From 71b431d22d8abd8f07077a3601bb261e8aa8fbed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: VaasuDevanS
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2023 13:15:50 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] removed docs
.flake8 | 2 -
docs/cowsay.html | 916 -------------------
docs/cowsay/__main__.html | 237 -----
docs/cowsay/characters.html | 616 -------------
docs/cowsay/main.html | 994 ---------------------
docs/cowsay/test.html | 1658 -----------------------------------
docs/index.html | 7 -
docs/search.js | 46 -
8 files changed, 4476 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 .flake8
delete mode 100644 docs/cowsay.html
delete mode 100644 docs/cowsay/__main__.html
delete mode 100644 docs/cowsay/characters.html
delete mode 100644 docs/cowsay/main.html
delete mode 100644 docs/cowsay/test.html
delete mode 100644 docs/index.html
delete mode 100644 docs/search.js
diff --git a/.flake8 b/.flake8
deleted file mode 100644
index 113ca5f..0000000
--- a/.flake8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-max-line-length = 125
diff --git a/docs/cowsay.html b/docs/cowsay.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c77249..0000000
--- a/docs/cowsay.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,916 +0,0 @@
- cowsay API documentation
Latest version: 5.0 (Release Date: Jun 21, 2022)
- A python API / console script for the famous linux cowsay
- All contributions / pull requests are welcome; Check here to see the contributors
- Take a look at for the changes
Brief History
- cowsay for GNU/Linux was initially written in perl by Tony Monroe (, with suggestions from Shannon Appel (appel@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU) and contributions from Anthony Polito (aspolito@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU).
Documentation was generated using pdoc using the following command
pdoc -d google cowsay -o docs
Basic Usage
>>> import cowsay
->>> cowsay . cow ( 'Hello World' )
- ___________
-| Hello World |
- ===========
- \
- \
- ^ __ ^
- ( oo ) \_______
- ( __ ) \ ) \/ \
- ||---- w |
- || ||
->>> print ( cowsay . get_output_string ( 'cow' , 'Hello World' ))
- ___________
-| Hello World |
- ===========
- \
- \
- ^ __ ^
- ( oo ) \_______
- ( __ ) \ ) \/ \
- ||---- w |
- || ||
->>> cowsay . cow ( 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris blandit rhoncus nibh. Mauris mi mauris, molestie vel metus sit amet, aliquam vulputate nibh.' )
- _________________________________________________
- / \
-| Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetur adipiscin |
-| g elit . Mauris blandit rhoncus nibh . Mauris mi ma |
-| uris , molestie vel metus sit amet , aliquam vulput |
-| ate nibh . |
- \ /
- =================================================
- \
- \
- ^ __ ^
- ( oo ) \_______
- ( __ ) \ ) \/ \
- ||---- w |
- || ||
More characters
>>> cowsay.char_names
-['beavis', 'cheese', 'cow', 'daemon', 'dragon', 'fox', 'ghostbusters', 'kitty', 'meow', 'miki', 'milk', 'pig', 'stegosaurus', 'stimpy', 'trex', 'turkey', 'turtle', 'tux']
->>> cowsay.chars
-{'beavis': <function func at 0x00000220913B4670>, 'cheese': <function func at 0x00000220913B4F70>, 'daemon': <function func at 0x00000220913D40D0>,
- 'cow': <function func at 0x00000220913D41F0>, 'dragon': <function func at 0x00000220913D4280>, 'fox': <function func at 0x00000220913D4310>,
- 'ghostbusters': <function func at 0x00000220913D43A0>, 'kitty': <function func at 0x00000220913D4430>, 'meow': <function func at 0x00000220913D44C0>,
- 'miki': <function func at 0x00000220913D4550>, 'milk': <function func at 0x00000220913D45E0>, 'pig': <function func at 0x00000220913D4670>,
- 'stegosaurus': <function func at 0x00000220913D4700>, 'stimpy': <function func at 0x00000220913D4790>, 'trex': <function func at 0x00000220913D4820>,
- 'turkey': <function func at 0x00000220913D48B0>, 'turtle': <function func at 0x00000220913D4940>, 'tux': <function func at 0x00000220913D49D0>}
->>> len(cowsay.chars)
->>> for char, char_func in cowsay.chars.items():
-... char_func(f'Hi! I am {char}')
- _______________
-| Hi! I am beavis |
- ===============
- \
- \
- \
- _------~~-,
- ,' ,
- / \\
- / :
- | '
- | |
- | |
- | _-- |
- _| =-. .-. ||
- o|/o/ _. |
- / ~ \\ |
- (____\@) ___~ |
- |_===~~~.` |
- _______.--~ |
- \\________ |
- \\ |
- __/-___-- -__
- / _ \\
- _______________
-| Hi! I am cheese |
- ===============
- \
- \
- \
- \
- / \_/ |
- | ||
- | ||
- | ###\ /### | |
- | 0 \/ 0 | |
- /| | |
- / | < |\ \
- | /| | | |
- | | \_______/ | | |
- | | | / /
- /|| /|||
- ----------------|
- | | | |
- *** ***
- /___\ /___\
- _______________
-| Hi! I am daemon |
- ===============
- \
- \
- \
- \
- /- _ `-/ '
- (/\/ \ \ /\
- / / | ` \
- O O ) / |
- `-^--'`< '
- (_.) _ ) /
- `.___/` /
- `-----' /
- <----. __ / __ \
- <----|====O)))==) \) /====
- <----' `--' `.__,' \
- | |
- \ /
- ______( (_ / \______
- ,' ,-----' | \
- `--{__________) \/
- ____________
-| Hi! I am cow |
- ============
- \
- \
- ^__^
- (oo)\_______
- (__)\ )\/\
- ||----w |
- || ||
- _______________
-| Hi! I am dragon |
- ===============
- \
- \
- \
- \
- / \\ //\\
- |\\___/| / \\// \\\\
- /0 0 \\__ / // | \\ \\
- / / \\/_/ // | \\ \\
- \@_^_\@'/ \\/_ // | \\ \\
- //_^_/ \\/_ // | \\ \\
- ( //) | \\/// | \\ \\
- ( / /) _|_ / ) // | \\ _\\
- ( // /) '/,_ _ _/ ( ; -. | _ _\\.-~ .-~~~^-.
- (( / / )) ,-{ _ `-.|.-~-. .~ `.
- (( // / )) '/\\ / ~-. _ .-~ .-~^-. \\
- (( /// )) `. { } / \\ \\
- (( / )) .----~-.\\ \\-' .~ \\ `. \\^-.
- ///.----..> \\ _ -~ `. ^-` ^-_
- ///-._ _ _ _ _ _ _}^ - - - - ~ ~-- ,.-~
- /.-~
- ____________
-| Hi! I am fox |
- ============
- \
- \
- \
- |\_/|,,_____,~~`
- (.".)~~ )`~}}
- \o/\ /---~\\ ~}}
- _// _// ~}
- _____________________
-| Hi! I am ghostbusters |
- =====================
- \
- \
- \
- \
- __---__
- _- /--______
- __--( / \ )XXXXXXXXXXX\v.
- XXXXXX__/ XXXXXX \__---->
- ---___ XXX__/ XXXXXX \__ /
- \- --__/ ___/\ XXXXXX / ___--/=
- \-\ ___/ XXXXXX '--- XXXXXX
- \XXXXX--__/ __-- XXXX/
- -XXXXXXXX--------------- XXXXXX-
- ______________
-| Hi! I am kitty |
- ==============
- \
- \
- \
- \
- ("`-' '-/") .___..--' ' "`-._
- ` *_ * ) `-. ( ) .`-.__. `)
- (_Y_.) ' ._ ) `._` ; `` -. .-'
- _.. `--'_..-_/ /--' _ .' ,4
- ( i l ),-'' ( l i),' ( ( ! .-'
- _____________
-| Hi! I am meow |
- =============
- \
- \
- \
- \
- _ ___.--'''`--''//-,-_--_.
- \\`"' ` || \\\\ \\ \\\\/ / // / ,-\\\\`,_
- /'` \\ \\ || Y | \\|/ / // / - |__ `-,
- /\@"\\ ` \\ `\\ | | ||/ // | \\/ \\ `-._`-,_.,
- / _.-. `.-\\,___/\\ _/|_/_\\_\\/|_/ | `-._._)
- `-'``/ / | // \\__/\\__ / \\__/ \\
- `-' /-\\/ | -| \\__ \\ |-' |
- __/\\ / _/ \\/ __,-' ) ,' _|'
- (((__/(((_.' ((___..-'((__,'
- _____________
-| Hi! I am miki |
- =============
- \
- \ &************************&
- \ &******************************&
- \ &**********************************&
- &**************************************&
- &*****************************************&
- &*******************************************&
- &*********************************************&
- &***********************************************&
- &************************************************&
- &***#########********#########*******************&
- &*## ########## ##################&
- &*## O ##@**#### O ##***************&
- &***#########@*******#########*****************&
- &***********@*********************************&
- &**********@*********************************&
- &*********@*********************************&
- &********@@*********************************&
- &*******@@@@@@****************************&
- &**************************************&
- &**************************************&
- &******@@@@@@@@@@@@*********************&
- &*************************************&
- &************************************&
- &*******************************&
- &*****************************&
- _____________
-| Hi! I am milk |
- =============
- \
- \
- \
- \
- ____________
- |__________|
- / /\
- / / \
- /___________/___/|
- | | |
- | ==\ /== | |
- | O O | \ \ |
- | < | \ \|
- /| | \ \
- / | \_____/ | / /
- / /| | / /|
- /||\| | /||\/
- -------------|
- | | | |
- <__/ \__>
- ____________
-| Hi! I am pig |
- ============
- \
- \
- \
- \
- ,.
- (_|,.
- ,' /, )_______ _
- __j o``-' `.'-)'
- (") \'
- `-j |
- `-._( /
- |_\ |--^. /
- /_]'|_| /_)_/
- /_]' /_]'
- ____________________
-| Hi! I am stegosaurus |
- ====================
- \
- \
- \
- \
- . .
- / `. .' \
- .---. < > < > .---.
- | \ \ - ~ ~ - / / |
- _____ ~-..-~ ~-..-~
- | | \~~~\.' `./~~~/
- --------- \__/ \__/
- .' O \ / / \ "
- (_____, `._.' | } \/~~~/
- `----. / } | / \__/
- `-. | / | / `. ,~~|
- ~-.__| /_ - ~ ^| /- _ `..-' f: f:
- | / | / ~-. `-. _|| _||_
- |_____| |_____| ~ - . _ _ _ _ __>
- _______________
-| Hi! I am stimpy |
- ===============
- \
- \
- \
- \
- . _ .
- |\_|/__/|
- / / \/ \ \
- /__|O||O|__ \
- |/_ \_/\_/ _\ |
- | | (____) | ||
- \/\___/\__/ //
- (_/ ||
- | ||
- | ||\
- \ //_/
- \______//
- __ || __||
- (____(____)
- _____________
-| Hi! I am trex |
- =============
- \
- \
- \
- \
- .-=-==--==--.
- ..-==" ,'o`) `.
- ,' `"' \
- : ( `.__...._
- | ) / `-=-.
- : ,vv.-._ / / `---==-._
- \/\/\/VV ^ d88`;' / `.
- `` ^/d88P!' / , `._
- ^/ !' ,. , / "-,,__,,--'""""-.
- ^/ !' ,' \ . .( ( _ ) ) ) ) ))_,-.\
- ^(__ ,!',"' ;:+.:%:a. \:.. . ,' ) ) ) ) ,"' '
- ',,,'',' /o:::":%:%a. \:.:.: . ) ) _,'
- """' ;':::'' `+%%%a._ \%:%| ;.). _,-""
- ,-='_.-' ``:%::) )%:| /:._,"
- (/(/" ," ,'_,'%%%: (_,'
- ( (//(`.___; \
- \ \ ` `
- `. `. `. :
- \. . .\ : . . . :
- \. . .: `.. . .:
- `..:.:\ \:...\
- ;:.:.; ::...:
- ):%:: :::::;
- __,::%:( :::::
- ,;:%%%%%%%: ;:%::
- ;,--""-.`\ ,=--':%:%:\
- /" "| /-".:%%%%%%%\
- ;,-"'`)%%)
- /" "|
- _______________
-| Hi! I am turkey |
- ===============
- \
- \
- \
- \
- ,+*^^*+___+++_
- ,*^^^^ )
- _+* ^**+_
- +^ _ _++*+_+++_, )
- _+^^*+_ ( ,+*^ ^ \\+_ )
- { ) ( ,( ,_+--+--, ^) ^\\
- { (\@) } f ,( ,+-^ __*_*_ ^^\\_ ^\\ )
- {:;-/ (_+*-+^^^^^+*+*<_ _++_)_ ) ) /
- ( / ( ( ,___ ^*+_+* ) < < \\
- U _/ ) *--< ) ^\\-----++__) ) ) )
- ( ) _(^)^^)) ) )\\^^^^^))^*+/ / /
- ( / (_))_^)) ) ) ))^^^^^))^^^)__/ +^^
- ( ,/ (^))^)) ) ) ))^^^^^^^))^^) _)
- *+__+* (_))^) ) ) ))^^^^^^))^^^^^)____*^
- \\ \\_)^)_)) ))^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^)
- (_ ^\\__^^^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^^^^)
- ^\\___ ^\\__^^^^^^))^^^^^^^^)\\\\
- ^^^^^\\uuu/^^\\uuu/^^^^\\^\\^\\^\\^\\^\\^\\^\\
- ___) >____) >___ ^\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\)
- ^^^//\\\\_^^//\\\\_^ ^(\\_\\_\\_\\)
- ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^
- _______________
-| Hi! I am turtle |
- ===============
- \
- \
- \
- \
- ___-------___
- _-~~ ~~-_
- _-~ /~-_
- /^\__/^\ /~ \ / \
- /| O|| O| / \_______________/ \
- | |___||__| / / \ \
- | \ / / \ \
- | (_______) /______/ \_________ \
- | / / \ / \
- \ \^\\ \ / \ /
- \ || \______________/ _-_ //\__//
- \ ||------_-~~-_ ------------- \ --/~ ~\ || __/
- ~-----||====/~ |==================| |/~~~~~
- (_(__/ ./ / \_\ \.
