represent state vector values ($\bx = s_{i, j}$ means $x_1 = i, x_2
= j$) and edges are state transitions defined by a control law. In
the following truncated graph, draw the edges when $u = -1$, $u=0$,
- and $u=1$. (Please include all outgoing edges from the nodes in the
- truncated graph, along with their ending nodes)
+ and $u=1$. (Please draw edges for all the nine nodes in
+ the truncated graph. If a node trainsitions to another node outside
+ the graph, please draw the destination node as well.)
@@ -1075,11 +1076,11 @@
Acrobots, Cart-Poles, and Quadrotors
Suppose we start from $s_{0, 0}$, construct a control input
- sequence ($u[n]$ could be a function of time step) to reach an
- arbitrary state $s_{i, j}$ that satisfies $j > i > 0$. What would
- be the minimal number of time steps needed to reach any $s_{i,
- j}$ that satisfies $j > i > 0$? Show that the number you've
- chosen is indeed minimum.
+ sequence ($u[n]$ could be a function of time step and can take
+ any arbitrary intger values) to reach an arbitrary state
+ $s_{i, j}$ that satisfies $j > i > 0$. What would be the minimal
+ number of time steps needed to reach any $s_{i,j}$ that satisfies
+ $j > i > 0$? Show that the number you've chosen is indeed minimum.
Now consider a more general case, from an arbitrary initial state
@@ -1092,41 +1093,43 @@
Can you make a
- conclusion whether these systems are underactuated? (Note that the
- definition requires the system to be interpreted as a second-order
- system with, i.e., $\bx = [q, \dot{q}]^T$)
You should only need the conditions described the definition of controllability to
- explain your conclusion. (Hint: Think about the similarity between
- system $({\bf A}_4, {\bf B}_4)$ and the grid-world discrete-time system
- in (b)). The more general tools found in this collapsable section will
- certainly work, too.
You should only need the conditions described in the definition of controllability to
+ explain your conclusion. You can also use the more general tools found in this collapsable section; these will prove
+ especially for the $({\bf A}_4, {\bf B}_4)$ matrix pair.
Consider the two systems, $({\bf A}_3, {\bf B}_3)$ and $({\bf A}_4, {\bf B}_4)$.
+ Can you make a conclusion whether these two systems are underactuated? (Note that the
+ definition of underactuation requires the system to be interpreted as a second-order
+ system, i.e., $\bx = [\bq, \dot{\bq}]^T$)