From c59bf8db32147c999ae84e623ad6218087fc0b4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Rit <>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:40:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] COMP: Display deprecation CUDA messages

 itk-module-init.cmake | 2 --
 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/itk-module-init.cmake b/itk-module-init.cmake
index ee9172caa..8d978c6fb 100644
--- a/itk-module-init.cmake
+++ b/itk-module-init.cmake
@@ -44,8 +44,6 @@ if(RTK_USE_CUDA)
     find_package(CUDAToolkit REQUIRED 8.0)
-  set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets")
-  set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS} -Wno-deprecated-declarations")
   set(RTK_CUDA_PROJECTIONS_SLAB_SIZE "16" CACHE STRING "Number of projections processed simultaneously in CUDA forward and back projections")
   message(FATAL_ERROR "RTK_CUDA_VERSION is set but the CUDA toolkit has not been found.")

From 06b137bd705959cf430c7a612c9a43b83f4b3272 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Rit <>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:59:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] ENH: Remove CUDA code for compute capability 1

RTK does not support compute capability 1 since
 src/     |  22 +--
 src/  | 102 ++--------
 src/ | 199 ++------------------
 src/               |  71 +------
 4 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 347 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 6b1d260e4..577a533c4 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ __constant__ int3 c_volSize;
 //_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_( S T A R T )_
-template <unsigned int vectorLength, bool isCylindrical>
+template <unsigned int VVectorLength, bool VIsCylindrical>
 __global__ void
 kernel_backProject(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out, float radius, cudaTextureObject_t * dev_tex_proj)
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ kernel_backProject(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out, float radius, cudaTe
   itk::SizeValueType vol_idx = i + (j + k * c_volSize.y) * (c_volSize.x);
   float3 ip, pp;
-  float  voxel_data[vectorLength];
-  for (unsigned int c = 0; c < vectorLength; c++)
+  float  voxel_data[VVectorLength];
+  for (unsigned int c = 0; c < VVectorLength; c++)
     voxel_data[c] = 0.0f;
   for (unsigned int proj = 0; proj < c_projSize.z; proj++)
-    if (isCylindrical)
+    if (VIsCylindrical)
       // matrix multiply
       pp = matrix_multiply(make_float3(i, j, k), &(c_volIndexToProjPP[12 * proj]));
@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ kernel_backProject(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out, float radius, cudaTe
     // Get texture point, clip left to GPU, and accumulate in voxel_data
-    for (unsigned int c = 0; c < vectorLength; c++)
+    for (unsigned int c = 0; c < VVectorLength; c++)
       voxel_data[c] += tex2DLayered<float>(dev_tex_proj[c], ip.x, ip.y, proj);
   // Place it into the volume
-  for (unsigned int c = 0; c < vectorLength; c++)
-    dev_vol_out[vol_idx * vectorLength + c] = dev_vol_in[vol_idx * vectorLength + c] + voxel_data[c];
+  for (unsigned int c = 0; c < VVectorLength; c++)
+    dev_vol_out[vol_idx * VVectorLength + c] = dev_vol_in[vol_idx * VVectorLength + c] + voxel_data[c];
@@ -134,14 +134,6 @@ CUDA_back_project(int          projSize[3],
                   double       radiusCylindricalDetector,
                   unsigned int vectorLength)
-  // 2D layered texture requires CudaComputeCapability >= 2.0
-  int device;
-  cudaGetDevice(&device);
-  if (GetCudaComputeCapability(device).first <= 1)
-  {
-    itkGenericExceptionMacro(<< "RTK no longer supports GPUs with CudaComputeCapability < 2.0");
-  }
   // Copy the size of inputs into constant memory
   cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_projSize, projSize, sizeof(int3));
   cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_volSize, volSize, sizeof(int3));
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 5cef0e040..4a9d45601 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -40,8 +40,7 @@
 #include <cuda.h>
 // T E X T U R E S ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-texture<float, cudaTextureType2DLayered>   tex_proj;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_proj_3D;
+texture<float, cudaTextureType2DLayered> tex_proj;
 // Constant memory
 __constant__ float c_matrices[SLAB_SIZE * 12]; // Can process stacks of at most SLAB_SIZE projections
@@ -53,48 +52,6 @@ __constant__ int3 c_vol_size;
 //_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_( S T A R T )_
-__global__ void
-kernel_fdk(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out, unsigned int Blocks_Y)
-  // CUDA 2.0 does not allow for a 3D grid, which severely
-  // limits the manipulation of large 3D arrays of data.  The
-  // following code is a hack to bypass this implementation
-  // limitation.
-  unsigned int       blockIdx_z = blockIdx.y / Blocks_Y;
-  unsigned int       blockIdx_y = blockIdx.y - __umul24(blockIdx_z, Blocks_Y);
-  itk::SizeValueType i = __umul24(blockIdx.x, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
-  itk::SizeValueType j = __umul24(blockIdx_y, blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
-  itk::SizeValueType k = __umul24(blockIdx_z, blockDim.z) + threadIdx.z;
-  if (i >= c_vol_size.x || j >= c_vol_size.y || k >= c_vol_size.z)
-  {
-    return;
-  }
-  // Index row major into the volume
-  itk::SizeValueType vol_idx = i + (j + k * c_vol_size.y) * (c_vol_size.x);
-  float3 ip;
-  float  voxel_data = 0;
-  for (unsigned int proj = 0; proj < c_projSize.z; proj++)
-  {
-    // matrix multiply
-    ip = matrix_multiply(make_float3(i, j, k), &(c_matrices[12 * proj]));
-    // Change coordinate systems
-    ip.z = 1 / ip.z;
-    ip.x = ip.x * ip.z;
-    ip.y = ip.y * ip.z;
-    // Get texture point, clip left to GPU
-    voxel_data += tex3D(tex_proj_3D, ip.x, ip.y, proj + 0.5) * ip.z * ip.z;
-  }
-  // Place it into the volume
-  dev_vol_out[vol_idx] = dev_vol_in[vol_idx] + voxel_data;
 __global__ void
 kernel_fdk_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out)
@@ -146,9 +103,6 @@ CUDA_reconstruct_conebeam(int     proj_size[3],
                           float * dev_vol_out,
                           float * dev_proj)
-  int device;
-  cudaGetDevice(&device);
   // Copy the size of inputs into constant memory
   cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_projSize, proj_size, sizeof(int3));
   cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_vol_size, vol_size, sizeof(int3));
@@ -163,12 +117,6 @@ CUDA_reconstruct_conebeam(int     proj_size[3],
   tex_proj.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
   tex_proj.normalized = false; // don't access with normalized texture coords
-  tex_proj_3D.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_proj_3D.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_proj_3D.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_proj_3D.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_proj_3D.normalized = false; // don't access with normalized texture coords
   // Copy projection data to array, bind the array to the texture
   cudaExtent                   projExtent = make_cudaExtent(proj_size[0], proj_size[1], proj_size[2]);
   cudaArray *                  array_proj;
@@ -176,12 +124,8 @@ CUDA_reconstruct_conebeam(int     proj_size[3],
   // Allocate array for input projections, in order to bind them to
-  // either a 2D layered texture (requires GetCudaComputeCapability >= 2.0) or
-  // a 3D texture
-  if (GetCudaComputeCapability(device).first <= 1)
-    cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&array_proj, &channelDesc, projExtent);
-  else
-    cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&array_proj, &channelDesc, projExtent, cudaArrayLayered);
+  // a 2D layered texture
+  cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&array_proj, &channelDesc, projExtent, cudaArrayLayered);
   // Copy data to 3D array
@@ -205,39 +149,21 @@ CUDA_reconstruct_conebeam(int     proj_size[3],
   // Run kernels. Note: Projection data is passed via texture memory,
   // transform matrix is passed via constant memory
-  if (GetCudaComputeCapability(device).first <= 1)
-  {
-    // Compute block and grid sizes
-    dim3 dimGrid = dim3(blocksInX, blocksInY * blocksInZ);
-    dim3 dimBlock = dim3(tBlock_x, tBlock_y, tBlock_z);
-    // Bind the array of projections to a 3D texture
-    cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_proj_3D, (cudaArray *)array_proj, channelDesc);
-    kernel_fdk<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out, blocksInY);
-    // Unbind the image and projection matrix textures
-    cudaUnbindTexture(tex_proj_3D);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    // Compute block and grid sizes
-    dim3 dimGrid = dim3(blocksInX, blocksInY, blocksInZ);
-    dim3 dimBlock = dim3(tBlock_x, tBlock_y, tBlock_z);
+  // Compute block and grid sizes
+  dim3 dimGrid = dim3(blocksInX, blocksInY, blocksInZ);
+  dim3 dimBlock = dim3(tBlock_x, tBlock_y, tBlock_z);
-    // Bind the array of projections to a 2D layered texture
-    cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_proj, (cudaArray *)array_proj, channelDesc);
+  // Bind the array of projections to a 2D layered texture
+  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_proj, (cudaArray *)array_proj, channelDesc);
-    kernel_fdk_3Dgrid<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out);
+  kernel_fdk_3Dgrid<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out);
-    // Unbind the image and projection matrix textures
-    cudaUnbindTexture(tex_proj);
-  }
+  // Unbind the image and projection matrix textures
+  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_proj);
   // Cleanup
   cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)array_proj);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d2158de42..333b6dfba 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -42,8 +42,7 @@
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
 // T E X T U R E S ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-texture<float, cudaTextureType2DLayered>   tex_proj;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_proj_3D;
+texture<float, cudaTextureType2DLayered> tex_proj;
 texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_xdvf;
 texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_ydvf;
@@ -66,131 +65,6 @@ __constant__ float c_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix[12];
 //_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_( S T A R T )_
-__global__ void
-kernel_warp_back_project(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out, unsigned int Blocks_Y)
-  // CUDA 2.0 does not allow for a 3D grid, which severely
-  // limits the manipulation of large 3D arrays of data.  The
-  // following code is a hack to bypass this implementation
-  // limitation.
-  unsigned int blockIdx_z = blockIdx.y / Blocks_Y;
-  unsigned int blockIdx_y = blockIdx.y - __umul24(blockIdx_z, Blocks_Y);
-  unsigned int i = __umul24(blockIdx.x, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
-  unsigned int j = __umul24(blockIdx_y, blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
-  unsigned int k = __umul24(blockIdx_z, blockDim.z) + threadIdx.z;
-  if (i >= c_volSize.x || j >= c_volSize.y || k >= c_volSize.z)
-  {
-    return;
-  }
-  // Index row major into the volume
-  long int vol_idx = i + (j + k * c_volSize.y) * (c_volSize.x);
-  float3 IndexInDVF, Displacement, PP, IndexInInput, ip;
-  float  voxel_data = 0;
-  for (unsigned int proj = 0; proj < c_projSize.z; proj++)
-  {
-    // Compute the index in the DVF
-    IndexInDVF = matrix_multiply(make_float3(i, j, k), c_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix);
-    // Get each component of the displacement vector by interpolation in the DVF
-    Displacement.x = tex3D(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-    Displacement.y = tex3D(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-    Displacement.z = tex3D(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-    // Compute the physical point in input + the displacement vector
-    PP = matrix_multiply(make_float3(i, j, k), c_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix) + Displacement;
-    // Convert it to a continuous index
-    IndexInInput = matrix_multiply(PP, c_PPInputToIndexInputMatrix);
-    // Project the voxel onto the detector to find out which value to add to it
-    ip = matrix_multiply(IndexInInput, &(c_matrices[12 * proj]));
-    ;
-    // Change coordinate systems
-    ip.z = 1 / ip.z;
-    ip.x = ip.x * ip.z;
-    ip.y = ip.y * ip.z;
-    // Get texture point, clip left to GPU
-    voxel_data += tex3D(tex_proj_3D, ip.x, ip.y, proj + 0.5);
-  }
-  // Place it into the volume
-  dev_vol_out[vol_idx] = dev_vol_in[vol_idx] + voxel_data;
-__global__ void
-kernel_warp_back_project_cylindrical_detector(float *      dev_vol_in,
-                                              float *      dev_vol_out,
-                                              unsigned int Blocks_Y,
-                                              float        radius)
-  // CUDA 2.0 does not allow for a 3D grid, which severely
-  // limits the manipulation of large 3D arrays of data.  The
-  // following code is a hack to bypass this implementation
-  // limitation.
