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Hackberry Hand project

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About e-Nable France

eNableFrance Logo

Every year, in France, more than three hundred children are born with agenesis (a member who has not completely formed before birth).

We use 3D printing technologies to design, manufacture and offer assistive devices to people without fingers.

Children grow up and their devices need to be renewed every 12 to 18 months.

Thanks to your donations and their generosity, our network of makers equips people free of charge by making the request.

The primary mission of e-Nable France is to bring together and connect people who need a device with people who can make it.

About The Project

Hackberry Hand

Hand hackberry is a myolectric prosthesis (Prosthesis controlled by muscle sensors placed on the arm to control it) for people with disabilities hand to regain autonomy in everyday life: social, professional, transport, ...

These prototypes are still limited for everyday use in comparison to the models on the market, but they have the following characteristics:

  • The total cost of the prosthesis is less than 1000€ (10 000 to 70 000 € on the market)
  • The main parts (fingers, palm, socket) are made with a 3D printer
  • Parts plans, material list and manufacturing tutorials are online so that the prosthesis can be made and contribute to the development of the prosthesis by sharing these results (open source)

Its goal is to federate a team around the construction of a lower limb prosthesis at low cost with standardized and open source parts. They are easily repairable and therefore accessible to people with limited financial resources. He wants to help emerging countries that do not have access to prosthetic equipment.

Built With

Getting Started

An overview of tools required to flash devices, usage of basic examples and more.


To build files and flash them on microcontrollers, you'll need to download Visual Studio Code

Once installed, you need to download PlatformIO extension :

  1. Open Visual Studio Code
  2. Click on the "Extension button" (Ctrl + Shift + X)
  3. In the Extensions:MartketPlace, search for « PlatformIO ».The PlatformIO IDE will appears.
  4. Click on "Install".
  5. When installation is finished, click on "reload" or close/reopen Visual Studio Code.


Clone the repository

git clone


  1. On Visual Studio code, click on File > Open Folder... (Ctrl+K Ctrl+O)

  2. Select folder hackberry-enableFrance/example/basics_debug/

  3. Click on Build to compile the code

  4. Plug your device (Hackberry Hand or Arduino Nano)

  5. Click on Upload to load program on the device

Product Name Screen Shot

For more details, please refer to the PlatformIO Documentation


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project


  1. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  2. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature)
  3. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  4. Open a Pull Request

Additional Resources



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See Hackberry Original Project License for more information.



Main contributors

Open Source License Acknowledgements