From 692dd454eca72ff4edc3dc26912e9d43ee2d3dfa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ron Zuckerman <>
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2023 11:23:20 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Add Selection Sort in Commodore Basic

 archive/c/commodore-basic/selection-sort.bas | 103 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 103 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 archive/c/commodore-basic/selection-sort.bas

diff --git a/archive/c/commodore-basic/selection-sort.bas b/archive/c/commodore-basic/selection-sort.bas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a88f49cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/c/commodore-basic/selection-sort.bas
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+10 DIM A(100)
+20 GOSUB 2000: REM Get array
+25 REM Error if invalid, not end of input/value, or less that 2 items
+30 IF V = 0 OR C >= 0 OR NA < 2 THEN GOTO 200
+40 GOSUB 3000: REM Perform selection sort
+50 GOSUB 3500: REM Show array
+60 END
+200 Q$ = CHR$(34): REM quote
+210 PRINT "Usage: please provide a list of at least two integers to sort ";
+220 PRINT "in the format "; Q$; "1, 2, 3, 4, 5"; Q$
+230 END
+1000 REM Read input value one character at a time since Commodore BASIC
+1001 REM has trouble reading line from stdin properly
+1002 REM NR = number
+1003 REM V = 1 if valid number, 0 otherwise
+1004 REM C = -2 if end of input, -1 if end of value,
+1005 REM   32 if whitespace, ASCII code of last character otherwise
+1006 REM Initialize
+1010 NR = 0
+1020 V = 0
+1030 S = 1
+1035 REM Loop while leading spaces
+1040 GOSUB 1500
+1050 IF C = 43 OR C = 45 THEN GOTO 1100: REM + or -
+1060 IF C >= 48 AND C <= 57 THEN GOTO 1150: REM 0 to 9
+1070 IF C = 32 THEN GOTO 1040: REM whitespace
+1080 RETURN: REM other character
+1085 REM Loop while sign
+1090 GOSUB 1500
+1100 IF C = 43 THEN GOTO 1090: REM +
+1110 IF C >= 48 AND C <= 57 THEN GOTO 1150: REM 0 to 9
+1120 IF C <> 45 THEN RETURN: REM not -
+1130 S = -S
+1140 GOTO 1090
+1145 REM Set valid flag
+1150 V = 1
+1155 REM Loop while digits
+1160 NR = (ABS(NR) * 10 + C - 48) * S
+1170 GOSUB 1500
+1180 IF C >= 48 AND C <= 57 THEN GOTO 1160: REM 0 to 9
+1185 REM Loop while trailing spaces
+1190 IF C < 0 OR C <> 32 THEN RETURN: REM end character or not whitespace
+1200 GOSUB 1500
+1210 GOTO 1180
+1500 REM Get input character
+1501 REM A$ = input character
+1502 REM C = One of the following:
+1502 REM - -1 if end of value
+1503 REM - -2 if end of input
+1504 REM - 32 if whitespace
+1505 REM - ASCII code otherwise
+1510 GET A$
+1520 C = ASC(A$)
+1530 IF C = 13 THEN C = -1
+1540 IF C = 255 THEN C = -2
+1550 IF C = 9 OR C = 10 THEN C = 32
+1560 RETURN
+2000 REM Read array value
+2001 REM A contains array value
+2002 REM NA contains length of array
+2003 REM V = 1 if valid number, 0 otherwise
+2004 REM C = -2 if end of input, -1 if end of value,
+2005 REM   32 if whitespace, ASCII code of last character otherwise
+2006 REM Initialize
+2010 NA = 0
+2020 GOSUB 1000: REM Read input value
+2030 IF V = 0 THEN RETURN: REM invalid
+2040 NA = NA + 1
+2050 A(NA) = NR
+2060 IF C < 0 THEN RETURN: REM end of input or value
+2070 IF C = 44 THEN GOTO 2020: REM comma, get next value
+2080 V = 0
+2090 RETURN
+3000 REM Selection sort
+3001 REM Source:
+3002 REM Inputs:
+3003 REM - A contains array to sort
+3004 REM - NA contains size of array
+3005 REM Outputs: A contains sorted array
+3010 IF NA < 2 THEN GOTO 3120
+3020 FOR I = 1 TO NA - 1
+3030    MP = I: REM MP = min position
+3040    FOR J = I + 1 TO NA
+3050        IF A(J) < A(MP) THEN MP = J
+3060    NEXT J
+3070    IF MP = I THEN GOTO 3110
+3080    T = A(I)
+3090    A(I) = A(MP)
+3100    A(MP) = T
+3110 NEXT I
+3120 RETURN
+3500 REM Display array
+3501 REM A contains array
+3502 REM NA contains size of array
+3510 IF NA < 1 THEN GOTO 3590
+3520 FOR I = 1 TO NA
+3530    S$ = STR$(A(I))
+3540    IF A(I) >= 0 THEN S$ = MID$(S$, 2): REM strip leading space
+3550    PRINT S$;
+3560    IF I < NA THEN PRINT ", ";
+3570 NEXT I
+3580 PRINT
+3590 RETURN