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764 lines (610 loc) · 35.6 KB

File metadata and controls

764 lines (610 loc) · 35.6 KB
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  • Hopefully turn this changelog into something more orthodox
  • Make Machina types JSON-de/serializable via DataContracts
  • The HUMAN compiler doesn't export actions with the real/abs and axis/cartesian problem, even though it should since it doesn't really need to apply the actions to the writer... Same for 'MACHINA' compiler...
  • Add 'EASE' mode to motion, as an option for UR robots to do MoveL
  • noTool gets declared on every ABB program, even if not used. Fix this, and probably use tool0 on compilation?
  • Review if second attachments produce a TCP transformation without undoing the previous tool.


BUILD 1600

  • Added KUKA online control thanks to @Arastookhajehee! 🤓


BUILD 1508

  • Added ArcMotion/To action.
  • ArcMotion action compiles to ABB offline
  • ArcMotion action streams to ABB online
  • Fixed ABB variable-base compiler, id numbers are now correlative.

BUILD 1507

  • Improvements to the KUKA compiler from @Arastookhajehee! 😄


BUILD 1506

  • Fixed bug that wouldn't allow WriteAnalog and WriteDigital to be exected on the same program.


BUILD 1505

  • Fixed a bug with WriteAnalog on UR devices.


BUILD 1504

Action.Id generation comes from a static counter in the Action class. This had a couple problems: - The counter is unique to the library. So, if a Robot was Disposed and a new one created, the first action for the second one would pick up from where the previous robot left (like resetting the Bridge multiple times). Alternatively, if the same assembly manages two robots, their action ids would alternate or be entwined. - Can't do it instance, because it would require factory methods from the robot to create actions. - Solution: new Actions are created with an id of -1 (or id-less). This maintains the flexibility of creating robot-agnostic actions. However, when they get issued to a Robot instance, the instance adds a rolling id coming from an internal counter. - Let's see how many things I break by doing this... XD - In any case, in the future, migration to non-numeric ids would be preferred...

  • Shift Action.Id generation to OnIssue.

BUILD 1503

  • Softened exceptions for RobotStudioManager: they are now Machina Logger Errors.
  • ActionExecuted events are now raised for Actions that are non-streamable (like MotionMode). This is a good improvement, and solves a problem with the Bridge were such actions would not get acknowledged.


BUILD 1502

  • Compilers now have embedded abstract comment characters and encoding
  • Compilers now return MachinaFile objects instead of List<string>. This helps with multi-file program creation.
  • MachinaFiles serialize to different string lists...
  • KUKA compiler now returns dat and src files.
    • MachinaFiles is now RobotProgramFile
  • Added RobotProgram as an aggregator of RobotProgramFiles.
  • Adapt the ABB compiler to spit out two files
  • Adapt the UR compiler to spit out the script file
  • Adapt all the other compilers to reflect these changes
  • Check that all changes work
  • Split Types namespace into Types.Geometry and Types.Data or similar
  • Will need to change the GH + Dynamo compilers to adapt to these changes...

BUILD 1501

  • Changed the KUKA compiler with edits suggested by Alexander and Matty from RMIT.


BUILD 1500

  • Picked the project up after a long hiatus...
  • Added [ParseableFromString] attribute for those methods in the API that can be parsed from primitive values.
  • Changed Do(): it now parses a string and tries to turn it into an action using reflection.
  • Added Issue(Action): does what Do() used to do, take an Action and issue it.


BUILD 1430

  • Add wobj code option for ABB driver.
  • Add quick conversion utility which I will totally revert...


BUILD 1429

  • Fix Example files.


BUILD 1428

  • Revert RobotCursor to default null tool; this was giving a full other set of problems... Let's see what I break now by doing this...
  • Fix bug where tools changes would accumulate rather than undo...
  • New build version to keep up with Dynamo app update.


BUILD 1426

  • CustomAction on ABB now adds action id and statemenet terminator automatically.
  • Add quick custom action on ABB for Yumi gripping
  • Fix check on UR protocol

BUILD 1427

  • Helper methods are now under Machina.Utilites namespace.
  • Add utility parsing functions.