- (_(___/ \_____)_)
- ____________
-| Hi! I am tux |
- ============
- \
- \
- \
- .--.
- |o_o |
- |:_/ |
- // \ \
- (| | )
- /'\_ _/`\
- \___)=(___/
- ____________
-| Hi! I am octopus |
- ===========
- . . .
- . ^ .
- . ^ ^ ^ .
- . ^ ^ ^ .
- . ^ .
- . . .
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _| |_ _ _ _ _ _
- / _ _ _ _ _ _| o|o |_ _ _ _ _ _ \
- / / _ _ _ _ _| | |_ _ _ _ \ \
- / / / _ _ _ / /| |\ \ _ _ _ \ \ \
- / / / / / / | | \ \ \ \ \ \
- / / / / / / | | \ \ \ \ \ \
-/_/ / / / / | | \ \ \ \ \_\
- | /__/ /_/ |_| \_\ \__\ |
- | / | \ |
Command Line Usage
$ cowsay Hello World
- ___________
-| Hello World |
- ===========
- \
- \
- ^__^
- (oo)\_______
- (__)\ )\/\
- ||----w |
- || ||
-$ cowsay --character pig Hello World
- ___________
-| Hello World |
- ===========
- \
- \
- \
- \
- ,.
- (_|,.
- ,' /, )_______ _
- __j o``-' `.'-)'
- (") \'
- `-j |
- `-._( /
- |_\ |--^. /
- /_]'|_| /_)_/
- /_]' /_]'
-$ cowsay Hello World --character tux
- ___________
-| Hello World |
- ===========
- \
- \
- \
- .--.
- |o_o |
- |:_/ |
- // \ \
- (| | )
- /'\_ _/`\
- \___)=(___/
-$ cowsay Hello World --character octopus
- ___________
-| Hello World |
- ===========
- . . .
- . ^ .
- . ^ ^ ^ .
- . ^ ^ ^ .
- . ^ .
- . . .
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _| |_ _ _ _ _ _
- / _ _ _ _ _ _| o|o |_ _ _ _ _ _ \
- / / _ _ _ _ _| | |_ _ _ _ \ \
- / / / _ _ _ / /| |\ \ _ _ _ \ \ \
- / / / / / / | | \ \ \ \ \ \
- / / / / / / | | \ \ \ \ \ \
-/_/ / / / / | | \ \ \ \ \_\
- | /__/ /_/ |_| \_\ \__\ |
- | / | \ |
Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file
v5.0 (Jun 21, 2022)
-New command line argument "--character" to optionally select character on the CLI (Added
-by Justin Flannery )
-Github Workflow for automated testing (Added by Scott Haleen )
-New character : Fox (Added by Scott Haleen )
-New character : Miki (Added by Stefan Matić )
v4.0 (Apr 19, 2021)
-New function get_output_string() to get console output as string
-New character : Trex (Added by Oscar de Felice )
-Code optimizations and test cases (Added by sparrow242 )
-cowsay.chars from list to dict
v3.0 (Dec 08, 2020)
v1.0 (May 08, 2017)
-Initial release with 14 characters
- View Source
- 0 """
- 1 .. include:: ../
- 2 .. include:: ../
- 3 """
- 4
- 5
- 6 from .main import (
- 7 chars ,
- 8 char_names ,
- 9 get_output_string ,
-10 __version__ ,
-11 beavis ,
-12 cheese ,
-13 daemon ,
-14 cow ,
-15 dragon ,
-16 fox ,
-17 ghostbusters ,
-18 kitty ,
-19 meow ,
-20 miki ,
-21 milk ,
-22 pig ,
-23 stegosaurus ,
-24 stimpy ,
-25 trex ,
-26 turkey ,
-27 turtle ,
-28 tux ,
-29 )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/cowsay/__main__.html b/docs/cowsay/__main__.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 86c1cd0..0000000
--- a/docs/cowsay/__main__.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
- cowsay.__main__ API documentation
- View Source
- 0 from .main import cli
-3 if __name__ == "__main__" :
-4 cli ()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/cowsay/characters.html b/docs/cowsay/characters.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e7b3e2e..0000000
--- a/docs/cowsay/characters.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,616 +0,0 @@
- cowsay.characters API documentation
- View Source
- 0 CHARS = {
- 1
- 2 "beavis" : r '''
- 3 \
- 4 \
- 5 \
- 6 _------~~-,
- 7 ,' ,
- 8 / \\
- 9 / :
- 10 | '
- 11 | |
- 12 | |
- 13 | _-- |
- 14 _| =-. .-. ||
- 15 o|/o/ _. |
- 16 / ~ \\ |
- 17 (____\@) ___~ |
- 18 |_===~~~.` |
- 19 _______.--~ |
- 20 \\________ |
- 21 \\ |
- 22 __/-___-- -__
- 23 / _ \\
- 24
- 25 ''' ,
- 26
- 27 "cheese" : r '''
- 28 \
- 29 \
- 30 \
- 31 \
- 32 / \_/ |
- 33 | ||
- 34 | ||
- 35 | ###\ /### | |
- 36 | 0 \/ 0 | |
- 37 /| | |
- 38 / | < |\ \
- 39 | /| | | |
- 40 | | \_______/ | | |
- 41 | | | / /
- 42 /|| /|||
- 43 ----------------|
- 44 | | | |
- 45 *** ***
- 46 /___\ /___\
- 47 ''' ,
- 48
- 49 "daemon" : r '''
- 50 \
- 51 \
- 52 \
- 53 \
- 54 /- _ `-/ '
- 55 (/\/ \ \ /\
- 56 / / | ` \
- 57 O O ) / |
- 58 `-^--'`< '
- 59 (_.) _ ) /
- 60 `.___/` /
- 61 `-----' /
- 62 <----. __ / __ \
- 63 <----|====O)))==) \) /====
- 64 <----' `--' `.__,' \
- 65 | |
- 66 \ /
- 67 ______( (_ / \______
- 68 ,' ,-----' | \
- 69 `--{__________) \/
- 70 ''' ,
- 71
- 72 "cow" : r '''
- 73 \
- 74 \
- 75 ^__^
- 76 (oo)\_______
- 77 (__)\ )\/\
- 78 ||----w |
- 79 || ||
- 80 ''' ,
- 81
- 82 "dragon" : r '''
- 83 \
- 84 \
- 85 \
- 86 \
- 87 / \\ //\\
- 88 |\\___/| / \\// \\\\
- 89 /0 0 \\__ / // | \\ \\
- 90 / / \\/_/ // | \\ \\
- 91 \@_^_\@'/ \\/_ // | \\ \\
- 92 //_^_/ \\/_ // | \\ \\
- 93 ( //) | \\/// | \\ \\
- 94 ( / /) _|_ / ) // | \\ _\\
- 95 ( // /) '/,_ _ _/ ( ; -. | _ _\\.-~ .-~~~^-.
- 96 (( / / )) ,-{ _ `-.|.-~-. .~ `.
- 97 (( // / )) '/\\ / ~-. _ .-~ .-~^-. \\
- 98 (( /// )) `. { } / \\ \\
- 99 (( / )) .----~-.\\ \\-' .~ \\ `. \\^-.
-100 ///.----..> \\ _ -~ `. ^-` ^-_
-101 ///-._ _ _ _ _ _ _}^ - - - - ~ ~-- ,.-~
-102 /.-~
-103 ''' ,
-105 "fox" : r '''
-106 \
-107 \
-108 \
-109 |\_/|,,_____,~~`
-110 (.".)~~ )`~}}
-111 \o/\ /---~\\ ~}}
-112 _// _// ~}
-113 ''' ,
-115 "ghostbusters" : r '''
-116 \
-117 \
-118 \
-119 \
-120 __---__
-121 _- /--______
-122 __--( / \ )XXXXXXXXXXX\v.
-124 /XXX( U ) XXXXXXX\
-128 XXXXXX__/ XXXXXX \__---->
-129 ---___ XXX__/ XXXXXX \__ /
-130 \- --__/ ___/\ XXXXXX / ___--/=
-131 \-\ ___/ XXXXXX '--- XXXXXX
-134 \XXXXXX > _/XXXXX/
-135 \XXXXX--__/ __-- XXXX/
-136 -XXXXXXXX--------------- XXXXXX-
-139 ''' ,
-142 "kitty" : r '''
-143 \
-144 \
-145 \
-146 \
-148 ("`-' '-/") .___..--' ' "`-._
-149 ` *_ * ) `-. ( ) .`-.__. `)
-150 (_Y_.) ' ._ ) `._` ; `` -. .-'
-151 _.. `--'_..-_/ /--' _ .' ,4
-152 ( i l ),-'' ( l i),' ( ( ! .-'
-153 ''' ,
-156 "meow" : r """
-157 \
-158 \
-159 \
-160 \
-161 _ ___.--'''`--''//-,-_--_.
-162 \\`"' ` || \\\\ \\ \\\\/ / // / ,-\\\\`,_
-163 /'` \\ \\ || Y | \\|/ / // / - |__ `-,
-164 /\@"\\ ` \\ `\\ | | ||/ // | \\/ \\ `-._`-,_.,
-165 / _.-. `.-\\,___/\\ _/|_/_\\_\\/|_/ | `-._._)
-166 `-'``/ / | // \\__/\\__ / \\__/ \\
-167 `-' /-\\/ | -| \\__ \\ |-' |
-168 __/\\ / _/ \\/ __,-' ) ,' _|'
-169 (((__/(((_.' ((___..-'((__,'
-170 """ ,
-172 "miki" : r '''
-173 \
-174 \ &************************&
-175 \ &******************************&
-176 \ &**********************************&
-177 &**************************************&
-178 &*****************************************&
-179 &*******************************************&
-180 &*********************************************&
-181 &***********************************************&
-182 &************************************************&
-183 &***#########********#########*******************&
-184 &*## ########## ##################&
-185 &*## O ##@**#### O ##***************&
-186 &***#########@*******#########*****************&
-187 &***********@*********************************&
-188 &**********@*********************************&
-189 &*********@*********************************&
-190 &********@@*********************************&
-191 &*******@@@@@@****************************&
-192 &**************************************&
-193 &**************************************&
-194 &******@@@@@@@@@@@@*********************&
-195 &*************************************&
-196 &************************************&
-197 &*******************************&
-198 &*****************************&
-199 ''' ,
-201 "milk" : r '''
-202 \
-203 \
-204 \
-205 \
-206 ____________
-207 |__________|
-208 / /\
-209 / / \
-210 /___________/___/|
-211 | | |
-212 | ==\ /== | |
-213 | O O | \ \ |
-214 | < | \ \|
-215 /| | \ \
-216 / | \_____/ | / /
-217 / /| | / /|
-218 /||\| | /||\/
-219 -------------|
-220 | | | |
-221 <__/ \__>
-222 ''' ,
-224 "pig" : r '''
-225 \
-226 \
-227 \
-228 \
-229 ,.
-230 (_|,.
-231 ,' /, )_______ _
-232 __j o``-' `.'-)'
-233 (") \'
-234 `-j |
-235 `-._( /
-236 |_\ |--^. /
-237 /_]'|_| /_)_/
-238 /_]' /_]'
-239 ''' ,
-241 "stegosaurus" : r '''
-242 \
-243 \
-244 \
-245 \
-246 . .
-247 / `. .' \
-248 .---. < > < > .---.
-249 | \ \ - ~ ~ - / / |
-250 _____ ~-..-~ ~-..-~
-251 | | \~~~\.' `./~~~/
-252 --------- \__/ \__/
-253 .' O \ / / \ "
-254 (_____, `._.' | } \/~~~/
-255 `----. / } | / \__/
-256 `-. | / | / `. ,~~|
-257 ~-.__| /_ - ~ ^| /- _ `..-' f: f:
-258 | / | / ~-. `-. _|| _||_
-259 |_____| |_____| ~ - . _ _ _ _ __>
-261 ''' ,
-263 "stimpy" : r '''
-264 \
-265 \
-266 \
-267 \
-268 . _ .
-269 |\_|/__/|
-270 / / \/ \ \
-271 /__|O||O|__ \
-272 |/_ \_/\_/ _\ |
-273 | | (____) | ||
-274 \/\___/\__/ //
-275 (_/ ||
-276 | ||
-277 | ||\
-278 \ //_/
-279 \______//
-280 __ || __||
-281 (____(____)
-282 ''' ,
-284 "trex" : r '''
-285 \
-286 \
-287 \
-288 \
-289 .-=-==--==--.
-290 ..-==" ,'o`) `.
-291 ,' `"' \
-292 : ( `.__...._
-293 | ) / `-=-.
-294 : ,vv.-._ / / `---==-._
-295 \/\/\/VV ^ d88`;' / `.
-296 `` ^/d88P!' / , `._
-297 ^/ !' ,. , / "-,,__,,--'""""-.
