diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index d7f7b77d..07373273 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -55,3 +55,4 @@ statprof
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index d0a8e2fb..ed457ca7 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@ Unrolled = "9602ed7d-8fef-5bc8-8597-8f21381861e8"
Cairo = "159f3aea-2a34-519c-b102-8c37f9878175"
Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
GraphPlot = "a2cc645c-3eea-5389-862e-a155d0052231"
+GraphViz = "f526b714-d49f-11e8-06ff-31ed36ee7ee0"
GraphPPLDistributionsExt = "Distributions"
+GraphPPLGraphVizExt = "GraphViz"
GraphPPLPlottingExt = ["Cairo", "GraphPlot"]
@@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ Dictionaries = "0.4"
Distributions = "0.25"
Documenter = "1.0"
GraphPlot = "0.5, 0.6"
+GraphViz = "0.2"
MacroTools = "0.5"
MetaGraphsNext = "0.6, 0.7"
NamedTupleTools = "0.14"
diff --git a/ext/GraphPPLGraphVizExt.jl b/ext/GraphPPLGraphVizExt.jl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..010c4535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/GraphPPLGraphVizExt.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+module GraphPPLGraphVizExt
+using GraphPPL, MetaGraphsNext, GraphViz
+using GraphPPL.MetaGraphsNext
+import MetaGraphsNext: nv
+import GraphViz: load
+Abstract type defining node traversal strategies for graph visualization.
+Concrete subtypes:
+- `SimpleIteration`: Basic iteration through vertices
+- `BFSTraversal`: Breadth-first search traversal from initial node
+The choice of strategy affects both performance and visual layout.
+abstract type TraversalStrategy end
+struct SimpleIteration <: TraversalStrategy end
+struct BFSTraversal <: TraversalStrategy end
+ get_node_properties(model::GraphPPL.Model, vertex::Int64)
+Extracts the properties of a specific node in a `GraphPPL.Model` and returns these as a dictionary.
+# Arguments
+- `model::GraphPPL.Model`: The model from which the node's properties will be retrieved.
+- `vertex::Int64`: The integer index representing the node in the model's graph.
+# Returns
+- A `Dict{Symbol, Any}` where each key is a symbol corresponding to the node's property names
+(including the `label`), and the value is the corresponding property value.
+function get_node_properties(model::GraphPPL.Model, vertex::Int64)
+ # Set up return value
+ namespace_variables = Dict{Symbol, Any}()
+ # Get the properties of the node
+ label = MetaGraphsNext.label_for(model.graph, vertex)
+ properties = model[label].properties
+ # Add label to the dictionary
+ namespace_variables[:label] = label
+ # Get field names
+ field_names = fieldnames(typeof(properties))
+ # Add field names and values to the dictionary
+ for field_name in field_names
+ # It might be wise to add GraphPPL.NodeData to this also.
+ namespace_variables[field_name] = getproperty(properties, field_name)
+ end
+ return namespace_variables
+ get_node_properties(properties::GraphPPL.FactorNodeProperties)
+Extracts the properties of a factor node from a `GraphPPL.FactorNodeProperties` struct
+and returns them as a dictionary.
+# Arguments
+- `properties::GraphPPL.FactorNodeProperties`: A struct containing the factor node properties
+of a factor node in a probabilistic graphical model.
+# Returns
+- A `Dict{Symbol, Any}` where each key is the name of a field in the `properties`
+object (as a symbol), and the corresponding value is the value of that field.
+function get_node_properties(properties::GraphPPL.FactorNodeProperties)
+ # Set up return value
+ namespace_variables = Dict{Symbol, Any}()
+ # Get field names
+ field_names = fieldnames(typeof(properties))
+ # Add field names and values to the dictionary
+ for field_name in field_names
+ namespace_variables[field_name] = getproperty(properties, field_name)
+ end
+ return namespace_variables
+ get_node_properties(properties::GraphPPL.VariableNodeProperties)
+Extracts the properties of a variable node from a `GraphPPL.VariableNodeProperties` struct
+and returns these as a dictionary.
+# Arguments
+- `properties::GraphPPL.VariableNodeProperties`: A struct containing the variable node properties.
+# Returns
+- A `Dict{Symbol, Any}` where each key is the name of a field in the `properties`
+object (as a symbol), and the corresponding value is the value of that field.