BUILD 1424

  • Added more getters for robot state
  • More Type stringification
  • RobotCursor now has the "noTool" tool attached by default.
  • Unstreamable action now is logged at Verbose level

BUILD 1425

  • Workaround to SW3.0 crash problem: #7
  • Relative actions now log absolute state on Verbose

v0.8.5 - UR fixes

BUILD 1423

  • UR now uses movep for linear motion, to ensure constant speed and blending radius
  • Fix UR tool rounding error on weight.
  • Fix UR analog out not existing for tool
  • Fix UR DO for tool not streaming.

BUILD 1424

  • UR now initializes state (no need to start with a Transform...)
  • Improved native type stringification.
  • TCP position and Axes are now displayed upon connection.
  • Fix typos on UR compiler
  • Reverted back to UR movel motion on online due to SW3.0 problems: #7
  • Additional error handling for UR dis/connection.
  • Reverted default ToString() to no labels (must extend this behavior to all the other types)


BUILD 1421

  • Made number stringification on compilers CultureInvariant

BUILD 1422

  • Add IInstructionable interface and implement it on Tool and all Actions
  • Fix Tool not attaching correctly when TCP info is missing
  • The ABB driver now accepts messages longer than 80 chars.


BUILD 1420 - The YuMi fix

  • Change ABB driver to account for different robtarget and jointtarget ext axes.
  • Add ArmAngle action to set the value of the arm-angle for 7-dof robotic arms.
  • Add ArmAngleTo to the API. For the time being, we will only have absolute modal for this.
  • RobotCursor now keeps track of cartesian and joint external axes separately.
  • ExternalAxis now accepts a third parameter as the target for this action: cartesian targets, joint targets or all.
  • Changes to drivers, added motion update control and CustomCode for real-time streaming

BUILD 1419

  • Fix typos on UR modules
  • Add .prg program init for ABB modules
  • Add GetDeviceDriverModules(params) as a way of retrieving module files
  • Quick and dirty fixing of the UR manager not being able to reconnect after disconnection
  • Fix tool detachment when robot was coming from axis motion.


BUILD 1418

  • Logger functions are public now, so that external clients can log. Not great, but looking at making the Bridge great again!
  • id on MachinaEventArgs json fixed to number.
  • Remove several throws in favor of error logs and unsuccessful connections.
  • Adding same tool name was giving errors, fixed.
  • Add main task loader for RobotStudioManager as quick fix to interface to Yumi robots...
  • Multiple threads were using the same _responseChunks array, fixed using a local variable now.
  • Started stringifying numbers with Culture.Invariant, must find a better, more programmatic and less pain in the ass way.


BUILD 1417

  • Added monitoring module for real-time streaming of full poses.
  • Add TCP listener for monitor on TCPCommunicationManagerABB
  • MotionUpdate event is raised if real-time data is available on ABB robot.


BUILD 1416

  • Rename main Control RobotCursors to match the issue/release/execute pattern.
  • New ActionExecuted event, combines former MotionCursorUpdated and ActionCompleted in the same event.
  • New ActionReleased event, raised any time an Action is sent to the device for execution.
  • New ActionIssued event, raised any time an Action is successfully issued and scheduled for release or compilation.
  • Base scaffolding for MotionUpdate event.

BUILD 1415

  • Created DefineTool, AttachTool and DetachTool as the new tool-related actions.
  • Flagged Attach and Detach for deprecation.

BUILD 1414

  • Removal of all JointAcceleration, JointSpeed and RotationSpeed actions.
  • Add version check for ABB robots
  • Add ExternalAxis init msg from the ABB driver
  • Make sure correct speed values are being sent and parsed by the drivers...
    • ABB
    • UR

BUILD 1413

  • Massive API deprecation.

BUILD 1412

  • Split Action classes
  • Removed static Action constructors.
  • Add :base() to several children Action classes
  • ActionType is not an abstract property of Action

BUILD 1411

  • Add Machina.Logger for global message logging.
  • Subscription to Machina.Logger.WriteLine broadcasts formatted messages below the set Machina.Logger.SetLevel(int).
  • Improved Logging system
  • Console dump levels: DEBUG (5), VERBOSE (4), INFO (3), WARNING (2), ERROR (1) and NONE (0).


