diff --git a/lib/command.js b/lib/command.js
index e71a6bc8..d6f9babc 100644
--- a/lib/command.js
+++ b/lib/command.js
@@ -18,36 +18,7 @@ var Module = require('module');
function parseOptions(argv) {
var program = require('commander');
- // process obsolete options first, we don't want them in the help
- var args = argv.slice(0, 2);
- argv.slice(2).forEach(function(arg) {
- if (arg === '--cache') {
- // ignore silently - cache is now on by default.
- } else if (/^(-l(m|i|p)|--(lines-(mark|ignore|preserve)|standalone|fast|old-style-future|promise|cb|aggressive))$/.test(arg)) {
- util.warn('obsolete option ignored: ' + arg);
- return;
- } else if (arg === '--map') {
- util.warn('obsolete option: --map, use -s or --source-maps instead');
- args.push('--source-maps');
- return;
- } else if (arg === '--source-map') {
- util.warn('obsolete option: --source-map, use --source-map-target instead');
- args.push('--source-map-target');
- } else if (/^--(fibers|generators)$/.test(arg)) {
- util.warn('obsolete option: ' + arg + ', use --runtime ' + arg.substring(2) + ' instead');
- args.push('--runtime');
- args.push(arg.substring(2));
- } else if (/^(-o|--output-dir)$/.test(arg)) {
- util.warn('obsolete option: ' + arg + ', use -d or --out-dir instead');
- args.push('-d');
- } else if (arg === '-v') {
- util.warn('obsolete option: -v, verbose is on by default, use -q to turn it off');
- } else {
- args.push(arg);
- }
- });
- var options = program.version(require('../package').version, '-v, --version')
+ var prog = program.version(require('../package').version, '-v, --version')
.usage('[options] [script] [arguments]')
.option('-c, --compile', "compile [script] files and save as *.js files")
.option('-d, --out-dir
', "save compiled .js files in the given directory")
@@ -55,11 +26,64 @@ function parseOptions(argv) {
.option('--cache-dir ', "sets the cache directory")
.option('-f, --force', "force transformation (even if found in cache)")
.option('--runtime ', "target runtime")
- .option('-s, --source-maps [true|false|inline|both]', "(see babel)", /^(true|false|inline|both)$/)
+ .option('-s, --source-maps ', "(see babel)", /^(true|false|inline|both)$/)
.option('--source-map-target ', "output file for source map")
.option('-q, --quiet', "don't log")
- .option('--preload ', "hook to preload a specified list of modules (comma-separated)")
- .parse(argv); // commander skips 2 first args, not just first one.
+ .option('--preload ', "hook to preload a specified list of modules (comma-separated)");
+ // Arguments that follow the script or filename should not be intercepted by commander but passed
+ // verbatim to the script (https://github.com/Sage/streamlinejs/issues/297)
+ // There may be a clever way to do this with commander but the following hack should do for now
+ // I'm handling compat in the same loop to cut correctly if script accepts obsolete streamline options (-o for ex).
+ // commander skips 2 first args, not just first one.
+ var args = argv.slice(0, 2);
+ var cut = 2;
+ while (cut < argv.length) {
+ var arg = argv[cut];
+ if (arg[0] !== '-') break;
+ cut++;
+ var opt = prog.options.filter(function(o) {
+ return o.short === arg || o.long === arg;
+ })[0];
+ if (opt) {
+ args.push(arg);
+ if (opt.flags.indexOf('<') >= 0 && cut < argv.length) {
+ args.push(argv[cut++]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // handle compat options
+ if (arg === '--cache') {
+ // ignore silently - cache is now on by default.
+ } else if (/^(-l(m|i|p)|--(lines-(mark|ignore|preserve)|standalone|fast|old-style-future|promise|cb|aggressive))$/.test(arg)) {
+ util.warn('obsolete option ignored: ' + arg);
+ return;
+ } else if (arg === '--map') {
+ util.warn('obsolete option: --map, use -s or --source-maps instead');
+ args.push('--source-maps');
+ args.push('true');
+ return;
+ } else if (arg === '--source-map') {
+ util.warn('obsolete option: --source-map, use --source-map-target instead');
+ args.push('--source-map-target');
+ } else if (/^--(fibers|generators)$/.test(arg)) {
+ util.warn('obsolete option: ' + arg + ', use --runtime ' + arg.substring(2) + ' instead');
+ args.push('--runtime');
+ args.push(arg.substring(2));
+ } else if (/^(-o|--output-dir)$/.test(arg)) {
+ util.warn('obsolete option: ' + arg + ', use -d or --out-dir instead');
+ args.push('-d');
+ if (cut < argv.length) args.push(argv[cut++]);
+ } else if (arg === '-v') {
+ util.warn('obsolete option: -v, verbose is on by default, use -q to turn it off');
+ } else {
+ // push invalid option - commander will deal with it
+ args.push(arg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var options = prog.parse(args);
+ options.args = options.args.concat(argv.slice(cut));
options = Object.keys(options).filter(function(opt) {
return !/^([A-Z]|_)/.test(opt);