Release v2.0.0
Python package to read the Ocean Insight ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (uv-vis) file format.
Ocean Insight (formerly Ocean Optics) produce instrumentation for spectroscopy.
Their data acquisition package – OceanView – can export
spectra in a number of file formats. Here we read the ASCII (with header data)
text format.
To read a spectrum file, first create an instance of an OceanInsightUVVIS class, then pass the spectrum filename to
the read
function. As a shortcut, pass the spectrum filename directly to the constructor.
from uvvis.uvvis_spectrum import UVVisSpectrum
obj = UVVisSpectrum()
spectrum ="myfile.txt")
from uvvis.uvvis_spectrum import UVVisSpectrum
spectrum = UVVisSpectrum("myfile.txt")
Retrieve the filename of the currently active spectrum
filename = spectrum.filename()
Retrieve the spectral data as a pandas.DataFrame
data =
Retrieve the raw file header information as a dictionary
header = spectrum.header()
Retrieve the file metadata as a dictionary
metadata = spectrum.metadata()
Retrieve the file metadata as a JSON string
jsonmetadata = spectrum.metadata_as_json()
See for source code documentation
Copyright (C) 2021 Alex Henderson
Release v2.0.0
This work is licensed under a MIT license.
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
The most recent version of this software library can be found here:
Alex Henderson, University of Manchester.