diff --git a/core/fundamentalStyleClasses.js b/core/fundamentalStyleClasses.js
index 681ebca092..2862b50aea 100644
--- a/core/fundamentalStyleClasses.js
+++ b/core/fundamentalStyleClasses.js
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module.exports = [
// './node_modules/fundamental-styles/dist/radio.css',
- //'./node_modules/fundamental-styles/dist/segmented-button.css',
+ './node_modules/fundamental-styles/dist/segmented-button.css',
diff --git a/core/src/UserSettingsEditor.html b/core/src/UserSettingsEditor.html
index 8437c81d35..fa40151bf4 100644
--- a/core/src/UserSettingsEditor.html
+++ b/core/src/UserSettingsEditor.html
@@ -53,6 +53,20 @@
function updateComboBox(key, option) {
storedUserSettingData[userSettingGroup[0]][key] = option;
+ function updateEnumButton(key, option) {
+ document
+ .querySelectorAll('.enum-buttons-container-' + key + ' button')
+ .forEach(button => {
+ const buttonId = button.getAttribute('id');
+ const optionId = `lui-us-enum_button_${key}_option`;
+ buttonId === optionId
+ ? button.classList.add('fd-button--emphasized')
+ : button.classList.remove('fd-button--emphasized');
+ });
+ storedUserSettingData[userSettingGroup[0]][key] = option;
+ }
{#if userSettingGroup && userSettingGroup[0] && userSettingGroup[1]}
@@ -128,7 +146,7 @@
data-testid="lui-us-input{i}" bind:value="{storedUserSettingData[userSettingGroup[0]][key]}"
disabled="{schemaItem.isEditable===undefined || schemaItem.isEditable?false:true}">
- {#if schemaItem.type==='enum'}
+ {#if schemaItem.type==='enum' && (schemaItem.style === undefined || schemaItem.style === 'list')}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/e2e-test-application/e2e/tests/1-angular/user_settings_dialog.spec.js b/test/e2e-test-application/e2e/tests/1-angular/user_settings_dialog.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfd293f92b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/e2e-test-application/e2e/tests/1-angular/user_settings_dialog.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+describe('Navigation', () => {
+ const clearStorage = () =>
+ cy.clearLocalStorage('luigi.preferences.userSettings');
+ const openSettingsDialogBox = () => {
+ //Click on User Icon (top menu right)
+ cy.get('.fd-user-menu button')
+ .should('exist')
+ .click();
+ //Click on Setting link and open Dialog Box
+ cy.get('[data-testid="settings-link"]')
+ .should('exist')
+ .click();
+ //Check Dialog is open
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-header"]').should('exist');
+ //Check we have 3 left bar items
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-body .fd-nested-list__link')
+ .children()
+ .should('have.length', 4);
+ };
+ const saveSettings = () => {
+ //Check save button and click
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-dialog [data-testid="lui-us-saveBtn"]')
+ .should('exist')
+ .click();
+ //Check settings dialog box is closed...
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-header"]').should('not.exist');
+ };
+ const closeSettings = () => {
+ //Check cancel button and click
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-dialog [data-testid="lui-us-dismissBtn"]')
+ .should('exist')
+ .click();
+ //Check settings dialog box is closed...
