FieldPackager is a class which used to manage the fields,
it'll convert the field names to normal names,
look down for the real example once you got the result from your database.
The following type supports only: field_name
and field-name
#Usage FieldPackager is a static class, so you don't need to construst it.
So you got a result and it's an array, let's cook it.
/** Simulate the result from the database */
$Result = ['ID' => 1,
'username' => 'yamiodymel',
'password' => 's2H1xfq62Kfc',
'email_address' => ''];
/** Package the RAW ARRAY */
and this will be returned.
string(10) "yamiodymel"
string(12) "s2H1xfq62Kfc"
string(11) ""
So you can use it like this in your PHP code.
/** Lovely! */
if($Result['EmailAddress'] == xxx)
/** Not like this anymore! */
if($Result['email_address'] == xxx)
You must set your source type and the normal name type.
/** Set true if your field name is 'field_name', set false if it's 'field-name' */
private static $field_type = true;
/** Set true if your normal name is 'CamelCase', set false if it's 'camelCase' */
private static $NormalName = true;
If some of your fields are 'out of the rule', you can manual add it to the list,
this makes the FieldPackager process the fields which is in the list first.
private static $List = ['userName' => 'user-name',
'Password' => 'password'];
Once you package it, you should get something like this.
/** 'user-name' should be returned not 'user_name' */
Package is a function for field -> normal name,
and multi-dimensional array is supported.
You can unwrap your package with this function,
as you know, it's a function for normal name -> field.
Get a normal name for this field name.
/** And "EmailAddress" will be returned */
Get a field name for this normal name.
/** And "email_address" will be returned */
If you have Aira to handler your errors,
You should set this to true (false by default.).
FieldPackager::$HasAira = true;
and Aira::Add('FIELDER_UNKNOWN')
will be called once the field name cannot be found.