-  unsigned int blockIdx_z = blockIdx.y / Blocks_Y;
-  unsigned int blockIdx_y = blockIdx.y - __umul24(blockIdx_z, Blocks_Y);
-  unsigned int i = __umul24(blockIdx.x, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
-  unsigned int j = __umul24(blockIdx_y, blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
-  unsigned int k = __umul24(blockIdx_z, blockDim.z) + threadIdx.z;
-  if (i >= c_volSize.x || j >= c_volSize.y || k >= c_volSize.z)
-  {
-    return;
-  }
-  // Index row major into the volume
-  long int vol_idx = i + (j + k * c_volSize.y) * (c_volSize.x);
-  float3 IndexInDVF, Displacement, PP, IndexInInput, ip, pp;
-  float  voxel_data = 0;
-  for (unsigned int proj = 0; proj < c_projSize.z; proj++)
-  {
-    // Compute the index in the DVF
-    IndexInDVF = matrix_multiply(make_float3(i, j, k), c_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix);
-    // Get each component of the displacement vector by interpolation in the DVF
-    Displacement.x = tex3D(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-    Displacement.y = tex3D(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-    Displacement.z = tex3D(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-    // Compute the physical point in input + the displacement vector
-    PP = matrix_multiply(make_float3(i, j, k), c_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix) + Displacement;
-    // Convert it to a continuous index
-    IndexInInput = matrix_multiply(PP, c_PPInputToIndexInputMatrix);
-    // Project the voxel onto the detector to find out which value to add to it
-    pp = matrix_multiply(IndexInInput, &(c_volIndexToProjPP[12 * proj]));
-    // Change coordinate systems
-    pp.z = 1 / pp.z;
-    pp.x = pp.x * pp.z;
-    pp.y = pp.y * pp.z;
-    // Apply correction for cylindrical detector
-    const float u = pp.x;
-    pp.x = radius * atan2(u, radius);
-    pp.y = pp.y * radius / sqrt(radius * radius + u * u);
-    // Get projection index
-    ip.x = c_projPPToProjIndex[0] * pp.x + c_projPPToProjIndex[1] * pp.y + c_projPPToProjIndex[2];
-    ip.y = c_projPPToProjIndex[3] * pp.x + c_projPPToProjIndex[4] * pp.y + c_projPPToProjIndex[5];
-    // Get texture point, clip left to GPU
-    voxel_data += tex3D(tex_proj_3D, ip.x, ip.y, proj + 0.5);
-  }
-  // Place it into the volume
-  dev_vol_out[vol_idx] = dev_vol_in[vol_idx] + voxel_data;
 __global__ void
 kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out)
@@ -227,7 +101,6 @@ kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out)
     // Project the voxel onto the detector to find out which value to add to it
     ip = matrix_multiply(IndexInInput, &(c_matrices[12 * proj]));
-    ;
     // Change coordinate systems
     ip.z = 1 / ip.z;
@@ -346,12 +219,6 @@ CUDA_warp_back_project(int     projSize[3],
   tex_proj.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
   tex_proj.normalized = false; // don't access with normalized texture coords
-  tex_proj_3D.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_proj_3D.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_proj_3D.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_proj_3D.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_proj_3D.normalized = false; // don't access with normalized texture coords
   // Copy projection data to array, bind the array to the texture
   cudaExtent                   projExtent = make_cudaExtent(projSize[0], projSize[1], projSize[2]);
   cudaArray *                  array_proj;
@@ -359,12 +226,8 @@ CUDA_warp_back_project(int     projSize[3],
   // Allocate array for input projections, in order to bind them to
-  // either a 2D layered texture (requires GetCudaComputeCapability >= 2.0) or
-  // a 3D texture
-  if (GetCudaComputeCapability(device).first <= 1)
-    cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&array_proj, &channelDesc, projExtent);
-  else
-    cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&array_proj, &channelDesc, projExtent, cudaArrayLayered);
+  // a 2D layered texture
+  cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&array_proj, &channelDesc, projExtent, cudaArrayLayered);
   // Copy data to 3D array
@@ -460,49 +323,27 @@ CUDA_warp_back_project(int     projSize[3],
   // Run kernels. Note: Projection data is passed via texture memory,
   // transform matrix is passed via constant memory
-  if (GetCudaComputeCapability(device).first <= 1)
-  {
-    // Compute block and grid sizes
-    dim3 dimGrid = dim3(blocksInX, blocksInY * blocksInZ);
-    dim3 dimBlock = dim3(tBlock_x, tBlock_y, tBlock_z);
-    // Bind the array of projections to a 3D texture
-    cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_proj_3D, (cudaArray *)array_proj, channelDesc);
+  // Compute block and grid sizes
+  dim3 dimGrid = dim3(blocksInX, blocksInY, blocksInZ);
+  dim3 dimBlock = dim3(tBlock_x, tBlock_y, tBlock_z);
-    if (radiusCylindricalDetector == 0)
-      kernel_warp_back_project<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out, blocksInY);
-    else
-      kernel_warp_back_project_cylindrical_detector<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(
-        dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out, blocksInY, (float)radiusCylindricalDetector);
+  // Bind the array of projections to a 2D layered texture
+  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_proj, (cudaArray *)array_proj, channelDesc);
-    // Unbind the image and projection matrix textures
-    cudaUnbindTexture(tex_proj_3D);
-  }
+  // Note: cbi->img is passed via texture memory
+  // Matrices are passed via constant memory
+  //-------------------------------------
+  if (radiusCylindricalDetector == 0)
+    kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out);
-  {
-    // Compute block and grid sizes
-    dim3 dimGrid = dim3(blocksInX, blocksInY, blocksInZ);
-    dim3 dimBlock = dim3(tBlock_x, tBlock_y, tBlock_z);
-    // Bind the array of projections to a 2D layered texture
-    cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_proj, (cudaArray *)array_proj, channelDesc);
-    // Note: cbi->img is passed via texture memory
-    // Matrices are passed via constant memory
-    //-------------------------------------
-    if (radiusCylindricalDetector == 0)
-      kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out);
-    else
-      kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid_cylindrical_detector<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(
-        dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out, (float)radiusCylindricalDetector);
-    // Unbind the image and projection matrix textures
-    cudaUnbindTexture(tex_proj);
-  }
+    kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid_cylindrical_detector<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(
+      dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out, (float)radiusCylindricalDetector);
+  // Unbind the image and projection matrix textures
+  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_proj);
   // Unbind the image and projection matrix textures
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8ce5c2c0d..132cbe9cb 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -63,51 +63,6 @@ __constant__ float c_PPInputToIndexInputMatrix[12];
 //_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_( S T A R T )_
-__global__ void
-kernel(float * dev_vol_out, int3 vol_dim, unsigned int Blocks_Y)
-  // CUDA 2.0 does not allow for a 3D grid, which severely
-  // limits the manipulation of large 3D arrays of data.  The
-  // following code is a hack to bypass this implementation
-  // limitation.
-  unsigned int blockIdx_z = blockIdx.y / Blocks_Y;
-  unsigned int blockIdx_y = blockIdx.y - __umul24(blockIdx_z, Blocks_Y);
-  unsigned int i = __umul24(blockIdx.x, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
-  unsigned int j = __umul24(blockIdx_y, blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
-  unsigned int k = __umul24(blockIdx_z, blockDim.z) + threadIdx.z;
-  if (i >= vol_dim.x || j >= vol_dim.y || k >= vol_dim.z)
-  {
-    return;
-  }
-  // Index row major into the volume
-  long int vol_idx = i + (j + k * vol_dim.y) * (vol_dim.x);
-  // Matrix multiply to get the index in the DVF texture of the current point in the output volume
-  float3 IndexInDVF = matrix_multiply(make_float3(i, j, k), c_IndexOutputToIndexDVFMatrix);
-  // Get each component of the displacement vector by
-  // interpolation in the dvf
-  float3 Displacement;
-  Displacement.x = tex3D(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-  Displacement.y = tex3D(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-  Displacement.z = tex3D(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-  // Matrix multiply to get the physical coordinates of the current point in the output volume
-  float3 PPinOutput = matrix_multiply(make_float3(i, j, k), c_IndexOutputToPPOutputMatrix);
-  // Get the index corresponding to the current physical point in output displaced by the displacement vector
-  float3 PPDisplaced;
-  PPDisplaced.x = PPinOutput.x + Displacement.x;
-  PPDisplaced.y = PPinOutput.y + Displacement.y;
-  PPDisplaced.z = PPinOutput.z + Displacement.z;
-  float3 IndexInInput = matrix_multiply(PPDisplaced, c_PPInputToIndexInputMatrix);
-  // Interpolate in the input and copy into the output
-  dev_vol_out[vol_idx] = tex3D(tex_input_vol, IndexInInput.x + 0.5f, IndexInInput.y + 0.5f, IndexInInput.z + 0.5f);
 __global__ void
 kernel_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_out, int3 vol_dim)
@@ -165,7 +120,6 @@ CUDA_warp(int     input_vol_dim[3],
           float * dev_DVF,
           bool    isLinear)
   // Prepare channel description for arrays
   static cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<float>();
@@ -301,26 +255,13 @@ CUDA_warp(int     input_vol_dim[3],
   unsigned int blocksInY = (output_vol_dim[1] - 1) / tBlock_y + 1;
   unsigned int blocksInZ = (output_vol_dim[2] - 1) / tBlock_z + 1;
-  if (GetCudaComputeCapability(device).first <= 1)
-  {
-    dim3 dimGrid = dim3(blocksInX, blocksInY * blocksInZ);
-    dim3 dimBlock = dim3(tBlock_x, tBlock_y, tBlock_z);
+  dim3 dimGrid = dim3(blocksInX, blocksInY, blocksInZ);
+  dim3 dimBlock = dim3(tBlock_x, tBlock_y, tBlock_z);
-    // Note: the DVF and input image are passed via texture memory
-    //-------------------------------------
-    kernel<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(
-      dev_output_vol, make_int3(output_vol_dim[0], output_vol_dim[1], output_vol_dim[2]), blocksInY);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    dim3 dimGrid = dim3(blocksInX, blocksInY, blocksInZ);
-    dim3 dimBlock = dim3(tBlock_x, tBlock_y, tBlock_z);
-    // Note: the DVF and input image are passed via texture memory
-    //-------------------------------------
-    kernel_3Dgrid<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(dev_output_vol,
-                                         make_int3(output_vol_dim[0], output_vol_dim[1], output_vol_dim[2]));
-  }
+  // Note: the DVF and input image are passed via texture memory
+  //-------------------------------------
+  kernel_3Dgrid<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(dev_output_vol,
+                                       make_int3(output_vol_dim[0], output_vol_dim[1], output_vol_dim[2]));

From fab2e3fe43f09780665ef89b852ee50a1063fc04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Rit <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 16:29:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] STYLE: Refactor function for preparing texture objects
 for vector images

 include/rtkCudaUtilities.hcu               | 14 ++++----
 src/    | 17 ++++------
 src/ | 39 ++++++++++------------
 src/                    | 21 +++++++-----
 4 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/rtkCudaUtilities.hcu b/include/rtkCudaUtilities.hcu
index 6cf2b6090..612a8fda6 100644
--- a/include/rtkCudaUtilities.hcu
+++ b/include/rtkCudaUtilities.hcu
@@ -126,13 +126,15 @@ inline __host__ __device__ float
   return u.x * v.x + u.y * v.y + u.z * v.z;
 __host__ void
-prepareTextureObject(int                   size[3],
-                     float *               dev_ptr,
-                     cudaArray **&         componentArrays,
-                     unsigned int          nComponents,
-                     cudaTextureObject_t * tex,
-                     bool                  isProjections);
+prepareVectorTextureObject(int                                size[3],
+                           const float *                      dev_ptr,
+                           std::vector<cudaArray *> &         componentArrays,
+                           const unsigned int                 nComponents,
+                           std::vector<cudaTextureObject_t> & tex,
+                           bool                               isProjections);
 inline __device__ void
 matrix_matrix_multiply(float * A, float * B, float * C, unsigned int rowsA, unsigned int colsB, unsigned int colsArowsB)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 577a533c4..5ffd4faac 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -161,18 +161,15 @@ CUDA_back_project(int          projSize[3],
   dim3 dimBlock = dim3(tBlock_x, tBlock_y, tBlock_z);
-  cudaArray ** projComponentArrays = new cudaArray *[vectorLength];
-  // Create an array of textures
-  cudaTextureObject_t * tex_proj = new cudaTextureObject_t[vectorLength];
   // Prepare texture objects (needs an array of cudaTextureObjects on the host as "tex_proj" argument)
-  prepareTextureObject(projSize, dev_proj, projComponentArrays, vectorLength, tex_proj, true);
+  std::vector<cudaArray *>         projComponentArrays;
+  std::vector<cudaTextureObject_t> tex_proj;
+  prepareVectorTextureObject(projSize, dev_proj, projComponentArrays, vectorLength, tex_proj, true);
   // Copy them to a device pointer, since it will have to be de-referenced in the kernels
   cudaTextureObject_t * dev_tex_proj;
   cudaMalloc(&dev_tex_proj, vectorLength * sizeof(cudaTextureObject_t));
-  cudaMemcpy(dev_tex_proj, tex_proj, vectorLength * sizeof(cudaTextureObject_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
+  cudaMemcpy(dev_tex_proj,, vectorLength * sizeof(cudaTextureObject_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
   // Run the kernel. Since "vectorLength" is passed as a function argument, not as a template argument,
   // the compiler can't assume it's constant, and a dirty trick has to be used.
