diff --git a/source/file_size_metrics/changelog.md b/source/file_size_metrics/changelog.md
index 53d9cfdef..f160742f5 100644
--- a/source/file_size_metrics/changelog.md
+++ b/source/file_size_metrics/changelog.md
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+- File Size charts now support the dark theme
- Initial version of dark mode support
diff --git a/source/file_size_metrics/info.json b/source/file_size_metrics/info.json
index bebddf13f..3a55ca8b5 100644
--- a/source/file_size_metrics/info.json
+++ b/source/file_size_metrics/info.json
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@
"on_postprocessor_task_results": 0
"tags": "data panel",
- "version": "0.0.10"
+ "version": "0.0.11"
diff --git a/source/file_size_metrics/static/css/style.css b/source/file_size_metrics/static/css/style.css
index b50e1da28..56c839eb8 100644
--- a/source/file_size_metrics/static/css/style.css
+++ b/source/file_size_metrics/static/css/style.css
@@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
--q-primary: #002e5c;
--q-secondary: #009fdd;
--q-text: #000000;
+ --q-subtext: #838383;
--q-warning: #f2c037;
+ --q-positive: #21ba45;
+ --q-negative: #c10015;
.dark {
@@ -17,7 +20,10 @@
--q-primary: #009fdd;
--q-secondary: #002e5c;
--q-text: #ffffff;
+ --q-subtext: #bababa;
--q-warning: #b5902a;
+ --q-positive: #21ba45;
+ --q-negative: #c10015;
.hidden {
diff --git a/source/file_size_metrics/static/js/filesizechart.js b/source/file_size_metrics/static/js/filesizechart.js
index 54500f8e4..38f6d9987 100644
--- a/source/file_size_metrics/static/js/filesizechart.js
+++ b/source/file_size_metrics/static/js/filesizechart.js
@@ -1,213 +1,319 @@
-const CompletedTasksFileSizeDiffChart = function () {
- /**
- * Format a byte integer into the smallest possible number appending a suffix
- *
- * REF:
- * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15900485/correct-way-to-convert-size-in-bytes-to-kb-mb-gb-in-javascript
- *
- * @param bytes
- * @param decimals
- * @returns {string}
- */
- const formatBytes = function (bytes) {
- if (bytes === 0) return '0 Bytes';
- // Rather than using `let k = 1024;` (base 2) use `let k = 1000;` (base 10)
- // This way the end result will better fit in with the high chart logic
- // Using Base 2 will lead to the chart sections showing a rounded number and the bar showing something different
- let k = 1000;
- let dm = 2
- let sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'];
- let i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));
- return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + ' ' + sizes[i];
- };
- let positive = '#009fdd';
- let negative = '#C10015';
- let chart_title = '(Select a task from the table below)';
- let source_file_size = 0;
- let destination_file_size = 0;
- let source_total_size = 0;
- let destination_total_size = 0;
- const individualChart = Highcharts.chart('file_size_chart', {
- title: {
- text: ''
+const CompletedTasksFileSizeDiffChart = (function () {
+ /**
+ * Format a byte integer into the smallest possible number appending a suffix
+ *
+ * REF:
+ * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15900485/correct-way-to-convert-size-in-bytes-to-kb-mb-gb-in-javascript
+ *
+ * @param bytes
+ * @param decimals
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ const formatBytes = function (bytes) {
+ if (bytes === 0) {
+ return "0 Bytes";
+ }
+ // Rather than using `k = 1024;` (base 2) use `k = 1000;` (base 10)
+ // This way the end result will better fit in with the high chart logic
+ // Using Base 2 will lead to the chart sections showing a rounded number and
+ // the bar showing something different
+ const k = 1000;
+ const dm = 2;
+ const sizes = ["Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"];
+ const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));
+ return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + " " + sizes[i];
+ };
+ const default_bar_colour = "#555";
+ const positive_bar_colour = "var(--q-positive)";
+ const negative_bar_colour = "var(--q-negative)";
+ const text_colour = "var(--q-text)";
+ const subtext_colour = "var(--q-subtext)";
+ const chart_background = "var(--q-card)";
+ let chart_title = "(Select a task from the table below)";
+ let source_file_size = 0;
+ let destination_file_size = 0;
+ let source_total_size = 0;
+ let destination_total_size = 0;
+ const individualChart = Highcharts.chart("file_size_chart", {
+ chart: {
+ backgroundColor: chart_background,
+ },
+ title: {
+ text: "",
+ style: {
+ color: text_colour,
+ },
+ },
+ subtitle: {
+ text: chart_title,
+ style: {
+ color: subtext_colour,
+ },
+ },
+ colors: [default_bar_colour, positive_bar_colour],
+ xAxis: {
+ categories: ["Original", "New"],
+ labels: {
+ style: {
+ color: text_colour,
- subtitle: {
- text: chart_title
+ },
+ lineColor: text_colour,
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ labels: {
+ style: {
+ color: text_colour,
- colors: ['#555555', '#cccccc'],
- xAxis: {
- categories: ['Original', 'New']
+ },
+ title: {
