#!/usr/bin/env perl # ======================================================================================= # # Author: Jan Eitzinger (je), jan.eitzinger@fau.de # Copyright (c) 2021 RRZE, University Erlangen-Nuremberg # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # ======================================================================================= use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my ($DIR, $CMD, $PREFIX) = @ARGV; if (not defined $DIR) { die "Usage: $0 \n"; } my %RES; my %INFO; my %RESULT; my %PLOT; my %DPLOT; my @testcases = ('Init', 'Sum', 'Copy', 'Update', 'Triad', 'Daxpy', 'STriad', 'SDaxpy'); my $numDomainsPerSocket; my $numDomainsPerNode; my $numCoresPerMemoryDomain; my $coresPerSocket; my $SMT; # Step 0 : Build benchmark `rm $DIR/raw/*`; `rm $DIR/*`; `mkdir $DIR/raw`; `make distclean`; `make > $DIR/buildoutput.txt`; # Step 1 : Extract system information `likwid-topology -g > $DIR/topology.txt`; my $topo = `likwid-topology -O`; foreach my $ln (split("\n", $topo)) { if ( $ln =~ /^CPU name:/ ) { my @fields = split(",", $ln); $INFO{processor} = $fields[1]; } if ( $ln =~ /^CPU type/ ) { my @fields = split(",", $ln); $INFO{family} = $fields[1]; $INFO{family} =~ s/[\(\)]//g; } if ( $ln =~ /^Sockets:/ ) { my @fields = split(",", $ln); $INFO{numSockets} = $fields[1]; } if ( $ln =~ /^Cores per socket:/ ) { my @fields = split(",", $ln); $INFO{numCoresPerSocket} = $fields[1]; } if ( $ln =~ /^Threads per core:/ ) { my @fields = split(",", $ln); $SMT = $fields[1]; $INFO{numThreadsPerCore} = $SMT; } if ( $ln =~ /^NUMA domains:/ ) { my @fields = split(",", $ln); $numDomainsPerNode = $fields[1]; } } $INFO{family} =~ s/[ ]//g; my $cinfo = `make info`; # my $cinfo = do { # local $/ = undef; # open my $fh, "<", './toolchain.txt' # or die "could not open tile: $!"; # <$fh>; # }; my @tmp = split("\n", $cinfo); $INFO{flags} = $tmp[0]; my @tools = split(" ", $tmp[1]); $INFO{toolchain} = $tools[0]. ' ' . $tools[1]; $INFO{version} = $tmp[1]; $numDomainsPerSocket = $numDomainsPerNode / $INFO{numSockets}; $numDomainsPerNode = 2 * $numDomainsPerSocket; $numCoresPerMemoryDomain = $INFO{numCoresPerSocket} / $numDomainsPerSocket; my $TAG = $PREFIX."-S$INFO{numSockets}-M$numDomainsPerSocket-C$INFO{numCoresPerSocket}"; $INFO{numDomainsPerSocket} = $numDomainsPerSocket; # Step 2 : Execute benchmark foreach my $numdomains ( 1 ... $numDomainsPerNode ) { foreach my $numcores ( 1 ... $numCoresPerMemoryDomain ) { my $exp = join('@',map("E:M$_:$numcores:1:$SMT", 0 ... $numdomains-1)); print "node-M$numdomains-$numcores\n"; `likwid-pin -q -C $exp $CMD > $DIR/raw/node-M$numdomains-$numcores.txt`; } } # Step 3 : Generate output extractResults(); $RESULT{core} = findMaxResult(1,1); $RESULT{domain} = findMaxResult(1, $numCoresPerMemoryDomain); $RESULT{socket} = findMaxResult($numDomainsPerSocket, $numCoresPerMemoryDomain); $RESULT{node} = findMaxResult($numDomainsPerNode, $numCoresPerMemoryDomain); $RESULT{scaling} = sprintf "#nt"; foreach my $test ( @testcases ) { $RESULT{scaling} .= sprintf "\t%s", $test; $PLOT{$test} = ''; } $RESULT{scaling} .= sprintf "\n"; foreach my $key (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$RES{1}}) { $RESULT{scaling} .= sprintf "%d", $key; foreach my $test ( @testcases ) { $RESULT{scaling} .= sprintf "\t%.2f", $RES{1}{$key}{$test}; $PLOT{$test} .= "$key $RES{1}{$key}{$test}\n"; } $RESULT{scaling} .= sprintf "\n"; } foreach my $nm ( 1 ... $numDomainsPerNode ) { my $tag = "s$nm"; $DPLOT{meta} .