventA, eventB;
+ HIP_CHECK(hipEventCreate(&event));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipEventCreate(&eventA));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipEventCreate(&eventB));
+ for(unsigned int iteration = 0; iteration < numberOfIterations; iteration++)
+ {
+ // Stream 1: Host to Device 1
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpyAsync(d_dataA, vectorA.data(), arraySize * sizeof(*d_dataA), hipMemcpyHostToDevice, streamA));
+ // Stream 2: Host to Device 2
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpyAsync(d_dataB, vectorB.data(), arraySize * sizeof(*d_dataB), hipMemcpyHostToDevice, streamB));
+ // Stream 1: Kernel 1
+ hipLaunchKernelGGL(kernelA, dim3(1024), dim3(1024), 0, streamA, d_dataA, arraySize);
+ // Record event after the GPU kernel in Stream 1
+ HIP_CHECK(hipEventRecord(event, streamA));
+ // Stream 2: Wait for Event 1 before starting Kernel 2
+ HIP_CHECK(hipStreamWaitEvent(streamB, event, 0));
+ // Stream 2: Kernel 2
+ hipLaunchKernelGGL(kernelB, dim3(1024), dim3(1024), 0, streamB, d_dataB, arraySize);
+ // Stream 1: Device to Host 2 (after Kernel 1)
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpyAsync(vectorA.data(), d_dataA, arraySize * sizeof(*vectorA.data()), hipMemcpyDeviceToHost, streamA));
+ // Stream 2: Device to Host 2 (after Kernel 2)
+ HIP_CHECK(hipMemcpyAsync(vectorB.data(), d_dataB, arraySize * sizeof(*vectorB.data()), hipMemcpyDeviceToHost, streamB));
+ }
+ // Wait for all operations in both streams to complete
+ HIP_CHECK(hipEventRecord(eventA, streamA));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipEventRecord(eventB, streamB));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipStreamWaitEvent(streamA, eventA, 0));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipStreamWaitEvent(streamB, eventB, 0));
+ // Cleanup
+ HIP_CHECK(hipEventDestroy(event));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipEventDestroy(eventA));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipEventDestroy(eventB));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipStreamDestroy(streamA));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipStreamDestroy(streamB));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipFree(d_dataA));
+ HIP_CHECK(hipFree(d_dataB));
+ std::cout << "Asynchronous execution with events completed successfully." << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+HIP Graphs
+HIP graphs offer an efficient alternative to the standard method of launching
+GPU tasks via streams. Comprising nodes for operations and edges for
+dependencies, HIP graphs reduce kernel launch overhead and provide a high-level
+abstraction for managing dependencies and synchronization. By representing
+sequences of kernels and memory operations as a single graph, they simplify
+complex workflows and enhance performance, particularly for applications with
+intricate dependencies and multiple execution stages.
+For more details, see the :ref:`how_to_HIP_graph` documentation.
diff --git a/docs/how-to/performance_guidelines.rst b/docs/how-to/performance_guidelines.rst
index d71c646657..33dbbb4af4 100644
--- a/docs/how-to/performance_guidelines.rst
+++ b/docs/how-to/performance_guidelines.rst
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
developers optimize the performance of HIP-capable GPU architectures.
:keywords: AMD, ROCm, HIP, CUDA, performance, guidelines
+.. _how_to_performance_guidelines:
Performance guidelines
@@ -32,12 +34,14 @@ reveal and efficiently provide as much parallelism as possible. The parallelism
can be performed at the application level, device level, and multiprocessor
+.. _application_parallel_execution:
Application level
To enable parallel execution of the application across the host and devices, use
-asynchronous calls and streams. Assign workloads based on efficiency: serial to
-the host or parallel to the devices.
+:ref:`asynchronous calls and streams `. Assign workloads
+based on efficiency: serial to the host or parallel to the devices.
For parallel workloads, when threads belonging to the same block need to
synchronize to share data, use :cpp:func:`__syncthreads()` (see:
diff --git a/docs/sphinx/_toc.yml.in b/docs/sphinx/_toc.yml.in
index aca33a2c62..ac1882eebe 100644
--- a/docs/sphinx/_toc.yml.in
+++ b/docs/sphinx/_toc.yml.in
@@ -49,9 +49,10 @@ subtrees:
- file: how-to/hip_runtime_api/memory_management/virtual_memory
- file: how-to/hip_runtime_api/memory_management/stream_ordered_allocator
- file: how-to/hip_runtime_api/error_handling
- - file: how-to/hip_runtime_api/cooperative_groups
- - file: how-to/hip_runtime_api/hipgraph
- file: how-to/hip_runtime_api/call_stack
+ - file: how-to/hip_runtime_api/asynchronous
+ - file: how-to/hip_runtime_api/hipgraph
+ - file: how-to/hip_runtime_api/cooperative_groups
- file: how-to/hip_runtime_api/multi_device
- file: how-to/hip_runtime_api/opengl_interop
- file: how-to/hip_runtime_api/external_interop