diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a1ec280..3145c82 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ linters:
| [FinalNewline](#finalnewline) | Yes | warns about missing newline at the end of a ERB template |
| [NoJavascriptTagHelper](#nojavascripttaghelper) | Yes | prevents the usage of Rails' `javascript_tag` |
| ParserErrors | Yes | |
-| PartialInstanceVariable | No | detects instance variables in partials |
| [RequireInputAutocomplete](#requireinputautocomplete) | Yes | warns about missing autocomplete attributes in input tags |
| [RightTrim](#righttrim) | Yes | enforces trimming at the right of an ERB tag |
| [SelfClosingTag](#selfclosingtag) | Yes | enforces self closing tag styles for void elements |
@@ -121,9 +120,11 @@ linters:
| TrailingWhitespace | Yes | |
| [DeprecatedClasses](#deprecatedclasses) | No | warns about deprecated css classes |
| [ErbSafety](#erbsafety) | No | detects unsafe interpolation of ruby data into various javascript contexts and enforce usage of safe helpers like `.to_json`. |
+| [HardCodedString](#hardcodedstring) | No | warns if there is a visible hardcoded string in the DOM (does not check for a hardcoded string nested inside a JavaScript tag) |
+| PartialInstanceVariable | No | detects instance variables in partials |
| [Rubocop](#rubocop) | No | runs RuboCop rules on ruby statements found in ERB templates |
| [RequireScriptNonce](#requirescriptnonce) | No | warns about missing [Content Security Policy nonces](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/security.html#content-security-policy) in script tags |
-| [HardCodedString](#hardcodedstring) | No | warns if there is a visible hardcoded string in the DOM (does not check for a hardcoded string nested inside a JavaScript tag) |
+| [StrictLocals](#strictlocals) | No | enforces the use of strict locals in Rails view partial templates |
### DeprecatedClasses
@@ -544,6 +545,27 @@ class I18nCorrector
+### StrictLocals
+This linter enforces the use of [strict locals](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/layouts_and_rendering.html#strict-locals) in Rails view partial templates.
+# app/views/foo/_bar.html.erb
+Bad ❌
+ My name is <%= @name %>
+Good ✅
+<%# locals: (name:) %>
+ My name is <%= name %>
+**Note**: This linter does not enforce the use of strict locals in view templates (files that don't start with `_`).
+**Note**: This linter does not prevent the use of instance variables. It merely enforces that a strict locals declaration is present. It's recommended to use this linter in conjunction with the `PartialInstanceVariable` linter to enforce the use of locals.
## CommentSyntax
This linter enforces the use of the correct ERB comment syntax, since Ruby comments (`<% # comment %>` with a space) are not technically valid ERB comments.
diff --git a/lib/erb_lint/linters/strict_locals.rb b/lib/erb_lint/linters/strict_locals.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f533a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/erb_lint/linters/strict_locals.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module ERBLint
+ module Linters
+ # Enforces the use of strict locals in Rails view partial templates.
+ class StrictLocals < Linter
+ include LinterRegistry
+ STRICT_LOCALS_REGEX = /\s+locals:\s+\((.*)\)/
+ def initialize(file_loader, config)
+ super
+ end
+ def run(processed_source)
+ return unless processed_source.filename.match?(%r{(\A|.*/)_[^/\s]*\.html\.erb\z})
+ file_content = processed_source.file_content
+ return if file_content.empty?
+ strict_locals_node = processed_source.ast.descendants(:erb).find do |erb_node|
+ indicator_node, _, code_node, _ = *erb_node
+ indicator_node_str = indicator_node&.deconstruct&.last
+ next unless indicator_node_str == "#"
+ code_node_str = code_node&.deconstruct&.last
+ code_node_str.match(STRICT_LOCALS_REGEX)
+ end
+ unless strict_locals_node
+ add_offense(
+ processed_source.to_source_range(0...processed_source.file_content.size),
+ <<~EOF.chomp,
+ Missing strict locals declaration.
+ Add <%# locals: () %> at the top of the file to enforce strict locals.
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ def autocorrect(_processed_source, offense)
+ lambda do |corrector|
+ corrector.insert_before(offense.source_range, "<%# locals: () %>\n")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/erb_lint/linters/strict_locals_spec.rb b/spec/erb_lint/linters/strict_locals_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20f0a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/erb_lint/linters/strict_locals_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "spec_helper"
+require "debug"
+describe ERBLint::Linters::StrictLocals do
+ let(:linter_config) { described_class.config_schema.new }
+ let(:file_loader) { ERBLint::FileLoader.new(".") }
+ let(:linter) { described_class.new(file_loader, linter_config) }
+ subject { linter.offenses }
+ before { linter.run(processed_source) }
+ context "when the ERB is not a view partial" do
+ let(:file) { <<~FILE }
+ <%= foo %>
+ context "when the ERB is a simple file" do
+ let(:processed_source) { ERBLint::ProcessedSource.new("file.html.erb", file) }
+ it "does not report any offenses" do
+ expect(subject).to(be_empty)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the ERB is a nested file" do
+ let(:processed_source) { ERBLint::ProcessedSource.new("foo/bar/baz/my_file.html.erb", file) }
+ it "does not report any offenses" do
+ expect(subject).to(be_empty)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the ERB is empty" do
+ let(:file) { "" }
+ let(:processed_source) { ERBLint::ProcessedSource.new("_file.html.erb", file) }
+ it "does not report any offenses" do
+ expect(subject).to(be_empty)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the ERB is a view partial" do
+ let(:processed_source) { ERBLint::ProcessedSource.new("_file.html.erb", file) }
+ context "when the ERB contains a strict locals declaration at the top of the file" do
+ let(:file) { <<~FILE }
+ <%# locals: (foo: "bar") %>
+ <%= foo %>
+ it "does not report any offenses" do
+ expect(subject).to(be_empty)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the ERB contains a strict locals declaration anywhere else in the file" do
+ let(:file) { <<~FILE }
+ <%= foo %>
+ <%# locals: (foo: "bar") %>
+ it "does not report any offenses" do
+ expect(subject).to(be_empty)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the ERB contains an empty strict locals declaration" do
+ let(:file) { <<~FILE }
+ <%# locals: () %>
+ <%= foo %>
+ it "does not report any offenses" do
+ expect(subject).to(be_empty)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the ERB does not contain a strict locals declaration" do
+ let(:file) { <<~FILE }
+ <%= foo %>
+ let(:corrector) { ERBLint::Corrector.new(processed_source, subject) }
+ let(:corrected_content) { corrector.corrected_content }
+ it "reports an offense" do
+ expect(subject.size).to(eq(1))
+ end
+ it "reports the suggested fix" do
+ expect(subject.first.message).to(include(
+ "Missing strict locals declaration.\n",
+ "Add <%# locals: () %> at the top of the file to enforce strict locals.",
+ ))
+ end
+ it "corrects the file" do
+ expect(corrected_content).to(eq("<%# locals: () %>\n\n <%= foo %>\n
+ end
+ end
+ end