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Apanhado de anotações e informações gerais sobre ABAP

Links úteis:

ABAP Zombies
HANA Brasil: links uteis
ABAP OO beginners
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Simulados ABAP
O que continuar a estudar como um App Dev
Por que programação funcional?
Programação funcional em ABAP
Wiki de codigos possivelmente úteis
SAPTech tutorials - Custom BAPI ex.
BAPI stepbystep.pdf
Amarm ABAP Tutorials
SE80 uk
ABAP Junior - Enhancements
AbapBrasil Base de conhecimento

ABAP on Eclipse for S4H

Configs uteis

Ajustar layout>opções> Design interativo> Visualização & interação> marcar 2 flags em Controles
Utilities> Settings> ABAP Editor> Pretty Printer> check ident OR play around

Some Debug info

F1 > info tecnicas, sempre útil
BREAK-POINT - ativa debug em certa linha de um programa
/h - ativa debug
f7 ate o programa z
f5 step para executar e entrar nos includes/performs
f6 steps de execução sem entrar a fundo


Serve para cadastros e nao relatorios, alterar varios users ao mesmo tempo por ex., automatizando algum fluxo para commitar no banco
Utiliza telas como fluxo e usar apenas quando não houver BAPI
Memorizar a estrutura BDCDATA
tcodes: LSMW(funcional) / SHDB(abap)
New recording > nome_carga, TCODE >


BAPI stands for Business Application Programming Interface, WebService.
BAPI - It is nothing, but a FM which is used to load the data into SAP system. The data may be from the Legacy system. They all are RFCs.
BADI stands for Business Add-Ins, are a new SAP enhancement technique based on ABAP Objects
BADI - They are the enhancement which can be applied to the standard SAP program as per the business requirement. BADI are the newer version of user exits which uses ABAP OOPs concept.

  • Business Add-Ins are a new SAP enhancement technique based on ABAP Objects. They can be inserted into the SAP System to accommodate user requirements too specific to be included in the standard delivery. Since specific industries often require special functions, SAP allows you to predefine these points in your software.
    As with customer exits two different views are available:
    In the definition view, an application programmer predefines exit points in a source that allow specific industry sectors, partners, and customers to attach additional software to standard SAP source code without having to modify the original object.
    In the implementation view, the users of Business Add-Ins can customize the logic.
    BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface) is a set of interfaces to object-oriented programming methods that enable a programmer to integrate third-party software into the proprietary R/3 product from SAP.BAPI are implemented and stored in the the R/3 system as remote function call (RFC) modules.
  • BADI is just an object-oriented version of user-exit. Instead of entering program code into some function module (as in customer-exit), you define some class which has to implement predefined methods and those methods are fired at predefined points just like an old user-exit. Some BADI can have multiple independent implementations which is much better for software deployment as several developers can implement the same BADI independently.
    To understand BAPIs, we must know that there are 2 things. One is the SAP Object Repository of the Business Object Repository (BOR) and the Function Builder.
    Now the business objects with their business processes and business data, reside in the BOR, with the corresponding BAPI. the implementation of this BAPI resides in the function builder. Any external world (non SAP) programs or legacy systems can access the business processes or data of any business object in the BOR, thru the process of invoking the BAPI implementation of the BAPI for this business object.
    Thus we can access a business object.
    So we can say that a BAPI is a process that allows third party s/w or non SAP programs to access SAP Business object data and processes.

Tabela Transparente { exemplos standard }

Table Description
MARA tab de materiais (mm so pp)
KNA1 tab de clientes (sd)
LFA1 tab de fornecedores(mm)
EKKO documento de compras nivel de cabeçalho ( MM )
EKPO documento de compras nivel de itens ( MM )
VBAK header doc. vendas (SO)
VBAP tens doc vendas (so)
Var name convention Description
wa_ WorkArea pensar em 1 linha
ti_ Tabela interna {de memoria}
s_ valores 'de até' no where é IN por ser range, usando SELECT-OPTIONS
p_ valores de apenas 1 opcao, parametro, no where é =, usando PARAMETERS
cl_ _cl Classe; Classe ref
if_ _if Interface; Interface ref
fs_ FieldSymbols, nossos ponteiros

Tabela Interna

We Have 3 types of Internal Tables

Table Description Access
STANDARD Similar to a Database Table Accessible by row & keys
SORTED Data is always sorted by the specified keys Accessible by row & keys
HASHED Unique keys only Accessible by keys only (often Fastest way to access)