BUILD 1410

  • Create ToolCreated event (intern request ;)
  • Add MACHINA compiler: it serializes each Action into its ToInstruction form.

BUILD 1409

  • TCPCommunicationManagerABB now listens to incoming messages from the driver
  • TCPCommunicationManagerABB now is initialized with pose + joint data from the controller, which means being able to start with any relative/abs motion.
  • TCPCommunicationManagerABB now waits for initialization data from the driver before successfully connecting, and fails to do so on timeout.

BUILD 1408

  • Create MachinaEventArgs abstract class and derivates per Event
  • Each evenArgs now serializes itself into a JSON object
  • Raising all events is now handled by Control
  • Improve OnActionCompleted: it now returns the correct remaining action count, plus the buffer.


BUILD 1407

  • Add ExternalAxes Action
  • Add eternalAxes as cursor state
  • Add ExternalAxes(double? ext1 = null, double? ext2 = null, double? ext3 = null, double? ext4 = null, double? ext5 = null, double? ext6 = null)
  • Update ABB driver to 1.0.2
  • Update ABB compiler
  • Update ABBCommunicationProtocol
  • Add ExternalAxes data type to replace double?[]
  • Add .ToArrayString() method to a bunch of data types, to generate array-like string representations: Vector(500, 200, 300) --> "[500,200,300]"
  • Fix a lot of rounding for String representation.
  • Change ExternalAxes(double? a1...a6) to ExternalAxis(axisNumber, value)
  • Add CustomCode(string statement, bool isDeclaration) Action


BUILD 1405

  • Remove EOL chars and add double quotes to name in Tool.ToInstruction()
  • Update ABB driver

BUILD 1404

  • Deprecate direct Tool constructors, substituted with static Tool.Create(...)
  • Add a private Tool constructor with all parameters as primitives.
  • Add Tool.ToInstruction() method to produce streamable message
  • Fix typos in Actions

BUILD 1403

  • Add safe program name check to avoid
  • IOs can now be named with string
  • Remove Robot.SetIOName()
  • Add toolPin option for IOs (UR robots)


BUILD 1402

  • Add ToInstruction() override to Action: Generates a string representing a "serialized" instruction representing the Machina-API command that would have generated this action. Useful for generating actions to send to the Bridge.


BUILD 1401

  • Speed/To can now be a double
  • Precision/To can now be a double
  • Tweaks to ABB compiler to accept the above.
  • Add Acceleration and AccelerationTo actions: add to Actions, Cursor, Settings
    • Add acceleration params to UR compiler
    • Acceleration values of zero or less reset it back to the robot's default.
  • Add RotationSpeed/To() option
    • Add ABB correct compilation with defaults
    • Add UR warning compilation message
  • Add JointSpeed/To() and JointAcceleration/To() for UR robots
    • Add UR compilation
    • Add ABB compilation warnings
  • UR streaming


BUILD 1400

This release focuses on reworking the Streaming mode to base it off TCP connection with the controller server.

  • New factory constructor: new Robot(...) is now Robot.Create(...)
  • Offline mode working with new architecture
  • Add ConnectionManager() with options user (they are in charge of setting up communication server/firmatas) or machina (the library will try to make its best to figure out connection).
  • Created a lot of utility classes and managers of different kinds, trying to make the library SOLID
  • So many other untracked changes...
  • Fix C:/mod permissions for non-admins, use ENV system path
  • Rework the ABB real-time connection
  • Add an overload for TransformTo that takes single values as x, y, z, xvec0, xvec1, xvec2, yvec0, yvec1, yvec2.
  • Add BufferEmpty event
  • Add MotionCursorUpdated event
  • Add GetCurrentPosition() vs. GetVirtualPsotion(), drawing from state/virtual cursor.
  • Same for orientation and axes.
  • Add SetUser(name, password) to specify special logging credentials.
  • RobotWare options are now checked after log-on: for restricted accounts, system.xml is not accessible.

BUILD 1308

  • Remove Undefined from MotionMode
  • Add some kind of descriptive text for each MotionMode
  • Add ExtrusionRate to Settings


  • REMOVE THE REGULAR/TO MODEL, and add a ActionMode("absolute"/"relative") to substitute it!