+function get_node_properties(properties::GraphPPL.VariableNodeProperties)
+ # Set up return value
+ namespace_variables = Dict{Symbol, Any}()
+ # Get field names
+ field_names = fieldnames(typeof(properties))
+ # Add field names and values to the dictionary
+ for field_name in field_names
+ namespace_variables[field_name] = getproperty(properties, field_name)
+ end
+ return namespace_variables
+ get_namespace_variables_dict(model::GraphPPL.Model)
+Maps each node's global counter ID to its properties.
+# Arguments
+- `model::GraphPPL.Model`: The model to extract node properties from
+# Returns
+- `Dict{Int64, Dict{Symbol, Any}}`: Maps node IDs to property dictionaries
+function get_namespace_variables_dict(model::GraphPPL.Model)
+ node_properties_dict = Dict{Int64, Dict{Symbol, Any}}()
+ for vertex in MetaGraphsNext.vertices(model.graph)
+ node_properties = get_node_properties(model, vertex)
+ global_counter_id = node_properties[:label].global_counter
+ node_properties_dict[global_counter_id] = node_properties
+ end
+ return node_properties_dict
+ get_sanitized_variable_node_name(var_namespace_dict::Dict{Symbol, Any})
+Creates a sanitized string representation of a variable node in the format "label:value".
+# Arguments
+- `var_namespace_dict::Dict{Symbol, Any}`: Dictionary containing the variable node's properties
+# Returns
+- `String`: Node representation in format "label:value", where value is "nothing" if null
+function get_sanitized_variable_node_name(var_namespace_dict::Dict{Symbol, Any})
+ san_str_name_var = string(var_namespace_dict[:label]) # was :name
+ if isnothing(var_namespace_dict[:value])
+ str_val_var = "nothing"
+ else
+ str_val_var = string(var_namespace_dict[:value])
+ end
+ final_str = string(san_str_name_var, ":", str_val_var)
+ return final_str
+ get_sanitized_factor_node_name(fac_namespace_dict::Dict{Symbol, Any})
+Converts a factor node's label to a sanitized string name.
+# Arguments
+- `fac_namespace_dict::Dict{Symbol, Any}`: Dictionary containing the factor node's properties
+# Returns
+- `String`: Sanitized string name derived from the node's label
+function get_sanitized_factor_node_name(fac_namespace_dict::Dict{Symbol, Any})
+ san_str_name_fac = string(fac_namespace_dict[:label]) # was :fform
+ san_str_name_fac = replace(san_str_name_fac, "\"" => "", "#" => "")
+ return san_str_name_fac
+ get_sanitized_node_name(single_node_namespace_dict::Dict{Symbol, Any})
+Returns a sanitized name string for either a variable or factor node.
+# Arguments
+- `single_node_namespace_dict`: Dictionary containing node properties
+# Returns
+- Sanitized name string for the node
+Calls `get_sanitized_variable_node_name` if dict has `:name` key,
+or `get_sanitized_factor_node_name` if dict has `:fform` key.
+Throws error if neither key exists.
+function get_sanitized_node_name(single_node_namespace_dict::Dict{Symbol, Any})
+ if haskey(single_node_namespace_dict, :name)
+ san_node_name_str = get_sanitized_variable_node_name(single_node_namespace_dict)
+ elseif haskey(single_node_namespace_dict, :fform)
+ san_node_name_str = get_sanitized_factor_node_name(single_node_namespace_dict)
+ else
+ error("Input single-node namespace dictionary has neither :name nor :fform as a key.")
+ end
+ return san_node_name_str
+ get_displayed_label(properties::GraphPPL.FactorNodeProperties) :: String
+Returns a quoted display label for a factor node.
+# Arguments
+- `properties`: Properties of the factor node
+# Returns
+- `String`: The factor node's pretty name enclosed in double quotes
+function get_displayed_label(properties::GraphPPL.FactorNodeProperties)
+ # Ensure that the result of prettyname is enclosed in quotes
+ label = GraphPPL.prettyname(properties)
+ return "\"" * label * "\""
+ get_displayed_label(properties::GraphPPL.VariableNodeProperties) :: String
+Returns a formatted label string for a variable node.