-298 ^/ !' ,' \ . .( ( _ ) ) ) ) ))_,-.\
-299 ^(__ ,!',"' ;:+.:%:a. \:.. . ,' ) ) ) ) ,"' '
-300 ',,,'',' /o:::":%: %a . \:.:.: . ) ) _,'
-301 """' ;':::'' `+ %%%a ._ \%:%| ;.). _,-""
-302 ,-='_.-' ``:%::) )%:| /:._,"
-303 (/(/" ," ,'_,' %% %: (_,'
-304 ( (//(`.___; \
-305 \ \ ` `
-306 `. `. `. :
-307 \. . .\ : . . . :
-308 \. . .: `.. . .:
-309 `..:.:\ \:...\
-310 ;:.:.; ::...:
-311 ):%:: :::::;
-312 __,::%:( :::::
-313 ,;: %%%%%% %: ;:%::
-314 ;,--""-.`\ ,=--':%:%:\
-315 /" "| /-".: %%%%%% %\
-316 ;,-"'`) %% )
-317 /" "|
-318 ''' ,
-320 "turkey" : r '''
-321 \
-322 \
-323 \
-324 \
-325 ,+*^^*+___+++_
-326 ,*^^^^ )
-327 _+* ^**+_
-328 +^ _ _++*+_+++_, )
-329 _+^^*+_ ( ,+*^ ^ \\+_ )
-330 { ) ( ,( ,_+--+--, ^) ^\\
-331 { (\@) } f ,( ,+-^ __*_*_ ^^\\_ ^\\ )
-332 {:;-/ (_+*-+^^^^^+*+*<_ _++_)_ ) ) /
-333 ( / ( ( ,___ ^*+_+* ) < < \\
-334 U _/ ) *--< ) ^\\-----++__) ) ) )
-335 ( ) _(^)^^)) ) )\\^^^^^))^*+/ / /
-336 ( / (_))_^)) ) ) ))^^^^^))^^^)__/ +^^
-337 ( ,/ (^))^)) ) ) ))^^^^^^^))^^) _)
-338 *+__+* (_))^) ) ) ))^^^^^^))^^^^^)____*^
-339 \\ \\_)^)_)) ))^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^)
-340 (_ ^\\__^^^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^^^^)
-341 ^\\___ ^\\__^^^^^^))^^^^^^^^)\\\\
-342 ^^^^^\\uuu/^^\\uuu/^^^^\\^\\^\\^\\^\\^\\^\\^\\
-343 ___) >____) >___ ^\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\)
-344 ^^^//\\\\_^^//\\\\_^ ^(\\_\\_\\_\\)
-345 ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^
-346 ''' ,
-348 "turtle" : r '''
-349 \
-350 \
-351 \
-352 \
-353 ___-------___
-354 _-~~ ~~-_
-355 _-~ /~-_
-356 /^\__/^\ /~ \ / \
-357 /| O|| O| / \_______________/ \
-358 | |___||__| / / \ \
-359 | \ / / \ \
-360 | (_______) /______/ \_________ \
-361 | / / \ / \
-362 \ \^\\ \ / \ /
-363 \ || \______________/ _-_ //\__//
-364 \ ||------_-~~-_ ------------- \ --/~ ~\ || __/
-365 ~-----||====/~ |==================| |/~~~~~
-366 (_(__/ ./ / \_\ \.
-367 (_(___/ \_____)_)
-368 ''' ,
-370 "tux" : r '''
-371 \
-372 \
-373 \
-374 .--.
-375 |o_o |
-376 |:_/ |
-377 // \ \
-378 (| | )
-379 /'\_ _/`\
-380 \___)=(___/
-381 ''' ,
-383 }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/cowsay/main.html b/docs/cowsay/main.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f7e8a75..0000000
--- a/docs/cowsay/main.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,994 +0,0 @@
- cowsay.main API documentation
- View Source
- 0 from __future__ import print_function
- 1 import sys
- 2 import re
- 3
- 4 from .characters import CHARS
- 5
- 6 __version__ = '5.0'
- 7
- 8 char_names = list ( CHARS . keys ())
- 9
-11 def wrap_lines ( lines , max_width = 49 ):
-12 new_lines = []
-13 for line in lines :
-14 for line_part in [
-15 line [ i : i + max_width ] for i in range ( 0 , len ( line ), max_width )
-16 ]:
-17 new_lines . append ( line_part )
-18 return new_lines
-21 def generate_bubble ( text ):
-22 lines = [ line . strip () for line in str ( text ) . split ( " \n " )]
-23 lines = wrap_lines ([ line for line in lines if line ])
-24 text_width = max ([ len ( line ) for line in lines ])
-25 output = []
-26 output . append ( " " + "_" * text_width )
-27 if len ( lines ) > 1 :
-28 output . append ( " /" + " " * text_width + " \\ " )
-29 for line in lines :
-30 output . append ( "| " + line + " " * ( text_width - len ( line ) + 1 ) + "|" )
-31 if len ( lines ) > 1 :
-32 output . append ( " \\ " + " " * text_width + "/" )
-33 output . append ( " " + "=" * text_width )
-34 return output
-37 def generate_char ( char , text_width ):
-38 output = []
-39 char_lines = char . split ( ' \n ' )
-40 char_lines = [ i for i in char_lines if len ( i ) != 0 ]
-41 for line in char_lines :
-42 output . append ( ' ' * text_width + line )
-43 return output
-46 # we are doing some magic here: Creating the functions dynamically.
-47 # in .characters is a dict CHARS which holds the lines for the characters.
-48 # For each entry there, we create a function.
-49 # Wo do this, to not break the old API.
-51 def draw ( char , text , to_console = True ):
-52 if len ( re . sub ( '\s' , '' , text )) == 0 :
-53 raise Exception ( 'Pass something meaningful to cowsay' )
-54 output = generate_bubble ( text )
-55 text_width = max ([ len ( line ) for line in output ]) - 4 # 4 is the frame
-56 output += generate_char ( char , text_width )
-57 if to_console :
-58 for line in output :
-59 print ( line )
-60 return ' \n ' . join ( output )
-63 chars = {}
-64 for char_name , char_lines in CHARS . items ():
-65 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-66 draw ( char_lines , text )
-67 func . __name__ = char_name
-68 globals ()[ char_name ] = func
-69 chars [ char_name ] = func
-72 def get_output_string ( char_name , text ):
-73 if char_name in CHARS :
-74 return draw ( CHARS [ char_name ], text , to_console = False )
-75 else :
-76 raise Exception ( 'Available Characters:' , list ( CHARS . keys ()))
-79 def cli ():
-81 if '--version' in sys . argv [ 1 :]:
-82 print ( __version__ )
-83 exit ( 0 )
-85 if '--character' in sys . argv [ 1 :]:
-86 character_index = sys . argv . index ( '--character' )
-87 try :
-88 character = globals ()[ sys . argv [ character_index + 1 ]]
-89 del sys . argv [ character_index : character_index + 2 ]
-90 except ( KeyError , IndexError ):
-91 options = ', ' . join ( char_names )
-92 raise LookupError (
-93 'Invalid character selection passed. Available options: ' + options
-94 )
-95 else :
-96 character = cow
-98 character ( ' ' . join ( sys . argv [ 1 :]))
- def
- wrap_lines (lines, max_width=49) :
- View Source
- 12 def wrap_lines ( lines , max_width = 49 ):
-13 new_lines = []
-14 for line in lines :
-15 for line_part in [
-16 line [ i : i + max_width ] for i in range ( 0 , len ( line ), max_width )
-17 ]:
-18 new_lines . append ( line_part )
-19 return new_lines
- def
- generate_bubble (text) :
- View Source
- 22 def generate_bubble ( text ):
-23 lines = [ line . strip () for line in str ( text ) . split ( " \n " )]
-24 lines = wrap_lines ([ line for line in lines if line ])
-25 text_width = max ([ len ( line ) for line in lines ])
-26 output = []
-27 output . append ( " " + "_" * text_width )
-28 if len ( lines ) > 1 :
-29 output . append ( " /" + " " * text_width + " \\ " )
-30 for line in lines :
-31 output . append ( "| " + line + " " * ( text_width - len ( line ) + 1 ) + "|" )
-32 if len ( lines ) > 1 :
-33 output . append ( " \\ " + " " * text_width + "/" )
-34 output . append ( " " + "=" * text_width )
-35 return output
- def
- generate_char (char, text_width) :
- View Source
- 38 def generate_char ( char , text_width ):
-39 output = []
-40 char_lines = char . split ( ' \n ' )
-41 char_lines = [ i for i in char_lines if len ( i ) != 0 ]
-42 for line in char_lines :
-43 output . append ( ' ' * text_width + line )
-44 return output
- def
- draw (char, text, to_console=True) :
- View Source
- 52 def draw ( char , text , to_console = True ):
-53 if len ( re . sub ( '\s' , '' , text )) == 0 :
-54 raise Exception ( 'Pass something meaningful to cowsay' )
-55 output = generate_bubble ( text )
-56 text_width = max ([ len ( line ) for line in output ]) - 4 # 4 is the frame
-57 output += generate_char ( char , text_width )
-58 if to_console :
-59 for line in output :
-60 print ( line )
-61 return ' \n ' . join ( output )
- def
- get_output_string (char_name, text) :
- View Source
- 73 def get_output_string ( char_name , text ):
-74 if char_name in CHARS :
-75 return draw ( CHARS [ char_name ], text , to_console = False )
-76 else :
-77 raise Exception ( 'Available Characters:' , list ( CHARS . keys ()))
- def
- cli () :
- View Source
- 80 def cli ():
-82 if '--version' in sys . argv [ 1 :]:
-83 print ( __version__ )
-84 exit ( 0 )
-86 if '--character' in sys . argv [ 1 :]:
-87 character_index = sys . argv . index ( '--character' )
-88 try :
-89 character = globals ()[ sys . argv [ character_index + 1 ]]
-90 del sys . argv [ character_index : character_index + 2 ]
-91 except ( KeyError , IndexError ):
-92 options = ', ' . join ( char_names )
-93 raise LookupError (
-94 'Invalid character selection passed. Available options: ' + options
-95 )
-96 else :
-97 character = cow
-99 character ( ' ' . join ( sys . argv [ 1 :]))
- def
- func (
- text,
- char_lines="\n \\\n \\\n \\\n .--.\n |o_o |\n |:_/ |\n // \\ \\\n (| | )\n /'\\_ _/`\\\n \\___)=(___/\n"
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- beavis (
- text,
- char_lines="\n \\\n \\\n \\\n _------~~-,\n ,' ,\n / \\\\\n / :\n | '\n | |\n | |\n | _-- |\n _| =-. .-. ||\n o|/o/ _. |\n / ~ \\\\ |\n (____\\@) ___~ |\n |_===~~~.` |\n _______.--~ |\n \\\\________ |\n \\\\ |\n __/-___-- -__\n / _ \\\\\n\n"
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- cheese (
- text,
- char_lines='\n\\\n \\\n \\\n \\\n / \\_/ |\n | ||\n | ||\n | ###\\ /### | |\n | 0 \\/ 0 | |\n /| | |\n / | < |\\ \\\n| /| | | |\n| | \\_______/ | | |\n| | | / /\n/|| /|||\n ----------------|\n | | | |\n *** ***\n /___\\ /___\\\n'
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- daemon (
- text,
- char_lines="\n \\\n \\\n \\\n \\\n /- _ `-/ '\n (/\\/ \\ \\ /\\\n / / | ` \\\n O O ) / |\n `-^--'`< '\n (_.) _ ) /\n `.___/` /\n `-----' /\n<----. __ / __ \\\n<----|====O)))==) \\) /====\n<----' `--' `.__,' \\\n | |\n \\ /\n ______( (_ / \\______\n ,' ,-----' | \\\n `--{__________) \\/\n"
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- cow (
- text,
- char_lines='\n\\\n \\\n ^__^\n (oo)\\_______\n (__)\\ )\\/\\\n ||----w |\n || ||\n'
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- dragon (
- text,
- char_lines="\n \\\n \\\n \\\n \\\n / \\\\ //\\\\\n |\\\\___/| / \\\\// \\\\\\\\\n /0 0 \\\\__ / // | \\\\ \\\\\n / / \\\\/_/ // | \\\\ \\\\\n \\@_^_\\@'/ \\\\/_ // | \\\\ \\\\\n //_^_/ \\\\/_ // | \\\\ \\\\\n ( //) | \\\\/// | \\\\ \\\\\n ( / /) _|_ / ) // | \\\\ _\\\\\n ( // /) '/,_ _ _/ ( ; -. | _ _\\\\.-~ .-~~~^-.\n (( / / )) ,-{ _ `-.|.-~-. .~ `.\n (( // / )) '/\\\\ / ~-. _ .-~ .-~^-. \\\\\n (( /// )) `. { } / \\\\ \\\\\n (( / )) .----~-.\\\\ \\\\-' .~ \\\\ `. \\\\^-.\n ///.----..> \\\\ _ -~ `. ^-` ^-_\n ///-._ _ _ _ _ _ _}^ - - - - ~ ~-- ,.-~\n /.-~\n"
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- fox (
- text,
- char_lines='\n \\\n \\\n \\\n |\\_/|,,_____,~~`\n (.".)~~ )`~}}\n \\o/\\ /---~\\\\ ~}}\n _// _// ~}\n'
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- ghostbusters (
- text,
- char_lines='\n \\\n \\\n \\\n \\\n __---__\n _- /--______\n __--( / \\ )XXXXXXXXXXX\\v.\n .-XXX( O O )XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-\n /XXX( U ) XXXXXXX\\\n /XXXXX( )--_ XXXXXXXXXXX\\\n /XXXXX/ ( O ) XXXXXX \\XXXXX\\\n XXXXX/ / XXXXXX \\__ \\XXXXX\n XXXXXX__/ XXXXXX \\__---->\n ---___ XXX__/ XXXXXX \\__ /\n \\- --__/ ___/\\ XXXXXX / ___--/=\n \\-\\ ___/ XXXXXX \'--- XXXXXX\n \\-\\/XXX\\ XXXXXX /XXXXX\n \\XXXXXXXXX \\ /XXXXX/\n \\XXXXXX > _/XXXXX/\n \\XXXXX--__/ __-- XXXX/\n -XXXXXXXX--------------- XXXXXX-\n \\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/\n ""VXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV""\n'