    • ActionMode becomes a property of the cursor.
    • Under this, Actions cannot be independently defined, but their meaning varies depending on when/where in the program they have been issued! :( This detracts from the conceptual independence of the Action and its platform-agnosticity... This may make sense in command-line environments, but will be quite shitty in VPLs
    • Make Push/PopSettings() store ActionMode too? --> Decided not to go for this. The focus of this project is the CORE library, not the VPLs APIS... And when writting Machina code, the ...To() suffix is quite convenient and literal to quickly switch between modes, makes different explicit, is faster to type/read, and works better with auto completion in dev IDEs. Furtehrmore, it is interesting to keep the idea that Actions are agnostic to the medium; it would be weird if the same line of code would mean different things depending on the state of the cursor: the action should be absolute or relative on its own. --> VPLs will have selector tabs to change the mode, or additional parameters to set abs/rel mode (the most typical usage scenario is using abs mode anyway...).
  • Add ExtrusionRateTo() and TemperatureTo()

  • Add ExtrusionRateTo() and TemperatureTo()

  • Rename "MotionType" to "MotionMode": action API and enum value

  • Rename Mode() to ControlMode()

  • Rename RunMode() to CycleMode()

  • Rename 'Attach' to 'AttachTool', and 'Detach' to 'DetachTools'...?

  • Rename 'PushSettings' to 'SettingsPush' and same for Pop?

  • Print a disclaimer header for exported code

  • Print a disclaimer header for exported code

    • Fix ASCII art --> It is bad when writting text from UTF-8 to ASCII (every filetype but human...)
  • Rename Zone and Joints Actions in actions

  • Fix OfflineAPIs

BUILD 1306 - 0.4.3

  • Make sure Extrusion Actions don't cause weird effects in non-3D printer compilers and viceversa
  • Rethink what the 3D printer does automatically and what needs to be managed by the user: temperature, calibration, homing... --> The philosophy of the library is that it is a very low-level 3D printer interface as a result of the ibject being a machine that can move in 3D space. It is for simple custom operations, not really for hi-end printing (user would be much better off using a slicer software).
    • Focus on the ZMorph for now; if at some point I use other printer, will expand functionality.
    • Add Initialize() and Terminate() for custom initialization and ending boilerplates.
    • Change Extrude(bool) to Extrude(double) to include ExtrusionRate, and remove ExtrusionRate --> let's keep it like this for the moment, might be confusing/tyring to combine them. --> Perhaps add a Extrude(double) overload tht combines them both?

BUILD 1305 - 0.4.2

  • Change Joints/To to Axes/To
  • Split Compliers into indiv cs
  • Add Temperature()
  • Add Extrude()
  • Add ExtrusionRate()
  • Test 'Temperature' etc
  • Implement GCode compiler for ZMorph
  • Basic 3D Printing example

BUILD 1304 - 0.4.1

  • Add SetIOName() to customize IO names
  • Rename and migrate Zone to Precision

BUILD 1303 - 0.4.0

  • Remove id comments
  • Add option to include robot actions as comments
  • Fix TPWrite length message on ABB compilers

BUILD 1302

  • Add Tooling for KUKA+UR
  • Test that Tool attach/detachment works good

BUILD 1301

  • Vector.Orthoginalize(...)
  • First stub at Plane object:
    • Constructors with origin and orientation

BUILD 1300

  • BRobot is now called Machina
  • Fix big: TransformTo is not working good, only outputs [0,0,0,1] or [1,0,0,0] quaternions for ABB. There was a typo in RM creation.