+# Arguments
+- `properties`: Properties of the variable node
+# Returns
+- `String`: Label formatted as:
+ - Quoted value for constants (e.g. "5")
+ - HTML with subscript for indexed variables (e.g. x1)
+ - Quoted name for regular variables (e.g. "x")
+function get_displayed_label(properties::GraphPPL.VariableNodeProperties)
+ if GraphPPL.is_constant(properties)
+ # Ensure constants are returned as strings enclosed in quotes
+ return "\"" * string(GraphPPL.value(properties)) * "\""
+ elseif !isnothing(GraphPPL.index(properties))
+ # HTML format for labels with indices
+ return string("<", GraphPPL.getname(properties), "", GraphPPL.index(properties), "", ">")
+ else
+ # For non-HTML labels, ensure it's enclosed in quotes
+ return "\"" * string(GraphPPL.getname(properties)) * "\""
+ end
+Writes DOT notation for nodes in a graph using simple iteration.
+Iterates through vertices and writes DOT format for:
+- Factor nodes: Light gray squares
+- Variable nodes: Circles
+# Arguments
+- `io_buffer::IOBuffer`: Buffer to write DOT output
+- `model_graph::GraphPPL.Model`: Factor graph model to visualize
+- `global_namespace_dict::Dict{Int64, Dict{Symbol, Any}}`: Maps vertex IDs to metadata
+- `::SimpleIteration`: Specifies simple iteration strategy
+# Raises
+- `Error`: If a vertex has an unrecognized type
+function add_nodes!(
+ io_buffer::IOBuffer, model_graph::GraphPPL.Model, global_namespace_dict::Dict{Int64, Dict{Symbol, Any}}, ::SimpleIteration
+ for vertex in MetaGraphsNext.vertices(model_graph.graph)
+ san_label = get_sanitized_node_name(global_namespace_dict[vertex])
+ # index the label of model_namespace_variables with "vertex"
+ label = MetaGraphsNext.label_for(model_graph.graph, vertex)
+ properties = model_graph[label].properties
+ displayed_label = get_displayed_label(properties)
+ if isa(properties, GraphPPL.FactorNodeProperties)
+ displayed_label = replace(displayed_label, "\"" => "", "#" => "")
+ write(io_buffer, " \"$(san_label)\" [shape=square, style=filled, fillcolor=lightgray, label=\"$(displayed_label)\"];\n")
+ elseif isa(properties, GraphPPL.VariableNodeProperties)
+ write(io_buffer, " \"$(san_label)\" [shape=circle, label=$(displayed_label)];\n")
+ else
+ error("Unknown node type for label $(san_label)")
+ end
+ end
+Writes DOT syntax for nodes in a graph visualization using breadth-first search traversal.
+Traverses the graph starting from the first created node and writes DOT notation for each node:
+- Factor nodes are drawn as light gray squares
+- Variable nodes are drawn as circles
+# Arguments
+- `io_buffer::IOBuffer`: Buffer to write the DOT string
+- `model_graph::GraphPPL.Model`: Factor graph model to extract nodes from
+- `global_namespace_dict::Dict{Int64, Dict{Symbol, Any}}`: Maps vertex IDs to namespace metadata
+- `::BFSTraversal`: Specifies BFS traversal strategy
+# Raises
+- `Error`: If a node has an unrecognized type
+function add_nodes!(io_buffer::IOBuffer, model_graph::GraphPPL.Model, global_namespace_dict::Dict{Int64, Dict{Symbol, Any}}, ::BFSTraversal)
+ n = nv(model_graph) # number of nodes in the model_graph
+ visited = falses(n) # array of visited nodes
+ cur_level = Vector{Int}() # current level of nodes processed in BFS/current layer of the BFS iteration
+ next_level = Vector{Int}() # next level of nodes for BFS iteration
+ s = 1 # always start at the initially created node of model_graph
+ if !visited[s]
+ visited[s] = true
+ push!(cur_level, s)
+ end
+ while !isempty(cur_level)
+ for v in cur_level # iterate over the verticies in the current level
+ # we use the sanitized vertex label in the visualization
+ san_label = get_sanitized_node_name(global_namespace_dict[v])
+ label = MetaGraphsNext.label_for(model_graph.graph, v)
+ properties = model_graph[label].properties
+ displayed_label = get_displayed_label(properties)
+ if isa(properties, GraphPPL.FactorNodeProperties)
+ displayed_label = replace(displayed_label, "\"" => "", "#" => "")
+ write(io_buffer, " \"$(san_label)\" [shape=square, style=filled, fillcolor=lightgray, label=\"$(displayed_label)\"];\n")
+ elseif isa(properties, GraphPPL.VariableNodeProperties)
+ write(io_buffer, " \"$(san_label)\" [shape=circle, label=$(displayed_label)];\n")
+ else
+ error("Unknown node type for label $(san_label)")
+ end
+ for v_neighb in MetaGraphsNext.neighbors(model_graph.graph, v)
+ if !visited[v_neighb]
+ visited[v_neighb] = true
+ push!(next_level, v_neighb)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ empty!(cur_level)
+ cur_level, next_level = next_level, cur_level
+ sort!(cur_level)
+ end
+Writes DOT syntax for edges in a graph visualization using simple iteration.
