This repository contains my personal ArchLinux configuration files and customization ideas
Each directory will have its own configuration files along with a file individually
the file "bash_profile" is added to the home directory under hidden state ("."-prefix) so as to enable auto startx to work
the bashrc file is also similar to bash_profile and can be added after checking the needed.
- use pkglist.txt generated using pacman hook to install all the needed stuff
- create the custom scripts folder as explained in the scripts directory, for accessing custom scripts at any path.
the file pkglist.txt contains the list of all packages that are installed in the up-to-date system.
- in the file, rxvt-unicode-patched will be present instead of rxvt-unicode, the former is from AUR.
- rxvt-unicode-patched is installed as it has support for ranger image previews.
for certain super user options like shutdown, reboot etc can be made to work without password by adding the following line in the/etc/sudoers file.
%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown/,/sbin/reboot,/sbin/poweroff just below the line %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
the packages required for wifi-menu to work are as follows 5 packages - iw, wpa_supplicant, netctl, dialog, dhcpcd, iwd these packages can be installed during pacstrap command at main installation and enable iwd, dhcpcd for wifi to work when using iwctl
to set mouse pointer, launch the application lxappearance and go to Mouse Cursor tab, then choose breeze style. it will set the mouse pointer to kde-breeze style.
to set the qt-theme, launch application called qt5ct and choose the dark colo scheme that will get applied over all the qt based applications.
all the required packages are already included in the "pkglist.txt" file.
clipit application is configured to run at start. It is installed from their github repository than from AUR, just for simplicity.
after base and extended installation, clone the repository and follow their instructions to install it. The repository files can be removed after installation for cleanup.
polkit is a toolkit used to handle unprivileged process to speak to previliged processes ( To give privilige to unprivileged process, it will ask for password through an "authorization agent" It is that popup dialog that asks for password. At present, the configuration was done with package polkit-gnome.
qutebrowser is installed from the offical repository and is available in the pkglist.txt file. after installation, follow the readme instructions in the qutebrowser/ directory
qutebrowser is bound to $mod+F2 on the configuration.
grub menu can be configured by the application grub-customizer (in pkglist.txt) during configuration, for background choose "wallpaper_19.png" and for font, choose DejaVu Sans Mono Bold 15, and Normal font foreground and background will be white and transparent, respectively. highlighed font fore and background will be black and red respectively. saving it will set the grub theme to the need