diff --git a/client/src/js/components/bhFindPatient.js b/client/src/js/components/bhFindPatient.js
index faa925afdc..3bcef3983b 100644
--- a/client/src/js/components/bhFindPatient.js
+++ b/client/src/js/components/bhFindPatient.js
@@ -117,7 +117,6 @@ function FindPatientComponent(Patients, AppCache, Notify, Session, bhConstants,
* @method searchByReference
diff --git a/client/src/modules/reports/generate/invoiced_received_stock/invoiced_received_stock.html b/client/src/modules/reports/generate/invoiced_received_stock/invoiced_received_stock.html
index cc041e1080..f064ffdd2b 100644
--- a/client/src/modules/reports/generate/invoiced_received_stock/invoiced_received_stock.html
+++ b/client/src/modules/reports/generate/invoiced_received_stock/invoiced_received_stock.html
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
+ on-search-complete="ReportConfigCtrl.setPatient(patient)"
+ required="true">
diff --git a/client/src/modules/reports/generate/invoiced_received_stock/invoiced_received_stock.js b/client/src/modules/reports/generate/invoiced_received_stock/invoiced_received_stock.js
index b107281458..aace398fac 100644
--- a/client/src/modules/reports/generate/invoiced_received_stock/invoiced_received_stock.js
+++ b/client/src/modules/reports/generate/invoiced_received_stock/invoiced_received_stock.js
@@ -15,16 +15,15 @@ function invoicedeceivedStockController($state, $sce, Notify, AppCache, SavedRep
const vm = this;
const cache = new AppCache('configure_invoiced_received_stock');
- const reportUrl = '/reports/finance/invoiced_received_stock/';
- let baseReportUrl = '';
+ const reportUrl = 'reports/finance/invoiced_received_stock';
- vm.reportDetails = {};
+ vm.reportDetails = { };
vm.requestSaveAs = function requestSaveAs() {
const options = {
- url : baseReportUrl,
+ url : reportUrl,
report : reportData,
reportOptions : angular.copy(vm.reportDetails),
@@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ function invoicedeceivedStockController($state, $sce, Notify, AppCache, SavedRep
// set patient
vm.setPatient = function setPatient(patient) {
- baseReportUrl = `${reportUrl}${patient.uuid}`;
+ vm.reportDetails.patientUuid = patient.uuid;
vm.preview = function preview(form) {
@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ function invoicedeceivedStockController($state, $sce, Notify, AppCache, SavedRep
// update cached configuration
cache.reportDetails = angular.copy(vm.reportDetails);
- return SavedReports.requestPreview(baseReportUrl, reportData.id, angular.copy(vm.reportDetails))
+ return SavedReports.requestPreview(reportUrl, reportData.id, angular.copy(vm.reportDetails))
.then(result => {
vm.previewGenerated = true;
vm.previewResult = $sce.trustAsHtml(result);
diff --git a/server/config/routes.js b/server/config/routes.js
index 5367f02a66..ba166950fb 100644
--- a/server/config/routes.js
+++ b/server/config/routes.js
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ exports.configure = function configure(app) {
app.get('/reports/finance/client_support', clientSupport.report);
app.get('/reports/finance/realized_profit', realizedProfit.report);
app.get('/reports/finance/recovery_capacity', recoveryCapacity.report);
- app.get('/reports/finance/invoiced_received_stock/:uuid', financeReports.invoicedReceivedStock.report);
+ app.get('/reports/finance/invoiced_received_stock', financeReports.invoicedReceivedStock.report);
app.get('/reports/finance/system_usage_stat', systemUsage.document);
diff --git a/server/controllers/finance/reports/invoiced_received_stock/index.js b/server/controllers/finance/reports/invoiced_received_stock/index.js
index 12f64bd2ef..f2b48846c4 100644
--- a/server/controllers/finance/reports/invoiced_received_stock/index.js
+++ b/server/controllers/finance/reports/invoiced_received_stock/index.js
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ const ReportManager = require('../../../../lib/ReportManager');
const Patients = require('../../../medical/patients');
const TEMPLATE = './server/controllers/finance/reports/invoiced_received_stock/report.handlebars';
// expose to the API
exports.report = report;
@@ -21,161 +22,150 @@ const DEFAULT_PARAMS = {
* This report makes it possible to attach the items billed to a patient on
* the articulated items consumed or distributed to the Patient.