BUILD 1215

  • Notes on new Reference system:
    • Right now .Coordinates() accepts a global (robot base) or local (TCP) setting. This means:
      • On global, .MoveTo() does absolute XYZ in cartesian space and .Move() does relative transformations in that system
      • On local, .Move() uses the dynamic TCP reference frame and MoveTo() still does absolute location based on global coordinates. This is probably not very consistent.
    • For starters, global could be renamed to base or robotBase and local to tool. This is probably more understandable. After that, the following will apply:
      • On base, .MoveTo() does absolute XYZ in cartesian space and .Move() does relative transformations in that orientation. ABB compilation would use WObj0
      • On tool, .Move() uses the TCP reference frame. Because of the dynamic nature of the TCP, MoveTo() would effectively have the same effect as .Move(). ABB compilation would use WObj0 and frame is computed internally? Use RelTool instead?
    • On top of this, this would allow for custom reference systems to be entered.
      • Let's say we could do:
        ReferenceSystem bench = new ReferenceSystem("bench",
            new Point(300, 0, 200),
            new Orientation(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0));
        // Alternatively:
        ReferenceSystem gig = ReferenceSystem.FromABBWObj("gig", "...wobj declaration string goes here...");
      • From there, postprocessing/compilation could happen with wobjs or the like.
      • Cursors will have two additional properties: Enum CoordinateType {Base, Tool, Custom}, and CustomCoodinate {null if Base/Tool, Reference obj if Custom}
      • Cursors would have two internal frames: one in the chosen reference system, and another one in robot base coordinates. Both representations would be managed simultaneously.

BUILD 1214

  • Add a bunch of public getters to retrieve the state of the robot (useful for testing)

BUILD 1213

  • Add Tools
    • Tool class
    • Tool Action
    • Tool API
    • Tool to cursors
    • Tool in CompilerABB
    • TEST
    • Implement .Detach()

BUILD 1212

  • Rework the Rotation interface!
  • Massive rework of all classes...

BUILD 1211

  • Quaternion cleanup
  • AxisAngle now features a Vector Axis object

BUILD 1210

  • Internal rework of classes and files

BUILD 1209

  • Point is now Vector:
    • All internal instances of Point have been changed to Vector
    • There is still a new Point class. This is just for the sake of the public API, for the sake of presenting a perceied difference between a location and a direction. This is just cosmetic, everything is Vectors internally...

BUILD 1208

BUILD 1207

    • Create 3x3 matrix
    • M33 > Q
    • Q > M33
    • TESTS
    • M33 > Q > M33
    • TESTS
    • M33.Inverse()
    • M33.Transpose()
    • Orthogonality checks on creation of a M33
    • Q > M33 > Q
    • Do two opposed quaternions yield the same RM?
    • M33 > AA
    • AA > M33
    • M33 > RV
    • RV > M33
  • Acknowledge EuclideanSpace

BUILD 1206


    • Simple conversion from AxisAngle
    • ... a lot of unlogged goodness
    • RV > AA > RV
    • RV > Q > RV

    • Add AxisAngle.IsEquivalent()
    • Implicit conversion to Point
  • Add Point.CompareDirections() for parallelism, orthogonality and oppositeness.

  • Update readme with KUKA implementation and development levels.

BUILD 1205

  • Rework all rotation definitions, add different definition modes, write testing suit, make this good once and for all!
      • Quaternion Implementation
      • Quaternions are always normalized on construction for proper rotation representation
      • Add Quaternion Vector-Normalization: if between {-1, 1}, keep scalar component constant and normalize the rotation axis.
      • Add fallback to regular normalization if Vector-Norm is not possible.
      • Add fallback to convert the Quaternion to identity if trying to normalize a zero-length Q
      • The above fallback takes into account the sign of the rotation to return positive or negative identity quaternions (not sure why, it just feels like it makes sense...)
      • Fixed a bug that made quaternions flip the axis for negative leading member on Vector-normalization...
      • Quaternion -> AaxisAngle -> Quaternion successful conversion
      • AxisAngle implementation
      • Auto-normalization on creation
      • .IsZero on zero axis or zero angle
      • Working simple AxisAngle to Quaternion conversion.
      • Add AA -> Q -> AA tests (account for Q returning always positive rotation)
      • AxisAngle.Flip() + .Modulate()

BUILD 1204

  • Add KUKA KRL. Still a lot of testing to do!

BUILD 1203

  • Add inline generation of poses, instead of splitting them into variables.
  • Add 'id' count to Actions
  • Reduce numerical precison on string exports, we don't need 15 decimals:
    movej(p[0.2, 0.319848077530122, 0.401736481776669, 0.137046446582579, 1.56644805234647, 0.137046446582579], a=1, v=0.025, r=0.001)

BUILD 1202

  • RobotCursor for ABBs and URs is pretty much identical, except for the utility functions, which pretty much relate to compilation anyway. Move this to Compiler and keep one unitary Cursor.
  • Add string to Robot constructor to determine robot make.
  • Add .Comment() to generate inline custom comments
  • Add .Comment() to the Reference.
  • On export, add an additional file with human-readable instructions --> Added .Robot("HUMAN")! Unrecognized brand names default to this compiler.