=<<"END"; \@ $tag hidden false \@ $tag type xy \@ $tag symbol 1 \@ $tag symbol size 1.000000 \@ $tag symbol color $nm \@ $tag symbol pattern 1 \@ $tag symbol fill color $nm \@ $tag symbol fill pattern 1 \@ $tag symbol linewidth 1.0 \@ $tag symbol linestyle 1 \@ $tag symbol char 65 \@ $tag symbol char font 0 \@ $tag symbol skip 0 \@ $tag line type 1 \@ $tag line linestyle 1 \@ $tag line linewidth 4.0 \@ $tag line color $nm \@ $tag line pattern 1 \@ $tag baseline type 0 \@ $tag baseline off \@ $tag dropline off \@ $tag fill type 0 \@ $tag fill rule 0 \@ $tag fill color 1 \@ $tag fill pattern 1 \@ $tag avalue off \@ $tag avalue type 2 \@ $tag avalue char size 1.000000 \@ $tag avalue font 0 \@ $tag avalue color 1 \@ $tag avalue rot 0 \@ $tag avalue format general \@ $tag avalue prec 3 \@ $tag avalue prepend "" \@ $tag avalue append "" \@ $tag avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000 \@ $tag errorbar on \@ $tag errorbar place both \@ $tag errorbar color $nm \@ $tag errorbar pattern 1 \@ $tag errorbar size 1.000000 \@ $tag errorbar linewidth 1.0 \@ $tag errorbar linestyle 1 \@ $tag errorbar riser linewidth 1.0 \@ $tag errorbar riser linestyle 1 \@ $tag errorbar riser clip off \@ $tag errorbar riser clip length 0.100000 \@ $tag legend "$nm" END } $RESULT{node} =~ /([0-9.]+)/; my $ymax = $1 * 1.2; $DPLOT{world} = "1, 0, $numCoresPerMemoryDomain, $ymax"; foreach my $test ( @testcases ) { my %dplottmp; $RESULT{'domain'.$test} = sprintf "#nm"; foreach my $nm ( 1 ... $numDomainsPerNode ) { $RESULT{'domain'.$test} .= sprintf "\t%d", $nm; $dplottmp{$nm} = ''; } $RESULT{'domain'.$test} .= sprintf "\n"; foreach my $nt ( 1 ... $numCoresPerMemoryDomain ) { $RESULT{'domain'.$test} .= sprintf "%d", $nt; foreach my $nm ( 1 ... $numDomainsPerNode ) { $RESULT{'domain'.$test} .= sprintf "\t%.2f", $RES{$nm}{$nt}{$test}; $dplottmp{$nm} .= "$nt $RES{$nm}{$nt}{$test}\n"; } $RESULT{'domain'.$test} .= sprintf "\n"; } $DPLOT{series} = ''; foreach my $nm ( 1 ... $numDomainsPerNode ) { $DPLOT{series} .= "\@target G0.S$nm\n\@type xy\n"; $DPLOT{series} .= $dplottmp{$nm}; $DPLOT{series} .= "&\n"; } generateDomainScalingPlot("$DIR/$TAG-domains$test.agr"); } $RESULT{domain} =~ /([0-9]+\.)/; $ymax = $1 * 1.2; $RESULT{scalingPlot} = "figures/$TAG-scaling.png"; $RESULT{domainInitPlot} = "figures/$TAG-domainsInit.png"; $RESULT{domainSumPlot} = "figures/$TAG-domainsSum.png"; $RESULT{domainCopyPlot} = "figures/$TAG-domainsCopy.png"; $RESULT{domainTriadPlot} = "figures/$TAG-domainsTriad.png"; $PLOT{world} = "1, 0, $numCoresPerMemoryDomain, $ymax"; generateMarkdown("$DIR/$TAG.md"); generateScalingPlot("$DIR/$TAG-scaling.agr"); open(my $fh, '>', "$DIR/max.dat") or die "Could not open file $!"; $RESULT{core} =~ /([0-9.]+)/; print $fh "CORE $1\n"; $RESULT{socket} =~ /([0-9.]+)/; print $fh "SOCKET $1\n"; $RESULT{node} =~ /([0-9.]+)/; print $fh "NODE $1\n"; close $fh; `tar -czf $TAG.tgz $DIR`; # Helper routines sub findMaxResult { my $maxDomains = shift; my $maxCores = shift; my %param; my $max = 0; foreach my $numDomains ( 1 ... $maxDomains ) { foreach my $numCoresPerDomain ( 1 ... $maxCores ) { foreach my $testcase (keys %{$RES{$numDomains}{$numCoresPerDomain}}) { if ( $RES{$numDomains}{$numCoresPerDomain}{$testcase} > $max ){ $max = sprintf "\t%.2f",$RES{$numDomains}{$numCoresPerDomain}{$testcase}; $param{testcase} = $testcase; $param{cores} = $numCoresPerDomain; } } } } if ($maxCores == 1) { return "$max ($param{testcase})"; } else { return "$max ($param{testcase} with $param{cores} cores)"; } } sub extractResults { while( defined( my $file = glob($DIR . '/raw/*' ) ) ) { print "Process $file\n"; my $nt = 1; my $nm = 1; open(my $fh, "<","$file"); if ($file =~ /.*-M([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\.txt/) { $nm = $1; $nt = $2; } # $RES{$nm}{$nt} = {}; while ( <$fh> ) { my $cnt = split(/[ ]+/, $_); if ( $cnt == 6 ) { my @fields = split(/[ ]+/, $_); if ( $fields[1] =~ /[0-9]+/ ) { $fields[0] =~ s/://; $RES{$nm}{$nt}{$fields[0]} = $fields[1] * 0.001; } } } close $fh or die "can't close file $!"; } } sub generateScalingPlot { my $filename = shift; open(my $fh, '>', $filename) or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!"; print $fh <<"END"; # Grace project file # \@version 50122 \@page size 792, 612 \@page scroll 5% \@page inout 5% \@link page off \@map font 0 to "Times-Roman", "Times-Roman" \@map font 1 to "Times-Italic", "Times-Italic" \@map font 2 to "Times-Bold", "Times-Bold" \@map font 3 to "Times-BoldItalic", "Times-BoldItalic" \@map font 4 to "Helvetica", "Helvetica" \@map