+ text: "Sizes",
+ style: {
+ color: subtext_colour,
- series: []
- });
+ },
+ },
+ legend: {
+ itemStyle: {
+ color: text_colour,
+ },
+ },
+ series: [],
+ });
- const totalChart = Highcharts.chart('total_size_chart', {
- title: {
- text: ''
+ const totalChart = Highcharts.chart("total_size_chart", {
+ chart: {
+ backgroundColor: chart_background,
+ },
+ title: {
+ text: "",
+ style: {
+ color: text_colour,
+ },
+ },
+ subtitle: {
+ text: "Displaying the total file size changed on disk by Unmanic processing files",
+ style: {
+ color: subtext_colour,
+ },
+ },
+ colors: [default_bar_colour, positive_bar_colour],
+ xAxis: {
+ categories: ["Before", "After"],
+ labels: {
+ style: {
+ color: text_colour,
+ },
+ },
+ lineColor: text_colour,
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ labels: {
+ style: {
+ color: text_colour,
- subtitle: {
- text: 'Displaying the total file size changed on disk by Unmanic processing files'
+ },
+ title: {
+ text: "Sizes",
+ style: {
+ color: subtext_colour,
- colors: ['#555555', '#cccccc'],
- xAxis: {
- categories: ['Before', 'After']
+ },
+ },
+ legend: {
+ itemStyle: {
+ color: text_colour,
+ },
+ },
+ series: [],
+ });
+ const updateIndividualChart = function () {
+ // If the destination file size is greater than the source, then mark it
+ // negative, otherwise positive
+ let reduced = true;
+ let destination_bar_colour = positive_bar_colour;
+ let percent_changed =
+ 100 - (destination_file_size / source_file_size) * 100;
+ if (destination_file_size >= source_file_size) {
+ reduced = false;
+ destination_bar_colour = negative_bar_colour;
+ percent_changed = 100 - (source_file_size / destination_file_size) * 100;
+ }
+ source_file_size = Number(source_file_size);
+ destination_file_size = Number(destination_file_size);
+ individualChart.update({
+ chart: {
+ backgroundColor: chart_background,
+ type: "bar",
+ width: null,
+ },
+ colors: [default_bar_colour, destination_bar_colour],
+ title: {
+ text:
+ Highcharts.numberFormat(percent_changed, 2) +
+ "% " +
+ (reduced ? "decrease" : "increase") +
+ " in file size",
+ },
+ subtitle: {
+ text: chart_title,
+ },
+ tooltip: {
+ formatter: function () {
+ return `${this.series.name}
+ File Size: ${formatBytes(Math.abs(this.point.y))}`;
- series: []
+ },
+ const newSeriesData = [
+ {
+ name: "New",
+ data: [0, destination_file_size],
+ borderColor: chart_background,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Original",
+ data: [source_file_size, 0],
+ borderColor: chart_background,
+ },
+ ];
- const updateIndividualChart = function () {
- // If the destination file size is greater than the source, then mark it negative, otherwise positive
- let reduced = true;
- let destination_bar_colour = positive;
- let percent_changed = 100 - (destination_file_size / source_file_size * 100);
- if (destination_file_size >= source_file_size) {
- reduced = false;
- destination_bar_colour = negative;
- percent_changed = 100 - (source_file_size / destination_file_size * 100);
- }
- source_file_size = Number(source_file_size)
- destination_file_size = Number(destination_file_size)
- individualChart.update({
- chart: {
- type: 'bar',
- width: null
- },
- colors: ['#555555', destination_bar_colour],
- title: {
- text: Highcharts.numberFormat(percent_changed, 2) + '% ' + ((reduced) ? 'decrease' : 'increase') + ' in file size'
- },
- subtitle: {
- text: chart_title
- },
- tooltip: {
- formatter: function () {
- return '' + this.series.name + '
' +
- 'File Size: ' + formatBytes(Math.abs(this.point.y));
- }
- },
- });
- let newSeriesData = [
- {
- name: 'New',
- data: [0, destination_file_size]
- },
- {
- name: 'Original',
- data: [source_file_size, 0]
- },
- ]
- for (let i = individualChart.series.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- individualChart.series[i].remove();
- }
- for (let y = newSeriesData.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
- individualChart.addSeries(newSeriesData[y]);
- }
- };
- const updateTotalChart = function () {
- // If the destination file size is greater than the source, then mark it negative, otherwise positive
- let change_text = 'decrease';
- let destination_bar_colour = positive;
- let difference_in_total_file_sizes = (source_total_size - destination_total_size)
- if (destination_total_size > source_total_size) {
- change_text = 'increase';
- destination_bar_colour = negative;
- difference_in_total_file_sizes = (destination_total_size - source_total_size)
- }
- source_total_size = Number(source_total_size)
- destination_total_size = Number(destination_total_size)
- totalChart.update({
- chart: {
- type: 'bar',
- width: null
- },
- title: {
- text: formatBytes(difference_in_total_file_sizes) + ' total ' + change_text + ' in file size'
- },
- colors: ['#555555', destination_bar_colour],
- tooltip: {
- formatter: function () {
- return '' + this.series.name + '
' +
- 'File Size: ' + formatBytes(Math.abs(this.point.y));
- }
- },
- });
- let newSeriesData = [
- {
- name: 'After',
- data: [0, destination_total_size]
