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Heatmap generation


To generate a heatmap of detected cells, which shows cell distributions in a +more intuitive way that showing individual cell positions:


Overlay on raw data and segentation from +amap added separately



    heatmap cell_classification.xml heatmap.nii raw_data registered_atlas.nii -x 2 -y 2 -z 5



Run heatmap -h to see all options.


Positional arguments

  • Cellfinder +classified cells file (usually cell_classification.xml)

  • +
  • Output filename. Should end with ‘.nii’. If the containing directory doesn’t +exist, it will be created.

  • +
  • Path to raw data (just a single channel). Used to find the shape of the +raw image that the detected cell positions are defined in.

  • +
  • Registered atlas file from amap +(typically run automatically in +Cellfinder). File +is usually registered_atlas.nii.

  • +

Keyword arguments

  • -x or --x-pixel-size Pixel spacing of the data that the cells are +defined in, in the first dimension, specified in um.

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  • -y or --y-pixel-size Pixel spacing of the data that the cells are +defined in, in the second dimension, specified in um.

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  • -z or --z-pixel-size Pixel spacing of the data that the cells are +defined in, in the third dimension, specified in um.

  • +

The following options may also need to be used:

  • --heatmap-bin Heatmap bin size (um of each edge of histogram cube)

  • +
  • --heatmap-smoothing Gaussian smoothing sigma, in um.

  • +
  • --no-mask-figs Don’t mask the figures (removing any areas outside the +brain, from e.g. smoothing)

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