Releases: TobyLobster/ImportLDraw
Improved performance by 30-40%
Improved sloped grainy texture calculations.
Adds a grainy texture on sloped faces.
Fix for setting horizon colour.
Fix for logo size on some studs.
- Bug fix for case sensitivity in embedded filenames within an MPD
Added option to set up a scene: remove default cube and lamp, add a ground plane, use an environment texture for lighting the scene, position the camera in a good position to see the model, and set some useful render settings so it's ready to render.
Bevel width option.
Adjusted white line thickness.
Added support for fluorescence to the relevant transparent pieces.
Added support for the new Principled Shader, which is used when available, for optimal look.
Little Robots
- Fixed emissions node creation
- Added standard default values for LeoCAD cameras
- Added support for LeoCAD cameras (perspective and orthographic)
- Fix to support filenames in a case insensitive manner
- Better support for switching from importing instructions look to importing realistic look.
Added new 'curved walls' feature from BertVanRaemdonck
Added option to import in the style of the Lego Instruction booklets.