# JSPanel

A library that helps you write a static dropdown menu, a panel, that follows the digital accessibility recommendations.

## Get started

First of all, get the source code in the `src` folder of this repository. You need to copy the javascript file & the css file:

<link rel="stylesheet" src="src/panel-style.css">

<script src="src/JSPanel.js">

**Note:** the source code is available in TypeScript & JavaScript.

## Create your own panel

According to the digital accessibility recommendations, the panel needs to be opened by a button. Here is an example of what your code should be:

    #container {
      position: fixed;
      bottom: 30px;
      right: 30px;

  <div id="container">
    <button id="panel-controller">

  <script src="src/JSPanel.js"></script>
    const button = document.querySelector("#panel-controller");
    const panel = new JSPanel(button, {
      bottom: 0 + button.getBoundingClientRect().height,
      right: 0,
      items: [
        { title: "My Profile", onclick: () => console.log("et voilĂ ") }

**Note:** the `aria-` attributes are added dynamically.

A panel has 5 different options:

|name|type|default value|description|
|`top`|number|null|The `top` CSS property.|
|`right`|number|null|The `right` CSS property.|
|`bottom`|number|null|The `bottom` CSS property.|
|`left`|number|null|The `left` CSS property.|
|`items`|Array of items|_required_|The items to be displayed in the panel.|

By default, the panel is placed in the upper left corner (`top:0,left:0`).

The items have also specific options:

|name|type|default value|description|
|`title`|string|(_required_)|The title of the item.|
|`id`|positive number|from 0, incrementing|The id of the item. Used to recognize items via some methods like `removeItem()` etc.|
|`icon`|string|null|The path to an image.|
|`fontawesome_icon`|string|null|The className of a Fontawesome icon.|
|`fontawesome_color`|string|null|The color of the Fontawesome icon.|
|`className`|string|null|Additional classes to be added to the item, separated by a white space.|
|`attributes`|`[string, string][]`|null|Additional attributes to be added to the item. Exemple: `[["data-thing", "thing"], ...[]]`|
|`onclick`|() => void|null|The callback function when the user clicks on the item.|
|`separator`|boolean|false|Displays a line. This item cannot have any other options.|

In order to use `fontawesome_icon` and `fontawesome_color`, make sure you've installed [Fontawesome](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/font-awesome) in your project.

## Make the panel dynamic

Use the following methods to modify the content of the panel after its creation:

* `toggleItem(id:number, disable=false)`: set disable to true if you want to disable the items. Set disable to false if you just want the item to disappear (display:none). Select the item with its ID (by default the first item has an ID of 0, then 1 etc.).

* `removeItem(id:number)`: removes an item.

* `removeItems(ids:number[])`: removes several items.

* `getAllIDS()`: gets the id of each item.

* `getItem(id:number)`: gets an item according to its ID.

* `addItem(item)`: adds a new item.

* `replaceItemWith(item, id:number)`: selects an item with its ID and replaces it by the new one.

* `deletePanel()`: deletes the panel.

## Customize the panel

You can change the style of the panel by modifying the CSS file. There are the main variables defined at the beginning of the file:

:root {
    --panel-background-color: #fff;
    --panel-box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.75);
    --panel-width: 160px;
    --panel-text-color: #404040;
    --panel-hover-item-background-color: #f4f6fa;
    --panel-hover-item-color: #385074;
    --panel-icon-width: 13px;
    --panel-separator-color: #dfe3eb;

For further modifications, you'll need to modify the CSS properties. Be careful not to modify the file too much at the risk of compromising the proper functioning of the panel.

## Digital Accessibility

Following the digital accessibility recommendations for this kind of panels, it is necessary to open or close the panel by clicking either the Enter or Space key. See <https://www.accede-web.com/en/guidelines/rich-interface-components/show-hide-panels/> for more information.

## License

MIT License