+# Arguments
+- `io_buffer::IOBuffer`: Buffer to write the DOT string
+- `model_graph::GraphPPL.Model`: Factor graph model to extract edges from
+- `global_namespace_dict::Dict{Int64, Dict{Symbol, Any}}`: Node metadata dictionary
+- `::SimpleIteration`: Simple iteration strategy
+- `edge_length::Float64`: Visual length of edges in the graph
+Iterates through edges in the graph and writes DOT syntax for each one, with edge lengths
+controlled by `edge_length`. Uses node metadata from `global_namespace_dict` to generate
+node labels.
+function add_edges!(
+ io_buffer::IOBuffer,
+ model_graph::GraphPPL.Model,
+ global_namespace_dict::Dict{Int64, Dict{Symbol, Any}},
+ ::SimpleIteration,
+ edge_length::Float64
+ for edge in MetaGraphsNext.edges(model_graph.graph)
+ source_vertex = MetaGraphsNext.label_for(model_graph.graph, edge.src)
+ dest_vertex = MetaGraphsNext.label_for(model_graph.graph, edge.dst)
+ # we use the sanitized names of the vertices in the final visualization
+ source_san_name = get_sanitized_node_name(global_namespace_dict[source_vertex.global_counter])
+ dest_san_name = get_sanitized_node_name(global_namespace_dict[dest_vertex.global_counter])
+ write(io_buffer, " \"$(source_san_name)\" -- \"$(dest_san_name)\" [len=$(edge_length)];\n")
+ end
+Generates DOT syntax for edges in a graph visualization using breadth-first search traversal.
+# Arguments
+- `io_buffer::IOBuffer`: Buffer to write the DOT string
+- `model_graph::GraphPPL.Model`: Factor graph model to extract edges from
+- `global_namespace_dict::Dict{Int64, Dict{Symbol, Any}}`: Node metadata dictionary
+- `::BFSTraversal`: BFS traversal strategy
+- `edge_length::Float64`: Visual length of edges in the graph
+Traverses the graph in BFS order and writes DOT syntax for each edge, with edge lengths
+controlled by `edge_length`. Uses node metadata from `global_namespace_dict` to generate
+node labels.
+function add_edges!(
+ io_buffer::IOBuffer,
+ model_graph::GraphPPL.Model,
+ global_namespace_dict::Dict{Int64, Dict{Symbol, Any}},
+ ::BFSTraversal,
+ edge_length::Float64
+ edge_set = Set{Tuple{Int, Int}}()
+ n = nv(model_graph)
+ visited = falses(n)
+ cur_level = Vector{Int}()
+ next_level = Vector{Int}()
+ s = 1
+ if !visited[s]
+ visited[s] = true
+ push!(cur_level, s)
+ end
+ while !isempty(cur_level)
+ for v in cur_level
+ for v_neighb in MetaGraphsNext.neighbors(model_graph.graph, v)
+ edge = (min(v, v_neighb), max(v, v_neighb))
+ if !(edge in edge_set)
+ source_vertex = MetaGraphsNext.label_for(model_graph.graph, v)
+ dest_vertex = MetaGraphsNext.label_for(model_graph.graph, v_neighb)
+ source_san_name = get_sanitized_node_name(global_namespace_dict[source_vertex.global_counter])
+ dest_san_name = get_sanitized_node_name(global_namespace_dict[dest_vertex.global_counter])
+ write(io_buffer, " \"$(source_san_name)\" -- \"$(dest_san_name)\" [len=$(edge_length)];\n")
+ push!(edge_set, edge)
+ end
+ if !visited[v_neighb]
+ visited[v_neighb] = true
+ push!(next_level, v_neighb)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ empty!(cur_level)
+ cur_level, next_level = next_level, cur_level
+ sort!(cur_level)
+ end
+A 'wrapper' arround a user-specified Symbolic expression which returns
+the associated traversal type.