-function report(req, res, next) {
- const params = req.query;
- const patientUuid = req.params.uuid;
- const data = {};
- let reporting;
- params.dateFrom = new Date(params.dateFrom);
- params.dateTo = new Date(params.dateTo);
- data.period = {
- dateFrom : params.dateFrom,
- dateTo : params.dateTo,
- };
- const sqlInvoice = `
- SELECT iv.uuid, map.text, iv.date
- FROM invoice AS iv
- JOIN debtor AS d ON d.uuid = iv.debtor_uuid
- JOIN patient AS p ON p.debtor_uuid = d.uuid
- JOIN document_map AS map ON map.uuid = iv.uuid
- WHERE p.uuid = ? AND (DATE(iv.date) >= DATE(?) AND DATE(iv.date) <= DATE(?))
- ORDER BY iv.date DESC
- `;
- const sqlInvoicedDistributed = `
- SELECT aggr.reference, BUID(aggr.inventory_uuid) AS inventory_uuid, aggr.inventory_text,
- SUM(aggr.quantity) AS quantity_invoiced, aggr.price_invoiced,
- BUID(aggr.invoice_uuid) AS invoice_uuid, aggr.invoice_date,
- SUM(aggr.quantity_distributed) AS quantity_distributed, SUM(aggr.cost_distributed) AS cost_distributed
- FROM (
- SELECT map.text AS reference, inv.uuid AS inventory_uuid, inv.text AS inventory_text, item.quantity,
- item.inventory_price AS price_invoiced,iv.uuid AS invoice_uuid, iv.date AS invoice_date, 0 AS quantity_distributed,
- 0 AS cost_distributed
- FROM invoice_item AS item
- JOIN inventory AS inv ON inv.uuid = item.inventory_uuid
- JOIN invoice AS iv ON iv.uuid = item.invoice_uuid
- JOIN document_map AS map ON map.uuid = iv.uuid
- JOIN patient AS p ON p.debtor_uuid = iv.debtor_uuid
- WHERE p.uuid = ? AND (DATE(iv.date) >= DATE(?) AND DATE(iv.date) <= DATE(?))
- AND inv.consumable = 1
- SELECT map.text AS reference, inv.uuid AS inventory_uuid, inv.text AS inventory_text,
- 0 AS quantity, 0 AS price_invoiced, sm.invoice_uuid, sm.date,
- SUM(sm.quantity) AS quantity_distributed, sm.unit_cost AS cost_distributed
- FROM stock_movement AS sm
- JOIN patient AS p ON p.uuid = sm.entity_uuid
- JOIN lot AS l ON l.uuid = sm.lot_uuid
- JOIN inventory AS inv ON inv.uuid = l.inventory_uuid
- JOIN invoice AS iv ON iv.uuid = sm.invoice_uuid
- JOIN document_map AS map ON map.uuid = iv.uuid
- WHERE sm.invoice_uuid IS NOT NULL AND
- p.uuid = ? AND (DATE(sm.date) >= DATE(?) AND DATE(sm.date) <= DATE(?))
