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Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

TwiKnight edited this page Mar 7, 2016 · 5 revisions

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Problem description:

Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. For example, the longest substring without repeating letters for "abcabcbb" is "abc", which the length is 3. For "bbbbb" the longest substring is "b", with the length of 1.

First of All, as usual, we do some translation:

  1. We have a string which we name it s
  2. We product the string s to a set of all its sub-strings.
  3. We need to find a string that fulfills the following constrains:
  4. It contains no repeating characters
  5. It has the max length of strings that fulfill constrain 1
  6. Now we return the length of the string we got in rule 3

As it's easy to solve this problem with a brute-force search algorithm following the steps above.

I prefer not to provide the code for such case... The complexity would be O(n^2) or O(n^3) according to the way you implement the non-repeating filter.

However, you know that there must be better practice.

Let's see how optimize it to O(n) from the brute-force search.

If you need to optimize an O(n^2) or more complex algorithm when handling something array-like, A usual way is to use a HashMap to do space-time trade-off as we know that a HashMap queries at cost of just O(1).

That's why I said the complexity of brute-force search would vary on the implementation of non-repeating filter. Because if you implement the filter with a HashMap or HashSet, the cost of determining whether a string is non-repeating would be decreased to O(n) level rather than O(n^2) of back-tracking search.

However, the limit of optimize the filter is O(n^2), as you O(n^2) to do the production (step 2). That's the performance bottle-neck of this algorithm.

So can we use HashMap one more time to reduce the complexity of the production?

Unfortunately, that's impossible. I mean you can not work out such a collection with (n+1)*n/2 elements within O(n) time.

The secret is we don't really need to generate the whole production set. What we want, is to find the longest non-repeating sub-string.

That means:

  1. we don't need to pay any attention to repeating sub-strings;
  2. If I have already met a k-character non-repeating sub-string, there's no need to check any sub-string shorter than k.

And a widely known algorithm that works fine when you work on some sub-array or sub-string is called two-pointers or window:

You have two pointers left and right on the array and we call the elements between the two pointers a window. By moving or scaling the window we can handle part of the string each time (in this problem, that's sub-string). In this algorithm, we move left and right from the start of the array to the end only once without any back tracking.

Why we can ensure a single iteration will work out the problem?

  1. If string a is repeating, any string that contains a is repeating;
  2. If we have found a non-repeating string with k-length, any string shorter than k is passed;

So Let's see how it works on the string abbc:

  1. We assign left and right to 0, so the current longest non-repeating sub-string is a;
  2. We move right to 1, and find b is not in string a; Now the longest non-repeating string is ab
  3. We move right to 2, and find that b is in ab; Now we need to move left as we know that any sub-string contains abb is repeating;
  4. We move left to 2 (why not 1?), and right to 3;
  5. bc is non-repeating but the max length is still 2;
  6. We end the search as we reaches the end of the string;

Code for the solution:

let lengthOfLongestSubstring (s:string) =
    if s.Length<2 then s.Length else
    let arr = s.ToCharArray()
    let rec search (map:Map<Char,int>) (start:int) (ed:int) (m:int)= 
         if ed = arr.Length then Math.Max(ed-start,m)
            let c = arr.[ed]
            if map.ContainsKey(c) && map.Item(c) >= start then 
                let s1 = map.Item(c)
                search (map.Remove(c).Add(c,ed)) (s1+1) (ed+1) (Math.Max(m,ed-s1))
            else search (map.Add(c,ed)) start (ed+1) (Math.Max(m,ed-start+1))
    search (Map.empty.Add(arr.[0],0)) 0 1 1

Javascript edition beats 97% on leetcode (Non-Hash implemention):

var lengthOfLongestSubstring = function(s) {
    'use strict';
        return s.length;
    let start = 0,end = 1;
    let subLen = 1;
    let map = new Map();
      let c = s[end];
      if(map.has(c) && map.get(c)>=start){
        start = map.get(c)+1;
        let len = end-start+1;
        subLen = subLen>len?subLen:len;
    return subLen;
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