BUILD 1201

  • Testing and debugging of UR offline code generation

BUILD 1200

  • Project is now targetting .NET framework 4.6.1 (because of the new ABB.Robotics library...)
  • BRobot for Dynamo is now a package
  • Renamed Rotation.GetRotationVector() to .GetRotationAxis(), this will only return the unit vector corresponding to the rotation axis.
  • Added Rotation.GetRotationVector() to return the axis-angle representation of the Quaternion
  • Add Joint.Scale()
  • Fix PushPop actions generating targets on compilation
  • Updated old TEST_OfflineAPITests to new abs+rel conventions, specially speeds and zones.



  • Rework Actions
    • Make a static API that can generate them as objects
    • Add the possibility of not inputing speed+zone+mType, and stick to the previous cursor state
    • Merge R+T & T+R into one.
    • Do Speed(), Zone() and Motion() become Actions as well? How would this work with push+popSettings?
    • If they were Actions, relative and absolute modes could be implemented: .Speed(10) is an increase, .SpeedTo(10) is a setting.
  • Add a CS constructor from a Rotation object
  • R+T vs T+R order in Transform isn't working
  • This example doesn't work!
        Point dir = new Point(0, 5, 0);
        for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
            dir.Rotate(0, 0, 1, -10);  // rotate the vector 10 degs around unit Z vector
            Console.WriteLine("DIR" + dir);

BUILD 1118

  • Implement Actions in a Dynamo suite of nodes

BUILD 1117

  • Fixed local orientation problem
  • Reworked Settings to become Actions: Speed, Zone, Motion and Coordinates.
  • Modify walkthoruhg and API with SpeedTo + ZoneTo
  • Add static Action constructors mirroring the main API
  • Bring back Push and PopSettings with some simple workaround

BUILD 1116

  • Get stream mode working again, with all available actions
  • Improved subscription and disposal methods, looks like it might now be reliable if the client always properly disconnects...
  • Robot.ControlMode() is now .Mode()

BUILD 1115

  • ProgramGenerator class is now Compiler
  • Deactivated Queue class
  • Deactivated Path class and all related methods
  • Rebirth of Execute mode
    • motionCursor
    • .Execute() instruction
    • Move ActionBuffer and Compiler now to the RobotCursor class
    • Add some queue manager for actions released from the virtualCursor and awaiting in the writerCursor. In other words, find a way to .Execute() several buffered actions, and have the queue manager wait for the robot to stop running the program before sending a new batch of instructions. --> Do actionBuffers belong to the virtualCursors?? --> Added this in a rather weird way, not sure if I should rethink this...
    • Add comments to all of the above, it is kinda confusing right now...
  • Add joint position on Execute cursor initilaization.
  • Removed device-specific overloads from primitive DataTypes.

BUILD 1114

  • Quick Dynamo ZeroTouchNodes test

BUILD 1113

  • Rename the project ;)

BUILD 1112

  • List .Export()
  • API implementations:
    • .Coordinates()
    • back to .Move() relying on current CS and .MoveTo() as absolute
    • same with .Rotate() and .Transform()
    • transform J options --> will use .Motion(strType) as a setting instead
  • Fixed ProgramGenerator bug running actions twice on writeCursor.
  • API consolidation: make a decision about the final syntax of rel/abs/local/world transforms
  • Write a full 'unit test' program to verify functionality doesn't break

BUILD 1111

  • Add comments to all missing actions
  • Rename all syntax instances of 'velocity' (vector) to 'speed' (scalar)
  • Refactor .setvel and .setzone to .speed and .zone
  • Remove MointType.Joints: there is only one type of ActionJoint, so there is no need to specify this
  • Improved ProgramGenerator workflow
  • Resolve inconsistencies between degree and radian angle representation (make everything radians by standard, with special overloads for degrees?) --> Hybrid: all inputs are degs, all return values are radians...

