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Twiknight edited this page Mar 5, 2016 · 3 revisions

LeetCode Problem Link:

Solution Source Link:


Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.

You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution.

So first, Let's do some translation:

  1. We have an array of several integers, assume it is arr
  2. We have an integer, assume it is target
  3. Our target is, find two integers num1 and num2 in the array and num1+num2 == target
  4. We are sure we can find num1 and num2

It's easy, right? We can just iterate the array and try to confirm that: for each integer i whether we have an integer equals target-i

here comes the code:

let twoSum (nums:int[]) target =
    let length = nums.Length
    [for x in 0..length-2 do
        for y in x+1..length-1 do
            if nums.[x]+nums.[y] = target then
                yield (x,y)].Head

The time complexity is O(n^2)

Can we make it faster?

I'm not sure, but we know at least it would be O(n) cost as we need to iterate through the array.

So if there is any possible way to optimize the algorithm, it must be something about the inner loop. In the inner loop, we iterate through the array and try to find an integer which equals target-currentInt.

In other words, we were looking up and specific integer.

That's it! For lookup, we do have some O(1) structs, namely HashMap or Dictionary.

If we replace the inner loop with a Map, we'll be able to optimize it to O(n).

Here goes the code:

let twoSum (nums:int[]) target =
    let rec search (map:Map<int,int>) (arr:int[]) idx = 
        if map.ContainsKey(target-arr.[idx]) then (map.Item(target-arr.[idx]),idx)
        else search (map.Add(arr.[idx],idx)) arr (idx+1)
    search Map.empty nums 0
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