- },
- {
- name: 'Before',
- data: [source_total_size, 0]
- },
- ]
- for (let i = totalChart.series.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- totalChart.series[i].remove();
- }
- for (let y = newSeriesData.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
- totalChart.addSeries(newSeriesData[y]);
- }
- };
- const fetchConversionDetails = function (taskId) {
- jQuery.get('conversionDetails/?task_id=' + taskId, function (data) {
- // Update/set the conversion details list
- let source_abspath = '';
- let destination_abspath = '';
- for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
- let item = data[i];
- if (item.type === 'source') {
- source_file_size = Number(item.size);
- source_abspath = item.abspath;
- } else if (item.type === 'destination') {
- chart_title = item.basename;
- destination_file_size = Number(item.size);
- destination_abspath = item.abspath;
- }
- }
- updateIndividualChart();
- let html = 'Original File Path: "' + source_abspath + '"'
- html += '
- html += 'New File Path: "' + destination_abspath + '"'
- $('#selected_task_name').html(html)
- });
- };
- const fetchTotalFileSizeDetails = function () {
- jQuery.get('totalSizeChange', function (data) {
- // Update/set the conversion details list
- source_total_size = data.source;
- destination_total_size = data.destination;
- updateTotalChart();
- });
- };
- const watch = function () {
- let selectedTaskId = $('#selected_task_id');
- selectedTaskId.on("change", function () {
- if (this.value !== '') {
- fetchConversionDetails(this.value);
- }
- }).triggerHandler('change');
+ for (let i = individualChart.series.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ individualChart.series[i].remove(false);
+ }
+ for (let y = newSeriesData.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
+ individualChart.addSeries(newSeriesData[y], false);
+ }
+ individualChart.redraw();
+ };
+ const updateTotalChart = function () {
+ // If the destination file size is greater than the source, then mark it
+ // negative, otherwise positive
+ let change_text = "decrease";
+ let destination_bar_colour = positive_bar_colour;
+ let difference_in_total_file_sizes =
+ source_total_size - destination_total_size;
+ if (destination_total_size > source_total_size) {
+ change_text = "increase";
+ destination_bar_colour = negative_bar_colour;
+ difference_in_total_file_sizes =
+ destination_total_size - source_total_size;
- return {
- //main function to initiate the module
- init: function () {
- watch();
- fetchTotalFileSizeDetails();
+ source_total_size = Number(source_total_size);
+ destination_total_size = Number(destination_total_size);
+ totalChart.update({
+ chart: {
+ backgroundColor: chart_background,
+ type: "bar",
+ width: null,
+ },
+ title: {
+ text: `${formatBytes(difference_in_total_file_sizes)}
+ total ${change_text} in file size`,
+ },
+ colors: [default_bar_colour, destination_bar_colour],
+ tooltip: {
+ formatter: function () {
+ return `${this.series.name}
+ File Size: ${formatBytes(Math.abs(this.point.y))}`;
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ const newSeriesData = [
+ {
+ name: "After",
+ data: [0, destination_total_size],
+ borderColor: chart_background,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Before",
+ data: [source_total_size, 0],
+ borderColor: chart_background,
+ },
+ ];
+ for (let i = totalChart.series.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ totalChart.series[i].remove(false);
+ }
+ for (let y = newSeriesData.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
+ totalChart.addSeries(newSeriesData[y], false);
+ }
+ totalChart.redraw();
+ };
+ const fetchConversionDetails = function (taskId) {
+ jQuery.get(`conversionDetails/?task_id=${taskId}`, function (data) {
+ // Update/set the conversion details list
+ let source_abspath = "";
+ let destination_abspath = "";
+ for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ const item = data[i];
+ if (item.type === "source") {
+ source_file_size = Number(item.size);
+ source_abspath = item.abspath;
+ } else if (item.type === "destination") {
+ chart_title = item.basename;
+ destination_file_size = Number(item.size);
+ destination_abspath = item.abspath;
- };
+ }
+ updateIndividualChart();
+ const html = `Original File Path: "${source_abspath}"
+ New File Path: "${destination_abspath}"`;
+ $("#selected_task_name").html(html);
+ });
+ };
+ const fetchTotalFileSizeDetails = function () {
+ jQuery.get("totalSizeChange", function (data) {
+ // Update/set the conversion details list
+ source_total_size = data.source;
+ destination_total_size = data.destination;
+ updateTotalChart();
+ });
+ };
+ const watch = function () {
+ const selectedTaskId = $("#selected_task_id");
+ selectedTaskId
+ .on("change", function () {
+ if (this.value !== "") {
+ fetchConversionDetails(this.value);
+ }
+ })
+ .triggerHandler("change");
+ };
+ return {
+ //main function to initiate the module
+ init: function () {
+ watch();
+ fetchTotalFileSizeDetails();
+ },
+ };