@@ -237,11 +234,11 @@ CUDA_back_project(int          projSize[3],
   // Cleanup
   for (unsigned int c = 0; c < vectorLength; c++)
-    cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)projComponentArrays[c]);
+    cudaFreeArray(projComponentArrays[c]);
-  delete[] tex_proj;
-  delete[] projComponentArrays;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9b14365c7..3940d0f0d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ __constant__ float c_sourcePos[SLAB_SIZE * 3]; // Can process stacks of at most
 // KERNEL kernel_forwardProject
-template <unsigned int vectorLength>
+template <unsigned int VVectorLength>
 __global__ void
 kernel_forwardProject(float * dev_proj_in, float * dev_proj_out, cudaTextureObject_t * dev_tex_vol)
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ kernel_forwardProject(float * dev_proj_in, float * dev_proj_out, cudaTextureObje
     // Detect intersection with box
     if (!intersectBox(ray, &tnear, &tfar, c_boxMin, c_boxMax) || tfar < 0.f)
-      for (unsigned int c = 0; c < vectorLength; c++)
-        dev_proj_out[projOffset * vectorLength + c] = dev_proj_in[projOffset * vectorLength + c];
+      for (unsigned int c = 0; c < VVectorLength; c++)
+        dev_proj_out[projOffset * VVectorLength + c] = dev_proj_in[projOffset * VVectorLength + c];
@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ kernel_forwardProject(float * dev_proj_in, float * dev_proj_out, cudaTextureObje
       pos = ray.o + tnear * ray.d;
       float t;
-      float sample[vectorLength];
-      float sum[vectorLength];
-      for (unsigned int c = 0; c < vectorLength; c++)
+      float sample[VVectorLength];
+      float sum[VVectorLength];
+      for (unsigned int c = 0; c < VVectorLength; c++)
         sample[c] = 0.0f;
         sum[c] = 0.0f;
@@ -134,11 +134,11 @@ kernel_forwardProject(float * dev_proj_in, float * dev_proj_out, cudaTextureObje
       for (t = tnear; t <= tfar; t += vStep)
         // Read from 3D texture from volume(s)
-        for (unsigned int c = 0; c < vectorLength; c++)
+        for (unsigned int c = 0; c < VVectorLength; c++)
           sample[c] = tex3D<float>(dev_tex_vol[c], pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
         // Accumulate
-        for (unsigned int c = 0; c < vectorLength; c++)
+        for (unsigned int c = 0; c < VVectorLength; c++)
           sum[c] += sample[c];
         // Step forward
@@ -146,9 +146,9 @@ kernel_forwardProject(float * dev_proj_in, float * dev_proj_out, cudaTextureObje
       // Update the output projection pixels
-      for (unsigned int c = 0; c < vectorLength; c++)
-        dev_proj_out[projOffset * vectorLength + c] =
-          dev_proj_in[projOffset * vectorLength + c] + (sum[c] + (tfar - t + halfVStep) / vStep * sample[c]) * c_tStep;
+      for (unsigned int c = 0; c < VVectorLength; c++)
+        dev_proj_out[projOffset * VVectorLength + c] =
+          dev_proj_in[projOffset * VVectorLength + c] + (sum[c] + (tfar - t + halfVStep) / vStep * sample[c]) * c_tStep;
@@ -198,17 +198,15 @@ CUDA_forward_project(int          projSize[3],
     c_translatedVolumeTransformMatrices, &(translatedVolumeTransformMatrices[0]), 12 * sizeof(float) * projSize[2]);
-  // Create an array of textures
-  cudaTextureObject_t * tex_vol = new cudaTextureObject_t[vectorLength];
-  cudaArray **          volComponentArrays = new cudaArray *[vectorLength];
-  // Prepare texture objects (needs an array of cudaTextureObjects on the host as "tex_vol" argument)
-  prepareTextureObject(volSize, dev_vol, volComponentArrays, vectorLength, tex_vol, false);
+  // Prepare texture objects
+  std::vector<cudaArray *>         volComponentArrays;
+  std::vector<cudaTextureObject_t> tex_vol;
+  prepareVectorTextureObject(volSize, dev_vol, volComponentArrays, vectorLength, tex_vol, false);
   // Copy them to a device pointer, since it will have to be de-referenced in the kernels
   cudaTextureObject_t * dev_tex_vol;
   cudaMalloc(&dev_tex_vol, vectorLength * sizeof(cudaTextureObject_t));
-  cudaMemcpy(dev_tex_vol, tex_vol, vectorLength * sizeof(cudaTextureObject_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
+  cudaMemcpy(dev_tex_vol,, vectorLength * sizeof(cudaTextureObject_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
   // Run the kernel. Since "vectorLength" is passed as a function argument, not as a template argument,
   // the compiler can't assume it's constant, and a dirty trick has to be used.
@@ -239,11 +237,10 @@ CUDA_forward_project(int          projSize[3],
   for (unsigned int c = 0; c < vectorLength; c++)
     cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)volComponentArrays[c]);
-  delete[] volComponentArrays;
-  delete[] tex_vol;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 4f11e45db..4f3938d05 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -77,13 +77,16 @@ GetFreeGPUGlobalMemory(int device)
 __host__ void
-prepareTextureObject(int                   size[3],
-                     float *               dev_ptr,
-                     cudaArray **&         componentArrays,
-                     unsigned int          nComponents,
-                     cudaTextureObject_t * tex,
-                     bool                  isProjections)
+prepareVectorTextureObject(int                                size[3],
+                           const float *                      dev_ptr,
+                           std::vector<cudaArray *> &         componentArrays,
+                           const unsigned int                 nComponents,
+                           std::vector<cudaTextureObject_t> & tex,
+                           bool                               isProjections)
+  componentArrays.resize(nComponents);
+  tex.resize(nComponents);
   // Create CUBLAS context
   cublasHandle_t handle;
@@ -129,15 +132,15 @@ prepareTextureObject(int                   size[3],
     // Allocate the cudaArray. Projections use layered arrays, volumes use default 3D arrays
     if (isProjections)
-      cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&componentArrays[component], &channelDesc, volExtent, cudaArrayLayered);
+      cudaMalloc3DArray(&componentArrays[component], &channelDesc, volExtent, cudaArrayLayered);
-      cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&componentArrays[component], &channelDesc, volExtent);
+      cudaMalloc3DArray(&componentArrays[component], &channelDesc, volExtent);
     // Fill it with the current singleComponent
     cudaMemcpy3DParms CopyParams = cudaMemcpy3DParms();
     CopyParams.srcPtr = make_cudaPitchedPtr(singleComponent, size[0] * sizeof(float), size[0], size[1]);
-    CopyParams.dstArray = (cudaArray *)componentArrays[component];
+    CopyParams.dstArray = componentArrays[component];
     CopyParams.extent = volExtent;
     CopyParams.kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice;

From 0d88a07bab57a87f3ebb1afe027571c148ef51f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Rit <>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 21:19:05 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] ENH: Replace texture references by objects for CUDA 12

 .../rtkCudaDisplacedDetectorImageFilter.hcu   |   2 +-
 include/rtkCudaFDKWeightProjectionFilter.hcu  |   2 +-
 include/rtkCudaParkerShortScanImageFilter.hcu |   2 +-
 include/rtkCudaUtilities.hcu                  |  18 +-
 src/    |  54 ++--
 src/    |  50 +---
 src/       |  55 ++--
 src/    |   3 +-
 src/          | 251 +++++-------------
 src/      |  56 ++--
 src/                       | 107 +++++++-
 src/   | 176 +++--------- | 152 +++--------
 src/                 | 186 +++---------- |   1 -
 15 files changed, 374 insertions(+), 741 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/rtkCudaDisplacedDetectorImageFilter.hcu b/include/rtkCudaDisplacedDetectorImageFilter.hcu
index b115c9ac1..8c50a12ed 100644
--- a/include/rtkCudaDisplacedDetectorImageFilter.hcu
+++ b/include/rtkCudaDisplacedDetectorImageFilter.hcu
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ CUDA_displaced_weight(int     proj_idx_in[3],
                       int     proj_dim_out_buf[2],
                       float * dev_proj_in,
                       float * dev_proj_out,
-                      float * geometries,
+                      float * geometry,
                       float   theta,
                       bool    isPositiveCase,
                       float   proj_orig,
diff --git a/include/rtkCudaFDKWeightProjectionFilter.hcu b/include/rtkCudaFDKWeightProjectionFilter.hcu
index f6284a255..353230ce1 100644
--- a/include/rtkCudaFDKWeightProjectionFilter.hcu
+++ b/include/rtkCudaFDKWeightProjectionFilter.hcu
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ CUDA_weight_projection(int     proj_idx[2],
                        int     proj_dim_buf_out[2],
                        float * dev_proj_in,
                        float * dev_proj_out,
-                       float * geometries,
+                       float * geometry,
                        float   proj_orig[2],
                        float   proj_row[2],
                        float   proj_col[2]);
diff --git a/include/rtkCudaParkerShortScanImageFilter.hcu b/include/rtkCudaParkerShortScanImageFilter.hcu
index e39e8783f..aca4c24d1 100644
--- a/include/rtkCudaParkerShortScanImageFilter.hcu
+++ b/include/rtkCudaParkerShortScanImageFilter.hcu
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ CUDA_parker_weight(int     proj_idx[2],
                    int     proj_dim_buf_out[2],
                    float * dev_proj_in,
                    float * dev_proj_out,
-                   float * geometries,
+                   float * geometry,
                    float   delta,
                    float   firstAngle,
                    float   proj_orig,
diff --git a/include/rtkCudaUtilities.hcu b/include/rtkCudaUtilities.hcu
index 612a8fda6..737da666e 100644
--- a/include/rtkCudaUtilities.hcu
+++ b/include/rtkCudaUtilities.hcu
@@ -127,14 +127,30 @@ inline __host__ __device__ float
   return u.x * v.x + u.y * v.y + u.z * v.z;
+__host__ void
+prepareScalarTextureObject(int                          size[3],
+                           float *                      dev_ptr,
+                           cudaArray *&                 threeDArray,
+                           cudaTextureObject_t &        tex,
+                           const bool                   isProjections,
+                           const bool                   isLinear = true,
+                           const cudaTextureAddressMode texAddressMode = cudaAddressModeBorder);
 __host__ void
 prepareVectorTextureObject(int                                size[3],
                            const float *                      dev_ptr,
                            std::vector<cudaArray *> &         componentArrays,
                            const unsigned int                 nComponents,
                            std::vector<cudaTextureObject_t> & tex,
-                           bool                               isProjections);
+                           const bool                         isProjections,
+                           const cudaTextureAddressMode       texAddressMode = cudaAddressModeBorder);
+__host__ void
+prepareGeometryTextureObject(int                   size,
+                             const float *         geometry,
+                             float *&              dev_geom,
+                             cudaTextureObject_t & tex_geom,
+                             const unsigned int    nParam);
 inline __device__ void
 matrix_matrix_multiply(float * A, float * B, float * C, unsigned int rowsA, unsigned int colsB, unsigned int colsArowsB)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 0d579c79c..b888487b3 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
 #include <math_constants.h>
-texture<float, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_geometry; // geometry texture
 inline __device__ float
 TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(int2 idx, float origin, float row, float column)
@@ -45,19 +43,20 @@ ToUntiltedCoordinateAtIsocenter(float tiltedCoord, float sdd, float sid, float s
 __global__ void
-kernel_displaced_weight(int3    proj_idx_in,
-                        int3    proj_size_in,
-                        int2    proj_size_in_buf,
-                        int3    proj_idx_out,
-                        int3    proj_size_out,
-                        int2    proj_size_out_buf,
-                        float * dev_proj_in,
-                        float * dev_proj_out,
-                        float   theta,
-                        bool    isPositiveCase,
-                        float   proj_orig, // projection origin
-                        float   proj_row,  // projection row direction & spacing
-                        float   proj_col   // projection col direction & spacing
+kernel_displaced_weight(int3                proj_idx_in,
+                        int3                proj_size_in,
+                        int2                proj_size_in_buf,
+                        int3                proj_idx_out,
+                        int3                proj_size_out,
+                        int2                proj_size_out_buf,
+                        float *             dev_proj_in,
+                        float *             dev_proj_out,
+                        float               theta,
+                        bool                isPositiveCase,
+                        float               proj_orig, // projection origin
+                        float               proj_row,  // projection row direction & spacing
+                        float               proj_col,  // projection col direction & spacing
+                        cudaTextureObject_t tex_geom   // geometry texture object
   // compute thread index
@@ -90,10 +89,10 @@ kernel_displaced_weight(int3    proj_idx_in,
     float pPoint = TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(make_int2(pIdx.x, pIdx.y), proj_orig, proj_row, proj_col);
-    float sdd = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, tIdx.z * 4 + 0);
-    float sx = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, tIdx.z * 4 + 1);
-    float px = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, tIdx.z * 4 + 2);
-    float sid = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, tIdx.z * 4 + 3);
+    float sdd = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, tIdx.z * 4 + 0);
+    float sx = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, tIdx.z * 4 + 1);
+    float px = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, tIdx.z * 4 + 2);
+    float sid = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, tIdx.z * 4 + 3);
     float hyp = sqrtf(sid * sid + sx * sx); // to untilted situation
     float l = ToUntiltedCoordinateAtIsocenter(pPoint, sdd, sid, sx, px, hyp);
@@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ CUDA_displaced_weight(int     proj_idx_in[3],      // overlapping input region i
                       int     proj_dim_out_buf[2], // output size of buffered region
                       float * dev_proj_in,
                       float * dev_proj_out,
-                      float * geometries,
+                      float * geometry,
                       float   theta,
                       bool    isPositiveCase,