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- kitty (
- text,
- char_lines='\n \\\n \\\n \\\n \\\n\n ("`-\' \'-/") .___..--\' \' "`-._\n ` *_ * ) `-. ( ) .`-.__. `)\n (_Y_.) \' ._ ) `._` ; `` -. .-\'\n _.. `--\'_..-_/ /--\' _ .\' ,4\n ( i l ),-\'\' ( l i),\' ( ( ! .-\'\n'
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- meow (
- text,
- char_lines='\n\\\n \\\n \\\n \\\n _ ___.--\'\'\'`--\'\'//-,-_--_.\n \\\\`"\' ` || \\\\\\\\ \\\\ \\\\\\\\/ / // / ,-\\\\\\\\`,_\n /\'` \\\\ \\\\ || Y | \\\\|/ / // / - |__ `-,\n /\\@"\\\\ ` \\\\ `\\\\ | | ||/ // | \\\\/ \\\\ `-._`-,_.,\n / _.-. `.-\\\\,___/\\\\ _/|_/_\\\\_\\\\/|_/ | `-._._)\n `-\'``/ / | // \\\\__/\\\\__ / \\\\__/ \\\\\n `-\' /-\\\\/ | -| \\\\__ \\\\ |-\' |\n __/\\\\ / _/ \\\\/ __,-\' ) ,\' _|\'\n (((__/(((_.\' ((___..-\'((__,\'\n'
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- miki (
- text,
- char_lines='\n\\ \n \\ &************************&\n \\ &******************************&\n \\ &**********************************&\n &**************************************&\n &*****************************************&\n &*******************************************& \n &*********************************************&\n &***********************************************&\n &************************************************&\n &***#########********#########*******************&\n &*## ########## ##################&\n &*## O ##@**#### O ##***************&\n &***#########@*******#########*****************&\n &***********@*********************************&\n &**********@*********************************&\n &*********@*********************************&\n &********@@*********************************&\n &*******@@@@@@****************************& \n &**************************************&\n &**************************************&\n &******@@@@@@@@@@@@*********************&\n &*************************************& \n &************************************&\n &*******************************&\n &*****************************&\n'
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- milk (
- text,
- char_lines='\n\\\n \\\n \\\n \\\n ____________\n |__________|\n / /\\\n / / \\\n /___________/___/|\n | | |\n | ==\\ /== | |\n | O O | \\ \\ |\n | < | \\ \\|\n /| | \\ \\\n / | \\_____/ | / /\n / /| | / /|\n/||\\| | /||\\/\n -------------|\n | | | |\n <__/ \\__>\n'
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- pig (
- text,
- char_lines='\n\\\n \\\n \\\n \\\n ,.\n (_|,.\n ,\' /, )_______ _\n __j o``-\' `.\'-)\'\n (") \\\'\n `-j |\n `-._( /\n |_\\ |--^. /\n /_]\'|_| /_)_/\n /_]\' /_]\'\n'
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- stegosaurus (
- text,
- char_lines='\n \\\n \\\n \\\n \\\n . .\n / `. .\' \\\n .---. < > < > .---.\n | \\ \\ - ~ ~ - / / |\n _____ ~-..-~ ~-..-~\n | | \\~~~\\.\' `./~~~/\n --------- \\__/ \\__/\n .\' O \\ / / \\ "\n (_____, `._.\' | } \\/~~~/\n `----. / } | / \\__/\n `-. | / | / `. ,~~|\n ~-.__| /_ - ~ ^| /- _ `..-\' f: f:\n | / | / ~-. `-. _|| _||_\n |_____| |_____| ~ - . _ _ _ _ __>\n\n'
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- stimpy (
- text,
- char_lines='\n \\\n \\\n \\\n \\\n . _ .\n |\\_|/__/|\n / / \\/ \\ \\\n /__|O||O|__ \\\n |/_ \\_/\\_/ _\\ |\n | | (____) | ||\n \\/\\___/\\__/ //\n (_/ ||\n | ||\n | ||\\\n \\ //_/\n \\______//\n __ || __||\n (____(____)\n'
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- trex (
- text,
- char_lines='\n \\\n \\\n \\\n \\\n .-=-==--==--.\n ..-==" ,\'o`) `.\n ,\' `"\' \\\n : ( `.__...._\n | ) / `-=-.\n : ,vv.-._ / / `---==-._\n \\/\\/\\/VV ^ d88`;\' / `.\n `` ^/d88P!\' / , `._\n ^/ !\' ,. , / "-,,__,,--\'""""-.\n ^/ !\' ,\' \\ . .( ( _ ) ) ) ) ))_,-.\\\n ^(__ ,!\',"\' ;:+.:%:a. \\:.. . ,\' ) ) ) ) ,"\' \'\n \',,,\'\',\' /o:::":%:%a. \\:.:.: . ) ) _,\'\n """\' ;\':::\'\' `+%%%a._ \\%:%| ;.). _,-""\n ,-=\'_.-\' ``:%::) )%:| /:._,"\n (/(/" ," ,\'_,\'%%%: (_,\'\n ( (//(`.___; \\\n \\ \\ ` `\n `. `. `. :\n \\. . .\\ : . . . :\n \\. . .: `.. . .:\n `..:.:\\ \\:...\\\n ;:.:.; ::...:\n ):%:: :::::;\n __,::%:( :::::\n ,;:%%%%%%%: ;:%::\n ;,--""-.`\\ ,=--\':%:%:\\\n /" "| /-".:%%%%%%%\\\n ;,-"\'`)%%)\n /" "|\n'
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- turkey (
- text,
- char_lines='\n \\\n \\\n \\\n \\\n ,+*^^*+___+++_\n ,*^^^^ )\n _+* ^**+_\n +^ _ _++*+_+++_, )\n _+^^*+_ ( ,+*^ ^ \\\\+_ )\n { ) ( ,( ,_+--+--, ^) ^\\\\\n { (\\@) } f ,( ,+-^ __*_*_ ^^\\\\_ ^\\\\ )\n {:;-/ (_+*-+^^^^^+*+*<_ _++_)_ ) ) /\n ( / ( ( ,___ ^*+_+* ) < < \\\\\n U _/ ) *--< ) ^\\\\-----++__) ) ) )\n ( ) _(^)^^)) ) )\\\\^^^^^))^*+/ / /\n ( / (_))_^)) ) ) ))^^^^^))^^^)__/ +^^\n ( ,/ (^))^)) ) ) ))^^^^^^^))^^) _)\n *+__+* (_))^) ) ) ))^^^^^^))^^^^^)____*^\n \\\\ \\\\_)^)_)) ))^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^)\n (_ ^\\\\__^^^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^^^^)\n ^\\\\___ ^\\\\__^^^^^^))^^^^^^^^)\\\\\\\\\n ^^^^^\\\\uuu/^^\\\\uuu/^^^^\\\\^\\\\^\\\\^\\\\^\\\\^\\\\^\\\\^\\\\\n ___) >____) >___ ^\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\)\n ^^^//\\\\\\\\_^^//\\\\\\\\_^ ^(\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\)\n ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^\n'
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- turtle (
- text,
- char_lines='\n \\\n \\\n \\\n \\\n ___-------___\n _-~~ ~~-_\n _-~ /~-_\n /^\\__/^\\ /~ \\ / \\\n /| O|| O| / \\_______________/ \\\n | |___||__| / / \\ \\\n | \\ / / \\ \\\n | (_______) /______/ \\_________ \\\n | / / \\ / \\\n \\ \\^\\\\ \\ / \\ /\n \\ || \\______________/ _-_ //\\__//\n \\ ||------_-~~-_ ------------- \\ --/~ ~\\ || __/\n ~-----||====/~ |==================| |/~~~~~\n (_(__/ ./ / \\_\\ \\.\n (_(___/ \\_____)_)\n'
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
- def
- tux (
- text,
- char_lines="\n \\\n \\\n \\\n .--.\n |o_o |\n |:_/ |\n // \\ \\\n (| | )\n /'\\_ _/`\\\n \\___)=(___/\n"
-) :
- View Source
- 66 def func ( text , char_lines = char_lines ):
-67 draw ( char_lines , text )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/cowsay/test.html b/docs/cowsay/test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f5ad866..0000000
--- a/docs/cowsay/test.html
+++ /dev/null
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- cowsay.test API documentation
- View Source
- 0 # We are using this tests to be sure, the output will not change
- 1
- 2 import unittest
- 3 import io
- 4 import sys
- 5
- 6 from .main import (
- 7 beavis ,
- 8 cheese ,
- 9 daemon ,
- 10 cow ,
- 11 dragon ,
- 12 fox ,
- 13 ghostbusters ,
- 14 kitty ,
- 15 meow ,
- 16 milk ,
- 17 miki ,
- 18 pig ,
- 19 stegosaurus ,
- 20 stimpy ,
- 21 trex ,
- 22 turkey ,
- 23 turtle ,
- 24 tux ,
- 25 )
- 26
- 27 LOREM = """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam
- 28 nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,
- 29 sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum."""
- 30 LOREM = LOREM . replace ( " \n " , "" )
- 31
- 32 BEAVIS_SOLUTION = r """
- 33 _________________________________________________
- 34 / \
- 35 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
- 36 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
- 37 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
- 38 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
- 39 | s et ea rebum. |
- 40 \ /
- 41 =================================================
- 42 \
- 43 \
- 44 \
- 45 _------~~-,
- 46 ,' ,
- 47 / \\
- 48 / :
- 49 | '
- 50 | |
- 51 | |
- 52 | _-- |
- 53 _| =-. .-. ||
- 54 o|/o/ _. |
- 55 / ~ \\ |
- 56 (____\@) ___~ |
- 57 |_===~~~.` |
- 58 _______.--~ |
- 59 \\________ |
- 60 \\ |
- 61 __/-___-- -__
- 62 / _ \\
- 63 """
- 64
- 65 CHEESE_SOLUTION = r """
- 66 _________________________________________________
- 67 / \
- 68 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
- 69 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
- 70 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
- 71 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
- 72 | s et ea rebum. |
- 73 \ /
- 74 =================================================
- 75 \
- 76 \
- 77 \
- 78 \
- 79 / \_/ |
- 80 | ||
- 81 | ||
- 82 | ###\ /### | |
- 83 | 0 \/ 0 | |
- 84 /| | |
- 85 / | < |\ \
- 86 | /| | | |
- 87 | | \_______/ | | |
- 88 | | | / /
- 89 /|| /|||
- 90 ----------------|
- 91 | | | |
- 92 *** ***
- 93 /___\ /___\
- 94 """
- 95
- 96 DAEMON_SOLUTION = r """
- 97 _________________________________________________
- 98 / \
- 99 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-100 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-101 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-102 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-103 | s et ea rebum. |
-104 \ /
-105 =================================================
-106 \
-107 \
-108 \
-109 \
-110 /- _ `-/ '
-111 (/\/ \ \ /\
-112 / / | ` \
-113 O O ) / |
-114 `-^--'`< '
-115 (_.) _ ) /
-116 `.___/` /
-117 `-----' /
-118 <----. __ / __ \
-119 <----|====O)))==) \) /====
-120 <----' `--' `.__,' \
-121 | |
-122 \ /
-123 ______( (_ / \______
-124 ,' ,-----' | \
-125 `--{__________) \/
-126 """
-128 COW_SOLUTION = r """
-129 _________________________________________________
-130 / \
-131 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-132 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-133 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-134 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-135 | s et ea rebum. |
-136 \ /
-137 =================================================
-138 \
-139 \
-140 ^__^
-141 (oo)\_______
-142 (__)\ )\/\
-143 ||----w |
-144 || ||
-145 """
-147 DRAGON_SOLUTION = r """
-148 _________________________________________________
-149 / \
-150 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-151 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-152 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-153 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-154 | s et ea rebum. |
-155 \ /
-156 =================================================
-157 \
-158 \
-159 \
-160 \
-161 / \\ //\\
-162 |\\___/| / \\// \\\\
-163 /0 0 \\__ / // | \\ \\
-164 / / \\/_/ // | \\ \\
-165 \@_^_\@'/ \\/_ // | \\ \\
-166 //_^_/ \\/_ // | \\ \\
-167 ( //) | \\/// | \\ \\
-168 ( / /) _|_ / ) // | \\ _\\
-169 ( // /) '/,_ _ _/ ( ; -. | _ _\\.-~ .-~~~^-.
-170 (( / / )) ,-{ _ `-.|.-~-. .~ `.
-171 (( // / )) '/\\ / ~-. _ .-~ .-~^-. \\
-172 (( /// )) `. { } / \\ \\
-173 (( / )) .----~-.\\ \\-' .~ \\ `. \\^-.
-174 ///.----..> \\ _ -~ `. ^-` ^-_
-175 ///-._ _ _ _ _ _ _}^ - - - - ~ ~-- ,.-~
-176 /.-~
-177 """
-180 _________________________________________________
-181 / \
-182 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-183 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-184 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-185 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-186 | s et ea rebum. |
-187 \ /
-188 =================================================
-189 \
-190 \
-191 \
-192 \
-193 __---__
-194 _- /--______
-195 __--( / \ )XXXXXXXXXXX\v.