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-header"]').should('not.exist');
+ };
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.visitLoggedIn('/');
+ openSettingsDialogBox();
+ });
+ describe('User Account Configuration', () => {
+ const setting_name = 'name_' + new Date().getTime();
+ const setting_date_format = 'df_' + new Date().getTime();
+ const setting_privacy_policy = 'privacy_policy_' + new Date().getTime();
+ it('Fill Account and save; reopen and check saved value', () => {
+ //Clear storage before to save it
+ clearStorage();
+ //Click on User Account
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-body .fd-nested-list__link')
+ .eq(0)
+ .click();
+ //Check User Account is selected
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-body .fd-nested-list__link')
+ .eq(0)
+ .should('have.class', 'is-selected');
+ //Check Name Input field and type a new name
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-input0"]')
+ .should('exist')
+ .type(setting_name);
+ //Email Input field should be disabled
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-input1"]')
+ .should('exist')
+ .should('be.disabled');
+ //Click on Checkbox
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-content .fd-container .lui-value-container')
+ .eq(3)
+ .find('.fd-checkbox')
+ .check();
+ //Check Checkbox is checked
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-content .fd-container .lui-value-container')
+ .eq(3)
+ .find('.fd-checkbox')
+ .should('be.checked');
+ //Save Settings
+ saveSettings();
+ //Re-open Setting Dialog Box
+ openSettingsDialogBox();
+ //Check Name Input field and type a new name
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-input0"]').should(
+ 'have.value',
+ setting_name
+ );
+ //Check Checkbox is checked
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-content .fd-container .lui-value-container')
+ .eq(3)
+ .find('.fd-checkbox')
+ .should('be.checked');
+ //Close settings
+ closeSettings();
+ });
+ it('Fill Language and Reason and save; reopen and check saved values', () => {
+ //Clear storage before to save it
+ clearStorage();
+ //Click on Language & Region
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-body .fd-nested-list__link')
+ .eq(1)
+ .click();
+ //Check Language & Region is selected
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-body .fd-nested-list__link')
+ .eq(1)
+ .should('have.class', 'is-selected');
+ //Check Language & Region Input field exist
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-input0"]').should('exist');
+ //Open button to show enumeration list options
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-content .fd-page__content .fd-form-item')
+ .eq(0)
+ .find('.fd-input-group__button')
+ .click();
+ //Check we should have 4 options
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-content .fd-page__content .fd-form-item')
+ .eq(0)
+ .find(' .fd-list--dropdown .fd-list__item')
+ .children()
+ .should('have.length', 4);
+ //Click on Spanish list item
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-option0_2"]')
+ .should('exist')
+ .click();
+ //Check Placeholder of input field is Spanish
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-input0"]')
+ .should('exist')
+ .should('have.attr', 'placeholder', 'Spanish');
+ //Check Date Formant Input field and type a new format
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-input1"]')
+ .should('exist')
+ .type(setting_date_format);
+ //Save Settings
+ saveSettings();
+ //Re-open Setting Dialog Box
+ openSettingsDialogBox();
+ //Click on Language & Region (left menu)
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-body .fd-nested-list__link')
+ .eq(1)
+ .click();
+ //Check Placeholder of input field is Spanish
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-input0"]')
+ .should('exist')
+ .should('have.attr', 'placeholder', 'Spanish');
+ //Check Name Input field and type a new name
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-input1"]').should(
+ 'have.value',
+ setting_date_format
+ );
+ //Close settings
+ closeSettings();
+ });
+ it('Fill Privacy and save; reopen and check saved value', () => {
+ //Clear storage before to save it
+ clearStorage();
+ //Click on Privacy
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-body .fd-nested-list__link')
+ .eq(2)
+ .click();
+ //Check Private Policy Input field exist and placeholder is
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-input0"]')
+ .should('exist')
+ .should('have.attr', 'placeholder', 'Field placeholder text');
