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Releases: Roblox/terraform-provider-maas
Releases · Roblox/terraform-provider-maas
Added support for KVM, Rack Controller Install, and HWE Kernel support
Merge pull request #8 from lurkingsystemsdude/abeeman-kvm-hwe-rebase HWE kernels, KVM, install_rackd support
Additional metadata stored in Terraform state
- Added additional metadata to be stored in the Terraform state file
v2.0: Merge pull request #3 from Roblox/PE-8288
Refactored code base to make it easier for adding new features. Due to the code base and what is needed this is a hard fork from the original repository.
- Added ability to lock nodes on MAAS 2.5 and later
- Added new unit testing
Initial Release For Terraform Provider
This is the initial built release for the Terraform provider. Please download the correct version for your platform. The process for installation will vary by OS.
On Mac/Linux:
- Download the correct binary for your platform
- Place in your local machine at ~/.terraform.d/plugins/
- Rename it to
On Windows:
- Download the correct binary for your platform, if you are unsure try this.
- Place in your local machine at %APPDATA%\terraform.d\plugins
- Rename the file to terraform-provider-maas.exe