BUILD 1110

  • Add .Message(string) action ;) (will be a good test for program generation with non-movement actions)
  • Add .Wait(long millis) action
  • Rewrite program generation to accept non-movement actions (or even the ones that don't apply at all) --> This could be done more programmatically, but moving on... :)

BUILD 1109

  • Add .Joints() and .JointsTo() actions
  • Refine Actions checks on first type issued as absolute...
  • Test Z table limitations with RT + TR transformations

BUILD 1108

  • Port Util methods as static to their appropriate geometry class
  • Rewrite relative .Move actions:
    • Implement .MoveGlobal() --> moves the TCP this increment in World coordinates
    • Implement .MoveLocal() --> moves the TCP this increment in TCP coordinates
  • Add Transform() actions: a combination of Move and Rotate at the same time
    • .TransformTo()
    • .TransformLocal()
    • .TransformGlobal()
    • Inverse Rot + Trans action

BUILD 1107

  • Implement bot.PushSettings() & bot.PopSettings();
  • Necessary geometry implementations for Rotations:
    • Quaternion unitization
    • Quaternion from vector and angle, including unit vector checks
    • Quaternion multiplication
    • Transformation of a Point by a Quaternion rotation.
    • Get Vector and Angle from a rotation: always return the positive angle solution?
    • CoordinateSystem class, representing a 3x3 rotation matrix
    • A robust Quaternion from vecX, vecY with internal checks
    • And back to CS from Quaternion! ;)
  • Add Rotate() actions
    • RotateTo(q1..q4); // hardcode quat rotation --> NO, not intuitive for the user...
    • RotateTo(vecX, vecY); // note this method should take care of normalizing and orthogonizing the vectors, with Z being unnecessary
    • RotateTo(Rotation)
    • RotateTo(CoordinateSystem)
    • RotateGlobal(); // rotates current TCP around world axis
    • RotateLocal(); // rotates current TCP aroung local axis

BUILD 1106

  • Code cleanup and commenting
  • Create a basic offline example
  • Fix broken examples
  • Added placeholder API actions
  • Add internal names to VirtualPointers
  • Renamed RobotPointer to RobotCursor
  • Restructure crappy barfed code more programmatically --> Wait till a more complete scope arises.

BUILD 1105

  • Develop 'Offline' mode with the new framework
    • Still shaky and narrow, but the main foundation is there... :)

BUILD 1104

  • Implement RobotPointers class
    • Low-level state description of Virtual, Streaming and Real robots
    • Link the virtual one to API-level instructions

BUILD 1103

  • Implement API-level instructions
    • .Move()
    • .MoveTo()
    • .Rotate()
    • .RotateTo()
    • .Transform() // movement and rotation combined
    • .TRansformTo()
    • All the above in J mode (joint movement)
    • .Joints() // relative joint movement
    • .JointsTo() // absolute joint movement
    • .FullTransform() // a full constructor with all
    • .FullJoint() // a full constructor

BUILD 1102

  • Create a framework for abstract Actions
    • Create Action class, very low-level: mostly just primitive properties.
    • Design it to be either two types (transform vs joints) or a single one (how?)
    • Add properties for abs/rel Pos, abs/rel Rot, abs/rel Joint, movement type (lin/joint), vel, zone.
    • Create an ActionBuffer class where issued actions get buffered until released somewhere (to a file as a module, to the controller as an uploaded program, to he controller as individual targets).

BUILD 1101

  • New class structure:
    • Split all the public Robot API from all the internal actual operations
    • Centralize private methods into a Control class
    • Add placeholder classes for future developments (Tool, Library, Solvers, etc.)
    • Create a dedicated Communication class to handle connections to real/virtual controllers
  • Port all current functionality into the new structure
  • Make sure everything works as before with the new structure
  • Add Build number
  • Merged ConnectionMode & OnlineMode into ControlMode
  • Split off the Comm object
  • Remove all references to ABB objects from Control class.
  • Big comments review
  • Deep port of all functionality (make the Robot class basically a very shallow middleware for API purposes)
  • Dead code cleanup

BUILD 1100

  • Recheck all examples are working correctly and nothing is broken before branching


  • Previous test and prototyping builds
  • Transitioning to a split class architecture and more programmatic implementation