+ //Check Private Policy Input field exist and placeholder is
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-input0"]').type(setting_privacy_policy);
+ //Check Time Format has two buttons with no selected class
+ cy.get(
+ '.lui-usersettings-content .enum-buttons-container-time .lui-fd-enum-button'
+ )
+ .eq(0)
+ .should('not.have.class', 'fd-button--emphasized');
+ cy.get(
+ '.lui-usersettings-content .enum-buttons-container-time .lui-fd-enum-button'
+ )
+ .eq(1)
+ .should('not.have.class', 'fd-button--emphasized');
+ //Click Time Format 12h
+ cy.get(
+ '.lui-usersettings-content .enum-buttons-container-time .lui-fd-enum-button'
+ )
+ .eq(0)
+ .click();
+ //Check Time Format 12h is selected
+ cy.get(
+ '.lui-usersettings-content .enum-buttons-container-time .lui-fd-enum-button'
+ )
+ .eq(0)
+ .should('have.class', 'is-selected');
+ //Save Settings
+ saveSettings();
+ //Re-open Setting Dialog Box
+ openSettingsDialogBox();
+ //Click on Privacy
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-body .fd-nested-list__link')
+ .eq(2)
+ .click();
+ //Check Private Policy Input field has saved value
+ cy.get('[data-testid="lui-us-input0"]').should(
+ 'have.value',
+ setting_privacy_policy
+ );
+ //Check Time Format 12h is selected
+ cy.get('.lui-usersettings-content .enum-buttons-container-time button')
+ .eq(0)
+ .should('have.class', 'is-selected');
+ //Close settings
+ closeSettings();
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/e2e-test-application/src/luigi-config/extended/settings.js b/test/e2e-test-application/src/luigi-config/extended/settings.js
index caacf70e77..998c70d298 100644
--- a/test/e2e-test-application/src/luigi-config/extended/settings.js
+++ b/test/e2e-test-application/src/luigi-config/extended/settings.js
@@ -66,52 +66,7 @@ class Settings {
saveBtn: 'SaveKaese',
dismissBtn: 'Abbreche'
- //functions to use a custom storage like sessionStorage
- // storeUserSettings: (obj, previous) => {
- // return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- // if (JSON.stringify(obj) !== JSON.stringify(previous)) {
- // const settings = {
- // header: "Confirmation",
- // body: "Are you sure you want to do this?",
- // buttonConfirm: "Yes",
- // buttonDismiss: "No"
- // }
- // Luigi
- // .ux()
- // .showConfirmationModal(settings).then(() => {
- // sessionStorage.setItem('test', JSON.stringify(obj));
- // resolve();
- // }).catch(() => {
- // reject({ closeDialog: true, message: 'error ' });
- // });
- // }
- // });
- // },
- // readUserSettings: () => {
- // return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- // try{
- // if(sessionStorage.getItem('test')){
- // resolve(JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('test')));
- // }else{
- // resolve(JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('test')));
- // }
- // }catch{
- // reject({ closeDialog: true, message: 'some error' });
- // }
- // })
- // },
userSettingGroups: {
- theming: {
- label: 'Theming',
- title: 'Theming',
- icon: 'private',
- viewUrl: 'http://localhost:8081/index.html',
- settings: {
- theme: {
- type: 'enum', label: 'theme', options: ['red', 'green']
- }
- }
- },
userAccount: {
label: 'User Account',
sublabel: 'username',
@@ -136,26 +91,48 @@ class Settings {
type: 'enum',
label: 'Language and Region',
options: ['German', 'English', 'Spanish', 'French'],
- description: 'After you save your settings, the browser will refresh for the new language to take effect.'
+ description:
+ 'After you save your settings, the browser will refresh for the new language to take effect.'
date: { type: 'string', label: 'Date Format' },
- time: { type: 'enum', label: 'Time Format', options: ['12 h', '24 h'] }
+ time: {
+ type: 'enum',
+ style: 'button',
+ label: 'Time Format',
+ options: ['12 h', '24 h']
+ }
privacy: {
label: 'Privacy',
title: 'Privacy',
icon: 'private',
- viewUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/index2.html',
settings: {
policy: {
- type: 'string', label: 'Privacy policy has not been defined.'
+ type: 'string',
+ label: 'Privacy policy has not been defined.'
- time: { type: 'enum', label: 'Time Format', options: ['12 h', '24 h'] }
+ time: {
+ type: 'enum',
+ style: 'button',
+ label: 'Time Format',
+ options: ['12 h', '24 h']
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ theming: {
+ label: 'Theming',
+ title: 'Theming',
+ icon: 'private',
+ viewUrl: 'http://localhost:8081/index.html',
+ settings: {
+ theme: {
+ type: 'enum', label: 'theme', options: ['red', 'green']
+ }
- }
+ };
export const settings = new Settings();