From b5c2ab4806d2f8721122f1f6450b5ad522f8e8ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Marquis Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2024 17:11:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] [Git] Add fzf aliases --- docs/ | 20 +++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ index 1af05d10..67e6fb9d 100644 --- a/docs/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -15,21 +15,39 @@ title: 💽 Git autosetuprebase = always [alias] + # List aliases aliases = !git config --global -l | grep alias | sort; + # List repository authors by number of contributions authors = !git log --pretty=format:%aN | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn - branches = branch -a + # List all branches + branches = branch --all + # Switch branch with fzf + cb = !git branch --all | grep -v '^[*+]' | awk '{print $1}' | fzf -0 --border --reverse --preview 'git show --color=always {-1}' | sed 's/remotes\\/origin\\///g' | xargs --no-run-if-empty git checkout + # Print changelog between two references changelog = "!f() { git log --topo-order --pretty=format:\"%h ~ %s\" \"$1..${2:-HEAD}\" --no-merges; }; f" + # Delete branches with fzf + db = !git branch | grep -v '^[*+]' | awk '{print $1}' | fzf -0 --border --reverse --multi --header '🗑️ Select one or more branches to delete:' --preview 'git show --color=always {-1}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty git branch --delete --force + # Print stats of last commit last = log -1 --stat + # Pretty-print log lg = log --all --graph --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %Cblue<%an>%Creset" --abbrev-commit --date=relative + # Utils to open references on GitHub, Gerrit, BitBucket, etc. open = "!f() {\n local type=\"${1:-branch}\"\n local target=\"${2:-HEAD}\"\n local current_upstream=\"$(git for-each-ref --format=\"%(upstream:remotename)\" \"$(git symbolic-ref -q \"$target\")\")\"\n local first_remote=\"$(git remote show | head -n 1)\"\n local remote=${current_upstream:-$first_remote}\n remote=${upstream:-origin}\n\n if [ \"$type\" = \"branch\" ] || [ \"$type\" = \"pr\" ]; then\n # get full name (i.e. refs/heads/*; refs/remotes/*/*); src:\n target=\"$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name \"$target\")\"\n\n if [ \"$target\" != \"${target#\"refs/remotes/\"}\" ]; then\n # extract from remote branch reference\n target=\"${target#\"refs/remotes/\"}\"\n else\n # extract from local branch reference; src:\n target=\"$(git for-each-ref --format=\"%(upstream:short)\" \"$target\")\"\n fi\n # split remote/branch\n remote=\"${target%%/*}\"\n target=\"${target#\"$remote/\"}\"\n\n if [ -z \"$remote\" ]; then\n echo \"Branch ($2) does not point to a remote repository.\" >&2\n return 2\n fi\n fi\n\n local repo_url=\"$(git remote get-url \"$remote\" | sed -E -e \"s/(\\.(com|org|io))\\:/\\1\\//\" -e \"s/git@/https:\\/\\//\" -e \"s/\\.git$//\")\"\n if [ -z \"$repo_url\" ]; then\n echo \"Cannot open: no remote repository configured under ($remote)\" >&2\n return 1\n fi\n\n case \"$(echo \"$repo_url\" | tr \"[:upper:]\" \"[:lower:]\")\" in\n *github*)\n case \"$type\" in\n \"repo\") ;;\n \"commit\") repo_url=\"$repo_url/commit/$(git rev-parse \"$target\")\" ;;\n \"pr\") repo_url=\"$repo_url/compare/$target?quick_pull=1\" ;;\n \"tag\") repo_url=\"$repo_url/releases/tag/$target\" ;;\n \"branch\") repo_url=\"$repo_url/tree/$target\" ;;\n *) echo \"Unsupported action: $type\" >&2 ; return 1 ;;\n esac\n ;;\n *bitbucket*)\n case \"$type\" in\n \"repo\") ;;\n \"commit\") repo_url=\"$repo_url/commits/$(git rev-parse \"$target\")\" ;;\n \"pr\") repo_url=\"$repo_url/pull-requests/new?source=$target\" ;;\n \"tag\") repo_url=\"$repo_url/src/$target\" ;;\n \"branch\") repo_url=\"$repo_url/src/$target\" ;;\n *) echo \"Unsupported action: $type\" >&2 ; return 1 ;;\n esac\n ;;\n *gitlab*)\n case \"$type\" in\n \"repo\") ;;\n \"commit\") repo_url=\"$repo_url/-/commit/$(git rev-parse \"$target\")\" ;;\n \"pr\") repo_url=\"$repo_url/-/merge_requests/new?merge_request[source_branch]=$target\" ;;\n \"tag\") repo_url=\"$repo_url/-/tags/$target\" ;;\n \"branch\") repo_url=\"$repo_url/-/tree/$target\" ;;\n *) echo \"Unsupported action: $type\" >&2 ; return 1 ;;\n esac\n ;;\n *azure*)\n case \"$type\" in\n \"repo\") ;;\n \"commit\") repo_url=\"$repo_url/commit/$(git rev-parse \"$target\")\" ;;\n \"pr\") repo_url=\"$repo_url/pullrequestcreate?sourceRef=$target\" ;;\n \"tag\") repo_url=\"$repo_url?version=GT$target\" ;;\n \"branch\") repo_url=\"$repo_url?version=GB$target\" ;;\n *) echo \"Unsupported action: $type\" >&2 ; return 1 ;;\n esac\n ;;\n *review*|*gerrit*)\n local gerrit_repo_url=$(git config gerrit.web-ui-url)\n if [ -z \"$gerrit_repo_url\" ]; then\n echo \"Unknown Gerrit URL: git config gerrit.web-ui-url \" >&2\n return 1\n fi\n case \"$type\" in\n \"repo\") repo_url=\"$gerrit_repo_url\" ;;\n \"commit\") repo_url=\"$gerrit_repo_url/q/commit:$(git rev-parse \"$target\")\" ;;\n \"tag\") repo_url=\"$gerrit_repo_url/q/tag:$target\" ;;\n \"branch\") repo_url=\"$gerrit_repo_url/q/branch:$target\" ;;\n \"search\") repo_url=\"$gerrit_repo_url/q/$target\" ;;\n *) echo \"Unsupported action: $type\" >&2 ; return 1 ;;\n esac\n ;;\n *) echo \"Unsupported repository type: $repo_url\" >&2 ; return 1 ;;\n esac\n\n case \"$(uname -sr)\" in\n Darwin*) open \"$repo_url\" ;; # macOS\n Linux*Microsoft*) explorer.exe \"$repo_url\" ;; # WSL\n Linux*) xdg-open \"$repo_url\" ;; # Linux\n CYGWIN*|MINGW*|MINGW32*|MSYS*) powershell start $repo_url ;; # Windows\n *) echo \"Unsupported OS $(uname -sr)\" >&2 ; return 1 ;;\n esac\n\n}; f" + # List all remotes remotes = remote -v + # Bootstrap repository with an empty initial commit start = !git init && git commit --allow-empty -m 'Initial commit' + # List all tags tags = tag -n + # Bootstrap repository and add everything as initial commit this = !git init && git add --all && git commit -m 'Initial commit' # git rebase --onto @{1} rebase-onto = "!f() { git rebase --onto \"$1\" \"$1@{1}\" \"$2\"; }; f" + # Undo last commit undo = reset --soft HEAD^ + # Unstage changes added to the index unstage = reset HEAD -- + # Prints current user whoami = !git config --global && git config --global [commit]