+function convert_strategy(strategy::Symbol)
+ if strategy == :simple
+ return SimpleIteration()
+ elseif strategy == :bfs
+ return BFSTraversal()
+ else
+ error("Unknown traversal strategy: $strategy")
+ end
+Converts a GraphPPL.Model to a DOT string for visualization with GraphViz.jl.
+# Arguments
+- `model_graph::GraphPPL.Model`: The factor graph model to visualize
+- `strategy::Symbol`: Graph traversal strategy (`:simple` or `:bfs`)
+- `font_size::Int=12`: Font size for node labels
+- `edge_length::Float64=1.0`: Visual length of edges
+- `layout::String="neato"`: GraphViz layout engine ("dot", "neato", "fdp", etc)
+- `overlap::Bool=false`: Whether to allow node overlap
+- `width::Float64=10.0`: Display width in inches
+- `height::Float64=10.0`: Display height in inches
+- `save_to::String=nothing`: Optional path to save SVG output
+# Returns
+- `String`: DOT format string representing the graph
+# Details
+Generates a DOT string visualization of a GraphPPL.Model with configurable layout and styling options.
+If `save_to` is provided, saves the visualization as an SVG file.
+function GraphViz.load(
+ model_graph::GraphPPL.Model;
+ strategy::Symbol,
+ font_size::Int = 12,
+ edge_length::Float64 = 1.0,
+ layout::String = "neato",
+ overlap::Bool = false,
+ width::Float64 = 10.0,
+ height::Float64 = 10.0,
+ save_to::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing
+ traversal_strategy = convert_strategy(strategy)
+ # get the entire namespace dict
+ global_namespace_dict = get_namespace_variables_dict(model_graph)
+ # use Base.IOBuffer instead of string concatenation
+ io_buffer = IOBuffer()
+ write(io_buffer, "graph G {\n")
+ write(io_buffer, " layout=$(layout);\n")
+ write(io_buffer, " overlap =$(string(overlap));\n") # control if allowing node overlaps
+ write(io_buffer, " size=\"$(width),$(height)!\";\n")
+ write(io_buffer, " node [shape=circle, fontsize=$(font_size)];\n")
+ # Nodes
+ add_nodes!(io_buffer, model_graph, global_namespace_dict, traversal_strategy)
+ # Edges
+ add_edges!(io_buffer, model_graph, global_namespace_dict, traversal_strategy, edge_length)
+ write(io_buffer, "}")
+ final_string = String(take!(io_buffer))
+ final_dot = GraphViz.Graph(final_string)
+ if !isnothing(save_to)
+ open(save_to, "w") do io
+ show(io, MIME"image/svg+xml"(), final_dot)
+ end
+ end
+ return final_dot
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/graph_engine.jl b/src/graph_engine.jl
index 74d1fb9c..9df58478 100644
--- a/src/graph_engine.jl
+++ b/src/graph_engine.jl
@@ -739,6 +739,10 @@ function Base.convert(::Type{FactorNodeProperties}, fform, options::NodeCreation
return FactorNodeProperties(fform = fform, neighbors = get(options, :neighbors, Tuple{NodeLabel, EdgeLabel, NodeData}[]))
+getname(properties::FactorNodeProperties) = string(properties.fform)
+prettyname(properties::FactorNodeProperties) = prettyname(properties.fform)
+prettyname(fform::Any) = string(fform) # Can be overloaded for custom pretty names
fform(properties::FactorNodeProperties) = properties.fform
neighbors(properties::FactorNodeProperties) = properties.neighbors
addneighbor!(properties::FactorNodeProperties, variable::NodeLabel, edge::EdgeLabel, data) =
diff --git a/test/Project.toml b/test/Project.toml
index ee6cee3a..1c252e10 100644
--- a/test/Project.toml