                       float   proj_orig,
@@ -147,13 +146,9 @@ CUDA_displaced_weight(int     proj_idx_in[3],      // overlapping input region i
                       float   proj_col)
   // copy geometry matrix to device, bind the matrix to the texture
-  float * dev_geom;
-  cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_geom, proj_dim_out[2] * 4 * sizeof(float));
-  cudaMemcpy(dev_geom, geometries, proj_dim_out[2] * 4 * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
-  cudaBindTexture(0, tex_geometry, dev_geom, proj_dim_out[2] * 4 * sizeof(float));
+  float *             dev_geom;
+  cudaTextureObject_t tex_geom;
+  prepareGeometryTextureObject(proj_dim_out[2], geometry, dev_geom, tex_geom, 4);
   // Thread Block Dimensions
   int tBlock_x = 16;
@@ -179,10 +174,11 @@ CUDA_displaced_weight(int     proj_idx_in[3],      // overlapping input region i
-                                                 proj_col);
+                                                 proj_col,
+                                                 tex_geom);
   // Unbind matrix texture
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_geometry);
+  cudaDestroyTextureObject(tex_geom);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 4a9d45601..417e7544f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -39,9 +39,6 @@
 #include <cuda.h>
-// T E X T U R E S ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-texture<float, cudaTextureType2DLayered> tex_proj;
 // Constant memory
 __constant__ float c_matrices[SLAB_SIZE * 12]; // Can process stacks of at most SLAB_SIZE projections
 __constant__ int3 c_projSize;
@@ -53,7 +50,7 @@ __constant__ int3 c_vol_size;
 __global__ void
-kernel_fdk_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out)
+kernel_fdk_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out, cudaTextureObject_t tex_proj)
   itk::SizeValueType i = __umul24(blockIdx.x, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
   itk::SizeValueType j = __umul24(blockIdx.y, blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
@@ -81,7 +78,7 @@ kernel_fdk_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out)
     ip.y = ip.y * ip.z;
     // Get texture point, clip left to GPU, and accumulate in voxel_data
-    voxel_data += tex2DLayered(tex_proj, ip.x, ip.y, proj) * ip.z * ip.z;
+    voxel_data += tex2DLayered<float>(tex_proj, ip.x, ip.y, proj) * ip.z * ip.z;
   // Place it into the volume
@@ -110,33 +107,6 @@ CUDA_reconstruct_conebeam(int     proj_size[3],
   // Copy the projection matrices into constant memory
   cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_matrices, &(matrices[0]), 12 * sizeof(float) * proj_size[2]);
-  // set texture parameters
-  tex_proj.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_proj.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_proj.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_proj.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_proj.normalized = false; // don't access with normalized texture coords
-  // Copy projection data to array, bind the array to the texture
-  cudaExtent                   projExtent = make_cudaExtent(proj_size[0], proj_size[1], proj_size[2]);
-  cudaArray *                  array_proj;
-  static cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<float>();
-  // Allocate array for input projections, in order to bind them to
-  // a 2D layered texture
-  cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&array_proj, &channelDesc, projExtent, cudaArrayLayered);
-  // Copy data to 3D array
-  cudaMemcpy3DParms copyParams = cudaMemcpy3DParms();
-  copyParams.srcPtr = make_cudaPitchedPtr(dev_proj, proj_size[0] * sizeof(float), proj_size[0], proj_size[1]);
-  copyParams.dstArray = (cudaArray *)array_proj;
-  copyParams.extent = projExtent;
-  copyParams.kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice;
-  cudaMemcpy3D(&copyParams);
   // Thread Block Dimensions
   constexpr int tBlock_x = 16;
   constexpr int tBlock_y = 4;
@@ -153,19 +123,15 @@ CUDA_reconstruct_conebeam(int     proj_size[3],
   // Compute block and grid sizes
   dim3 dimGrid = dim3(blocksInX, blocksInY, blocksInZ);
   dim3 dimBlock = dim3(tBlock_x, tBlock_y, tBlock_z);
-  // Bind the array of projections to a 2D layered texture
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_proj, (cudaArray *)array_proj, channelDesc);
-  kernel_fdk_3Dgrid<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out);
-  // Unbind the image and projection matrix textures
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_proj);
+  cudaArray *         array_proj;
+  cudaTextureObject_t tex_proj;
+  prepareScalarTextureObject(proj_size, dev_proj, array_proj, tex_proj, true);
+  kernel_fdk_3Dgrid<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out, tex_proj);
   // Cleanup
   cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)array_proj);
+  cudaDestroyTextureObject(tex_proj);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e4f4a45be..26e2e3b38 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
 #include <cuda.h>
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
-texture<float, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_geometry; // geometry texture
 inline __device__ float2
                   TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(int2 idx, float2 origin, float2 row, float2 column)
@@ -30,15 +28,16 @@ inline __device__ float2
 __global__ void
-kernel_weight_projection(int2    proj_idx,
-                         int3    proj_size,
-                         int2    proj_size_buf_in,
-                         int2    proj_size_buf_out,
-                         float * dev_proj_in,
-                         float * dev_proj_out,
-                         float2  proj_orig, // projection origin
-                         float2  proj_row,  // projection row direction & spacing
-                         float2  proj_col   // projection col direction & spacing
+kernel_weight_projection(int2                proj_idx,
+                         int3                proj_size,
+                         int2                proj_size_buf_in,
+                         int2                proj_size_buf_out,
+                         float *             dev_proj_in,
+                         float *             dev_proj_out,
+                         float2              proj_orig, // projection origin
+                         float2              proj_row,  // projection row direction & spacing
+                         float2              proj_col,  // projection col direction & spacing
+                         cudaTextureObject_t tex_geom   // geometry texture object
   // compute projection index (== thread index)
@@ -53,19 +52,19 @@ kernel_weight_projection(int2    proj_idx,
   if (pIdx.x >= proj_size.x || pIdx.y >= proj_size.y || pIdx.z >= proj_size.z)
-  const float sdd = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, pIdx.z * 7 + 0);
-  const float sid = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, pIdx.z * 7 + 1);
-  const float wFac = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, pIdx.z * 7 + 5);
+  const float sdd = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, pIdx.z * 7);
+  const float sid = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, pIdx.z * 7 + 1);
+  const float wFac = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, pIdx.z * 7 + 5);
   if (sdd == 0) // parallel
     dev_proj_out[pIdx_comp_out] = dev_proj_in[pIdx_comp_in] * wFac;
   else // divergent
-    const float pOffX = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, pIdx.z * 7 + 2);
-    const float pOffY = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, pIdx.z * 7 + 3);
-    const float sOffY = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, pIdx.z * 7 + 4);
-    const float tAngle = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, pIdx.z * 7 + 6);
+    const float pOffX = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, pIdx.z * 7 + 2);
+    const float pOffY = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, pIdx.z * 7 + 3);
+    const float sOffY = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, pIdx.z * 7 + 4);
+    const float tAngle = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, pIdx.z * 7 + 6);
     const float sina = sin(tAngle);
     const float cosa = cos(tAngle);
     const float tana = tan(tAngle);
@@ -90,19 +89,14 @@ CUDA_weight_projection(int     proj_idx[2],
                        int     proj_dim_buf_out[2],
                        float * dev_proj_in,
                        float * dev_proj_out,
-                       float * geometries,
+                       float * geometry,
                        float   proj_orig[2],
                        float   proj_row[2],
                        float   proj_col[2])
-  // copy geometry matrix to device, bind the matrix to the texture
-  float * dev_geom;
-  cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_geom, proj_dim[2] * 7 * sizeof(float));
-  cudaMemcpy(dev_geom, geometries, proj_dim[2] * 7 * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
-  cudaBindTexture(0, tex_geometry, dev_geom, proj_dim[2] * 7 * sizeof(float));
+  float *             dev_geom;
+  cudaTextureObject_t tex_geom;
+  prepareGeometryTextureObject(proj_dim[2], geometry, dev_geom, tex_geom, 7);
   // Thread Block Dimensions
   int tBlock_x = 16;
@@ -124,10 +118,11 @@ CUDA_weight_projection(int     proj_idx[2],
                                                   make_float2(proj_orig[0], proj_orig[1]),
                                                   make_float2(proj_row[0], proj_row[1]),
-                                                  make_float2(proj_col[0], proj_col[1]));
+                                                  make_float2(proj_col[0], proj_col[1]),
+                                                  tex_geom);
-  // Unbind matrix texture
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_geometry);
+  // destroy texture object
+  cudaDestroyTextureObject(tex_geom);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 3940d0f0d..869d263f9 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
  * CUDA #includes *
 #include <cuda.h>
-#include <cublas_v2.h>
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
@@ -201,7 +200,7 @@ CUDA_forward_project(int          projSize[3],
   // Prepare texture objects
   std::vector<cudaArray *>         volComponentArrays;
   std::vector<cudaTextureObject_t> tex_vol;
-  prepareVectorTextureObject(volSize, dev_vol, volComponentArrays, vectorLength, tex_vol, false);
+  prepareVectorTextureObject(volSize, dev_vol, volComponentArrays, vectorLength, tex_vol, false, cudaAddressModeClamp);
   // Copy them to a device pointer, since it will have to be de-referenced in the kernels
   cudaTextureObject_t * dev_tex_vol;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 1f9a04956..530dc33b6 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -39,15 +39,11 @@
 #include <cuda.h>
-// T E X T U R E S ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-texture<float, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix;
-texture<float, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix;
-texture<float, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_xdvf;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_ydvf;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_zdvf;
+// CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+__constant__ float c_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix[12];
+__constant__ float c_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix[12];
+__constant__ float c_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix[12];
 // K E R N E L S -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
@@ -129,7 +125,14 @@ normalize_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_out, float * dev_accumulate_weights, int3 out_d
 __global__ void
-linearSplat_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out, float * dev_accumulate_weights, int3 in_dim, int3 out_dim)
+linearSplat_3Dgrid(float *             dev_vol_in,
+                   float *             dev_vol_out,
+                   float *             dev_accumulate_weights,
+                   int3                in_dim,
+                   int3                out_dim,
+                   cudaTextureObject_t tex_xdvf,
+                   cudaTextureObject_t tex_ydvf,
+                   cudaTextureObject_t tex_zdvf)
   unsigned int i = __umul24(blockIdx.x, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
   unsigned int j = __umul24(blockIdx.y, blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
@@ -141,32 +144,21 @@ linearSplat_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out, float * dev_accumula
   // Index row major into the volume
+  float3   idx = make_float3(i, j, k);
   long int in_idx = i + (j + k * in_dim.y) * (in_dim.x);
   // Matrix multiply to get the index in the DVF texture of the current point in the output volume
-  float3 IndexInDVF;
-  IndexInDVF.x = tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 0) * i + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 1) * j +
-                 tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 2) * k + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 3);
-  IndexInDVF.y = tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 4) * i + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 5) * j +
-                 tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 6) * k + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 7);
-  IndexInDVF.z = tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 8) * i + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 9) * j +
-                 tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 10) * k + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 11);
+  float3 IndexInDVF = matrix_multiply(idx, c_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix);
   // Get each component of the displacement vector by
   // interpolation in the dvf
   float3 Displacement;
-  Displacement.x = tex3D(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-  Displacement.y = tex3D(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-  Displacement.z = tex3D(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+  Displacement.x = tex3D<float>(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+  Displacement.y = tex3D<float>(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+  Displacement.z = tex3D<float>(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
   // Matrix multiply to get the physical coordinates of the current point in the input volume
-  float3 PPinInput;
-  PPinInput.x = tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 0) * i + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 1) * j +
-                tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 2) * k + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 3);
-  PPinInput.y = tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 4) * i + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 5) * j +
-                tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 6) * k + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 7);
-  PPinInput.z = tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 8) * i + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 9) * j +