font 5 to "Helvetica-Oblique", "Helvetica-Oblique" \@map font 6 to 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formula "" \@ yaxis ticklabel append "" \@ yaxis ticklabel prepend "" \@ yaxis ticklabel angle 0 \@ yaxis ticklabel skip 0 \@ yaxis ticklabel stagger 0 \@ yaxis ticklabel place normal \@ yaxis ticklabel offset auto \@ yaxis ticklabel offset 0.000000 , 0.010000 \@ yaxis ticklabel start type auto \@ yaxis ticklabel start 0.000000 \@ yaxis ticklabel stop type auto \@ yaxis ticklabel stop 0.000000 \@ yaxis ticklabel char size 1.250000 \@ yaxis ticklabel font 0 \@ yaxis ticklabel color 1 \@ yaxis tick place both \@ yaxis tick spec type none \@ altxaxis off \@ altyaxis off \@ legend on \@ legend loctype view \@ legend 0.93, 0.45 \@ legend box color 1 \@ legend box pattern 1 \@ legend box linewidth 1.0 \@ legend box linestyle 1 \@ legend box fill color 0 \@ legend box fill pattern 1 \@ legend font 0 \@ legend char size 1.000000 \@ legend color 1 \@ legend length 4 \@ legend vgap 1 \@ legend hgap 1 \@ legend invert false \@ frame type 0 \@ frame linestyle 1 \@ frame linewidth 1.0 \@ frame 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1.000000 \@ s0 errorbar linewidth 1.0 \@ s0 errorbar linestyle 1 \@ s0 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0 \@ s0 errorbar riser linestyle 1 \@ s0 errorbar riser clip off \@ s0 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000 \@ s0 legend "Init" \@ s1 hidden false \@ s1 type xy \@ s1 symbol 1 \@ s1 symbol size 1.000000 \@ s1 symbol color 2 \@ s1 symbol pattern 1 \@ s1 symbol fill color 2 \@ s1 symbol fill pattern 1 \@ s1 symbol linewidth 1.0 \@ s1 symbol linestyle 1 \@ s1 symbol char 65 \@ s1 symbol char font 0 \@ s1 symbol skip 0 \@ s1 line type 1 \@ s1 line linestyle 1 \@ s1 line linewidth 4.0 \@ s1 line color 2 \@ s1 line pattern 1 \@ s1 baseline type 0 \@ s1 baseline off \@ s1 dropline off \@ s1 fill type 0 \@ s1 fill rule 0 \@ s1 fill color 1 \@ s1 fill pattern 1 \@ s1 avalue off \@ s1 avalue type 2 \@ s1 avalue char size 1.000000 \@ s1 avalue font 0 \@ s1 avalue color 1 \@ s1 avalue rot 0 \@ s1 avalue format general \@ s1 avalue prec 3 \@ s1 avalue prepend "" \@ s1 avalue append "" \@ s1 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000 \@ s1 errorbar on \@ s1 errorbar place both \@ s1 errorbar color 2 \@ s1 errorbar pattern 1 \@ s1 errorbar size 1.000000 \@ s1 errorbar linewidth 1.0 \@ s1 errorbar linestyle 1 \@ s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0 \@ s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1 \@ s1 errorbar riser clip off \@ s1 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000 \@ s1 legend "Sum" \@ s2 hidden false \@ s2 type xy \@ s2 symbol 1 \@ s2 symbol size 1.000000 \@ s2 symbol color 3 \@ s2 symbol pattern 1 \@ s2 symbol fill color 3 \@ s2 symbol fill pattern 1 \@ s2 symbol linewidth 1.0 \@ s2 symbol linestyle 1 \@ s2 symbol char 65 \@ s2 symbol char font 0 \@ s2 symbol skip 0 \@ s2 line type 1 \@ s2 line linestyle 1 \@ s2 line linewidth 4.0 \@ s2 line color 3 \@ s2 line pattern 1 \@ s2 baseline type 0 \@ s2 baseline off \@ s2 dropline off \@ s2 fill type 0 \@ s2 fill rule 0 \@ s2 fill color 1 \@ s2 fill pattern 1 \@ s2 avalue off \@ s2 avalue type 2 \@ s2 avalue char size 1.000000 \@ s2 avalue font 0 \@ s2 avalue color 1 \@ s2 avalue rot 0 \@ s2 avalue format general \@ s2 avalue prec 3 \@ s2 avalue prepend "" \@ s2 avalue append "" \@ s2 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000 \@ s2 errorbar on \@ s2 errorbar place both \@ s2 errorbar color 3 \@ s2 errorbar pattern 1 \@ s2 errorbar size 1.000000 \@ s2 errorbar linewidth 1.0 \@ s2 errorbar linestyle 1 \@ s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0 \@ s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1 \@ s2 errorbar riser clip off \@ s2 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000 \@ s2 legend "Copy" \@ s3 hidden false \@ s3 type xy \@ s3 symbol 1 \@ s3 symbol size 1.000000 \@ s3 symbol color 4 \@ s3 symbol pattern 1 \@ s3 