diff --git a/src/qudi/hardware/switches/power_switch_keysight.py b/src/qudi/hardware/switches/power_switch_keysight.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b96bd2e52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qudi/hardware/switches/power_switch_keysight.py
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Control the Keysight power supply through the USB interface.
+Copyright (c) 2021, the qudi developers. See the AUTHORS.md file at the top-level directory of this
+distribution and on
+This file is part of qudi.
+Qudi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
+the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
+either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+Qudi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
+without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
+See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with qudi.
+If not, see .
+ import visa
+except ImportError:
+ import pyvisa as visa
+from qudi.core.configoption import ConfigOption
+from qudi.core.statusvariable import StatusVar
+from qudi.util.mutex import RecursiveMutex
+from qudi.interface.switch_interface import SwitchInterface
+class PowerSwitch(SwitchInterface):
+ """ This class is implements communication with the Keysight E36234A power supply using pyVISA
+ Example config for copy-paste:
+ power_switch3:
+ module.Class: 'switches.power_switch_keysight.PowerSwitch'
+ options:
+ interface: 'USB0::0x2A8D::0x3402::MY59001224::INSTR'
+ hardware_name: 'Keysight_Power2' # optional
+ switch_time: 1 # optional
+ remember_states: False # optional
+ voltages: [5, 28]
+ currents: [1.3, 4]
+ switches:
+ APD: ['OFF', 'ON'] # optional
+ Amplifier: ['OFF', 'ON'] # optional
+ """
+ # customize available switches in config. Each switch needs a tuple of at least 2 state names.
+ _switches = ConfigOption(name='switches', missing='error')
+ # optional name of the hardware
+ _hardware_name = ConfigOption(name='hardware_name', default='power_supply', missing='nothing')
+ # if remember_states is True the last state will be restored at reloading of the module
+ _remember_states = ConfigOption(name='remember_states', default=False, missing='nothing')
+ # desired output voltage and currents
+ _voltages = ConfigOption(name='voltages', default=[5, 28], missing='warn')
+ _currents = ConfigOption(name='currents', default=[1.3, 4], missing='warn')
+ # switch_time to wait after setting the states for the solenoids to react
+ _switch_time = ConfigOption(name='switch_time', default=0.5, missing='nothing')
+ # name of the serial interface where the hardware is connected.
+ # Use e.g. the Keysight IO connections expert to find the device.
+ serial_interface = ConfigOption('interface', 'USB0::0x2A8D::0x3402::MY59001224::INSTR')
+ # StatusVariable for remembering the last state of the hardware
+ _states = StatusVar(name='states', default=None)
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.lock = RecursiveMutex()
+ self._resource_manager = None
+ self._instrument = None
+ self._switches = self._chk_refine_available_switches(self._switches)
+ def on_activate(self):
+ """ Prepare module, connect to hardware.
+ """
+ self._resource_manager = visa.ResourceManager()
+ self._instrument = self._resource_manager.open_resource(self.serial_interface)
+ # set the maximum/protection output Voltage/current of the power supply
+ # Excelitas APD: 5V,1.3A
+ self._instrument.write('INST CH1')
+ self._instrument.write('OUTP 0')
+ self._instrument.write('VOLT {}'.format(float(self._voltages[0])))
+ self._instrument.write('CURR {}'.format(float(self._currents[0])))
+ # Minicircuits amplifier: 28V, 4A
+ self._instrument.write('INST CH2')
+ self._instrument.write('OUTP 0')
+ self._instrument.write('VOLT {}'.format(float(self._voltages[1])))
+ self._instrument.write('CURR {}'.format(float(self._currents[1])))
+ # To be safe, power off during activation
+ self._states = dict()
+ self._states = {switch: states[0] for switch, states in self._switches.items()}
+ def on_deactivate(self):
+ """ Disconnect from hardware on deactivation.
+ """
+ # switch off outputs of the power supply
+ for switch in (0, len(self._switches)):
+ self._instrument.write('INST CH{}'.format(switch+1))
+ self._instrument.write('OUTP 0')
+ self._instrument.close()
+ self._resource_manager.close()
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ """ Name of the hardware as string.
+ @return str: The name of the hardware
+ """
+ return self._hardware_name
+ @property
+ def available_states(self):
+ """ Names of the states as a dict of tuples.
+ The keys contain the names for each of the switches. The values are tuples of strings
+ representing the ordered names of available states for each switch.
+ @return dict: Available states per switch in the form {"switch": ("state1", "state2")}
+ """
+ return self._switches.copy()
+ @property
+ def states(self):
+ """ The current states the hardware is in.
+ The states of the system as a dict consisting of switch names as keys and state names as values.
+ @return dict: All the current states of the switches in a state dict of the form {"switch": "state"}
+ """
+ return self._states.copy()
+ @states.setter
+ def states(self, state_dict):
+ """ The setter for the states of the hardware.
+ The states of the system can be set by specifying a dict that has the switch names as keys
+ and the names of the states as values.
+ @param dict state_dict: state dict of the form {"switch": "state"}
+ """
+ assert isinstance(state_dict, dict), 'Parameter "state_dict" must be dict type'
+ for switch, state in state_dict.items():
+ self.set_state(switch, state)
+ def get_state(self, switch):
+ """ Query state of single switch by name
+ @param str switch: name of the switch to query the state for
+ @return str: The current switch state
+ """
+ # find the correlated output channel for the switch
+ switch_index = list(self._switches).index(switch)
+ # Select the switch
+ self._instrument.write('INST CH{}'.format(switch_index+1))
+ response = self._instrument.query('OUTP?').strip()
+ assert int(response) in [0, 1], 'Device not giving proper response'
+ self._states[switch] = self._switches[switch][int(response)]
+ return self._states[switch]
+ def set_state(self, switch, state):
+ """ Set state of single switch by name
+ @param str switch: name of the switch to change
+ @param str state: name of the state to set
+ """
+ # find the correlated output channel for the switch
+ switch_index = list(self._switches).index(switch)
+ # get the state index, 0==off, 1==on
+ state_index = self._switches[switch].index(state)
+ # do the job
+ if self._states[switch] != state:
+ # Select the output channel
+ self._instrument.write('INST CH{}'.format(switch_index+1))
+ # Switch the switch
+ self._instrument.write('OUTP {}'.format(int(state_index)))
+ self._states[switch] = state