Bullet is a "real-time query engine for very large data streams". More info in the official docs.
This repository contains the containerized versions of various components in Bullet's architecture.
Yet to get containerized: Storm Backend.
This repo also contains a docker-compose.yaml
to start the Bullet Quick Start application on Apache Spark Streaming.
Besides the Bullet components, the docker-compose.yaml
also starts:
as Bullet PubSub (docker.io/bitnami/kafka
for Kafka (docker.io/bitnami/zookeeper
for Kafka monitoring/debugging (obsidiandynamics/kafdrop
with 1 master and 3 worker nodes as the streaming platform to run Bullet's Backend (docker.io/bitnami/spark
to providehdfs
for the checkpointing of Bullet's Spark Backend (big-data-europe/docker-hadoop
Please note: The Bullet Spark Backend container is based on docker.io/bitnami/spark
and also used to bring up the Apache Spark cluster itself to ensure all necessary jars are present.
docker-compose up
Optionally, append --detach
to run containers in the background.
Some containers might restart until the infrastructure containers (Spark, Kafka, Zookeeper, Hadoop) are fully running.
docker-compose down
Optionally, include cleanup parameters --rmi all --volumes --remove-orphans