symbol fill color 4 \@ s3 symbol fill pattern 1 \@ s3 symbol linewidth 1.0 \@ s3 symbol linestyle 1 \@ s3 symbol char 65 \@ s3 symbol char font 0 \@ s3 symbol skip 0 \@ s3 line type 1 \@ s3 line linestyle 1 \@ s3 line linewidth 4.0 \@ s3 line color 4 \@ s3 line pattern 1 \@ s3 baseline type 0 \@ s3 baseline off \@ s3 dropline off \@ s3 fill type 0 \@ s3 fill rule 0 \@ s3 fill color 1 \@ s3 fill pattern 1 \@ s3 avalue off \@ s3 avalue type 2 \@ s3 avalue char size 1.000000 \@ s3 avalue font 0 \@ s3 avalue color 1 \@ s3 avalue rot 0 \@ s3 avalue format general \@ s3 avalue prec 3 \@ s3 avalue prepend "" \@ s3 avalue append "" \@ s3 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000 \@ s3 errorbar on \@ s3 errorbar place both \@ s3 errorbar color 4 \@ s3 errorbar pattern 1 \@ s3 errorbar size 1.000000 \@ s3 errorbar linewidth 1.0 \@ s3 errorbar linestyle 1 \@ s3 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0 \@ s3 errorbar riser linestyle 1 \@ s3 errorbar riser clip off \@ s3 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000 \@ s3 legend "Update" \@ s4 hidden false \@ s4 type xy \@ s4 symbol 1 \@ s4 symbol size 1.000000 \@ s4 symbol color 5 \@ s4 symbol pattern 1 \@ s4 symbol fill color 5 \@ s4 symbol fill pattern 1 \@ s4 symbol linewidth 1.0 \@ s4 symbol linestyle 1 \@ s4 symbol char 65 \@ s4 symbol char font 0 \@ s4 symbol skip 0 \@ s4 line type 1 \@ s4 line linestyle 1 \@ s4 line linewidth 4.0 \@ s4 line color 5 \@ s4 line pattern 1 \@ s4 baseline type 0 \@ s4 baseline off \@ s4 dropline off \@ s4 fill type 0 \@ s4 fill rule 0 \@ s4 fill color 1 \@ s4 fill pattern 1 \@ s4 avalue off \@ s4 avalue type 2 \@ s4 avalue char size 1.000000 \@ s4 avalue font 0 \@ s4 avalue color 1 \@ s4 avalue rot 0 \@ s4 avalue format general \@ s4 avalue prec 3 \@ s4 avalue prepend "" \@ s4 avalue append "" \@ s4 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000 \@ s4 errorbar on \@ s4 errorbar place both \@ s4 errorbar color 5 \@ s4 errorbar pattern 1 \@ s4 errorbar size 1.000000 \@ s4 errorbar linewidth 1.0 \@ s4 errorbar linestyle 1 \@ s4 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0 \@ s4 errorbar riser linestyle 1 \@ s4 errorbar riser clip off \@ s4 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000 \@ s4 legend "Triad" \@ s5 hidden false \@ s5 type xy \@ s5 symbol 1 \@ s5 symbol size 1.000000 \@ s5 symbol color 6 \@ s5 symbol pattern 1 \@ s5 symbol fill color 6 \@ s5 symbol fill pattern 1 \@ s5 symbol linewidth 1.0 \@ s5 symbol linestyle 1 \@ s5 symbol char 65 \@ s5 symbol char font 0 \@ s5 symbol skip 0 \@ s5 line type 1 \@ s5 line linestyle 1 \@ s5 line linewidth 4.0 \@ s5 line color 6 \@ s5 line pattern 1 \@ s5 baseline type 0 \@ s5 baseline off \@ s5 dropline off \@ s5 fill type 0 \@ s5 fill rule 0 \@ s5 fill color 1 \@ s5 fill pattern 1 \@ s5 avalue off \@ s5 avalue type 2 \@ s5 avalue char size 1.000000 \@ s5 avalue font 0 \@ s5 avalue color 1 \@ s5 avalue rot 0 \@ s5 avalue format general \@ s5 avalue prec 3 \@ s5 avalue prepend "" \@ s5 avalue append "" \@ s5 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000 \@ s5 errorbar on \@ s5 errorbar place both \@ s5 errorbar color 6 \@ s5 errorbar pattern 1 \@ s5 errorbar size 1.000000 \@ s5 errorbar linewidth 1.0 \@ s5 errorbar linestyle 1 \@ s5 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0 \@ s5 errorbar riser linestyle 1 \@ s5 errorbar riser clip off \@ s5 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000 \@ s5 legend "Daxpy" \@ s6 hidden false \@ s6 type xy \@ s6 symbol 1 \@ s6 symbol size 1.000000 \@ s6 symbol color 7 \@ s6 symbol pattern 1 \@ s6 symbol fill color 7 \@ s6 symbol fill pattern 1 \@ s6 symbol linewidth 1.0 \@ s6 symbol linestyle 1 \@ s6 symbol char 65 \@ s6 symbol char font 0 \@ s6 symbol skip 0 \@ s6 line type 1 \@ s6 line linestyle 1 \@ s6 line linewidth 4.0 \@ s6 line color 7 \@ s6 line pattern 1 \@ s6 baseline type 0 \@ s6 baseline off \@ s6 dropline off \@ s6 fill type 0 \@ s6 fill rule 0 \@ s6 fill color 1 \@ s6 fill pattern 1 \@ s6 avalue off \@ s6 avalue type 2 \@ s6 avalue char size 1.000000 \@ s6 avalue font 0 \@ s6 avalue color 1 \@ s6 avalue rot 0 \@ s6 avalue format general \@ s6 avalue prec 3 \@ s6 avalue prepend "" \@ s6 avalue append "" \@ s6 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000 \@ s6 errorbar on \@ s6 errorbar place both \@ s6 errorbar color 7 \@ s6 errorbar pattern 1 \@ s6 errorbar size 1.000000 \@ s6 errorbar linewidth 1.0 \@ s6 errorbar linestyle 1 \@ s6 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0 \@ s6 errorbar riser linestyle 1 \@ s6 errorbar riser clip off \@ s6 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000 \@ s6 legend "STriad" \@ s7 hidden false \@ s7 type xy \@ s7 symbol 1 \@ s7 symbol size 1.000000 \@ s7 symbol color 8 \@ s7 symbol pattern 1 \@ s7 symbol fill color 8 \@ s7 symbol fill pattern 1 \@ s7 symbol linewidth 1.0 \@ s7 symbol linestyle 1 \@ s7 symbol char 65 \@ s7 symbol char font 0 \@ s7 symbol skip 0 \@ s7 line type 1 \@ s7 line linestyle 1 \@ s7 line linewidth 4.0 \@ s7 line color 8 \@ s7 line pattern 1 \@ s7 baseline type 0 \@ s7 baseline off \@ s7 dropline off \@ s7 fill type 0 \@ s7 fill rule 0 \@ s7 fill color 1 \@ s7 fill pattern 1 \@ s7 avalue off \@ s7 avalue type 2 \@ s7 avalue char size 1.000000 \@ s7 avalue font 0 \@ s7 avalue color 1 \@ s7 avalue rot 0 \@ s7 avalue format general \@ s7 avalue prec 3 \@ s7 avalue prepend "" \@ s7 avalue append "" \@ s7 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000 \@ s7 errorbar on \@ s7 errorbar place both \@ s7 errorbar color 8 \@ s7 errorbar pattern 1 \@ s7 errorbar size 1.000000 \@ s7 errorbar linewidth 1.0 \@ s7 errorbar linestyle 1 \@ s7 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0 \@ s7 errorbar riser linestyle 1 \@ s7 errorbar riser clip off \@ s7 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000 \@ s7 legend "SDaxpy" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: PLOT_ALPHA 255 255 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: GRAPH_ALPHA G 0 {255;255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: AXIS_ALPHA G 0 A 0 {255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: AXIS_ALPHA G 0 A 1 {255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: AXIS_ALPHA G 0 A 2 {255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: AXIS_ALPHA G 0 A 3 {255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 0 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 0 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 0 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 0 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 0 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 1 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 1 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 1 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 1 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 1 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 2 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 2 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 2 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 2 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 2 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 3 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 3 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 3 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 3 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 3 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 4 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 4 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 4 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 4 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 4 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 5 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 5 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 5 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 5 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 5 