# UPGRADE FROM 0.2.x to 0.3 # `watermill/message` - `message.Message.Ack` and `message.Message.Nack` now return `bool` instead of `error` - `message.Subscriber.Subscribe` now accepts `context.Context` as the first argument - `message.Subscriber.Subscribe` now returns `<-chan *Message` instead of `chan *Message` - `message.Router.AddHandler` and `message.Router.AddNoPublisherHandler` now panic, instead of returning error # `watermill/message/infrastructure` - updated all Pub/Subs to new `message.Subscriber` interface - `gochannel.NewGoChannel` now accepts `gochannel.Config`, instead of positional parameters - `http.NewSubscriber` now accepts `http.SubscriberConfig`, instead of positional parameters # `watermill/message/router/middleware` - `metrics.NewMetrics` is removed, please use the [metrics](components/metrics) component instead # `watermill` - `watermill.LoggerAdapter` interface now requires a `With(fields LogFields) LoggerAdapter` method