- AND sm.is_exit = 1
- GROUP BY inv.uuid, iv.uuid ) AS aggr
- GROUP BY aggr.inventory_uuid, aggr.invoice_uuid
- ORDER BY aggr.inventory_text ASC
- `;
- const sqlNoInvoiceAttributionAggregat = `
- SELECT DISTINCT(mov.document_uuid) AS document_uuid, map.text AS document, mov.date
- FROM patient AS p
- JOIN stock_movement AS mov ON mov.entity_uuid = p.uuid
- JOIN document_map AS map ON map.uuid = mov.document_uuid
- WHERE p.uuid = ? AND (DATE(mov.date) >= DATE(?) AND DATE(mov.date) <= DATE(?)) AND mov.invoice_uuid IS NULL
- ORDER BY mov.date DESC;
- `;
- const sqlNoInvoiceAttribution = `
- SELECT BUID(p.uuid) AS patientUuid, mov.document_uuid, mov.quantity, mov.unit_cost, map.text AS document,
- iv.text AS inventory_text, (mov.quantity * mov.unit_cost) AS total_cost, mov.date
- FROM patient AS p
- JOIN stock_movement AS mov ON mov.entity_uuid = p.uuid
- JOIN lot AS l ON l.uuid = mov.lot_uuid
- JOIN inventory AS iv ON iv.uuid = l.inventory_uuid
- JOIN document_map AS map ON map.uuid = mov.document_uuid
- WHERE p.uuid = ? AND (DATE(mov.date) >= DATE(?) AND DATE(mov.date) <= DATE(?))
- AND mov.is_exit = 1 AND mov.invoice_uuid IS NULL
- ORDER BY iv.text ASC;
- `;
- _.defaults(params, DEFAULT_PARAMS);
+async function report(req, res, next) {
try {
- reporting = new ReportManager(TEMPLATE, req.session, params);
- } catch (e) {
- next(e);
- return;
- }
- const dbPromises = [
- Patients.lookupPatient(patientUuid),
- db.exec(sqlInvoice, [db.bid(patientUuid), params.dateFrom, params.dateTo]),
- db.exec(sqlInvoicedDistributed, [db.bid(patientUuid), params.dateFrom, params.dateTo,
- db.bid(patientUuid), params.dateFrom, params.dateTo]),
- db.exec(sqlNoInvoiceAttributionAggregat, [db.bid(patientUuid), params.dateFrom, params.dateTo]),
- db.exec(sqlNoInvoiceAttribution, [db.bid(patientUuid), params.dateFrom, params.dateTo]),
- ];
- Promise.all(dbPromises)
- .then(([patient, invoices, inventoriesInvoicedDistibuted,
- noInvoiceAttributionAggregat, noInvoiceAttribution]) => {
- _.extend(data, { patient });
- invoices.forEach(invoice => {
- invoice.inventories = [];
- let totalInvoice = 0;
- let totalDistribution = 0;
- inventoriesInvoicedDistibuted.forEach(inventory => {
- if (invoice.text === inventory.reference) {
- inventory.quantity_invoiced = inventory.quantity_invoiced || '';
- inventory.quantity_distributed = inventory.quantity_distributed || '';
- inventory.total_item_invoiced = inventory.quantity_invoiced * inventory.price_invoiced;
- inventory.total_item_distributed = inventory.quantity_distributed * inventory.cost_distributed;
- inventory.quantity_difference = inventory.quantity_invoiced - inventory.quantity_distributed;
- inventory.cost_difference = inventory.total_item_invoiced - inventory.total_item_distributed;
- totalInvoice += inventory.total_item_invoiced;
- totalDistribution += inventory.total_item_distributed;
- invoice.inventories.push(inventory);
- }
- invoice.total_invoice = totalInvoice;
- invoice.total_distribution = totalDistribution;
- invoice.difference = totalInvoice - totalDistribution;
- });
- invoice.emptyInvoice = (invoice.inventories.length === 0);
+ const { patientUuid } = req.query;
+ const dateFrom = new Date(req.query.dateFrom);
+ const dateTo = new Date(req.query.dateTo);
+ const data = { period : { dateFrom, dateTo } };
+ const sqlInvoice = `
+ SELECT iv.uuid, map.text, iv.date
+ FROM invoice AS iv
+ JOIN debtor AS d ON d.uuid = iv.debtor_uuid
+ JOIN patient AS p ON p.debtor_uuid = d.uuid
+ JOIN document_map AS map ON map.uuid = iv.uuid
+ WHERE p.uuid = ? AND (DATE(iv.date) >= DATE(?) AND DATE(iv.date) <= DATE(?))