-                tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 10) * k + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 11);
+  float3 PPinInput = matrix_multiply(idx, c_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix);
   // Get the index corresponding to the current physical point in output displaced by the displacement vector
   float3 PPDisplaced;
@@ -174,19 +166,7 @@ linearSplat_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out, float * dev_accumula
   PPDisplaced.y = PPinInput.y + Displacement.y;
   PPDisplaced.z = PPinInput.z + Displacement.z;
-  float3 IndexInOutput;
-  IndexInOutput.x = tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 0) * PPDisplaced.x +
-                    tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 1) * PPDisplaced.y +
-                    tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 2) * PPDisplaced.z +
-                    tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 3);
-  IndexInOutput.y = tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 4) * PPDisplaced.x +
-                    tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 5) * PPDisplaced.y +
-                    tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 6) * PPDisplaced.z +
-                    tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 7);
-  IndexInOutput.z = tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 8) * PPDisplaced.x +
-                    tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 9) * PPDisplaced.y +
-                    tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 10) * PPDisplaced.z +
-                    tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 11);
+  float3 IndexInOutput = matrix_multiply(PPDisplaced, c_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix);
   // Compute the splat weights
   int3 BaseIndexInOutput;
@@ -303,11 +283,14 @@ linearSplat_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out, float * dev_accumula
 __global__ void
-nearestNeighborSplat_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in,
-                            float * dev_vol_out,
-                            float * dev_accumulate_weights,
-                            int3    in_dim,
-                            int3    out_dim)
+nearestNeighborSplat_3Dgrid(float *             dev_vol_in,
+                            float *             dev_vol_out,
+                            float *             dev_accumulate_weights,
+                            int3                in_dim,
+                            int3                out_dim,
+                            cudaTextureObject_t tex_xdvf,
+                            cudaTextureObject_t tex_ydvf,
+                            cudaTextureObject_t tex_zdvf)
   unsigned int i = __umul24(blockIdx.x, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
   unsigned int j = __umul24(blockIdx.y, blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
@@ -322,29 +305,18 @@ nearestNeighborSplat_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in,
   long int in_idx = i + (j + k * in_dim.y) * (in_dim.x);
   // Matrix multiply to get the index in the DVF texture of the current point in the output volume
-  float3 IndexInDVF;
-  IndexInDVF.x = tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 0) * i + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 1) * j +
-                 tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 2) * k + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 3);
-  IndexInDVF.y = tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 4) * i + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 5) * j +
-                 tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 6) * k + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 7);
-  IndexInDVF.z = tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 8) * i + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 9) * j +
-                 tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 10) * k + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 11);
+  float3 idx = make_float3(i, j, k);
+  float3 IndexInDVF = matrix_multiply(idx, c_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix);
   // Get each component of the displacement vector by
   // interpolation in the dvf
   float3 Displacement;
-  Displacement.x = tex3D(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-  Displacement.y = tex3D(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-  Displacement.z = tex3D(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+  Displacement.x = tex3D<float>(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+  Displacement.y = tex3D<float>(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+  Displacement.z = tex3D<float>(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
   // Matrix multiply to get the physical coordinates of the current point in the input volume
-  float3 PPinInput;
-  PPinInput.x = tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 0) * i + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 1) * j +
-                tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 2) * k + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 3);
-  PPinInput.y = tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 4) * i + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 5) * j +
-                tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 6) * k + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 7);
-  PPinInput.z = tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 8) * i + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 9) * j +
-                tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 10) * k + tex1Dfetch(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 11);
+  float3 PPinInput = matrix_multiply(idx, c_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix);
   // Get the index corresponding to the current physical point in output displaced by the displacement vector
   float3 PPDisplaced;
@@ -352,19 +324,10 @@ nearestNeighborSplat_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in,
   PPDisplaced.y = PPinInput.y + Displacement.y;
   PPDisplaced.z = PPinInput.z + Displacement.z;
-  float3 IndexInOutput;
-  IndexInOutput.x = floor(tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 0) * PPDisplaced.x +
-                          tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 1) * PPDisplaced.y +
-                          tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 2) * PPDisplaced.z +
-                          tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 3) + 0.5);
-  IndexInOutput.y = floor(tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 4) * PPDisplaced.x +
-                          tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 5) * PPDisplaced.y +
-                          tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 6) * PPDisplaced.z +
-                          tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 7) + 0.5);
-  IndexInOutput.z = floor(tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 8) * PPDisplaced.x +
-                          tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 9) * PPDisplaced.y +
-                          tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 10) * PPDisplaced.z +
-                          tex1Dfetch(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 11) + 0.5);
+  float3 IndexInOutput = matrix_multiply(PPDisplaced, c_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix);
+  IndexInOutput.x = floor(IndexInOutput.x + 0.5);
+  IndexInOutput.y = floor(IndexInOutput.y + 0.5);
+  IndexInOutput.z = floor(IndexInOutput.z + 0.5);
   bool isInVolume = (IndexInOutput.x >= 0) && (IndexInOutput.x < out_dim.x) && (IndexInOutput.y >= 0) &&
                     (IndexInOutput.y < out_dim.y) && (IndexInOutput.z >= 0) && (IndexInOutput.z < out_dim.z);
@@ -400,101 +363,29 @@ CUDA_ForwardWarp(int     input_vol_dim[3],
                  float * dev_output_vol,
                  bool    isLinear)
   // Prepare channel description for arrays
   static cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<float>();
-  // For each component of the dvf, perform a strided copy (pick every third
-  // float from dev_input_dvf) into a 3D array, and bind the array to a 3D texture
   // Extent stuff, will be used for each component extraction
-  cudaExtent dvfExtent = make_cudaExtent(input_dvf_dim[0], input_dvf_dim[1], input_dvf_dim[2]);
-  // Set texture parameters
-  tex_xdvf.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_xdvf.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_xdvf.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_xdvf.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_xdvf.normalized = false; // don't access with normalized texture coords
-  tex_ydvf.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_ydvf.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_ydvf.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_ydvf.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_ydvf.normalized = false;
-  tex_zdvf.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_zdvf.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_zdvf.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_zdvf.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_zdvf.normalized = false;
-  // Allocate the arrays
-  cudaArray * array_xdvf;
-  cudaArray * array_ydvf;
-  cudaArray * array_zdvf;
-  cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&array_xdvf, &channelDesc, dvfExtent);
-  cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&array_ydvf, &channelDesc, dvfExtent);
-  cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&array_zdvf, &channelDesc, dvfExtent);
-  // Copy image data to arrays. For a nice explanation on make_cudaPitchedPtr, checkout
-  //
-  cudaMemcpy3DParms xCopyParams = cudaMemcpy3DParms();
-  xCopyParams.srcPtr =
-    make_cudaPitchedPtr(dev_input_xdvf, input_dvf_dim[0] * sizeof(float), input_dvf_dim[0], input_dvf_dim[1]);
-  xCopyParams.dstArray = (cudaArray *)array_xdvf;
-  xCopyParams.extent = dvfExtent;
-  xCopyParams.kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice;
-  cudaMemcpy3D(&xCopyParams);
-  cudaMemcpy3DParms yCopyParams = cudaMemcpy3DParms();
-  yCopyParams.srcPtr =
-    make_cudaPitchedPtr(dev_input_ydvf, input_dvf_dim[0] * sizeof(float), input_dvf_dim[0], input_dvf_dim[1]);
-  yCopyParams.dstArray = (cudaArray *)array_ydvf;
-  yCopyParams.extent = dvfExtent;
-  yCopyParams.kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice;
-  cudaMemcpy3D(&yCopyParams);
-  cudaMemcpy3DParms zCopyParams = cudaMemcpy3DParms();
-  zCopyParams.srcPtr =
-    make_cudaPitchedPtr(dev_input_zdvf, input_dvf_dim[0] * sizeof(float), input_dvf_dim[0], input_dvf_dim[1]);
-  zCopyParams.dstArray = (cudaArray *)array_zdvf;
-  zCopyParams.extent = dvfExtent;
-  zCopyParams.kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice;
-  cudaMemcpy3D(&zCopyParams);
-  // Bind 3D arrays to 3D textures
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_xdvf, (cudaArray *)array_xdvf, channelDesc);
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_ydvf, (cudaArray *)array_ydvf, channelDesc);
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_zdvf, (cudaArray *)array_zdvf, channelDesc);
+  cudaArray *         array_xdvf, *array_ydvf, *array_zdvf;
+  cudaTextureObject_t tex_xdvf, tex_ydvf, tex_zdvf;
+  prepareScalarTextureObject(input_dvf_dim, dev_input_xdvf, array_xdvf, tex_xdvf, false);
+  prepareScalarTextureObject(input_dvf_dim, dev_input_ydvf, array_ydvf, tex_ydvf, false);
+  prepareScalarTextureObject(input_dvf_dim, dev_input_zdvf, array_zdvf, tex_zdvf, false);
-  // Copy matrices, bind them to textures
-  float * dev_IndexInputToPPInput;
-  cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_IndexInputToPPInput, 12 * sizeof(float));
-  cudaMemcpy(dev_IndexInputToPPInput, IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 12 * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
-  cudaBindTexture(0, tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, dev_IndexInputToPPInput, 12 * sizeof(float));
-  float * dev_IndexInputToIndexDVF;
-  cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_IndexInputToIndexDVF, 12 * sizeof(float));
-  cudaMemcpy(dev_IndexInputToIndexDVF, IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 12 * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
-  cudaBindTexture(0, tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, dev_IndexInputToIndexDVF, 12 * sizeof(float));
-  float * dev_PPOutputToIndexOutput;
-  cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_PPOutputToIndexOutput, 12 * sizeof(float));
-  cudaMemcpy(dev_PPOutputToIndexOutput, PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 12 * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
-  cudaBindTexture(0, tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, dev_PPOutputToIndexOutput, 12 * sizeof(float));
+  // Copy matrices into constant memory
+  cudaMemcpyToSymbol(
+    c_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, IndexInputToPPInputMatrix, 12 * sizeof(float), 0, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
+  cudaMemcpyToSymbol(
+    c_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix, 12 * sizeof(float), 0, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
+  cudaMemcpyToSymbol(
+    c_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix, 12 * sizeof(float), 0, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
   /// Initialize the output
   cudaMemset((void *)dev_output_vol, 0, sizeof(float) * output_vol_dim[0] * output_vol_dim[1] * output_vol_dim[2]);
@@ -507,12 +398,6 @@ CUDA_ForwardWarp(int     input_vol_dim[3],
     (void *)dev_accumulate_weights, 0, sizeof(float) * output_vol_dim[0] * output_vol_dim[1] * output_vol_dim[2]);
-  //////////////////////////////////////
-  /// Run
-  int device;
-  cudaGetDevice(&device);
   // Thread Block Dimensions
   constexpr int tBlock_x = 16;
   constexpr int tBlock_y = 4;
@@ -533,14 +418,20 @@ CUDA_ForwardWarp(int     input_vol_dim[3],
                                               make_int3(input_vol_dim[0], input_vol_dim[1], input_vol_dim[2]),
-                                              make_int3(output_vol_dim[0], output_vol_dim[1], output_vol_dim[2]));
+                                              make_int3(output_vol_dim[0], output_vol_dim[1], output_vol_dim[2]),
+                                              tex_xdvf,
+                                              tex_ydvf,
+                                              tex_zdvf);
     nearestNeighborSplat_3Dgrid<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(
       make_int3(input_vol_dim[0], input_vol_dim[1], input_vol_dim[2]),
-      make_int3(output_vol_dim[0], output_vol_dim[1], output_vol_dim[2]));
+      make_int3(output_vol_dim[0], output_vol_dim[1], output_vol_dim[2]),
+      tex_xdvf,
+      tex_ydvf,
+      tex_zdvf);
@@ -552,25 +443,19 @@ CUDA_ForwardWarp(int     input_vol_dim[3],
     dev_output_vol, dev_accumulate_weights, make_int3(output_vol_dim[0], output_vol_dim[1], output_vol_dim[2]));
-  // Unbind the image and projection matrix textures