-197 /XXX( U ) XXXXXXX\
-201 XXXXXX__/ XXXXXX \__---->
-202 ---___ XXX__/ XXXXXX \__ /
-203 \- --__/ ___/\ XXXXXX / ___--/=
-204 \-\ ___/ XXXXXX '--- XXXXXX
-207 \XXXXXX > _/XXXXX/
-208 \XXXXX--__/ __-- XXXX/
-209 -XXXXXXXX--------------- XXXXXX-
-212 """
-215 FOX_SOLUTION = r """
-216 _________________________________________________
-217 / \
-218 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-219 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-220 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-221 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-222 | s et ea rebum. |
-223 \ /
-224 =================================================
-225 \
-226 \
-227 \
-228 |\_/|,,_____,~~`
-229 (.".)~~ )`~}}
-230 \o/\ /---~\\ ~}}
-231 _// _// ~}
-232 """
-235 KITTY_SOLUTION = r """
-236 _________________________________________________
-237 / \
-238 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-239 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-240 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-241 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-242 | s et ea rebum. |
-243 \ /
-244 =================================================
-245 \
-246 \
-247 \
-248 \
-250 ("`-' '-/") .___..--' ' "`-._
-251 ` *_ * ) `-. ( ) .`-.__. `)
-252 (_Y_.) ' ._ ) `._` ; `` -. .-'
-253 _.. `--'_..-_/ /--' _ .' ,4
-254 ( i l ),-'' ( l i),' ( ( ! .-'
-255 """
-257 MEOW_SOLUTION = r """
-258 _________________________________________________
-259 / \
-260 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-261 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-262 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-263 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-264 | s et ea rebum. |
-265 \ /
-266 =================================================
-267 \
-268 \
-269 \
-270 \
-271 _ ___.--'''`--''//-,-_--_.
-272 \\`"' ` || \\\\ \\ \\\\/ / // / ,-\\\\`,_
-273 /'` \\ \\ || Y | \\|/ / // / - |__ `-,
-274 /\@"\\ ` \\ `\\ | | ||/ // | \\/ \\ `-._`-,_.,
-275 / _.-. `.-\\,___/\\ _/|_/_\\_\\/|_/ | `-._._)
-276 `-'``/ / | // \\__/\\__ / \\__/ \\
-277 `-' /-\\/ | -| \\__ \\ |-' |
-278 __/\\ / _/ \\/ __,-' ) ,' _|'
-279 (((__/(((_.' ((___..-'((__,'
-280 """
-282 MILK_SOLUTION = r """
-283 _________________________________________________
-284 / \
-285 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-286 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-287 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-288 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-289 | s et ea rebum. |
-290 \ /
-291 =================================================
-292 \
-293 \
-294 \
-295 \
-296 ____________
-297 |__________|
-298 / /\
-299 / / \
-300 /___________/___/|
-301 | | |
-302 | ==\ /== | |
-303 | O O | \ \ |
-304 | < | \ \|
-305 /| | \ \
-306 / | \_____/ | / /
-307 / /| | / /|
-308 /||\| | /||\/
-309 -------------|
-310 | | | |
-311 <__/ \__>
-312 """
-314 PIG_SOLUTION = r """
-315 _________________________________________________
-316 / \
-317 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-318 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-319 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-320 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-321 | s et ea rebum. |
-322 \ /
-323 =================================================
-324 \
-325 \
-326 \
-327 \
-328 ,.
-329 (_|,.
-330 ,' /, )_______ _
-331 __j o``-' `.'-)'
-332 (") \'
-333 `-j |
-334 `-._( /
-335 |_\ |--^. /
-336 /_]'|_| /_)_/
-337 /_]' /_]'
-338 """
-341 _________________________________________________
-342 / \
-343 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-344 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-345 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-346 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-347 | s et ea rebum. |
-348 \ /
-349 =================================================
-350 \
-351 \
-352 \
-353 \
-354 . .
-355 / `. .' \
-356 .---. < > < > .---.
-357 | \ \ - ~ ~ - / / |
-358 _____ ~-..-~ ~-..-~
-359 | | \~~~\.' `./~~~/
-360 --------- \__/ \__/
-361 .' O \ / / \ "
-362 (_____, `._.' | } \/~~~/
-363 `----. / } | / \__/
-364 `-. | / | / `. ,~~|
-365 ~-.__| /_ - ~ ^| /- _ `..-' f: f:
-366 | / | / ~-. `-. _|| _||_
-367 |_____| |_____| ~ - . _ _ _ _ __>
-368 """
-370 STIMPY_SOLUTION = r """
-371 _________________________________________________
-372 / \
-373 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-374 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-375 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-376 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-377 | s et ea rebum. |
-378 \ /
-379 =================================================
-380 \
-381 \
-382 \
-383 \
-384 . _ .
-385 |\_|/__/|
-386 / / \/ \ \
-387 /__|O||O|__ \
-388 |/_ \_/\_/ _\ |
-389 | | (____) | ||
-390 \/\___/\__/ //
-391 (_/ ||
-392 | ||
-393 | ||\
-394 \ //_/
-395 \______//
-396 __ || __||
-397 (____(____)
-398 """
-400 TREX_SOLUTION = r '''
-401 _________________________________________________
-402 / \
-403 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-404 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-405 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-406 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-407 | s et ea rebum. |
-408 \ /
-409 =================================================
-410 \
-411 \
-412 \
-413 \
-414 .-=-==--==--.
-415 ..-==" ,'o`) `.
-416 ,' `"' \
-417 : ( `.__...._
-418 | ) / `-=-.
-419 : ,vv.-._ / / `---==-._
-420 \/\/\/VV ^ d88`;' / `.
-421 `` ^/d88P!' / , `._
-422 ^/ !' ,. , / "-,,__,,--'""""-.
-423 ^/ !' ,' \ . .( ( _ ) ) ) ) ))_,-.\
-424 ^(__ ,!',"' ;:+.:%:a. \:.. . ,' ) ) ) ) ,"' '
-425 ',,,'',' /o:::":%: %a . \:.:.: . ) ) _,'
-426 """' ;':::'' `+ %%%a ._ \%:%| ;.). _,-""
-427 ,-='_.-' ``:%::) )%:| /:._,"
-428 (/(/" ," ,'_,' %% %: (_,'
-429 ( (//(`.___; \
-430 \ \ ` `
-431 `. `. `. :
-432 \. . .\ : . . . :
-433 \. . .: `.. . .:
-434 `..:.:\ \:...\
-435 ;:.:.; ::...:
-436 ):%:: :::::;
-437 __,::%:( :::::
-438 ,;: %%%%%% %: ;:%::
-439 ;,--""-.`\ ,=--':%:%:\
-440 /" "| /-".: %%%%%% %\
-441 ;,-"'`) %% )
-442 /" "|
-444 '''
-446 TURKEY_SOLUTION = r """
-447 _________________________________________________
-448 / \
-449 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-450 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-451 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-452 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-453 | s et ea rebum. |
-454 \ /
-455 =================================================
-456 \
-457 \
-458 \
-459 \
-460 ,+*^^*+___+++_
-461 ,*^^^^ )
-462 _+* ^**+_
-463 +^ _ _++*+_+++_, )
-464 _+^^*+_ ( ,+*^ ^ \\+_ )
-465 { ) ( ,( ,_+--+--, ^) ^\\
-466 { (\@) } f ,( ,+-^ __*_*_ ^^\\_ ^\\ )
-467 {:;-/ (_+*-+^^^^^+*+*<_ _++_)_ ) ) /
-468 ( / ( ( ,___ ^*+_+* ) < < \\
-469 U _/ ) *--< ) ^\\-----++__) ) ) )
-470 ( ) _(^)^^)) ) )\\^^^^^))^*+/ / /
-471 ( / (_))_^)) ) ) ))^^^^^))^^^)__/ +^^
-472 ( ,/ (^))^)) ) ) ))^^^^^^^))^^) _)
-473 *+__+* (_))^) ) ) ))^^^^^^))^^^^^)____*^
-474 \\ \\_)^)_)) ))^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^)
-475 (_ ^\\__^^^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^^^^)
-476 ^\\___ ^\\__^^^^^^))^^^^^^^^)\\\\
-477 ^^^^^\\uuu/^^\\uuu/^^^^\\^\\^\\^\\^\\^\\^\\^\\
-478 ___) >____) >___ ^\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\)
-479 ^^^//\\\\_^^//\\\\_^ ^(\\_\\_\\_\\)
-480 ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^
-481 """
-483 TURTLE_SOLUTION = r """
-484 _________________________________________________
-485 / \
-486 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-487 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-488 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-489 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-490 | s et ea rebum. |
-491 \ /
-492 =================================================
-493 \
-494 \
-495 \
-496 \
-497 ___-------___
-498 _-~~ ~~-_
-499 _-~ /~-_
-500 /^\__/^\ /~ \ / \
-501 /| O|| O| / \_______________/ \
-502 | |___||__| / / \ \
-503 | \ / / \ \
-504 | (_______) /______/ \_________ \
-505 | / / \ / \
-506 \ \^\\ \ / \ /
-507 \ || \______________/ _-_ //\__//
-508 \ ||------_-~~-_ ------------- \ --/~ ~\ || __/
-509 ~-----||====/~ |==================| |/~~~~~
-510 (_(__/ ./ / \_\ \.
-511 (_(___/ \_____)_)
-512 """
-514 TUX_SOLUTION = r """
-515 _________________________________________________
-516 / \
-517 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-518 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-519 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-520 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-521 | s et ea rebum. |
-522 \ /
-523 =================================================
-524 \
-525 \
-526 \
-527 .--.
-528 |o_o |
-529 |:_/ |
-530 // \ \
-531 (| | )
-532 /'\_ _/`\
-533 \___)=(___/
-534 """
-536 MIKI_SOLUTION = r """
-537 _________________________________________________
-538 / \
-539 | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing |
-540 | elitr, sed diamnonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut |
-541 | labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat,sed diam vol |
-542 | uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolore |
-543 | s et ea rebum. |
-544 \ /
-545 =================================================
-546 \
-547 \ &************************&
-548 \ &******************************&
-549 \ &**********************************&
-550 &**************************************&
-551 &*****************************************&
-552 &*******************************************&
-553 &*********************************************&
-554 &***********************************************&
-555 &************************************************&
-556 &***#########********#########*******************&
-557 &*## ########## ##################&
-558 &*## O ##@**#### O ##***************&
-559 &***#########@*******#########*****************&
-560 &***********@*********************************&
-561 &**********@*********************************&
-562 &*********@*********************************&
-563 &********@@*********************************&
-564 &*******@@@@@@****************************&
-565 &**************************************&
-566 &**************************************&
-567 &******@@@@@@@@@@@@*********************&
-568 &*************************************&
-569 &************************************&
-570 &*******************************&
-571 &*****************************&
-572 """
-575 def capture_output ( function , arguments ):
-576 captured_output = io . StringIO ()
-577 sys . stdout = captured_output
-578 function ( arguments )
-579 sys . stdout = sys . __stdout__
-580 captured_output . seek ( 0 )
-581 return captured_output . read ()
-584 def delete_empty_lines ( data ):
-585 new_data = []
-586 for line in data . splitlines ():
-587 if len ( line . strip ()) > 0 :
-588 new_data . append ( line . rstrip ())
-589 return new_data
-592 def debug_diff ( output , solution ):
-593 for i , s in enumerate ( output ):
-594 print ( output [ i ])
-595 print ( solution [ i ])
-598 class TestCowsay ( unittest . TestCase ):
-600 """
-601 Test Class for `cowsay`
-602 """
-604 def test_beavis ( self ):
-605 output = capture_output ( beavis , ( LOREM ))
-606 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-607 solution = delete_empty_lines ( BEAVIS_SOLUTION )
-608 assert output == solution
-610 def test_cheese ( self ):
-611 output = capture_output ( cheese , ( LOREM ))
-612 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-613 solution = delete_empty_lines ( CHEESE_SOLUTION )
-614 assert output == solution
-616 def test_cow ( self ):
-617 output = capture_output ( cow , ( LOREM ))
-618 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-619 solution = delete_empty_lines ( COW_SOLUTION )
-620 assert output == solution
-622 def test_dragon ( self ):
-623 output = capture_output ( dragon , ( LOREM ))
-624 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-625 solution = delete_empty_lines ( DRAGON_SOLUTION )
-626 assert output == solution
-628 def test_fox ( self ):
-629 output = capture_output ( fox , ( LOREM ))
-630 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-631 solution = delete_empty_lines ( FOX_SOLUTION )
-632 assert output == solution
-634 def test_ghostbusters ( self ):
-635 output = capture_output ( ghostbusters , ( LOREM ))
-636 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-637 solution = delete_empty_lines ( GHOSTBUSTERS_SOLUTION )
-638 assert output == solution
-640 def test_kitty ( self ):
-641 output = capture_output ( kitty , ( LOREM ))
-642 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-643 solution = delete_empty_lines ( KITTY_SOLUTION )
-644 assert output == solution
-646 def test_meow ( self ):
-647 output = capture_output ( meow , ( LOREM ))
-648 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-649 solution = delete_empty_lines ( MEOW_SOLUTION )
-650 assert output == solution
-652 def test_miki ( self ):
-653 output = capture_output ( miki , ( LOREM ))
-654 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-655 solution = delete_empty_lines ( MIKI_SOLUTION )
-656 assert output == solution
-658 def test_milk ( self ):
-659 output = capture_output ( milk , ( LOREM ))
-660 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-661 solution = delete_empty_lines ( MILK_SOLUTION )
-662 assert output == solution
-664 def test_pig ( self ):
-665 output = capture_output ( pig , ( LOREM ))
-666 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-667 solution = delete_empty_lines ( PIG_SOLUTION )
-668 assert output == solution
-670 def test_stegosaurus ( self ):
-671 output = capture_output ( stegosaurus , ( LOREM ))
-672 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-673 solution = delete_empty_lines ( STEGOSAURUS_SOLUTION )
-674 assert output == solution
-676 def test_stimpy ( self ):
-677 output = capture_output ( stimpy , ( LOREM ))
-678 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-679 solution = delete_empty_lines ( STIMPY_SOLUTION )
-680 assert output == solution
-682 def test_trex ( self ):
-683 output = capture_output ( trex , ( LOREM ))
-684 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-685 solution = delete_empty_lines ( TREX_SOLUTION )
-686 assert output == solution
-688 def test_turkey ( self ):
-689 output = capture_output ( turkey , ( LOREM ))
-690 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-691 solution = delete_empty_lines ( TURKEY_SOLUTION )
-692 assert output == solution
-694 def test_turtle ( self ):
-695 output = capture_output ( turtle , ( LOREM ))
-696 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-697 solution = delete_empty_lines ( TURTLE_SOLUTION )
-698 assert output == solution
-700 def test_tux ( self ):
-701 output = capture_output ( tux , ( LOREM ))
-702 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-703 solution = delete_empty_lines ( TUX_SOLUTION )
-704 assert output == solution
-707 if __name__ == "__main__" :
-708 unittest . main ()
- def
- capture_output (function, arguments) :
- View Source
- 576 def capture_output ( function , arguments ):
-577 captured_output = io . StringIO ()
-578 sys . stdout = captured_output
-579 function ( arguments )
-580 sys . stdout = sys . __stdout__
-581 captured_output . seek ( 0 )
-582 return captured_output . read ()
- def
- delete_empty_lines (data) :
- View Source
- 585 def delete_empty_lines ( data ):
-586 new_data = []
-587 for line in data . splitlines ():
-588 if len ( line . strip ()) > 0 :
-589 new_data . append ( line . rstrip ())
-590 return new_data
- def
- debug_diff (output, solution) :
- View Source
- 593 def debug_diff ( output , solution ):
-594 for i , s in enumerate ( output ):
-595 print ( output [ i ])
-596 print ( solution [ i ])
