# Rusty Z-Wave

The `rzw` crate provides a native functionality to control a Z-Wave network over a USB Z-Wave dongle. It's completely written in Rust to ensure safety and performance.

## Compatibility
The `rzw` crate depends on the serial create, which is compatible with Windows and any Unix operating system that implements the termios API. The following platforms are confirmed to be compatible:

* Linux (x86_64, armv6l)
* OS X (x86_64)
* FreeBSD (amd64)
* OpenBSD (amd64)
* Windows (x86_64)
Compiling the `rzw` crate requires Rust 1.9 or later.

## Usage
Add `rzw` as a dependency in `Cargo.toml`:
rzw = { git = "https://github.com/Roba1993/rzw" }

Use the `rzw::Controller` as starting point to communicate, with the Z-Wave network.
extern crate rzw;

fn main() {
    // Access the zwave network
    let zwave = rzw::open("/dev/tty.usbmodem1411").unwrap();

    // get all node ids
    let nodes = zwave.nodes();

    // loop over the nodes
    for node in nodes {
        // print the available command classes for each node
        println!("{:?}" zwave.node(node).map(|n| n.get_commands()));

        // set the basic value on all nodes
        // for binary switch this means, turn them on
        zwave.node(node_id).map(|n| n.basic_set(0xFF)).unwrap();

## Resources

- [zwave info compilation](https://github.com/yepher/RaZBerry)
- [zwave official specifications](http://zwavepublic.com/specifications)
- https://clemovernet.wordpress.com/2015/08/26/z-wave-definition-des-trames-partie-1/
## Thanks
* To the [serial-rs](https://github.com/dcuddeback/serial-rs) team - who made this crate possible.

## License
Copyright © 2016 Robert Schütte

Distributed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).