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_xdvf);
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_ydvf);
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_zdvf);
+  // Cleanup
+  cudaFreeArray(array_xdvf);
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix);
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_PPOutputToIndexOutputMatrix);
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix);
+  cudaFreeArray(array_ydvf);
-  // Cleanup
-  cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)array_xdvf);
-  cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)array_ydvf);
-  cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)array_zdvf);
+  cudaFreeArray(array_zdvf);
-  cudaFree(dev_IndexInputToPPInput);
-  cudaFree(dev_PPOutputToIndexOutput);
-  cudaFree(dev_IndexInputToIndexDVF);
+  cudaDestroyTextureObject(tex_xdvf);
+  cudaDestroyTextureObject(tex_ydvf);
+  cudaDestroyTextureObject(tex_zdvf);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8e3c6f734..be4656371 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
 #include <math_constants.h>
-texture<float, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_geometry; // geometry texture
 inline __device__ float
 TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(int2 idx, float origin, float row, float column)
@@ -45,17 +43,18 @@ ToUntiltedCoordinateAtIsocenter(float tiltedCoord, float sdd, float sid, float s
 __global__ void
-kernel_parker_weight(int2    proj_idx,
-                     int3    proj_size,
-                     int2    proj_size_buf_in,
-                     int2    proj_size_buf_out,
-                     float * dev_proj_in,
-                     float * dev_proj_out,
-                     float   delta,
-                     float   firstAngle,
-                     float   proj_orig, // projection origin
-                     float   proj_row,  // projection row direction & spacing
-                     float   proj_col   // projection col direction & spacing
+kernel_parker_weight(int2                proj_idx,
+                     int3                proj_size,
+                     int2                proj_size_buf_in,
+                     int2                proj_size_buf_out,
+                     float *             dev_proj_in,
+                     float *             dev_proj_out,
+                     float               delta,
+                     float               firstAngle,
+                     float               proj_orig, // projection origin
+                     float               proj_row,  // projection row direction & spacing
+                     float               proj_col,  // projection col direction & spacing
+                     cudaTextureObject_t tex_geom   // geometry texture object
   // compute projection index (== thread index)
@@ -70,10 +69,10 @@ kernel_parker_weight(int2    proj_idx,
   if (pIdx.x >= proj_size.x || pIdx.y >= proj_size.y || pIdx.z >= proj_size.z)
-  float sdd = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, pIdx.z * 5 + 0);
-  float sx = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, pIdx.z * 5 + 1);
-  float px = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, pIdx.z * 5 + 2);
-  float sid = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, pIdx.z * 5 + 3);
+  float sdd = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, pIdx.z * 5 + 0);
+  float sx = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, pIdx.z * 5 + 1);
+  float px = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, pIdx.z * 5 + 2);
+  float sid = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, pIdx.z * 5 + 3);
   // convert actual index to point
   float pPoint =
@@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ kernel_parker_weight(int2    proj_idx,
   float alpha = atan(-1 * l * invsid);
   // beta projection angle: Parker's article assumes that the scan starts at 0
-  float beta = tex1Dfetch(tex_geometry, pIdx.z * 5 + 4);
+  float beta = tex1Dfetch<float>(tex_geom, pIdx.z * 5 + 4);
   beta -= firstAngle;
   if (beta < 0)
     beta += (2.f * CUDART_PI_F);
@@ -111,21 +110,16 @@ CUDA_parker_weight(int     proj_idx[2],
                    int     proj_dim_buf_out[2],
                    float * dev_proj_in,
                    float * dev_proj_out,
-                   float * geometries,
+                   float * geometry,
                    float   delta,
                    float   firstAngle,
                    float   proj_orig,
                    float   proj_row,
                    float   proj_col)
-  // copy geometry matrix to device, bind the matrix to the texture
-  float * dev_geom;
-  cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_geom, proj_dim[2] * 5 * sizeof(float));
-  cudaMemcpy(dev_geom, geometries, proj_dim[2] * 5 * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
-  cudaBindTexture(0, tex_geometry, dev_geom, proj_dim[2] * 5 * sizeof(float));
+  float *             dev_geom;
+  cudaTextureObject_t tex_geom;
+  prepareGeometryTextureObject(proj_dim[2], geometry, dev_geom, tex_geom, 5);
   // Thread Block Dimensions
   int tBlock_x = 16;
@@ -139,6 +133,7 @@ CUDA_parker_weight(int     proj_idx[2],
   dim3 dimGrid = dim3(blocksInX, blocksInY, blocksInZ);
   dim3 dimBlock = dim3(tBlock_x, tBlock_y, tBlock_z);
   kernel_parker_weight<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(make_int2(proj_idx[0], proj_idx[1]),
                                               make_int3(proj_dim[0], proj_dim[1], proj_dim[2]),
                                               make_int2(proj_dim_buf_in[0], proj_dim_buf_in[1]),
@@ -149,10 +144,11 @@ CUDA_parker_weight(int     proj_idx[2],
-                                              proj_col);
+                                              proj_col,
+                                              tex_geom);
-  // Unbind matrix texture
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_geometry);
+  // destroy texture object
+  cudaDestroyTextureObject(tex_geom);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 4f3938d05..020fac6cc 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include "rtkCudaUtilities.hcu"
+#include <cublas_v2.h>
@@ -76,13 +77,73 @@ GetFreeGPUGlobalMemory(int device)
   return free;
+__host__ void
+prepareScalarTextureObject(int                          size[3],
+                           float *                      dev_ptr,
+                           cudaArray *&                 threeDArray,
+                           cudaTextureObject_t &        tex,
+                           const bool                   isProjections,
+                           const bool                   isLinear,
+                           const cudaTextureAddressMode texAddressMode)
+  // create texture object
+  cudaResourceDesc resDesc = {};
+  resDesc.resType = cudaResourceTypeArray;
+  cudaTextureDesc texDesc = {};
+  texDesc.readMode = cudaReadModeElementType;
+  for (int component = 0; component < 3; component++)
+    texDesc.addressMode[component] = texAddressMode;
+  if (isLinear)
+    texDesc.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
+  else
+    texDesc.filterMode = cudaFilterModePoint;
+  static cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc(32, 0, 0, 0, cudaChannelFormatKindFloat);
+  cudaExtent                   volExtent = make_cudaExtent(size[0], size[1], size[2]);
+  // Allocate an intermediate memory space to extract the components of the input volume
+  float * singleComponent;
+  int     numel = size[0] * size[1] * size[2];
+  cudaMalloc(&singleComponent, numel * sizeof(float));
+  // Copy image data to arrays. The tricky part is the make_cudaPitchedPtr.
+  // The best way to understand it is to read
+  //
+  // Allocate the cudaArray. Projections use layered arrays, volumes use default 3D arrays
+  if (isProjections)
+    cudaMalloc3DArray(&threeDArray, &channelDesc, volExtent, cudaArrayLayered);
+  else
+    cudaMalloc3DArray(&threeDArray, &channelDesc, volExtent);
+  // Fill it with the current singleComponent
+  cudaMemcpy3DParms CopyParams = {};
+  CopyParams.srcPtr = make_cudaPitchedPtr(dev_ptr, size[0] * sizeof(float), size[0], size[1]);
+  CopyParams.dstArray = threeDArray;
+  CopyParams.extent = volExtent;
+  CopyParams.kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice;
+  cudaMemcpy3D(&CopyParams);
+  // Fill in the texture object with all this information
+  resDesc.res.array.array = threeDArray;
+  cudaCreateTextureObject(&tex, &resDesc, &texDesc, NULL);
 __host__ void
 prepareVectorTextureObject(int                                size[3],
                            const float *                      dev_ptr,
                            std::vector<cudaArray *> &         componentArrays,
                            const unsigned int                 nComponents,
                            std::vector<cudaTextureObject_t> & tex,
-                           bool                               isProjections)
+                           const bool                         isProjections,
+                           const cudaTextureAddressMode       texAddressMode)
@@ -92,20 +153,13 @@ prepareVectorTextureObject(int                                size[3],
   // create texture object
-  cudaResourceDesc resDesc;
-  memset(&resDesc, 0, sizeof(resDesc));
+  cudaResourceDesc resDesc = {};
   resDesc.resType = cudaResourceTypeArray;
-  cudaTextureDesc texDesc;
-  memset(&texDesc, 0, sizeof(texDesc));
+  cudaTextureDesc texDesc = {};
   texDesc.readMode = cudaReadModeElementType;
   for (int component = 0; component < 3; component++)
-  {
-    if (isProjections)
-      texDesc.addressMode[component] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-    else
-      texDesc.addressMode[component] = cudaAddressModeClamp;
-  }
+    texDesc.addressMode[component] = texAddressMode;
   texDesc.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
   static cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc(32, 0, 0, 0, cudaChannelFormatKindFloat);
@@ -127,7 +181,7 @@ prepareVectorTextureObject(int                                size[3],
     cudaMemset((void *)singleComponent, 0, numel * sizeof(float));
     // Fill it with the current component
-    float * pComponent = dev_ptr + component;
+    const float * pComponent = dev_ptr + component;
     cublasSaxpy(handle, numel, &one, pComponent, nComponents, singleComponent, 1);
     // Allocate the cudaArray. Projections use layered arrays, volumes use default 3D arrays
@@ -140,6 +194,7 @@ prepareVectorTextureObject(int                                size[3],
     // Fill it with the current singleComponent
     cudaMemcpy3DParms CopyParams = cudaMemcpy3DParms();
     CopyParams.srcPtr = make_cudaPitchedPtr(singleComponent, size[0] * sizeof(float), size[0], size[1]);
     CopyParams.dstArray = componentArrays[component];
     CopyParams.extent = volExtent;
     CopyParams.kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice;
@@ -158,3 +213,31 @@ prepareVectorTextureObject(int                                size[3],
   // Destroy CUBLAS context
+__host__ void
+prepareGeometryTextureObject(int                   length,
+                             const float *         geometry,
+                             float *&              dev_geom,
+                             cudaTextureObject_t & tex_geom,
+                             const unsigned int    nParam)
+  // copy geometry matrix to device, bind the matrix to the texture
+  cudaMalloc((void **)&dev_geom, length * nParam * sizeof(float));
+  cudaMemcpy(dev_geom, geometry, length * nParam * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
+  // create texture object
+  cudaResourceDesc resDesc = {};
+  resDesc.resType = cudaResourceTypeLinear;
+  resDesc.res.linear.devPtr = dev_geom;
+  resDesc.res.linear.desc.f = cudaChannelFormatKindFloat;
+  resDesc.res.linear.desc.x = 32; // bits per channel
+  resDesc.res.linear.sizeInBytes = length * nParam * sizeof(float);
+  cudaTextureDesc texDesc = {};
+  texDesc.readMode = cudaReadModeElementType;
+  cudaCreateTextureObject(&tex_geom, &resDesc, &texDesc, NULL);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 333b6dfba..a26d57f5f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -38,17 +38,8 @@
  * CUDA #includes *
 #include <cuda.h>
-#include <cublas_v2.h>
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
-// T E X T U R E S ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-texture<float, cudaTextureType2DLayered> tex_proj;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_xdvf;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_ydvf;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_zdvf;
 // CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 __constant__ float c_matrices[SLAB_SIZE * 12]; // Can process stacks of at most SLAB_SIZE projections
 __constant__ float c_volIndexToProjPP[SLAB_SIZE * 12];
@@ -66,7 +57,12 @@ __constant__ float c_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix[12];
 __global__ void
-kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out)
+kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid(float *             dev_vol_in,
+                                float *             dev_vol_out,
+                                cudaTextureObject_t tex_xdvf,
+                                cudaTextureObject_t tex_ydvf,
+                                cudaTextureObject_t tex_zdvf,
+                                cudaTextureObject_t tex_proj)
   unsigned int i = __umul24(blockIdx.x, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
   unsigned int j = __umul24(blockIdx.y, blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
@@ -89,9 +85,9 @@ kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out)
     IndexInDVF = matrix_multiply(make_float3(i, j, k), c_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix);
     // Get each component of the displacement vector by interpolation in the DVF
-    Displacement.x = tex3D(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-    Displacement.y = tex3D(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-    Displacement.z = tex3D(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+    Displacement.x = tex3D<float>(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+    Displacement.y = tex3D<float>(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+    Displacement.z = tex3D<float>(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
     // Compute the physical point in input + the displacement vector
     PP = matrix_multiply(make_float3(i, j, k), c_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix) + Displacement;
@@ -108,7 +104,7 @@ kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out)
     ip.y = ip.y * ip.z;
     // Get texture point, clip left to GPU
-    voxel_data += tex2DLayered(tex_proj, ip.x, ip.y, proj);
+    voxel_data += tex2DLayered<float>(tex_proj, ip.x, ip.y, proj);
   // Place it into the volume
@@ -116,7 +112,13 @@ kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out)
 __global__ void
-kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid_cylindrical_detector(float * dev_vol_in, float * dev_vol_out, float radius)
+kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid_cylindrical_detector(float *             dev_vol_in,
+                                                     float *             dev_vol_out,
