# Oolong for PuerTS

Oolong is a TypeScript framework made for Unity. Powered by [PuerTS](https://github.com/Tencent/puerts).


Checkout the following packages for more detail:

-   [Oolong](https://github.com/TsFreddie/Oolong/tree/main/Packages/in.tsdo.oolong@dev) - The ScriptBehaviour workflow
-   [Oolong Unity UI](https://github.com/TsFreddie/Oolong/tree/main/Packages/in.tsdo.oolong.ugui@dev) - A Unity UI front-end framework powered by MithrilJS

This repo does not currently have any documentations and is published as-is. You can read the code to see if you want to take it as a code base.