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 6 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 6 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 6 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 6 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 6 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 7 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 7 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 7 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 7 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 7 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: AUTOATTACH G 0 0 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: TITLE_SHIFT G 0 0 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: SUBTITLE_SHIFT G 0 0 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: VIEWPORT_NAME 0 0 "Default" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT_RESET 1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Times New Roman,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Times New Roman,10,-1,5,50,1,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Times New Roman,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Times New Roman,10,-1,5,75,1,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Helvetica,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Helvetica,10,-1,5,50,1,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Helvetica,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Helvetica,10,-1,5,75,1,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Courier,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Courier,10,-1,5,50,1,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Courier,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Courier,10,-1,5,75,1,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Symbol,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Zapf Dingbats,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: ENCODING "UTF-8" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: UNIVERSAL_FONT_SIZE_FACTOR 1.0000 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: TIMESTAMP_PATH 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: LINESTYLES 9 {2;2;2;2;2;4;4;6;6} {{0;1},{1;0},{1;3},{5;3},{7;3},{1;3;5;3},{1;3;7;3},{1;3;5;3;1;3},{5;3;1;3;5;3}} \@target G0.S0 \@type xy $PLOT{Init} & \@target G0.S1 \@type xy $PLOT{Sum} & \@target G0.S2 \@type xy $PLOT{Copy} & \@target G0.S3 \@type xy $PLOT{Update} & \@target G0.S4 \@type xy $PLOT{Triad} & \@target G0.S5 \@type xy $PLOT{Daxpy} & \@target G0.S6 \@type xy $PLOT{STriad} & \@target G0.S7 \@type xy $PLOT{SDaxpy} & END close $fh; } sub generateDomainScalingPlot { my $filename = shift; open(my $fh, '>', $filename) or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!"; print $fh <<"END"; # Grace project file # \@version 50122 \@page size 792, 612 \@page scroll 5% \@page inout 5% \@link page off \@map font 0 to "Times-Roman", "Times-Roman" \@map font 1 to "Times-Italic", "Times-Italic" \@map font 2 to "Times-Bold", "Times-Bold" \@map font 3 to "Times-BoldItalic", "Times-BoldItalic" \@map font 4 to "Helvetica", "Helvetica" \@map font 5 to "Helvetica-Oblique", "Helvetica-Oblique" \@map font 6 to "Helvetica-Bold", "Helvetica-Bold" \@map font 7 to "Helvetica-BoldOblique", "Helvetica-BoldOblique" \@map font 8 to "Courier", "Courier" \@map font 9 to "Courier-Oblique", "Courier-Oblique" \@map font 10 to "Courier-Bold", "Courier-Bold" \@map font 11 to "Courier-BoldOblique", "Courier-BoldOblique" \@map font 12 to "Symbol", "Symbol" \@map font 13 to "ZapfDingbats", "ZapfDingbats" \@map color 0 to (255, 255, 255), "white" \@map color 1 to (0, 0, 0), "black" \@map color 2 to (255, 0, 0), "red" \@map color 3 to (0, 255, 0), "green" \@map color 4 to (0, 0, 255), "blue" \@map color 5 to (255, 255, 0), "yellow" \@map color 6 to (188, 143, 143), "brown" \@map color 7 to (220, 220, 220), "grey" \@map color 8 to (148, 0, 211), "violet" \@map color 9 to (0, 255, 255), "cyan" \@map color 10 to (255, 0, 255), "magenta" \@map