#Example configuration file for the hicup Perl script - edit as required ######################################################################## #Directory to which output files should be written (optional parameter) #Set to current working directory by default Outdir:/home/cbfgws6/Programs/HiCUP/HiCUP-0.8.3/wf #Number of threads to use Threads: 124 #Suppress progress updates (0: off, 1: on) Quiet:0 #Retain intermediate pipeline files (0: off, 1: on) Keep:0 #Compress outputfiles (0: off, 1: on) Zip:1 #Path to the alignment program (Bowtie or Bowtie2) #Remember to include the executable Bowtie/Bowtie2 filename. #Note: ensure you specify the correct aligner i.e. Bowtie when #using Bowtie indices, or Bowtie2 when using Bowtie2 indices. #In the example below Bowtie2 is specified. Bowtie2: /usr/bin/bowtie2 #Path to the reference genome indices #Remember to include the basename of the genome indices Index: /home/cbfgws6/Programs/HiCUP/HiCUP-0.8.3/wf/bt2wf #Path to the genome digest file produced by hicup_digester Digest: /home/cbfgws6/Programs/HiCUP/HiCUP-0.8.3/wf/Digest_woodfrog_Sau3AI_None_09-09-39_24-05-2022.txt.gz #FASTQ format (valid formats: 'Sanger', 'Solexa_Illumina_1.0', 'Illumina_1.3' or 'Illumina_1.5') #If not specified, HiCUP will try to determine the format automatically by analysing #one of the FASTQ files. All input FASTQ will assumed to be in this format Format: Sanger #Maximum di-tag length (optional parameter) Longest: 700 #Minimum di-tag length (optional parameter) Shortest: 50 #FASTQ files to be analysed, placing paired files on adjacent lines /home/cbfgws6/Documents/HiC/Rsylv_ATCATGCG-AACAGTCC_L004_R1_001.fastq /home/cbfgws6/Documents/HiC/Rsylv_ATCATGCG-AACAGTCC_L004_R2_001.fastq