+ ORDER BY iv.date DESC
+ `;
+ const sqlInvoicedDistributed = `
+ SELECT aggr.reference, BUID(aggr.inventory_uuid) AS inventory_uuid, aggr.inventory_text,
+ SUM(aggr.quantity) AS quantity_invoiced, aggr.price_invoiced,
+ BUID(aggr.invoice_uuid) AS invoice_uuid, aggr.invoice_date,
+ SUM(aggr.quantity_distributed) AS quantity_distributed, SUM(aggr.cost_distributed) AS cost_distributed
+ FROM (
+ SELECT map.text AS reference, inv.uuid AS inventory_uuid, inv.text AS inventory_text, item.quantity,
+ item.inventory_price AS price_invoiced,
+ iv.uuid AS invoice_uuid, iv.date AS invoice_date,
+ 0 AS quantity_distributed,
+ 0 AS cost_distributed
+ FROM invoice_item AS item
+ JOIN inventory AS inv ON inv.uuid = item.inventory_uuid
+ JOIN invoice AS iv ON iv.uuid = item.invoice_uuid
+ JOIN document_map AS map ON map.uuid = iv.uuid
+ JOIN patient AS p ON p.debtor_uuid = iv.debtor_uuid
+ WHERE p.uuid = ? AND (DATE(iv.date) >= DATE(?) AND DATE(iv.date) <= DATE(?))
+ AND inv.consumable = 1
+ SELECT map.text AS reference, inv.uuid AS inventory_uuid, inv.text AS inventory_text,
+ 0 AS quantity, 0 AS price_invoiced, sm.invoice_uuid, sm.date,
+ SUM(sm.quantity) AS quantity_distributed, sm.unit_cost AS cost_distributed
+ FROM stock_movement AS sm
+ JOIN patient AS p ON p.uuid = sm.entity_uuid
+ JOIN lot AS l ON l.uuid = sm.lot_uuid
+ JOIN inventory AS inv ON inv.uuid = l.inventory_uuid
+ JOIN invoice AS iv ON iv.uuid = sm.invoice_uuid
+ JOIN document_map AS map ON map.uuid = iv.uuid
+ WHERE sm.invoice_uuid IS NOT NULL AND
+ p.uuid = ? AND (DATE(sm.date) >= DATE(?) AND DATE(sm.date) <= DATE(?))
+ AND sm.is_exit = 1
+ GROUP BY inv.uuid, iv.uuid
+ ) AS aggr
+ GROUP BY aggr.inventory_uuid, aggr.invoice_uuid
+ ORDER BY aggr.inventory_text ASC
+ `;
+ const sqlNoInvoiceAttributionAggregat = `
+ SELECT DISTINCT(mov.document_uuid) AS document_uuid, map.text AS document, mov.date
+ FROM patient AS p
+ JOIN stock_movement AS mov ON mov.entity_uuid = p.uuid
+ JOIN document_map AS map ON map.uuid = mov.document_uuid
+ WHERE p.uuid = ? AND (DATE(mov.date) >= DATE(?) AND DATE(mov.date) <= DATE(?)) AND mov.invoice_uuid IS NULL
+ ORDER BY mov.date DESC;
+ `;
+ const sqlNoInvoiceAttribution = `
+ BUID(p.uuid) AS patientUuid, mov.document_uuid, mov.quantity, mov.unit_cost, map.text AS document,
+ iv.text AS inventory_text, (mov.quantity * mov.unit_cost) AS total_cost, mov.date
+ FROM patient AS p
+ JOIN stock_movement AS mov ON mov.entity_uuid = p.uuid
+ JOIN lot AS l ON l.uuid = mov.lot_uuid
+ JOIN inventory AS iv ON iv.uuid = l.inventory_uuid
+ JOIN document_map AS map ON map.uuid = mov.document_uuid
+ WHERE p.uuid = ? AND (DATE(mov.date) >= DATE(?) AND DATE(mov.date) <= DATE(?))