SE38: utilitarios

Programa>Check>Verificacao ampliada

Basic Workflow:

  • Tables
  • Types / Structure
  • Workarea
  • Internal Table
  • Selection screen
  • Start of selection event
  • Fetch data from a table with openSQL
  • Check with subrc to "leave list-processing" or not and sort if success
  • Loop at ti into wa to do operations

TR - Transport Request

  • Objetos $TMP não podem ser transportados. Tu precisa atribuir um pedido de transporte(transport request ou TR) e um pacote valido, então no caso podem.
  • Na SE38 vá na barra de menus e clique Ir Para > Entrada de catálogo de objetos (provavelmente estará $TMP como pacote). -Mude para um pacote válido, eles podem ser criados na SE21. -Vai pedir para tu criar um número de pedido de transporte, pode ser usado um que já foi criado ou pode criar um por lá mesmo.
  • Depois da atribuição é só ativar o código de novo e agora o pedido pode ser lançado na SE10 ou SE09.


basic workflow;
Create the table Z**;
put fields (common data element mandt);
data elements to create Z** double click to create;
put a domain and filed labels, double click domain;
choose correct data type for the domain and value range if we gonna use;
activate ctrl_f3 magic stick, choose package or local object;
f3(back) activate others and done;
ate table, check Technical Setting before save.;
Menu to populate the table;
Utilities> Table Contents> Create entries;
Settings>User Params>DataBrowser> Field Label to show our created labels;

pipeline> 2x click forward navigation ate data element;
append and includes

Search helpers and checks

  • helper: edit domain of a data element and add value ranges checkers: add foreign keys to and field/data element, check generic and delete current entries if has

  • Append > add aditional fields without change the original structure of the table Include(edit>iinclude>insert) > add within first group to be used as KEY(have to be in the beggining of the field list), cannot have another includes into an existing include

  • If we mess with field KEYs, like check one for key, activate and after decide not to anymore, will give an error, we need to go to SE14(or Utilities>Database Utility) check save data and "Activate and adjust database"(processing type background if table has millions of records).

  • DOC FOR DEFINITION: Ctrl+F8 (blue icon I)

Dicas sobre field-symbols
Por: Fabio Kazunari

  • Use field-symbols dentro de LOOPs. Saiba exatamente onde estão as teclas < e > do seu teclado para não ter preguiça de declará-los
  • Caso queira reaproveitar um field-symbol depois de um LOOP, não o faça. Você irá esquecer cedo ou tarde o uso do UNASSIGN. Declare outro field-symbol para evitar erros.
  • Se você declarou um field-symbol globalmente no top include, deixe seu celular ligado durante a noite pois você pode precisar… ou melhor… alguém precisar de você
  • Caso você precise de mais de um field-symbol para a mesma tabela interna, dê nomes ilustrativos ao invés de e . Ainda evite copy & paste deste código.
  • Caso esteja usando ABAP Objects, sempre confiro a definição da tabela interna que usarei. Caso ela seja READ-ONLY, evito o field-symbol pois ele é mais poderoso o primeiro.

Meu estilo de programação faz uso extensivo de field-symbols. Eu raramente populo uma tabela interna registro por registro ou uso alguma estrutura auxiliar para modificá-la. Como sempre estou usando métodos pequenos, nunca faço o uso de field-symbols globais que possam ser perigosamente reaproveitados por alguém que dê manutenção no código. Caso eu veja algum field-symbol global usado num só FORM ou método, eu o movo para uma declaração local.


Some useful tech info:

Access to nested internal tables using field symbols usually increase performance.

A key field in a database table uniquely identifies a data record.
The OPENSQL statements are converted into database-specific statements by the database interface.
A secondar index for non-key field generally works like a primary index for key fields.
You can select from several databases tables using a database view or a join.

Main reasons for using update techniques:

  • To relieve the load on the dialog work processes.
  • To create reusable modules for database changes.
  • To collect database change request from several dialog step in order to processthem or delete them together

Before modify an SAP program, we need to watch out for:

  • We can perform the modification immediately if we set the global setting for system modifiability to "Modifiable". RZ11.
  • If a user has modified an SAP object and SAP delivers a new version of the object in a release upgrade of Support Package, the modified object must be adjusted during the upgrade.
  • Before we can change the program, we must request a key for the object in the SAP New Web front-end

Call the ABAP command COMMIT WORK when using update technique.