- class
- TestCowsay ( ):
- View Source
- 599 class TestCowsay ( unittest . TestCase ):
-601 """
-602 Test Class for `cowsay`
-603 """
-605 def test_beavis ( self ):
-606 output = capture_output ( beavis , ( LOREM ))
-607 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-608 solution = delete_empty_lines ( BEAVIS_SOLUTION )
-609 assert output == solution
-611 def test_cheese ( self ):
-612 output = capture_output ( cheese , ( LOREM ))
-613 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-614 solution = delete_empty_lines ( CHEESE_SOLUTION )
-615 assert output == solution
-617 def test_cow ( self ):
-618 output = capture_output ( cow , ( LOREM ))
-619 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-620 solution = delete_empty_lines ( COW_SOLUTION )
-621 assert output == solution
-623 def test_dragon ( self ):
-624 output = capture_output ( dragon , ( LOREM ))
-625 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-626 solution = delete_empty_lines ( DRAGON_SOLUTION )
-627 assert output == solution
-629 def test_fox ( self ):
-630 output = capture_output ( fox , ( LOREM ))
-631 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-632 solution = delete_empty_lines ( FOX_SOLUTION )
-633 assert output == solution
-635 def test_ghostbusters ( self ):
-636 output = capture_output ( ghostbusters , ( LOREM ))
-637 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-638 solution = delete_empty_lines ( GHOSTBUSTERS_SOLUTION )
-639 assert output == solution
-641 def test_kitty ( self ):
-642 output = capture_output ( kitty , ( LOREM ))
-643 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-644 solution = delete_empty_lines ( KITTY_SOLUTION )
-645 assert output == solution
-647 def test_meow ( self ):
-648 output = capture_output ( meow , ( LOREM ))
-649 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-650 solution = delete_empty_lines ( MEOW_SOLUTION )
-651 assert output == solution
-653 def test_miki ( self ):
-654 output = capture_output ( miki , ( LOREM ))
-655 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-656 solution = delete_empty_lines ( MIKI_SOLUTION )
-657 assert output == solution
-659 def test_milk ( self ):
-660 output = capture_output ( milk , ( LOREM ))
-661 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-662 solution = delete_empty_lines ( MILK_SOLUTION )
-663 assert output == solution
-665 def test_pig ( self ):
-666 output = capture_output ( pig , ( LOREM ))
-667 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-668 solution = delete_empty_lines ( PIG_SOLUTION )
-669 assert output == solution
-671 def test_stegosaurus ( self ):
-672 output = capture_output ( stegosaurus , ( LOREM ))
-673 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-674 solution = delete_empty_lines ( STEGOSAURUS_SOLUTION )
-675 assert output == solution
-677 def test_stimpy ( self ):
-678 output = capture_output ( stimpy , ( LOREM ))
-679 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-680 solution = delete_empty_lines ( STIMPY_SOLUTION )
-681 assert output == solution
-683 def test_trex ( self ):
-684 output = capture_output ( trex , ( LOREM ))
-685 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-686 solution = delete_empty_lines ( TREX_SOLUTION )
-687 assert output == solution
-689 def test_turkey ( self ):
-690 output = capture_output ( turkey , ( LOREM ))
-691 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-692 solution = delete_empty_lines ( TURKEY_SOLUTION )
-693 assert output == solution
-695 def test_turtle ( self ):
-696 output = capture_output ( turtle , ( LOREM ))
-697 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-698 solution = delete_empty_lines ( TURTLE_SOLUTION )
-699 assert output == solution
-701 def test_tux ( self ):
-702 output = capture_output ( tux , ( LOREM ))
-703 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-704 solution = delete_empty_lines ( TUX_SOLUTION )
-705 assert output == solution
- def
- test_beavis (self) :
- View Source
- 605 def test_beavis ( self ):
-606 output = capture_output ( beavis , ( LOREM ))
-607 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-608 solution = delete_empty_lines ( BEAVIS_SOLUTION )
-609 assert output == solution
- def
- test_cheese (self) :
- View Source
- 611 def test_cheese ( self ):
-612 output = capture_output ( cheese , ( LOREM ))
-613 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-614 solution = delete_empty_lines ( CHEESE_SOLUTION )
-615 assert output == solution
- def
- test_cow (self) :
- View Source
- 617 def test_cow ( self ):
-618 output = capture_output ( cow , ( LOREM ))
-619 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-620 solution = delete_empty_lines ( COW_SOLUTION )
-621 assert output == solution
- def
- test_dragon (self) :
- View Source
- 623 def test_dragon ( self ):
-624 output = capture_output ( dragon , ( LOREM ))
-625 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-626 solution = delete_empty_lines ( DRAGON_SOLUTION )
-627 assert output == solution
- def
- test_fox (self) :
- View Source
- 629 def test_fox ( self ):
-630 output = capture_output ( fox , ( LOREM ))
-631 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-632 solution = delete_empty_lines ( FOX_SOLUTION )
-633 assert output == solution
- def
- test_ghostbusters (self) :
- View Source
- 635 def test_ghostbusters ( self ):
-636 output = capture_output ( ghostbusters , ( LOREM ))
-637 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-638 solution = delete_empty_lines ( GHOSTBUSTERS_SOLUTION )
-639 assert output == solution
- def
- test_kitty (self) :
- View Source
- 641 def test_kitty ( self ):
-642 output = capture_output ( kitty , ( LOREM ))
-643 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-644 solution = delete_empty_lines ( KITTY_SOLUTION )
-645 assert output == solution
- def
- test_meow (self) :
- View Source
- 647 def test_meow ( self ):
-648 output = capture_output ( meow , ( LOREM ))
-649 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-650 solution = delete_empty_lines ( MEOW_SOLUTION )
-651 assert output == solution
- def
- test_miki (self) :
- View Source
- 653 def test_miki ( self ):
-654 output = capture_output ( miki , ( LOREM ))
-655 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-656 solution = delete_empty_lines ( MIKI_SOLUTION )
-657 assert output == solution
- def
- test_milk (self) :
- View Source
- 659 def test_milk ( self ):
-660 output = capture_output ( milk , ( LOREM ))
-661 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-662 solution = delete_empty_lines ( MILK_SOLUTION )
-663 assert output == solution
- def
- test_pig (self) :
- View Source
- 665 def test_pig ( self ):
-666 output = capture_output ( pig , ( LOREM ))
-667 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-668 solution = delete_empty_lines ( PIG_SOLUTION )
-669 assert output == solution
- def
- test_stegosaurus (self) :
- View Source
- 671 def test_stegosaurus ( self ):
-672 output = capture_output ( stegosaurus , ( LOREM ))
-673 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-674 solution = delete_empty_lines ( STEGOSAURUS_SOLUTION )
-675 assert output == solution
- def
- test_stimpy (self) :
- View Source
- 677 def test_stimpy ( self ):
-678 output = capture_output ( stimpy , ( LOREM ))
-679 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-680 solution = delete_empty_lines ( STIMPY_SOLUTION )
-681 assert output == solution
- def
- test_trex (self) :
- View Source
- 683 def test_trex ( self ):
-684 output = capture_output ( trex , ( LOREM ))
-685 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-686 solution = delete_empty_lines ( TREX_SOLUTION )
-687 assert output == solution
- def
- test_turkey (self) :
- View Source
- 689 def test_turkey ( self ):
-690 output = capture_output ( turkey , ( LOREM ))
-691 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-692 solution = delete_empty_lines ( TURKEY_SOLUTION )
-693 assert output == solution
- def
- test_turtle (self) :
- View Source
- 695 def test_turtle ( self ):
-696 output = capture_output ( turtle , ( LOREM ))
-697 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-698 solution = delete_empty_lines ( TURTLE_SOLUTION )
-699 assert output == solution
- def
- test_tux (self) :
- View Source
- 701 def test_tux ( self ):
-702 output = capture_output ( tux , ( LOREM ))
-703 output = delete_empty_lines ( output )
-704 solution = delete_empty_lines ( TUX_SOLUTION )
-705 assert output == solution
Inherited Members
- TestCase
- failureException
- longMessage
- maxDiff
- addTypeEqualityFunc
- addCleanup
- addClassCleanup
- setUp
- tearDown
- setUpClass
- tearDownClass
- countTestCases
- defaultTestResult
- shortDescription
- id
- subTest
- run
- doCleanups
- doClassCleanups
- debug
- skipTest
- fail
- assertFalse
- assertTrue
- assertRaises
- assertWarns
- assertLogs
- assertEqual
- assertNotEqual
- assertAlmostEqual
- assertNotAlmostEqual
- assertSequenceEqual
- assertListEqual
- assertTupleEqual
- assertSetEqual
- assertIn
- assertNotIn
- assertIs
- assertIsNot
- assertDictEqual
- assertDictContainsSubset
- assertCountEqual
- assertMultiLineEqual
- assertLess
- assertLessEqual
- assertGreater
- assertGreaterEqual
- assertIsNone
- assertIsNotNone
- assertIsInstance
- assertNotIsInstance
- assertRaisesRegex
- assertWarnsRegex
- assertRegex
- assertNotRegex
- failUnlessRaises
- failIf
- assertRaisesRegexp
- assertRegexpMatches
- assertNotRegexpMatches
- failUnlessEqual
- assertEquals
- failIfEqual
- assertNotEquals
- failUnlessAlmostEqual
- assertAlmostEquals
- failIfAlmostEqual
- assertNotAlmostEquals
- failUnless
- assert_
\ No newline at end of file
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This may cause problems when serialising the index.\n",e)},t.Pipeline.load=function(e){var n=new t.Pipeline;return e.forEach(function(e){var i=t.Pipeline.getRegisteredFunction(e);if(!i)throw new Error("Cannot load un-registered function: "+e);n.add(i)}),n},t.Pipeline.prototype.add=function(){var;e.forEach(function(e){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e),this._queue.push(e)},this)},t.Pipeline.prototype.after=function(e,n){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(n);var i=this._queue.indexOf(e);if(-1===i)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._queue.splice(i+1,0,n)},t.Pipeline.prototype.before=function(e,n){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(n);var i=this._queue.indexOf(e);if(-1===i)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._queue.splice(i,0,n)},t.Pipeline.prototype.remove=function(e){var t=this._queue.indexOf(e);-1!==t&&this._queue.splice(t,1)},{for(var t=[],n=e.length,i=this._queue.length,o=0;n>o;o++){for(var r=e[o],s=0;i>s&&(r=this._queue[s](r,o,e),void 0!==r&&null!==r);s++);void 0!==r&&null!==r&&t.push(r)}return t},t.Pipeline.prototype.reset=function(){this._queue=[]},t.Pipeline.prototype.get=function(){return this._queue},t.Pipeline.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{return t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e),e.label})},t.Index=function(){this._fields=[],this._ref="id",this.pipeline=new t.Pipeline,this.documentStore=new t.DocumentStore,this.index={},this.eventEmitter=new t.EventEmitter,this._idfCache={},this.on("add","remove","update",function(){this._idfCache={}}.bind(this))},t.Index.prototype.on=function(){var;return this.eventEmitter.addListener.apply(this.eventEmitter,e)},,t){return this.eventEmitter.removeListener(e,t)},t.Index.load=function(e){e.version!==t.version&&t.utils.warn("version mismatch: current "+t.version+" importing "+e.version);var n=new this;n._fields=e.fields,n._ref=e.ref,n.documentStore=t.DocumentStore.load(e.documentStore),n.pipeline=t.Pipeline.load(e.pipeline),n.index={};for(var i in 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0===n?!0:n,i=e[this._ref];this.documentStore.hasDoc(i)&&(this.documentStore.removeDoc(i),this._fields.forEach(function(n){var[n]));o.forEach(function(e){this.index[n].removeToken(e,i)},this)},this),n&&this.eventEmitter.emit("remove",e,this))}},t.Index.prototype.updateDoc=function(e,t){var t=void 0===t?!0:t;this.removeDocByRef(e[this._ref],!1),this.addDoc(e,!1),t&&this.eventEmitter.emit("update",e,this)},t.Index.prototype.idf=function(e,t){var n="@"+t+"/"+e;if(,n))return this._idfCache[n];var i=this.index[t].getDocFreq(e),o=1+Math.log(this.documentStore.length/(i+1));return this._idfCache[n]=o,o},t.Index.prototype.getFields=function(){return this._fields.slice()},,n){if(!e)return[];e="string"==typeof e?{any:e}:JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e));var i=null;null!=n&&(i=JSON.stringify(n));for(var o=new t.Configuration(i,this.getFields()).get(),r={},s=Object.keys(e),u=0;u0&&t.push(e);for(var i in n)"docs"!==i&&"df"!==i&&this.expandToken(e+i,t,n[i]);return t},t.InvertedIndex.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{root:this.root}},t.Configuration=function(e,n){var e=e||"";if(void 0==n||null==n)throw new Error("fields should not be null");this.config={};var i;try{i=JSON.parse(e),this.buildUserConfig(i,n)}catch(o){t.utils.warn("user configuration parse failed, will use default configuration"),this.buildDefaultConfig(n)}},t.Configuration.prototype.buildDefaultConfig=function(e){this.reset(),e.forEach(function(e){this.config[e]={boost:1,bool:"OR",expand:!1}},this)},t.Configuration.prototype.buildUserConfig=function(e,n){var i="OR",o=!1;if(this.reset(),"bool"in e&&(i=e.bool||i),"expand"in e&&(o=e.expand||o),"fields"in e)for(var r in e.fields)if(n.indexOf(r)>-1){var s=e.fields[r],u=o;void 0!=s.expand&&(u=s.expand),this.config[r]={boost:s.boost||0===s.boost?s.boost:1,bool:s.bool||i,expand:u}}else t.utils.warn("field name in user configuration not found in index instance fields");else this.addAllFields2UserConfig(i,o,n)},t.Configuration.prototype.addAllFields2UserConfig=function(e,t,n){n.forEach(function(n){this.config[n]={boost:1,bool:e,expand:t}},this)},t.Configuration.prototype.get=function(){return this.config},t.Configuration.prototype.reset=function(){this.config={}},lunr.SortedSet=function(){this.length=0,this.elements=[]},lunr.SortedSet.load=function(e){var t=new this;return t.elements=e,t.length=e.length,t},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.add=function(){var e,t;for(e=0;e1;){if(r===e)return o;e>r&&(t=o),r>e&&(n=o),i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o]}return r===e?o:-1},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.locationFor=function(e){for(var t=0,n=this.elements.length,i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o];i>1;)e>r&&(t=o),r>e&&(n=o),i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o];return r>e?o:e>r?o+1:void 0},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.intersect=function(e){for(var t=new lunr.SortedSet,n=0,i=0,o=this.length,r=e.length,s=this.elements,u=e.elements;;){if(n>o-1||i>r-1)break;s[n]!==u[i]?s[n]u[i]&&i++:(t.add(s[n]),n++,i++)}return t},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.clone=function(){var e=new lunr.SortedSet;return e.elements=this.toArray(),e.length=e.elements.length,e},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.union=function(e){var t,n,i;this.length>=e.length?(t=this,n=e):(t=e,n=this),i=t.clone();for(var o=0,r=n.toArray();o \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n\nLatest version: 5.0 (Release Date: Jun 21, 2022)
\n\n\n A python API / console script for the famous linux cowsay
\n All contributions / pull requests are welcome; Check here to see the contributors \n Take a look at for the changes
\n \n\nBrief History \n\n\n cowsay for GNU/Linux was initially written in perl by Tony Monroe (, with suggestions from Shannon Appel (appel@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU) and contributions from Anthony Polito (aspolito@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU).
