diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7537d99a..11ed71a6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ V3IO Frames (**"Frames"**) is a multi-model open-source data-access library, dev
- [User Authentication](#user-authentication)
- [Client Constructor](#client-constructor)
- [Common Client Method Parameters](#client-common-method-params)
-- [The create Method](#method-create)
-- [The write Method](#method-write)
-- [The read Method](#method-read)
-- [The delete Method](#method-delete)
-- [The execute Method](#method-execute)
+- [create Method](#method-create)
+- [write Method](#method-write)
+- [read Method](#method-read)
+- [delete Method](#method-delete)
+- [execute Method](#method-execute)
### Overview
@@ -41,11 +41,12 @@ You can then use the client methods to perform different data operations on the
The `Client` class features the following methods for supporting basic data operations:
-- [`create`](#method-create) — create a new NoSQL or TSDB table or a stream ("the backend").
-- [`delete`](#method-delete) — delete the backend.
-- [`read`](#method-read) — read data from the backend (as a pandas DataFrame or DataFrame iterator).
-- [`write`](#method-write) — write one or more DataFrames to the backend.
-- [`execute`](#method-execute) — execute a command on the backend. Each backend may support multiple commands.
+- [`create`](#method-create) — creates a new TSDB table or a stream ("backend data").
+- [`delete`](#method-delete) — deletes a table or stream or specific table items
+- [`read`](#method-read) — reads data from a table or stream into pandas DataFrames.
+- [`write`](#method-write) — writes data from pandas DataFrames to a table or stream.
+- [`execute`](#method-execute) — executes a custom command on a table or stream.
+ Each backend may support multiple commands.
#### Backend Types
@@ -99,46 +100,46 @@ All Frames operations are executed via an object of the `Client` class.
#### Syntax
-Client(address, user, password, token, container)
+Client(address='', container='', user='', password='', token='')
#### Parameters and Data Members
-- **address** — the address of the Frames service (`framesdb`).
+- **address** — The address of the Frames service (`framesdb`).
When running locally on the platform (for example, from a Jupyter Notebook service), set this parameter to `framesd:8081`.
When connecting to the platform remotely, set this parameter to the API address of Frames platform service of the parent tenant.
You can copy this address from the **API** column of the V3IO Frames service on the **Services** platform dashboard page.
- - **Type:** String
+ - **Type:** `str`
- **Requirement:** Required
-- **container** — the name of the platform data container that contains the backend data.
+- **container** — The name of the platform data container that contains the backend data.
For example, `"bigdata"` or `"users"`.
- - **Type:** String
+ - **Type:** `str`
- **Requirement:** Required
-- **user** — the username of a platform user with permissions to access the backend data.
+- **user** — The username of a platform user with permissions to access the backend data.
- - **Type:** String
+ - **Type:** `str`
- **Requirement:** Required when neither the [`token`](#client-param-token) parameter or the authentication environment variables are set.
See [User Authentication](#user-authentication).
When the `user` parameter is set, the [`password`](#client-param-password) parameter must also be set to a matching user password.
-- **password** — a platform password for the user configured in the [`user`](#client-param-user) parameter.
+- **password** — A platform password for the user configured in the [`user`](#client-param-user) parameter.
- - **Type:** String
+ - **Type:** `str`
- **Requirement:** Required when the [`user`](#client-param-user) parameter is set.
See [User Authentication](#user-authentication).
-- **token** — a valid platform access key that allows access to the backend data.
+- **token** — A valid platform access key that allows access to the backend data.
To get this access key, select the user profile icon on any platform dashboard page, select **Access Tokens**, and copy an existing access key or create a new key.
- - **Type:** String
+ - **Type:** `str`
- **Requirement:** Required when neither the [`user`](#client-param-user) or [`password`](#client-param-password) parameters or the authentication environment variables are set.
See [User Authentication](#user-authentication).
@@ -157,46 +158,75 @@ client = v3f.Client("framesd:8081", user="iguazio", password="mypass", container
All client methods receive the following common parameters:
-- **backend** — the backend data type for the operation.
+- **backend** — The backend data type for the operation.
See the backend-types descriptions in the [overview](#backend-types).
- - **Type:** String
+ - **Type:** `str`
- **Valid Values:** `"csv"` | `"kv"` | `"stream"` | `"tsdb"`
- **Requirement:** Required
-- **table** — the relative path to the backend data — a directory in the target platform data container (as configured for the client object) that represents a platform data collection, such as a TSDB or NoSQL table or a stream.
+- **table** — The relative path to the backend data — A directory in the target platform data container (as configured for the client object) that represents a TSDB or NoSQL table or a data stream.
For example, `"mytable"` or `"examples/tsdb/my_metrics"`.
- - **Type:** String
- - **Requirement:** Required
+ - **Type:** `str`
+ - **Requirement:** Required unless otherwise specified in the method-specific documentation
Additional method-specific parameters are described for each method.
### create Method
-Creates a new data collection (table/stream) in a platform data container according to the configured backend.
+Creates a new TSDB table or a stream in a platform data container, according to the specified backend type.
The `create` method is supported by the `tsdb` and `stream` backends, but not by the `kv` backend, because NoSQL tables in the platform don't need to be created prior to ingestion; when ingesting data into a table that doesn't exist, the table is automatically created.
