Kotlin Exposed ItemReader For Spring Batch
- Kotlin (above Java 17)
- Spring Batch
Add to build.gradle.kts
should be replace into the latest version.
repositories {
maven { url = uri("https://jitpack.io") }
dependencies {
Type of item is always ResultRow
of Exposed.
Common paging reader using offset.
fun reader(): ExposedPagingItemReader {
return ExposedPagingItemReader(CHUNK_SIZE) {
.join(Book, JoinType.INNER, Book.storeId, Store.id)
.orderBy(Store.id to SortOrder.ASC)
No offset query is required due to the performance problem of the paging query.
fun reader(): ExposedNoOffsetPagingItemReader {
val options = ExposedNoOffsetIdLongOptions(Store.id to SortOrder.ASC)
return ExposedNoOffsetPagingItemReader(options, CHUNK_SIZE) {
.join(Book, JoinType.INNER, Book.storeId, Store.id)