\n \n\nInstallation \n\n\n\nDocumentation \n\nDocumentation was generated using pdoc using the following command
\n\npdoc -d google cowsay -o docs \n
\n\nBasic Usage \n\n>>> import cowsay \n>>> cowsay . cow ( 'Hello World' ) \n ___________ \n| Hello World | \n =========== \n \\\n \\\n ^ __ ^ \n ( oo ) \\_______ \n ( __ ) \\ ) \\/ \\\n ||---- w | \n || || \n\n\n>>> print ( cowsay . get_output_string ( 'cow' , 'Hello World' )) \n ___________ \n| Hello World | \n =========== \n \\\n \\\n ^ __ ^ \n ( oo ) \\_______ \n ( __ ) \\ ) \\/ \\\n ||---- w | \n || || \n\n\n>>> cowsay . cow ( 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris blandit rhoncus nibh. Mauris mi mauris, molestie vel metus sit amet, aliquam vulputate nibh.' ) \n _________________________________________________ \n / \\\n| Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetur adipiscin | \n| g elit . Mauris blandit rhoncus nibh . Mauris mi ma | \n| uris , molestie vel metus sit amet , aliquam vulput | \n| ate nibh . | \n \\ / \n ================================================= \n \\\n \\\n ^ __ ^ \n ( oo ) \\_______ \n ( __ ) \\ ) \\/ \\\n ||---- w | \n || || \n
\n\nMore characters \n\n>>> cowsay.char_names \n['beavis', 'cheese', 'cow', 'daemon', 'dragon', 'fox', 'ghostbusters', 'kitty', 'meow', 'miki', 'milk', 'pig', 'stegosaurus', 'stimpy', 'trex', 'turkey', 'turtle', 'tux'] \n\n\n>>> cowsay.chars \n{'beavis': <function func at 0x00000220913B4670>, 'cheese': <function func at 0x00000220913B4F70>, 'daemon': <function func at 0x00000220913D40D0>, \n 'cow': <function func at 0x00000220913D41F0>, 'dragon': <function func at 0x00000220913D4280>, 'fox': <function func at 0x00000220913D4310>, \n 'ghostbusters': <function func at 0x00000220913D43A0>, 'kitty': <function func at 0x00000220913D4430>, 'meow': <function func at 0x00000220913D44C0>, \n 'miki': <function func at 0x00000220913D4550>, 'milk': <function func at 0x00000220913D45E0>, 'pig': <function func at 0x00000220913D4670>, \n 'stegosaurus': <function func at 0x00000220913D4700>, 'stimpy': <function func at 0x00000220913D4790>, 'trex': <function func at 0x00000220913D4820>, \n 'turkey': <function func at 0x00000220913D48B0>, 'turtle': <function func at 0x00000220913D4940>, 'tux': <function func at 0x00000220913D49D0>} \n\n\n>>> len(cowsay.chars) \n18 \n\n\n>>> for char, char_func in cowsay.chars.items(): \n... char_func(f'Hi! I am {char}') \n _______________ \n| Hi! I am beavis | \n =============== \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n _------~~-, \n ,' , \n / \\\\ \n / : \n | ' \n | | \n | | \n | _-- | \n _| =-. .-. || \n o|/o/ _. | \n / ~ \\\\ | \n (____\\@) ___~ | \n |_===~~~.` | \n _______.--~ | \n \\\\________ | \n \\\\ | \n __/-___-- -__ \n / _ \\\\ \n _______________ \n| Hi! I am cheese | \n =============== \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n / \\_/ | \n | || \n | || \n | ###\\ /### | | \n | 0 \\/ 0 | | \n /| | | \n / | < |\\ \\ \n | /| | | | \n | | \\_______/ | | | \n | | | / / \n /|| /||| \n ----------------| \n | | | | \n *** *** \n /___\\ /___\\ \n _______________ \n| Hi! I am daemon | \n =============== \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n /- _ `-/ ' \n (/\\/ \\ \\ /\\ \n / / | ` \\ \n O O ) / | \n `-^--'`< ' \n (_.) _ ) / \n `.___/` / \n `-----' / \n <----. __ / __ \\ \n <----|====O)))==) \\) /==== \n <----' `--' `.__,' \\ \n | | \n \\ / \n ______( (_ / \\______ \n ,' ,-----' | \\ \n `--{__________) \\/ \n ____________ \n| Hi! I am cow | \n ============ \n \\ \n \\ \n ^__^ \n (oo)\\_______ \n (__)\\ )\\/\\ \n ||----w | \n || || \n _______________ \n| Hi! I am dragon | \n =============== \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n / \\\\ //\\\\ \n |\\\\___/| / \\\\// \\\\\\\\ \n /0 0 \\\\__ / // | \\\\ \\\\ \n / / \\\\/_/ // | \\\\ \\\\ \n \\@_^_\\@'/ \\\\/_ // | \\\\ \\\\ \n //_^_/ \\\\/_ // | \\\\ \\\\ \n ( //) | \\\\/// | \\\\ \\\\ \n ( / /) _|_ / ) // | \\\\ _\\\\ \n ( // /) '/,_ _ _/ ( ; -. | _ _\\\\.-~ .-~~~^-. \n (( / / )) ,-{ _ `-.|.-~-. .~ `. \n (( // / )) '/\\\\ / ~-. _ .-~ .-~^-. \\\\ \n (( /// )) `. { } / \\\\ \\\\ \n (( / )) .----~-.\\\\ \\\\-' .~ \\\\ `. \\\\^-. \n ///.----..> \\\\ _ -~ `. ^-` ^-_ \n ///-._ _ _ _ _ _ _}^ - - - - ~ ~-- ,.-~ \n /.-~ \n ____________ \n| Hi! I am fox | \n ============ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n |\\_/|,,_____,~~` \n (.".)~~ )`~}} \n \\o/\\ /---~\\\\ ~}} \n _// _// ~} \n _____________________ \n| Hi! I am ghostbusters | \n ===================== \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n __---__ \n _- /--______ \n __--( / \\ )XXXXXXXXXXX\\v. \n .-XXX( O O )XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX- \n /XXX( U ) XXXXXXX\\ \n /XXXXX( )--_ XXXXXXXXXXX\\ \n /XXXXX/ ( O ) XXXXXX \\XXXXX\\ \n XXXXX/ / XXXXXX \\__ \\XXXXX \n XXXXXX__/ XXXXXX \\__----> \n ---___ XXX__/ XXXXXX \\__ / \n \\- --__/ ___/\\ XXXXXX / ___--/= \n \\-\\ ___/ XXXXXX '--- XXXXXX \n \\-\\/XXX\\ XXXXXX /XXXXX \n \\XXXXXXXXX \\ /XXXXX/ \n \\XXXXXX > _/XXXXX/ \n \\XXXXX--__/ __-- XXXX/ \n -XXXXXXXX--------------- XXXXXX- \n \\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/ \n ""VXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV"" \n ______________ \n| Hi! I am kitty | \n ============== \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n ("`-' '-/") .___..--' ' "`-._ \n ` *_ * ) `-. ( ) .`-.__. `) \n (_Y_.) ' ._ ) `._` ; `` -. .-' \n _.. `--'_..-_/ /--' _ .' ,4 \n ( i l ),-'' ( l i),' ( ( ! .-' \n _____________ \n| Hi! I am meow | \n ============= \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n _ ___.--'''`--''//-,-_--_. \n \\\\`"' ` || \\\\\\\\ \\\\ \\\\\\\\/ / // / ,-\\\\\\\\`,_ \n /'` \\\\ \\\\ || Y | \\\\|/ / // / - |__ `-, \n /\\@"\\\\ ` \\\\ `\\\\ | | ||/ // | \\\\/ \\\\ `-._`-,_., \n / _.-. `.-\\\\,___/\\\\ _/|_/_\\\\_\\\\/|_/ | `-._._) \n `-'``/ / | // \\\\__/\\\\__ / \\\\__/ \\\\ \n `-' /-\\\\/ | -| \\\\__ \\\\ |-' | \n __/\\\\ / _/ \\\\/ __,-' ) ,' _|' \n (((__/(((_.' ((___..-'((__,' \n _____________ \n| Hi! I am miki | \n ============= \n \\ \n \\ &************************& \n \\ &******************************& \n \\ &**********************************& \n &**************************************& \n &*****************************************& \n &*******************************************& \n &*********************************************& \n &***********************************************& \n &************************************************& \n &***#########********#########*******************& \n &*## ########## ##################& \n &*## O ##@**#### O ##***************& \n &***#########@*******#########*****************& \n &***********@*********************************& \n &**********@*********************************& \n &*********@*********************************& \n &********@@*********************************& \n &*******@@@@@@****************************& \n &**************************************& \n &**************************************& \n &******@@@@@@@@@@@@*********************& \n &*************************************& \n &************************************& \n &*******************************& \n &*****************************& \n _____________ \n| Hi! I am milk | \n ============= \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n ____________ \n |__________| \n / /\\ \n / / \\ \n /___________/___/| \n | | | \n | ==\\ /== | | \n | O O | \\ \\ | \n | < | \\ \\| \n /| | \\ \\ \n / | \\_____/ | / / \n / /| | / /| \n /||\\| | /||\\/ \n -------------| \n | | | | \n <__/ \\__> \n ____________ \n| Hi! I am pig | \n ============ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n ,. \n (_|,. \n ,' /, )_______ _ \n __j o``-' `.'-)' \n (") \\' \n `-j | \n `-._( / \n |_\\ |--^. / \n /_]'|_| /_)_/ \n /_]' /_]' \n ____________________ \n| Hi! I am stegosaurus | \n ==================== \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n . . \n / `. .' \\ \n .---. < > < > .---. \n | \\ \\ - ~ ~ - / / | \n _____ ~-..-~ ~-..-~ \n | | \\~~~\\.' `./~~~/ \n --------- \\__/ \\__/ \n .' O \\ / / \\ " \n (_____, `._.' | } \\/~~~/ \n `----. / } | / \\__/ \n `-. | / | / `. ,~~| \n ~-.__| /_ - ~ ^| /- _ `..-' f: f: \n | / | / ~-. `-. _|| _||_ \n |_____| |_____| ~ - . _ _ _ _ __> \n _______________ \n| Hi! I am stimpy | \n =============== \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n . _ . \n |\\_|/__/| \n / / \\/ \\ \\ \n /__|O||O|__ \\ \n |/_ \\_/\\_/ _\\ | \n | | (____) | || \n \\/\\___/\\__/ // \n (_/ || \n | || \n | ||\\ \n \\ //_/ \n \\______// \n __ || __|| \n (____(____) \n _____________ \n| Hi! I am trex | \n ============= \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n .-=-==--==--. \n ..-==" ,'o`) `. \n ,' `"' \\ \n : ( `.__...._ \n | ) / `-=-. \n : ,vv.-._ / / `---==-._ \n \\/\\/\\/VV ^ d88`;' / `. \n `` ^/d88P!' / , `._ \n ^/ !' ,. , / "-,,__,,--'""""-. \n ^/ !' ,' \\ . .( ( _ ) ) ) ) ))_,-.\\ \n ^(__ ,!',"' ;:+.:%:a. \\:.. . ,' ) ) ) ) ,"' ' \n ',,,'',' /o:::":%:%a. \\:.:.: . ) ) _,' \n """' ;':::'' `+%%%a._ \\%:%| ;.). _,-"" \n ,-='_.-' ``:%::) )%:| /:._," \n (/(/" ," ,'_,'%%%: (_,' \n ( (//(`.___; \\ \n \\ \\ ` ` \n `. `. `. : \n \\. . .\\ : . . . : \n \\. . .: `.. . .: \n `..:.:\\ \\:...\\ \n ;:.:.; ::...: \n ):%:: :::::; \n __,::%:( ::::: \n ,;:%%%%%%%: ;:%:: \n ;,--""-.`\\ ,=--':%:%:\\ \n /" "| /-".:%%%%%%%\\ \n ;,-"'`)%%) \n /" "| \n _______________ \n| Hi! I am turkey | \n =============== \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n ,+*^^*+___+++_ \n ,*^^^^ ) \n _+* ^**+_ \n +^ _ _++*+_+++_, ) \n _+^^*+_ ( ,+*^ ^ \\\\+_ ) \n { ) ( ,( ,_+--+--, ^) ^\\\\ \n { (\\@) } f ,( ,+-^ __*_*_ ^^\\\\_ ^\\\\ ) \n {:;-/ (_+*-+^^^^^+*+*<_ _++_)_ ) ) / \n ( / ( ( ,___ ^*+_+* ) < < \\\\ \n U _/ ) *--< ) ^\\\\-----++__) ) ) ) \n ( ) _(^)^^)) ) )\\\\^^^^^))^*+/ / / \n ( / (_))_^)) ) ) ))^^^^^))^^^)__/ +^^ \n ( ,/ (^))^)) ) ) ))^^^^^^^))^^) _) \n *+__+* (_))^) ) ) ))^^^^^^))^^^^^)____*^ \n \\\\ \\\\_)^)_)) ))^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^) \n (_ ^\\\\__^^^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^^^^) \n ^\\\\___ ^\\\\__^^^^^^))^^^^^^^^)\\\\\\\\ \n ^^^^^\\\\uuu/^^\\\\uuu/^^^^\\\\^\\\\^\\\\^\\\\^\\\\^\\\\^\\\\^\\\\ \n ___) >____) >___ ^\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\) \n ^^^//\\\\\\\\_^^//\\\\\\\\_^ ^(\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\) \n ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ \n _______________ \n| Hi! I am turtle | \n =============== \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n ___-------___ \n _-~~ ~~-_ \n _-~ /~-_ \n /^\\__/^\\ /~ \\ / \\ \n /| O|| O| / \\_______________/ \\ \n | |___||__| / / \\ \\ \n | \\ / / \\ \\ \n | (_______) /______/ \\_________ \\ \n | / / \\ / \\ \n \\ \\^\\\\ \\ / \\ / \n \\ || \\______________/ _-_ //\\__// \n \\ ||------_-~~-_ ------------- \\ --/~ ~\\ || __/ \n ~-----||====/~ |==================| |/~~~~~ \n (_(__/ ./ / \\_\\ \\. \n (_(___/ \\_____)_) \n ____________ \n| Hi! I am tux | \n ============ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n .--. \n |o_o | \n |:_/ | \n // \\ \\ \n (| | ) \n /'\\_ _/`\\ \n \\___)=(___/ \n