+                                                     float               radius,
+                                                     cudaTextureObject_t tex_xdvf,
+                                                     cudaTextureObject_t tex_ydvf,
+                                                     cudaTextureObject_t tex_zdvf,
+                                                     cudaTextureObject_t tex_proj)
   unsigned int i = __umul24(blockIdx.x, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
   unsigned int j = __umul24(blockIdx.y, blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
@@ -139,9 +141,9 @@ kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid_cylindrical_detector(float * dev_vol_in, float *
     IndexInDVF = matrix_multiply(make_float3(i, j, k), c_IndexInputToIndexDVFMatrix);
     // Get each component of the displacement vector by interpolation in the DVF
-    Displacement.x = tex3D(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-    Displacement.y = tex3D(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-    Displacement.z = tex3D(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+    Displacement.x = tex3D<float>(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+    Displacement.y = tex3D<float>(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+    Displacement.z = tex3D<float>(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
     // Compute the physical point in input + the displacement vector
     PP = matrix_multiply(make_float3(i, j, k), c_IndexInputToPPInputMatrix) + Displacement;
@@ -167,7 +169,7 @@ kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid_cylindrical_detector(float * dev_vol_in, float *
     ip.y = c_projPPToProjIndex[3] * pp.x + c_projPPToProjIndex[4] * pp.y + c_projPPToProjIndex[5];
     // Get texture point, clip left to GPU
-    voxel_data += tex2DLayered(tex_proj, ip.x, ip.y, proj);
+    voxel_data += tex2DLayered<float>(tex_proj, ip.x, ip.y, proj);
   // Place it into the volume
@@ -196,13 +198,6 @@ CUDA_warp_back_project(int     projSize[3],
                        float   IndexInputToPPInputMatrix[12],
                        double  radiusCylindricalDetector)
-  // Create CUBLAS context
-  cublasHandle_t handle;
-  cublasCreate(&handle);
-  int device;
-  cudaGetDevice(&device);
   // Copy the size of inputs into constant memory
   cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_projSize, projSize, sizeof(int3));
   cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_volSize, volSize, sizeof(int3));
@@ -212,96 +207,15 @@ CUDA_warp_back_project(int     projSize[3],
   cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_volIndexToProjPP, &(volIndexToProjPPs[0]), 12 * sizeof(float) * projSize[2]);
   cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_projPPToProjIndex, &(projPPToProjIndex[0]), 9 * sizeof(float));
-  // set texture parameters
-  tex_proj.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_proj.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_proj.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_proj.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_proj.normalized = false; // don't access with normalized texture coords
-  // Copy projection data to array, bind the array to the texture
-  cudaExtent                   projExtent = make_cudaExtent(projSize[0], projSize[1], projSize[2]);
-  cudaArray *                  array_proj;
-  static cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<float>();
-  // Allocate array for input projections, in order to bind them to
-  // a 2D layered texture
-  cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&array_proj, &channelDesc, projExtent, cudaArrayLayered);
-  // Copy data to 3D array
-  cudaMemcpy3DParms copyParams = cudaMemcpy3DParms();
-  copyParams.srcPtr = make_cudaPitchedPtr(dev_proj, projSize[0] * sizeof(float), projSize[0], projSize[1]);
-  copyParams.dstArray = (cudaArray *)array_proj;
-  copyParams.extent = projExtent;
-  copyParams.kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice;
-  cudaMemcpy3D(&copyParams);
+  // Prepare proj texture
+  cudaArray *         array_proj;
+  cudaTextureObject_t tex_proj;
+  prepareScalarTextureObject(projSize, dev_proj, array_proj, tex_proj, true);
-  // Extent stuff, will be used for each component extraction
-  cudaExtent dvfExtent = make_cudaExtent(dvf_size[0], dvf_size[1], dvf_size[2]);
-  // Set texture parameters
-  tex_xdvf.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_xdvf.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_xdvf.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_xdvf.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_xdvf.normalized = false; // don't access with normalized texture coords
-  tex_ydvf.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_ydvf.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_ydvf.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_ydvf.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_ydvf.normalized = false;
-  tex_zdvf.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_zdvf.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_zdvf.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_zdvf.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_zdvf.normalized = false;
-  // Allocate an intermediate memory space to extract x, y and z components of the DVF
-  float * DVFcomponent;
-  int     numel = dvf_size[0] * dvf_size[1] * dvf_size[2];
-  cudaMalloc(&DVFcomponent, numel * sizeof(float));
-  float one = 1.0;
-  // Allocate the arrays used for textures
-  cudaArray ** DVFcomponentArrays = new cudaArray *[3];
-  // Copy image data to arrays. The tricky part is the make_cudaPitchedPtr.
-  // The best way to understand it is to read
-  //
-  for (unsigned int component = 0; component < 3; component++)
-  {
-    // Reset the intermediate memory
-    cudaMemset((void *)DVFcomponent, 0, numel * sizeof(float));
-    // Fill it with the current component
-    float * pComponent = dev_input_dvf + component;
-    cublasSaxpy(handle, numel, &one, pComponent, 3, DVFcomponent, 1);
-    // Allocate the cudaArray and fill it with the current DVFcomponent
-    cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&DVFcomponentArrays[component], &channelDesc, dvfExtent);
-    cudaMemcpy3DParms CopyParams = cudaMemcpy3DParms();
-    CopyParams.srcPtr = make_cudaPitchedPtr(DVFcomponent, dvf_size[0] * sizeof(float), dvf_size[0], dvf_size[1]);
-    CopyParams.dstArray = (cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[component];
-    CopyParams.extent = dvfExtent;
-    CopyParams.kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice;
-    cudaMemcpy3D(&CopyParams);
-  }
-  // Intermediate memory is no longer needed
-  cudaFree(DVFcomponent);
-  // Bind 3D arrays to 3D textures
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_xdvf, (cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[0], channelDesc);
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_ydvf, (cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[1], channelDesc);
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_zdvf, (cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[2], channelDesc);
+  // Prepare DVF textures
+  std::vector<cudaArray *>         DVFComponentArrays;
+  std::vector<cudaTextureObject_t> tex_dvf;
+  prepareVectorTextureObject(dvf_size, dev_input_dvf, DVFComponentArrays, 3, tex_dvf, false);
   // Copy matrices into constant memory
@@ -329,35 +243,27 @@ CUDA_warp_back_project(int     projSize[3],
   dim3 dimBlock = dim3(tBlock_x, tBlock_y, tBlock_z);
-  // Bind the array of projections to a 2D layered texture
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_proj, (cudaArray *)array_proj, channelDesc);
   // Note: cbi->img is passed via texture memory
   // Matrices are passed via constant memory
   if (radiusCylindricalDetector == 0)
-    kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out);
+    kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(
+      dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out, tex_dvf[0], tex_dvf[1], tex_dvf[2], tex_proj);
     kernel_warp_back_project_3Dgrid_cylindrical_detector<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(
-      dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out, (float)radiusCylindricalDetector);
-  // Unbind the image and projection matrix textures
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_proj);
+      dev_vol_in, dev_vol_out, (float)radiusCylindricalDetector, tex_dvf[0], tex_dvf[1], tex_dvf[2], tex_proj);
-  // Unbind the image and projection matrix textures
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_xdvf);
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_ydvf);
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_zdvf);
   // Cleanup
-  cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[0]);
-  cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[1]);
-  cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[2]);
-  delete[] DVFcomponentArrays;
+  for (unsigned int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
+  {
+    cudaFreeArray(DVFComponentArrays[c]);
+    cudaDestroyTextureObject(tex_dvf[c]);
+  }
   cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)array_proj);
-  // Destroy CUBLAS context
-  cublasDestroy(handle);
+  cudaDestroyTextureObject(tex_proj);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 0b7578726..094cc1f42 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -36,15 +36,9 @@
  * CUDA #includes *
 #include <cuda.h>
-#include <cublas_v2.h>
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_xdvf;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_ydvf;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_zdvf;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_vol;
 __constant__ int3 c_projSize;
 __constant__ float3 c_boxMin;
 __constant__ float3 c_boxMax;
@@ -65,7 +59,12 @@ __constant__ float c_PPInputToIndexInputMatrix[12];
 // KERNEL kernel_forwardProject
 __global__ void
-kernel_warped_forwardProject(float * dev_proj_in, float * dev_proj_out)
+kernel_warped_forwardProject(float *             dev_proj_in,
+                             float *             dev_proj_out,
+                             cudaTextureObject_t tex_xdvf,
+                             cudaTextureObject_t tex_ydvf,
+                             cudaTextureObject_t tex_zdvf,
+                             cudaTextureObject_t tex_vol)
   unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
   unsigned int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
@@ -122,9 +121,9 @@ kernel_warped_forwardProject(float * dev_proj_in, float * dev_proj_out)
         // Get each component of the displacement vector by
         // interpolation in the dvf
-        Displacement.x = tex3D(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-        Displacement.y = tex3D(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-        Displacement.z = tex3D(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+        Displacement.x = tex3D<float>(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+        Displacement.y = tex3D<float>(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+        Displacement.z = tex3D<float>(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
         // Matrix multiply to get the physical coordinates of the current point in the output volume
         // + the displacement
@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ kernel_warped_forwardProject(float * dev_proj_in, float * dev_proj_out)
         IndexInInput = matrix_multiply(PP, c_PPInputToIndexInputMatrix);
         // Read from 3D texture from volume
-        sample = tex3D(tex_vol, IndexInInput.x, IndexInInput.y, IndexInInput.z);
+        sample = tex3D<float>(tex_vol, IndexInInput.x, IndexInInput.y, IndexInInput.z);
         // Accumulate, and move forward along the ray
         sum += sample;
@@ -172,10 +171,6 @@ CUDA_warp_forward_project(int     projSize[3],
                           float   PPInputToIndexInputMatrix[12],
                           float   IndexInputToPPInputMatrix[12])
-  // Create CUBLAS context
-  cublasHandle_t handle;
-  cublasCreate(&handle);
   // constant memory
   cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_projSize, projSize, sizeof(int3));
   cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_boxMin, box_min, sizeof(float3));
@@ -190,94 +185,15 @@ CUDA_warp_forward_project(int     projSize[3],
   // Copy the projection matrices into constant memory
   cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_matrices, &(matrices[0]), 12 * sizeof(float) * projSize[2]);
-  // Prepare channel description for arrays
-  static cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<float>();
-  // Extent stuff, will be used for each component extraction
-  cudaExtent dvfExtent = make_cudaExtent(dvfSize[0], dvfSize[1], dvfSize[2]);
-  // Set texture parameters for the input volume
-  tex_vol.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeClamp; // clamp texture coordinates
-  tex_vol.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeClamp;
-  tex_vol.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeClamp;
-  tex_vol.normalized = false;                // access with normalized texture coordinates
-  tex_vol.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear; // linear interpolation
-  // Copy volume data to array, bind the array to the texture
-  cudaExtent  volExtent = make_cudaExtent(volSize[0], volSize[1], volSize[2]);
-  cudaArray * array_vol;
-  cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&array_vol, &channelDesc, volExtent);
-  // Copy data to 3D array
-  cudaMemcpy3DParms copyParams = cudaMemcpy3DParms();
-  copyParams.srcPtr = make_cudaPitchedPtr(dev_vol, volSize[0] * sizeof(float), volSize[0], volSize[1]);
-  copyParams.dstArray = (cudaArray *)array_vol;
-  copyParams.extent = volExtent;
-  copyParams.kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice;
-  cudaMemcpy3D(&copyParams);
-  // Set texture parameters
-  tex_xdvf.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_xdvf.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_xdvf.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_xdvf.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_xdvf.normalized = false; // don't access with normalized texture coords
-  tex_ydvf.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_ydvf.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_ydvf.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_ydvf.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_ydvf.normalized = false;
-  tex_zdvf.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_zdvf.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_zdvf.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_zdvf.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_zdvf.normalized = false;
-  // Allocate an intermediate memory space to extract x, y and z components of the DVF
-  float * DVFcomponent;
-  int     numel = dvfSize[0] * dvfSize[1] * dvfSize[2];
-  cudaMalloc(&DVFcomponent, numel * sizeof(float));
-  float one = 1.0;
-  // Allocate the arrays used for textures
-  cudaArray ** DVFcomponentArrays = new cudaArray *[3];
-  // Copy image data to arrays. The tricky part is the make_cudaPitchedPtr.