Sub objects that an SAP enhancement can contain:

  • Append structures
  • Screen exits
  • Menu exits.
  • Function module exits.

This happens if we have a CALL TRANSACTION statement:

  • The called transaction is processed in a separated database LUW.
  • Another internal session is opened for the transaction.
  • Processing of the calling program will be continued at the end of the transaction.
  • The update process triggered by the called transaction can be executed async or sync, as required.

SE24: If we have a "Singleton Pattern", we must ensure that only one obj can be created from a cl_singleton class. So:

  • The singleton class must have a class method implemented in which the CREATE OBJECT call is programmed for this one object.
  • In the isngleton class, there must be an even defined that is triggered when the first and only obj is created and also prevents further objects of this class from being created.
  • The CREATE OBJECT call for this one obj can take place in the class constructor of the singleton class.
  • The singleton class must have an instance method implemented in which the CREATE OBJECT call is programmed for this one obj.
  • The singleton class must have the addition CREATE PRIVATE in the definition part.

In program P, the SUBMIT statement is used to call report R. We can pass data from P to R:

  • by passing parameters using additions in the SUBMIT statement.
  • Using the ABAP memory.
  • Using the SET/GET parameters.

Constructor(instance) is:

  • An instance method for initializing the attributes of an object; It is automatically called by the system during CREATE OBJECT.

We are writing a transaction to update a database table. The program MUST contain:

  • A call for an update function module in the case of time-consuming changes.
  • A call for ENQUEUE/DEQUEUE function modules.
  • An AUTHORITY-CHECK statement.

We use the reference ME within a class to call attributes and methods of the class itself.

We can undo database changes executed beforehand in a dialog:

  • Performing a ROLLBACK WORK.
  • Output a termination message. (ABORT, X)

The definition of internal tables without header lines and Typing with TYPE to ABAP Dictionary types are allowed within class definitions.

Some statements about interfaces:

  • Using interfaces you can simulate multiple inheritance.
  • A client (caller) can use interface reference to access all methods of the interfaces and thus achive polymorphism behavior
  • Interfaces actually stand for an interface (protocol) between a client (interface ueer) and a server (Implementing class).

Statements allowed while working with an internal table of the type SORTED:

  • READ

If we are using async update, the statement COMMIT WORK is not required because it is executed implicity after each screen change at dialog program.

Dispatcher is the component of an application server that controls the data traffic between a work process and a presentation server.

START-OF-SELECTION event generate lists.

PBO means process before output (of selection screen)
PBO modules are executed before the screen is displayed.
PBO can be compared with INITIALIZATION and AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT events and all at selection screen events.

PAI means Process after input.
PAI modules are executed after any input like pushing the button or pressing enter.
PAI can be compared with start-of-selection and all the other events.

Find BADI in a minute:

  1. Go to the TCode SE24 and enter CL_EXITHANDLER as object type.
  2. In 'Display' mode, go to 'Methods' tab.
  3. Double click the method 'Get Instance' to display it source code.
  4. Set a breakpoint on 'CALL METHOD cl_exithandler=>get_class_name_by_interface'.
  5. Then run your transaction.
  6. The screen will stop at this method.
  7. Check the value of parameter 'EXIT_NAME'. It will show you the BADI for that transaction.

Para adicionar função customizada em um fullscreen ALV é necessário copiar um 'GUI Status' como STANDARD na SE90 ou SE41, de um programa standard como SAPLSALV ou SAPLKKBL, modifica-lo dentro do report Z adicionando a função e icone, depois adiciona-lo no abap set_screen_status do salv table.

Bug in SE80 width> Go to SE16, edit the table RSEUMOD, for your user, increase the value of WIDTH to say 200 and save, then try SE80 again. (SE16: Display and mark the records you want to change or delete, show detail view (F7). Enter /h to activate debugger, ENTER. You find yourself in debugger in form set_status_val. Change the value of variable code to 'DELE' for deletion, 'EDIT' for change or 'INSR', then F8 to continue. Now the respective function is active. )

ENHANCEMENT-POINT static = only for declarations
ENHANCEMENT-POINT = code in the block
ENHANCEMENT-POINT section = if implemented a Z, it ignores standard and execute our Z implementation

add GUI PF STATUS in standard, implicit

SAP Icons: run program RSTXICON

#Find enhancement and project name of an User exit:
table MODSAP to get enhancement if you have function exit (e.g. EXIT_SAPLV60B_010)
table MODACT give field member(enhancement)

you can specify a text string in the selection screen.
try to search with 'UPDATE Z', 'DELETE Z' keywords. Also give package if you know it.

'SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR' is the program provided by SAP to fill these tables in your system, which can also be accessed through the standard transaction 'BC_DATA_GEN'.


for autoincrement some Z ids and etc. use NUMBER_GET_NEXT fm and passrange object and respective NR_RANGE_NR, the object is created at SNRO, pass the domain of the wanted field and than goto->intervals(f7).

ABAP on Eclipse > new project > choose ABAP > here we enter connection details of server
within Eclipse, for block selection use Shift + Alt + A
Ctrl + Shift + Y for lowercase.
Ctrl + Shift + X for uppercase.
After, try SAPWebIDE Personal Edition and connect it to a System


Goto - SE11 : Give the table name TVARVC - > utilities -> table contents -> create entries-> Enter the details -> save directly

  • Goto - se01 : create customizing request
  • Diplay the table contents from se11 -> select the check box for your entries - > Go to Table Entry ->Transport entries. Here it wll ask the customizing req no then save your entries.with this transport you can move the entries to production system

Variants & Jobs

  • Give the program name in PROGNAME and you will get the corresponding Job Name in tables TBTCO & TBTCP or view V_OP
  • Job is created at SM36 and selected in SM37 (jobs monitoring)
  • Background job you can debug by going to SM37, type in 'JDBG' in the command line ( no '/' ), put the cursor on the job and press enter
    we get some use cases which we can debbug in other ways like RSWAITSEC and BTCLOOP within production env, check here. Job log will output all MESSAGE commands, make use of SY-BATCH eq 'X' if necessary and AL11 & CG3Z in case of file uploads and retrieving it as well (jobs skip selection screen event...), the program CACS_FILE_COPY maybe usefull in some cases to copy files from Application to Presentation Server and Presentation to Application.
  • Variant is created within a Report or SHD0 & SHDS for creation of transaction variant, their info is within tables VARI & TVARV. RS_VARIANT_CONTENTS & RS_VARIANT_VALUES_TECH_DATA to view content including runtime ones(initiated with &000..001). RS_ALL_VARIANTS_4_1_REPORT to view all variants of a program. SY-SLSET is the variant in runtime.

AL11(app files directories) CG3Y(download) CG3Z(upload)

AL11 transaction is used for controlling the files stored in the application server. All the directories can be seen in the AL11 directory. The basic process which can be done in AL11 transaction such as uploading, downloading and deleting the files.

Uploading a file in Al11 Directory.
Step 1: Located the file location in which we have to upload the file.

  • AL11
    Step 2: Go to Transaction CG3Z for uploading a file in the AL11 directory.

Step 3: Enter the Source file location from the front end system and the target file location in the AL11 directory. After entering the path click on upload button.

  • CG3Z
    Transfer format for Data ( by default, it is set to BIN for Binary)
    Overwrite file: is a checkbox if checked will overwrite the destination file if it exists already.
    A message will be displayed.

Now directory will contain the uploaded file.

Text.txt uploaded

Downloading a file from AL11 Directory
Step 1: Locate the file which we want to download to our local system.

Step 2: Go to Transaction CG3Y.

Step 3: Enter the Source location and the target location and click on download button.

  • CG3Y
    The file gets downloaded successfully with the below message.

Deleting a file in AL11 directory.
We can use a function module for deleting the file from AL11 directory. Please find the below steps.
Step 1: Go to Transaction SE37, enter Function module name EPS_DELETE_FILE and click on execute button.

SE37 Function Builder
Step 2: Enter the File name in the FILE_NAME and the directory path (Excluding the file name) in the DIR_NAME and execute.

    The file will be disappeared from the location.

The files get deleted successfully.

This Program CACS_FILE_COPY is very useful also.
In fact, the huge advantage of the CACS_FILE_COPY SAP Standard Report is the fact that you use it to Copy SAP File from Application to Presentation Server and Presentation to Application.


Repositório destinado ao treinamento de ABAP, reunindo informações teóricas e praticas úteis






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