The JISpeak batch file is used to enable/disable the JAWS Inspect speech capture feature.
Running jispeak.cmd with no options will provide usage instructions.
Usage: 'jispeak on' to begin capturing, or 'jispeak off' to stop capturing.
(NOTE: Capturing will overwrite <path to log> if it exists)
Running jispeak.cmd with the 'on' option will enable the JAWS Inspect speech capture feature.
jispeak on
Capturing JAWS Inspeak speech output to <path to log>
If the log file already exists, the batch file will prompt to overwrite it before continuing.
<path to log> already exists. If you continue, the file will be overwritten. Do you want to continue? [Y,N]?
Running jispeak.cmd with the 'off' option will disable the JAWS Inspect speech capture feature.
jispeak off
Capturing complete
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is FA55-A614Directory of <path to log>
08/29/2018 12:19 PM 141 jawsinspectspeechoutput.csv
1 File(s) 141 bytes
0 Dir(s) 92,577,894,400 bytes free
By default, the log file is captured to %userprofile%\JAWSInspectSpeechOutput.csv