+ AND mov.is_exit = 1 AND mov.invoice_uuid IS NULL
+ ORDER BY iv.text ASC;
+ `;
+ _.defaults(req.query, DEFAULT_PARAMS);
+ const reporting = new ReportManager(TEMPLATE, req.session, req.query);
+ const patientBinaryUuid = db.bid(patientUuid);
+ const [
+ patient, invoices, inventoriesInvoicedDistibuted, noInvoiceAttributionAggregat, noInvoiceAttribution,
+ ] = await Promise.all([
+ Patients.lookupPatient(patientUuid),
+ db.exec(sqlInvoice, [patientBinaryUuid, dateFrom, dateTo]),
+ db.exec(sqlInvoicedDistributed, [patientBinaryUuid, dateFrom, dateTo, patientBinaryUuid, dateFrom, dateTo]),
+ db.exec(sqlNoInvoiceAttributionAggregat, [patientBinaryUuid, dateFrom, dateTo]),
+ db.exec(sqlNoInvoiceAttribution, [patientBinaryUuid, dateFrom, dateTo]),
+ ]);
+ _.extend(data, { patient });
+ invoices.forEach(invoice => {
+ invoice.inventories = [];
+ let totalInvoice = 0;
+ let totalDistribution = 0;
+ inventoriesInvoicedDistibuted.forEach(inventory => {
+ if (invoice.text === inventory.reference) {
+ inventory.quantity_invoiced = inventory.quantity_invoiced || '';
+ inventory.quantity_distributed = inventory.quantity_distributed || '';
+ inventory.total_item_invoiced = inventory.quantity_invoiced * inventory.price_invoiced;
+ inventory.total_item_distributed = inventory.quantity_distributed * inventory.cost_distributed;
+ inventory.quantity_difference = inventory.quantity_invoiced - inventory.quantity_distributed;
+ inventory.cost_difference = inventory.total_item_invoiced - inventory.total_item_distributed;
+ totalInvoice += inventory.total_item_invoiced;
+ totalDistribution += inventory.total_item_distributed;
+ invoice.inventories.push(inventory);
+ }
+ invoice.total_invoice = totalInvoice;
+ invoice.total_distribution = totalDistribution;
+ invoice.difference = totalInvoice - totalDistribution;
- noInvoiceAttributionAggregat.forEach(movement => {
- movement.inventories = [];
- movement.total_movement = 0;
- noInvoiceAttribution.forEach(inventory => {
- if (movement.document === inventory.document) {
- movement.inventories.push(inventory);
- movement.total_movement += inventory.total_cost;
- }
- });
+ invoice.emptyInvoice = (invoice.inventories.length === 0);
+ });
+ noInvoiceAttributionAggregat.forEach(movement => {
+ movement.inventories = [];
+ movement.total_movement = 0;
+ noInvoiceAttribution.forEach(inventory => {
+ if (movement.document === inventory.document) {
+ movement.inventories.push(inventory);
+ movement.total_movement += inventory.total_cost;
+ }
+ });
- data.invoices = invoices.filter(item => {
- return !item.emptyInvoice;
- });
+ data.invoices = invoices.filter(item => !item.emptyInvoice);
+ data.noInvoiceAttributionAggregat = noInvoiceAttributionAggregat;
+ data.checkNoInvoiceAttribution = (noInvoiceAttribution.length > 0);
- data.noInvoiceAttributionAggregat = noInvoiceAttributionAggregat;
- data.checkNoInvoiceAttribution = (noInvoiceAttribution.length > 0);
+ const result = await reporting.render(data);
- return reporting.render(data);
- })
- .then(result => {
- res.set(result.headers).send(result.report);
- })
- .catch(next);
+ res.set(result.headers).send(result.report);
+ } catch (err) {
+ next(err);
+ }
diff --git a/server/controllers/finance/reports/invoiced_received_stock/report.handlebars b/server/controllers/finance/reports/invoiced_received_stock/report.handlebars
index 6226fb3a42..e5745c83e8 100644
--- a/server/controllers/finance/reports/invoiced_received_stock/report.handlebars
+++ b/server/controllers/finance/reports/invoiced_received_stock/report.handlebars
@@ -154,4 +154,3 @@