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"Dispatch - Open Up" - 27 of April 2022

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@mespotine mespotine released this 27 Apr 16:01

4.4 - "Dispatch - Open Up" - 27 of April 2022

Has now 1477 functions, with 20 new ones

new in this release:

  • SpectralPeak-View-functions
    You can now set the options for the spectral-peak-view of MediaItems.

  • AddProjectMarker
    This is an alternative to Reaper's own AddProjectMarker-function. It returns the GUID, the index of the added marker
    and fixes some edge-case-issues with the original function.

  • BatchConverter-FXStateChunk
    You can get and set the FXChain of the BatchConverter programmatically, now using FXStateChunks.

  • Docs
    Added functions of the new extensions ReaLim and ReaFab and updated the functions of all other extensions and Reaper itself.
    SetProjExtState and SetExtState-descriptions also include now a list of sections, used by scripts/extensions. That way, you
    can prevent naming conflicts and therefore accidentally overwritten configs/data.

  • Marker-Functions
    Rewritten, so they are much faster now, especially adding markers.

  • DevTool: Marker Guid Displayer
    This one displays the index, guid and name of all markers/regions in the current project.
    This way, you can monitor, if your marker-functions get the correct guids from a marker.

  • Bugfixes
    Per tradition...

New features in 4.4

  • BatchConverter: GetBatchConverter_NotifyWhenFinished - gets the state of the "notify when finished"-checkbox
  • BatchConverter: SetBatchConverter_NotifyWhenFinished - sets the state of the "notify when finished"-checkbox
  • DeveloperTools: Display All Marker Region Guids - monitors all marker/region-guids in the ReaScript-console
  • DeveloperTools: Display_ExtStateSectionsOfScriptsInFolder - displays all set-extstate-sections used in scripts within a folder
  • DeveloperTools: Display_ProjExtStateSectionsOfScriptsInFolder - displays all set-projextstate-sections used in scripts within a folder
  • Docs: Reaper Internals - added ReaLim 0.3.0 and ReaFab 0.3.10
  • FXManagement: GetBatchConverter_FXStateChunk - gets the FXChain currently used by the BatchConverter
  • FXManagement: SetBatchConverter_FXStateChunk - sets the FXChain used by the BatchConverter
  • Markers: AddProjectMarker - an alternative to Reaper's own function, that covers some edgecases and returns guid and actual marker/region-index as well
  • Markers: GetEditMarkerIDFromGuid - gets an edit-marker id by its guid
  • Markers: GetEditRegionIDFromGuid - gets an edit-marker id by its guid
  • Markers: GetGuidFromEditMarkerID - gets the guid of an edit-marker
  • Markers: GetGuidFromEditRegionID - gets the guid of an edit-marker
  • MetaData: MetaDataTable_Create - returns an empty metadatatable, which holds all possible metadata-entries
  • MetaData: MetaDataTable_GetProject - returns a metadatatable, which holds all metadata-entries of the current project
  • Projects: Main_SaveProject - saves a project and allows giving it a filename
  • Render: GetRenderTable_ProjectDefaults - returns a rendertable with all render settings of the project's defaults
  • SpectralView: SpectralPeak_GetColorAttributes - gets noise-threshold, opacity and variance of the spectral view
  • SpectralView: SpectralPeak_GetMaxColor - returns the maxmium color of the spectral view
  • SpectralView: SpectralPeak_GetMinColor - returns the minimum color of the spectral peak view
  • SpectralView: SpectralPeak_SetColorAttributes - sets noise-threshold, opacity and variance of the spectral view
  • SpectralView: SpectralPeak_SetMaxColor - sets the maximum color of the spectral peak view
  • SpectralView: SpectralPeak_SetMaxColor_Relative - sets the spectrum color of the spectral peak view, relative to the minimum spectral-view color
  • SpectralView: SpectralPeak_SetMinColor - sets the minimum color of the spectral peak view

Changes from 4.3 to 4.4

  • DeveloperTools: Config Var Displayer - crashed, when double-value is NaN -> fixed
  • Docs: Reaper API-docs - restructured the index into more useful categories; updated to Reaper 6.56, ReaImGui 0.6.1 and ReaPack 1.2.4
  • FileManagement: CreateValidTempFile - raised number of potential temp-file-variants to 2147483648
  • HelperFunctions: Main_OnCommandByFilename - didn't remove temporary scripts sometimes due Reaper bug -> fixed
  • HelperFunctions: MIDI_OnCommandByFilename - didn't remove temporary scripts sometimes, partially due Reaper bug -> fixed
  • Markers: AddCustomMarker - reworked code so it's faster now; sometimes, the returned guid could be wrong -> fixed
  • Markers: AddCustomRegion - reworked code so it's faster now; sometimes, the returned guid could be wrong -> fixed
  • Markers: AddEditMarker - reworked code so it's faster now; sometimes, the returned guid could be wrong -> fixed
  • Markers: AddEditRegion - reworked code so it's faster now; sometimes, the returned guid could be wrong -> fixed
  • Markers: AddNormalMarker - reworked code so it's faster now; sometimes, the returned guid could be wrong -> fixed
  • Markers: GetGuidFromNormalMarkerID - returned -1 in case of an error, though this makes no sense -> returns nil now
  • Markers: GetNormalMarkerIDFromGuid - returned nil or guid when no normal marker was found instead of -1 -> fixed
  • ProjectManagement: GetProjecStateChunk - didn't work under certain circumstances -> fixed
  • ProjectManagement: IsValidReaProject - didn't return true when parameter was 0, though it being a valid project -> fixed
  • Render: GetRender_ResampleMode - didn't return correct resample-mode when Render to File-Dialog was open(Reaper 6.43+) -> fixed
  • Render: GetRenderTable_Project - didn't correctly return "CloseAfterRender" -> fixed
  • Render: SetRender_ResampleMode - didn't set correct resample-mode when Render to File-Dialog was open(Reaper 6.43+) -> fixed
  • UserInterface: GetBatchFileItemConverterHWND - didn't return hwnd of batch-converter anymore -> fixed