color 11 to (255, 165, 0), "orange" \@map color 12 to (114, 33, 188), "indigo" \@map color 13 to (103, 7, 72), "maroon" \@map color 14 to (64, 224, 208), "turquoise" \@map color 15 to (0, 139, 0), "green4" \@reference date 0 \@date wrap off \@date wrap year 1950 \@default linewidth 1.0 \@default linestyle 1 \@default color 1 \@default pattern 1 \@default font 0 \@default char size 1.000000 \@default symbol size 1.000000 \@default sformat "%.8g" \@background color 0 \@page 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ticklabel start type auto \@ yaxis ticklabel start 0.000000 \@ yaxis ticklabel stop type auto \@ yaxis ticklabel stop 0.000000 \@ yaxis ticklabel char size 1.250000 \@ yaxis ticklabel font 0 \@ yaxis ticklabel color 1 \@ yaxis tick place both \@ yaxis tick spec type none \@ altxaxis off \@ altyaxis off \@ legend on \@ legend loctype view \@ legend 0.9, 0.4 \@ legend box color 1 \@ legend box pattern 1 \@ legend box linewidth 1.0 \@ legend box linestyle 1 \@ legend box fill color 0 \@ legend box fill pattern 1 \@ legend font 0 \@ legend char size 1.000000 \@ legend color 1 \@ legend length 4 \@ legend vgap 1 \@ legend hgap 1 \@ legend invert false \@ frame type 0 \@ frame linestyle 1 \@ frame linewidth 1.0 \@ frame color 1 \@ frame pattern 1 \@ frame background color 0 \@ frame background pattern 0 $DPLOT{meta} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: PLOT_ALPHA 255 255 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: GRAPH_ALPHA G 0 {255;255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: AXIS_ALPHA G 0 A 0 {255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: AXIS_ALPHA G 0 A 1 {255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: AXIS_ALPHA G 0 A 2 {255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: AXIS_ALPHA G 0 A 3 {255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 0 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 0 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 0 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 0 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 0 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 1 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 1 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 1 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 1 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 1 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 2 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 2 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 2 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 2 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 2 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 3 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 3 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 3 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 3 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 3 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 4 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 4 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 4 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 4 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 4 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 5 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 5 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 5 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 5 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 5 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 6 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 6 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 6 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 6 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 6 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 7 POLYGONEBASESET -1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 7 SHOWERRORBARINLEGEND 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 7 CONNECTERRORBARS 