+++ b/test/Project.toml
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Aqua = "4c88cf16-eb10-579e-8560-4a9242c79595"
BitSetTuples = "0f2f92aa-23a3-4d05-b791-88071d064721"
Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
Graphs = "86223c79-3864-5bf0-83f7-82e725a168b6"
+GraphViz = "f526b714-d49f-11e8-06ff-31ed36ee7ee0"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
MacroTools = "1914dd2f-81c6-5fcd-8719-6d5c9610ff09"
MetaGraphsNext = "fa8bd995-216d-47f1-8a91-f3b68fbeb377"
diff --git a/test/ext/graphviz_integration_tests.jl b/test/ext/graphviz_integration_tests.jl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1454610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ext/graphviz_integration_tests.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+@testitem "Model visualizations with GraphViz: generate DOT and save to file" begin
+ using GraphPPL, Distributions, GraphViz
+ include("../testutils.jl")
+ # test params for layout and strategy combinations
+ layouts = ["dot", "neato"]
+ strategies = [:bfs, :simple]
+ test_imgs_path = joinpath(@__DIR__, "graphviz_test_imgs") #gitignored
+ if !isdir(test_imgs_path)
+ mkdir(test_imgs_path)
+ end
+ import .TestUtils.ModelZoo as A
+ # for all models in the models zoo
+ for model in TestUtils.ModelZoo.ModelsInTheZooWithoutArguments
+ # for each combination of layout and strategy
+ for gv_layout in layouts
+ for gv_strategy in strategies
+ model_name = string(model)
+ test_imgs_name = string(model_name, "_", gv_strategy, "_", gv_layout, ".svg")
+ save_to_path = joinpath(test_imgs_path, test_imgs_name)
+ # Create an instance of the model
+ model_to_draw = GraphPPL.create_model(model())
+ # Generate the DOT code and save the image to the specified file for later analysis
+ GraphViz.load(model_to_draw, layout = gv_layout, strategy = gv_strategy, save_to = save_to_path)
+ # Check if the file was created
+ mktemp() do path, io
+ GraphViz.load(model_to_draw, layout = gv_layout, strategy = gv_strategy, save_to = path)
+ @test isfile(path)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/testutils.jl b/test/testutils.jl
index 23cdc7a1..633f99ea 100644
--- a/test/testutils.jl
+++ b/test/testutils.jl
@@ -70,18 +70,26 @@ export PointMass, ArbitraryNode, NormalMeanVariance, NormalMeanPrecision, GammaS
struct PointMass end
+GraphPPL.prettyname(::Type{PointMass}) = "δ"
GraphPPL.NodeBehaviour(::TestGraphPPLBackend, ::Type{PointMass}) = GraphPPL.Deterministic()
struct ArbitraryNode end
+GraphPPL.prettyname(::Type{ArbitraryNode}) = "ArbitraryNode"
GraphPPL.NodeBehaviour(::TestGraphPPLBackend, ::Type{ArbitraryNode}) = GraphPPL.Stochastic()
struct NormalMeanVariance end
+GraphPPL.prettyname(::Type{NormalMeanVariance}) = "𝓝(μ, σ^2)"
GraphPPL.NodeBehaviour(::TestGraphPPLBackend, ::Type{NormalMeanVariance}) = GraphPPL.Stochastic()
struct NormalMeanPrecision end
+GraphPPL.prettyname(::Type{NormalMeanPrecision}) = "𝓝(μ, σ^-2)"
GraphPPL.NodeBehaviour(::TestGraphPPLBackend, ::Type{NormalMeanPrecision}) = GraphPPL.Stochastic()
GraphPPL.aliases(::TestGraphPPLBackend, ::Type{Normal}) = (Normal, NormalMeanVariance, NormalMeanPrecision)
@@ -371,7 +379,15 @@ end
+@model function coin_toss_model()
+ θ ~ Beta(1, 2)
+ for i in 1:5
+ y[i] ~ Bernoulli(θ)
+ end
const ModelsInTheZooWithoutArguments = [
+ coin_toss_model,