- [Syntax](#method-create-syntax)
+- [Common parameters](#method-create-common-params)
- [`tsdb` backend `create` parameters](#method-create-params-tsdb)
- [`stream` backend `create` parameters](#method-create-params-stream)
+- [Return Value](#method-create-return-value)
#### Syntax
-create(backend=, table=
, attrs=)
+create(backend, table, attrs=None)
+#### Common create Parameters
+All Frames backends that support the `create` method support the following common parameters:
+- **attrs** — A dictionary of `: ` pairs for passing additional backend-specific parameters (arguments).
+ - **Type:** dict
+ - **Requirement:** Optional
+ - **Default Value:** `None`
#### tsdb Backend create Parameters
-- **rate** (Required) — `string` — the ingestion rate TSDB's metric-samples, as `"[0-9]+/[smh]"` (where `s` = seconds, `m` = minutes, and `h` = hours); for example, `"1/s"` (one sample per minute).
+The following `tsdb` backend parameters are passed via the [`attrs`](#method-create-param-attrs) parameter of the `create` method:
+- **rate** — The ingestion rate TSDB's metric-samples, as `"[0-9]+/[smh]"` (where `s` = seconds, `m` = minutes, and `h` = hours); for example, `"1/s"` (one sample per minute).
The rate should be calculated according to the slowest expected ingestion rate.
-- **aggregates** (Optional)
-- **aggregation-granularity** (Optional)
+ - **Type:** `str`
+ - **Requirement:** Required
+- **aggregates** — Default aggregates to calculate in real time during the samples ingestion, as a comma-separated list of supported aggregation functions.
+ - **Type:** `str`
+ - **Requirement:** Optional
+- **aggregation-granularity** — Aggregation granularity; i.e., a time interval for applying the aggregation functions, if configured in the [`aggregates`](#method-create-tsdb-param-aggregates) parameter.
+ - **Type:** `str`
+ - **Requirement:** Optional
For detailed information about these parameters, refer to the [V3IO TSDB documentation](https://github.com/v3io/v3io-tsdb#v3io-tsdb).
@@ -208,8 +238,10 @@ client.create("tsdb", "/mytable", attrs={"rate": "1/m"})
#### stream Backend create Parameters
-- **shards** (Optional) (default: `1`) — `int` — the number of stream shards to create.
-- **retention_hours** (Optional) (default: `24`) — `int` — the stream's retention period, in hours.
+The following `stream` backend parameters are passed via the [`attrs`](#method-create-param-attrs) parameter of the `create` method:
+- **shards** (Optional) (default: `1`) — `int` — The number of stream shards to create.
+- **retention_hours** (Optional) (default: `24`) — `int` — The stream's retention period, in hours.
For detailed information about these parameters, refer to the [platform streams documentation](https://www.iguazio.com/docs/concepts/latest-release/streams).
@@ -218,32 +250,55 @@ Example:
client.create("stream", "/mystream", attrs={"shards": 6})
+#### Return Value
+Returns a new Frames `Client` data object.
### write Method
-Writes data from a DataFrame to a data collection (table/stream) in a platform data container according to the configured backend.
+Writes data from a DataFrame to a table or stream in a platform data container, according to the specified backend type.
- [Syntax](#method-write-syntax)
-- [Common parameters](#method-write-backend-common-params)
+- [Common parameters](#method-write-common-params)
+- [`tsdb` backend `write` parameters](#method-write-params-tsdb)
- [`kv` backend `write` parameters](#method-write-params-kv)
#### Syntax
+write(backend, table, dfs, condition='', labels=None, max_in_message=0,
+ index_cols=None, partition_keys=None)
+- When the value of the [`iterator`](#method-read-param-iterator) parameter is `False` (default) — returns a single DataFrame.
+- When the value of the `iterator` parameter is `True` — returns a
+ DataFrames iterator.
+ The returned DataFrames include a `"labels"` DataFrame attribute with backend-specific data, if applicable; for example, for the `stream` backend, this attribute holds the sequence number of the last stream record that was read.
#### Common write Parameters
-All Frames backends that support the `write` method support the following common parameters, which can be set in the `attrs` method parameter:
+All Frames backends that support the `write` method support the following common parameters:
-- **dfs** — list of DataFrames to write.
-- **index_cols** (Optional) (default: none) — specify specific index columns, by default DataFrame's index columns will be used.
-- **labels** (Optional) (default: none)
+- **dfs** (Required) — A single DataFrame, a list of DataFrames, or a DataFrames iterator — One or more DataFrames containing the data to write.
+- **index_cols** (Optional) (default: `None`) — `[]str` — A list of column (attribute) names to be used as index columns for the write operation, regardless of any index-column definitions in the DataFrame.
+ By default, the DataFrame's index columns are used.
+ > **Note:** The significance and supported number of index columns is backend specific.
+ > For example, the `kv` backend supports only a single index column for the primary-key item attribute, while the `tsdb` backend supports additional index columns for metric labels.
+- **labels** (Optional) (default: `None`) — This parameter is currently defined for all backends but is used only for the TSDB backend, therefore it's documented as part of the `write` method's [`tsdb` backend parameters](#method-write-params-tsdb).
- **max_in_message** (Optional) (default: `0`)
-- **partition_keys** (Optional) (default: none) (**Not yet supported**)
+- **partition_keys** (Optional) (default: `None`) — `[]str` — [**Not supported in this version**]
@@ -253,22 +308,29 @@ df.set_index("name")
client.write(backend="kv", table="mytable", dfs=df)
+#### tsdb Backend write Parameters
+- **labels** (Optional) (default: `None`) — `dict` — A dictionary of `