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 7 IGNOREINAUTOSCALE 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: G 0 S 7 ALPHA_CHANNELS {255;255;255;255;255;255} #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: AUTOATTACH G 0 0 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: TITLE_SHIFT G 0 0 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: SUBTITLE_SHIFT G 0 0 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: VIEWPORT_NAME 0 0 "Default" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT_RESET 1 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Times New Roman,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Times New Roman,10,-1,5,50,1,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Times New Roman,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Times New Roman,10,-1,5,75,1,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Helvetica,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Helvetica,10,-1,5,50,1,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Helvetica,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Helvetica,10,-1,5,75,1,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Courier,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Courier,10,-1,5,50,1,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Courier,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Courier,10,-1,5,75,1,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Symbol,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: QTFONT "Zapf Dingbats,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: ENCODING "UTF-8" #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: UNIVERSAL_FONT_SIZE_FACTOR 1.0000 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: TIMESTAMP_PATH 0 #QTGRACE_ADDITIONAL_PARAMETER: LINESTYLES 9 {2;2;2;2;2;4;4;6;6} {{0;1},{1;0},{1;3},{5;3},{7;3},{1;3;5;3},{1;3;7;3},{1;3;5;3;1;3},{5;3;1;3;5;3}} $DPLOT{series} END close $fh; } sub generateMarkdown { my $filename = shift; open(my $fh, '>', $filename) or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!"; print $fh <<"END"; # System * **Processor:** $INFO{processor} * **Base frequency:** ?? * **Number of sockets:** $INFO{numSockets} * **Number of memory domains per socket:** $INFO{numDomainsPerSocket} * **Number of cores per socket:** $INFO{numCoresPerSocket} * **Number of HWThreads per core:** $INFO{numThreadsPerCore} * **[MachineState](https://github.com/RRZE-HPC/MachineState) output:** NA # Tool chain ``` +----------+-----------+ | Compiler | $INFO{toolchain} | |----------|-----------| | Version | $INFO{version} | +----------+-----------+ ``` Optimizing flags: ```$INFO{flags}``` # Results All results are in ```GB/s```. Summary results: ``` +---------------------------------+ | Single core | $RESULT{core} | | Memory domain | $RESULT{domain} | | Socket | $RESULT{socket} | | Node | $RESULT{node} | +---------------------------------+ ``` Results for scaling within a memory domain: ``` $RESULT{scaling} ``` Results for scaling across memory domains. Shown are the results for the number of memory domains used (nm) with columns number of cores used per memory domain. Init: ``` $RESULT{domainInit} ``` Sum: ``` $RESULT{domainSum} ``` Copy ``` $RESULT{domainCopy} ``` Update ``` $RESULT{domainUpdate} ``` Triad ``` $RESULT{domainTriad} ``` # Scaling Memory bandwidth scaling within one memory domain: ![Main memory bandwidth scaling plot]($RESULT{scalingPlot}) The following plots illustrate the the performance scaling over multiple memory domains using different number of cores per memory domain. Memory bandwidth scaling across memory domains for init: ![Memory domain scaling plot]($RESULT{domainInitPlot}) Memory bandwidth scaling across memory domains for sum ![Memory domain scaling plot]($RESULT{domainSumPlot}) Memory bandwidth scaling across memory domains for copy ![Memory domain scaling plot]($RESULT{domainCopyPlot}) Memory bandwidth scaling across memory domains for Triad ![Memory domain scaling plot]($RESULT{domainTriadPlot}) END close $fh; }