-  // The best way to understand it is to read
-  //
-  for (unsigned int component = 0; component < 3; component++)
-  {
-    // Reset the intermediate memory
-    cudaMemset((void *)DVFcomponent, 0, numel * sizeof(float));
-    // Fill it with the current component
-    float * pComponent = dev_input_dvf + component;
-    cublasSaxpy(handle, numel, &one, pComponent, 3, DVFcomponent, 1);
-    // Allocate the cudaArray and fill it with the current DVFcomponent
-    cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&DVFcomponentArrays[component], &channelDesc, dvfExtent);
-    cudaMemcpy3DParms CopyParams = cudaMemcpy3DParms();
-    CopyParams.srcPtr = make_cudaPitchedPtr(DVFcomponent, dvfSize[0] * sizeof(float), dvfSize[0], dvfSize[1]);
-    CopyParams.dstArray = (cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[component];
-    CopyParams.extent = dvfExtent;
-    CopyParams.kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice;
-    cudaMemcpy3D(&CopyParams);
-  }
-  // Intermediate memory is no longer needed
-  cudaFree(DVFcomponent);
+  // Prepare volume texture
+  cudaArray *         array_vol;
+  cudaTextureObject_t tex_vol;
+  prepareScalarTextureObject(volSize, dev_vol, array_vol, tex_vol, false, true, cudaAddressModeClamp);
-  // Bind 3D arrays to 3D textures
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_xdvf, (cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[0], channelDesc);
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_ydvf, (cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[1], channelDesc);
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_zdvf, (cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[2], channelDesc);
+  // Prepare DVF textures
+  std::vector<cudaArray *>         DVFComponentArrays;
+  std::vector<cudaTextureObject_t> tex_dvf;
+  prepareVectorTextureObject(dvfSize, dev_input_dvf, DVFComponentArrays, 3, tex_dvf, false);
   // Copy matrices into constant memory
@@ -292,25 +208,19 @@ CUDA_warp_forward_project(int     projSize[3],
   dim3 dimBlock = dim3(16, 16, 1);
   dim3 dimGrid = dim3(iDivUp(projSize[0], dimBlock.x), iDivUp(projSize[1], dimBlock.y));
-  // Bind 3D array to 3D texture
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_vol, (cudaArray *)array_vol, channelDesc);
-  kernel_warped_forwardProject<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(dev_proj_in, dev_proj_out);
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_xdvf);
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_ydvf);
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_zdvf);
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_vol);
+  kernel_warped_forwardProject<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(
+    dev_proj_in, dev_proj_out, tex_dvf[0], tex_dvf[1], tex_dvf[2], tex_vol);
-  cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[0]);
-  cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[1]);
-  cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[2]);
-  delete[] DVFcomponentArrays;
+  // Cleanup
+  for (unsigned int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
+  {
+    cudaFreeArray(DVFComponentArrays[c]);
+    cudaDestroyTextureObject(tex_dvf[c]);
+  }
   cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)array_vol);
-  // Destroy CUBLAS context
-  cublasDestroy(handle);
+  cudaDestroyTextureObject(tex_vol);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 132cbe9cb..0038ec72d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -38,19 +38,6 @@
  * CUDA #includes *
 #include <cuda.h>
-#include <cublas_v2.h>
-#include <cuda_runtime.h>
-// T E X T U R E S ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-texture<float, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_IndexOutputToPPOutputMatrix;
-texture<float, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_IndexOutputToIndexDVFMatrix;
-texture<float, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_PPInputToIndexInputMatrix;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_xdvf;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_ydvf;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_zdvf;
-texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_input_vol;
 // CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 __constant__ float c_IndexOutputToPPOutputMatrix[12];
@@ -64,7 +51,12 @@ __constant__ float c_PPInputToIndexInputMatrix[12];
 __global__ void
-kernel_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_out, int3 vol_dim)
+kernel_3Dgrid(float *             dev_vol_out,
+              int3                vol_dim,
+              cudaTextureObject_t tex_xdvf,
+              cudaTextureObject_t tex_ydvf,
+              cudaTextureObject_t tex_zdvf,
+              cudaTextureObject_t tex_input_vol)
   unsigned int i = __umul24(blockIdx.x, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
   unsigned int j = __umul24(blockIdx.y, blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
@@ -84,9 +76,9 @@ kernel_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_out, int3 vol_dim)
   // Get each component of the displacement vector by
   // interpolation in the dvf
   float3 Displacement;
-  Displacement.x = tex3D(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-  Displacement.y = tex3D(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
-  Displacement.z = tex3D(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+  Displacement.x = tex3D<float>(tex_xdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+  Displacement.y = tex3D<float>(tex_ydvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
+  Displacement.z = tex3D<float>(tex_zdvf, IndexInDVF.x + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.y + 0.5f, IndexInDVF.z + 0.5f);
   // Matrix multiply to get the physical coordinates of the current point in the output volume
   float3 PP = matrix_multiply(make_float3(i, j, k), c_IndexOutputToPPOutputMatrix);
@@ -98,7 +90,8 @@ kernel_3Dgrid(float * dev_vol_out, int3 vol_dim)
   float3 IndexInInput = matrix_multiply(PP, c_PPInputToIndexInputMatrix);
   // Interpolate in the input and copy into the output
-  dev_vol_out[vol_idx] = tex3D(tex_input_vol, IndexInInput.x + 0.5f, IndexInInput.y + 0.5f, IndexInInput.z + 0.5f);
+  dev_vol_out[vol_idx] =
+    tex3D<float>(tex_input_vol, IndexInInput.x + 0.5f, IndexInInput.y + 0.5f, IndexInInput.z + 0.5f);
@@ -120,116 +113,15 @@ CUDA_warp(int     input_vol_dim[3],
           float * dev_DVF,
           bool    isLinear)
-  // Prepare channel description for arrays
-  static cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<float>();
-  // Create CUBLAS context
-  cublasHandle_t handle;
-  cublasCreate(&handle);
-  ///////////////////////////////////
-  // For each component of the dvf, perform a strided copy (pick every third
-  // float from dev_input_dvf) into a 3D array, and bind the array to a 3D texture
-  // Extent stuff, will be used for each component extraction
-  cudaExtent dvfExtent = make_cudaExtent(input_dvf_dim[0], input_dvf_dim[1], input_dvf_dim[2]);
-  // Set texture parameters
-  tex_xdvf.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_xdvf.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_xdvf.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_xdvf.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_xdvf.normalized = false; // don't access with normalized texture coords
-  tex_ydvf.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_ydvf.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_ydvf.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_ydvf.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_ydvf.normalized = false;
-  tex_zdvf.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_zdvf.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_zdvf.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_zdvf.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  tex_zdvf.normalized = false;
-  // Allocate an intermediate memory space to extract x, y and z components of the DVF
-  float * DVFcomponent;
-  int     numel = input_dvf_dim[0] * input_dvf_dim[1] * input_dvf_dim[2];
-  cudaMalloc(&DVFcomponent, numel * sizeof(float));
-  float one = 1.0;
-  // Allocate the arrays used for textures
-  cudaArray ** DVFcomponentArrays = new cudaArray *[3];
-  // Copy image data to arrays. The tricky part is the make_cudaPitchedPtr.
-  // The best way to understand it is to read
-  //
-  for (unsigned int component = 0; component < 3; component++)
-  {
-    // Reset the intermediate memory
-    cudaMemset((void *)DVFcomponent, 0, numel * sizeof(float));
-    // Fill it with the current component
-    float * pComponent = dev_DVF + component;
-    cublasSaxpy(handle, numel, &one, pComponent, 3, DVFcomponent, 1);
-    // Allocate the cudaArray and fill it with the current DVFcomponent
-    cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&DVFcomponentArrays[component], &channelDesc, dvfExtent);
-    cudaMemcpy3DParms CopyParams = cudaMemcpy3DParms();
-    CopyParams.srcPtr =
-      make_cudaPitchedPtr(DVFcomponent, input_dvf_dim[0] * sizeof(float), input_dvf_dim[0], input_dvf_dim[1]);
-    CopyParams.dstArray = (cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[component];
-    CopyParams.extent = dvfExtent;
-    CopyParams.kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice;
-    cudaMemcpy3D(&CopyParams);
-  }
-  // Intermediate memory is no longer needed
-  cudaFree(DVFcomponent);
-  // Bind 3D arrays to 3D textures
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_xdvf, (cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[0], channelDesc);
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_ydvf, (cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[1], channelDesc);
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_zdvf, (cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[2], channelDesc);
-  ///////////////////////////////////
-  // Do the same for the input volume
-  // Extent stuff
-  cudaExtent volExtent = make_cudaExtent(input_vol_dim[0], input_vol_dim[1], input_vol_dim[2]);
-  // Set texture parameters
-  tex_input_vol.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_input_vol.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_input_vol.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
-  tex_input_vol.normalized = false; // don't access with normalized texture coords
-  if (isLinear)
-    tex_input_vol.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
-  else
-    tex_input_vol.filterMode = cudaFilterModePoint;
-  // Allocate the array
-  cudaArray * array_input_vol;
-  cudaMalloc3DArray((cudaArray **)&array_input_vol, &channelDesc, volExtent);
+  // Prepare DVF textures
+  std::vector<cudaArray *>         DVFComponentArrays;
+  std::vector<cudaTextureObject_t> tex_dvf;
+  prepareVectorTextureObject(input_dvf_dim, dev_DVF, DVFComponentArrays, 3, tex_dvf, false);
-  // Copy image data to array
-  cudaMemcpy3DParms inputCopyParams = cudaMemcpy3DParms();
-  inputCopyParams.srcPtr =
-    make_cudaPitchedPtr(dev_input_vol, input_vol_dim[0] * sizeof(float), input_vol_dim[0], input_vol_dim[1]);
-  inputCopyParams.dstArray = (cudaArray *)array_input_vol;
-  inputCopyParams.extent = volExtent;
-  inputCopyParams.kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice;
-  cudaMemcpy3D(&inputCopyParams);
-  // Bind 3D arrays to 3D textures
-  cudaBindTextureToArray(tex_input_vol, (cudaArray *)array_input_vol, channelDesc);
+  // Prepare volume texture
+  cudaArray *         array_input_vol;
+  cudaTextureObject_t tex_input_vol;
+  prepareScalarTextureObject(output_vol_dim, dev_input_vol, array_input_vol, tex_input_vol, false, isLinear);
   // Copy matrices into constant memory
@@ -238,12 +130,7 @@ CUDA_warp(int     input_vol_dim[3],
     c_IndexOutputToIndexDVFMatrix, IndexOutputToIndexDVFMatrix, 12 * sizeof(float), 0, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
     c_PPInputToIndexInputMatrix, PPInputToIndexInputMatrix, 12 * sizeof(float), 0, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
-  //////////////////////////////////////
-  /// Run
-  int device;
-  cudaGetDevice(&device);
   // Thread Block Dimensions
   constexpr int tBlock_x = 16;
@@ -258,29 +145,24 @@ CUDA_warp(int     input_vol_dim[3],
   dim3 dimGrid = dim3(blocksInX, blocksInY, blocksInZ);
   dim3 dimBlock = dim3(tBlock_x, tBlock_y, tBlock_z);
-  // Note: the DVF and input image are passed via texture memory
-  //-------------------------------------
   kernel_3Dgrid<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(dev_output_vol,
-                                       make_int3(output_vol_dim[0], output_vol_dim[1], output_vol_dim[2]));
-  // Unbind the image and projection matrix textures
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_xdvf);
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_ydvf);
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_zdvf);
-  cudaUnbindTexture(tex_input_vol);
+                                       make_int3(output_vol_dim[0], output_vol_dim[1], output_vol_dim[2]),
+                                       tex_dvf[0],
+                                       tex_dvf[1],
+                                       tex_dvf[2],
+                                       tex_input_vol);
   // Cleanup
+  for (unsigned int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
+  {
+    cudaFreeArray(DVFComponentArrays[c]);
+    cudaDestroyTextureObject(tex_dvf[c]);
+  }
+  cudaFreeArray(array_input_vol);
-  cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[0]);
-  cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[1]);
-  cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)DVFcomponentArrays[2]);
-  cudaFreeArray((cudaArray *)array_input_vol);
-  delete[] DVFcomponentArrays;
+  cudaDestroyTextureObject(tex_input_vol);
-  // Destroy CUBLAS context
-  cublasDestroy(handle);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index cf3522a63..e03c8dc8e 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
  * CUDA #includes *
 #include <cuda.h>
-#include <cublas_v2.h>
 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
 #define IDX2D(r, c, cols) ((r) * (cols) + (c))

From 0b4b736c7b73b68730ffba6a3a3b7343122ecaf8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Rit <>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 21:20:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] STYLE: Cleanup useless code after CUDA function calls

 src/rtkCudaForwardWarpImageFilter.cxx | 3 ---
 src/rtkCudaWarpImageFilter.cxx        | 3 ---
 2 files changed, 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/rtkCudaForwardWarpImageFilter.cxx b/src/rtkCudaForwardWarpImageFilter.cxx
index 6d410fb4d..9dc828839 100644
--- a/src/rtkCudaForwardWarpImageFilter.cxx
+++ b/src/rtkCudaForwardWarpImageFilter.cxx
@@ -144,9 +144,6 @@ CudaForwardWarpImageFilter ::GPUGenerateData()
   xCompDVF = nullptr;
   yCompDVF = nullptr;
   zCompDVF = nullptr;
-  // The filter is inPlace
-  //  pinVol = poutVol;
 } // end namespace rtk
diff --git a/src/rtkCudaWarpImageFilter.cxx b/src/rtkCudaWarpImageFilter.cxx
index 0b09c1739..de47ed54c 100644
--- a/src/rtkCudaWarpImageFilter.cxx
+++ b/src/rtkCudaWarpImageFilter.cxx
@@ -109,9 +109,6 @@ CudaWarpImageFilter ::GPUGenerateData()
-  // The filter is inPlace
-  pinVol = poutVol;
 } // end namespace rtk