\n\nCommand Line Usage \n\n$ cowsay Hello World\n ___________ \n| Hello World | \n =========== \n \\ \n \\ \n ^__^ \n (oo)\\_______ \n (__)\\ )\\/\\ \n ||----w | \n || || \n\n\n$ cowsay --character pig Hello World\n ___________ \n| Hello World | \n =========== \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n ,. \n (_|,. \n ,' /, )_______ _ \n __j o``-' `.'-)' \n (") \\' \n `-j | \n `-._( / \n |_\\ |--^. / \n /_]'|_| /_)_/ \n /_]' /_]' \n\n\n$ cowsay Hello World --character tux\n ___________ \n| Hello World | \n =========== \n \\ \n \\ \n \\ \n .--. \n |o_o | \n |:_/ | \n // \\ \\ \n (| | ) \n /'\\_ _/`\\ \n \\___)=(___/ \n
\n\nChange Log \n\nAll notable changes to this project will be documented in this file
\n\n \n\nv5.0 (Jun 21, 2022) \n\nAdded \n\n\n\nChanged \n\n\n\n \n\nv4.0 (Apr 19, 2021) \n\nAdded \n\n\nNew function get_output_string() to get console output as string \nNew character : Trex (Added by Oscar de Felice ) \n \n\nChanged \n\n\nCode optimizations and test cases (Added by sparrow242 ) \ncowsay.chars from list to dict \n \n\n \n\nv3.0 (Dec 08, 2020) \n\nAdded \n\n\n\n \n\nv1.0 (May 08, 2017) \n\n\nInitial release with 14 characters \n \n"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.characters", "modulename": "cowsay.characters", "type": "module", "doc": "
\n"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "type": "module", "doc": "
\n"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.wrap_lines", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "wrap_lines", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(lines, max_width=49)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.generate_bubble", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "generate_bubble", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(text)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.generate_char", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "generate_char", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(char, text_width)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.draw", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "draw", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(char, text, to_console=True)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.get_output_string", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "get_output_string", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(char_name, text)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.cli", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "cli", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "()", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.func", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "func", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines=\"\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n .--.\\n |o_o |\\n |:_/ |\\n // \\\\ \\\\\\n (| | )\\n /'\\\\_ _/`\\\\\\n \\\\___)=(___/\\n\"\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.beavis", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "beavis", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines=\"\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n _------~~-,\\n ,' ,\\n / \\\\\\\\\\n / :\\n | '\\n | |\\n | |\\n | _-- |\\n _| =-. .-. ||\\n o|/o/ _. |\\n / ~ \\\\\\\\ |\\n (____\\\\@) ___~ |\\n |_===~~~.` |\\n _______.--~ |\\n \\\\\\\\________ |\\n \\\\\\\\ |\\n __/-___-- -__\\n / _ \\\\\\\\\\n\\n\"\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.cheese", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "cheese", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines='\\n\\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n / \\\\_/ |\\n | ||\\n | ||\\n | ###\\\\ /### | |\\n | 0 \\\\/ 0 | |\\n /| | |\\n / | < |\\\\ \\\\\\n| /| | | |\\n| | \\\\_______/ | | |\\n| | | / /\\n/|| /|||\\n ----------------|\\n | | | |\\n *** ***\\n /___\\\\ /___\\\\\\n'\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.daemon", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "daemon", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines=\"\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n /- _ `-/ '\\n (/\\\\/ \\\\ \\\\ /\\\\\\n / / | ` \\\\\\n O O ) / |\\n `-^--'`< '\\n (_.) _ ) /\\n `.___/` /\\n `-----' /\\n<----. __ / __ \\\\\\n<----|====O)))==) \\\\) /====\\n<----' `--' `.__,' \\\\\\n | |\\n \\\\ /\\n ______( (_ / \\\\______\\n ,' ,-----' | \\\\\\n `--{__________) \\\\/\\n\"\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.cow", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "cow", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines='\\n\\\\\\n \\\\\\n ^__^\\n (oo)\\\\_______\\n (__)\\\\ )\\\\/\\\\\\n ||----w |\\n || ||\\n'\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.dragon", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "dragon", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines=\"\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n / \\\\\\\\ //\\\\\\\\\\n |\\\\\\\\___/| / \\\\\\\\// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n /0 0 \\\\\\\\__ / // | \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\n / / \\\\\\\\/_/ // | \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\n \\\\@_^_\\\\@'/ \\\\\\\\/_ // | \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\n //_^_/ \\\\\\\\/_ // | \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\n ( //) | \\\\\\\\/// | \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\n ( / /) _|_ / ) // | \\\\\\\\ _\\\\\\\\\\n ( // /) '/,_ _ _/ ( ; -. | _ _\\\\\\\\.-~ .-~~~^-.\\n (( / / )) ,-{ _ `-.|.-~-. .~ `.\\n (( // / )) '/\\\\\\\\ / ~-. _ .-~ .-~^-. \\\\\\\\\\n (( /// )) `. { } / \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\n (( / )) .----~-.\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\-' .~ \\\\\\\\ `. \\\\\\\\^-.\\n ///.----..> \\\\\\\\ _ -~ `. ^-` ^-_\\n ///-._ _ _ _ _ _ _}^ - - - - ~ ~-- ,.-~\\n /.-~\\n\"\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "fox", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines='\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n |\\\\_/|,,_____,~~`\\n (.\".)~~ )`~}}\\n \\\\o/\\\\ /---~\\\\\\\\ ~}}\\n _// _// ~}\\n'\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.ghostbusters", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "ghostbusters", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines='\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n __---__\\n _- /--______\\n __--( / \\\\ )XXXXXXXXXXX\\\\v.\\n .-XXX( O O )XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-\\n /XXX( U ) XXXXXXX\\\\\\n /XXXXX( )--_ XXXXXXXXXXX\\\\\\n /XXXXX/ ( O ) XXXXXX \\\\XXXXX\\\\\\n XXXXX/ / XXXXXX \\\\__ \\\\XXXXX\\n XXXXXX__/ XXXXXX \\\\__---->\\n ---___ XXX__/ XXXXXX \\\\__ /\\n \\\\- --__/ ___/\\\\ XXXXXX / ___--/=\\n \\\\-\\\\ ___/ XXXXXX \\'--- XXXXXX\\n \\\\-\\\\/XXX\\\\ XXXXXX /XXXXX\\n \\\\XXXXXXXXX \\\\ /XXXXX/\\n \\\\XXXXXX > _/XXXXX/\\n \\\\XXXXX--__/ __-- XXXX/\\n -XXXXXXXX--------------- XXXXXX-\\n \\\\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/\\n \"\"VXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV\"\"\\n'\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.kitty", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "kitty", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines='\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n\\n (\"`-\\' \\'-/\") .___..--\\' \\' \"`-._\\n ` *_ * ) `-. ( ) .`-.__. `)\\n (_Y_.) \\' ._ ) `._` ; `` -. .-\\'\\n _.. `--\\'_..-_/ /--\\' _ .\\' ,4\\n ( i l ),-\\'\\' ( l i),\\' ( ( ! .-\\'\\n'\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.meow", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "meow", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines='\\n\\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n _ ___.--\\'\\'\\'`--\\'\\'//-,-_--_.\\n \\\\\\\\`\"\\' ` || \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/ / // / ,-\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`,_\\n /\\'` \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ || Y | \\\\\\\\|/ / // / - |__ `-,\\n /\\\\@\"\\\\\\\\ ` \\\\\\\\ `\\\\\\\\ | | ||/ // | \\\\\\\\/ \\\\\\\\ `-._`-,_.,\\n / _.-. `.-\\\\\\\\,___/\\\\\\\\ _/|_/_\\\\\\\\_\\\\\\\\/|_/ | `-._._)\\n `-\\'``/ / | // \\\\\\\\__/\\\\\\\\__ / \\\\\\\\__/ \\\\\\\\\\n `-\\' /-\\\\\\\\/ | -| \\\\\\\\__ \\\\\\\\ |-\\' |\\n __/\\\\\\\\ / _/ \\\\\\\\/ __,-\\' ) ,\\' _|\\'\\n (((__/(((_.\\' ((___..-\\'((__,\\'\\n'\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.miki", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "miki", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines='\\n\\\\ \\n \\\\ &************************&\\n \\\\ &******************************&\\n \\\\ &**********************************&\\n &**************************************&\\n &*****************************************&\\n &*******************************************& \\n &*********************************************&\\n &***********************************************&\\n &************************************************&\\n &***#########********#########*******************&\\n &*## ########## ##################&\\n &*## O ##@**#### O ##***************&\\n &***#########@*******#########*****************&\\n &***********@*********************************&\\n &**********@*********************************&\\n &*********@*********************************&\\n &********@@*********************************&\\n &*******@@@@@@****************************& \\n &**************************************&\\n &**************************************&\\n &******@@@@@@@@@@@@*********************&\\n &*************************************& \\n &************************************&\\n &*******************************&\\n &*****************************&\\n'\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.milk", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "milk", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines='\\n\\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n ____________\\n |__________|\\n / /\\\\\\n / / \\\\\\n /___________/___/|\\n | | |\\n | ==\\\\ /== | |\\n | O O | \\\\ \\\\ |\\n | < | \\\\ \\\\|\\n /| | \\\\ \\\\\\n / | \\\\_____/ | / /\\n / /| | / /|\\n/||\\\\| | /||\\\\/\\n -------------|\\n | | | |\\n <__/ \\\\__>\\n'\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.pig", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "pig", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines='\\n\\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n ,.\\n (_|,.\\n ,\\' /, )_______ _\\n __j o``-\\' `.\\'-)\\'\\n (\") \\\\\\'\\n `-j |\\n `-._( /\\n |_\\\\ |--^. /\\n /_]\\'|_| /_)_/\\n /_]\\' /_]\\'\\n'\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.stegosaurus", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "stegosaurus", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines='\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n . .\\n / `. .\\' \\\\\\n .---. < > < > .---.\\n | \\\\ \\\\ - ~ ~ - / / |\\n _____ ~-..-~ ~-..-~\\n | | \\\\~~~\\\\.\\' `./~~~/\\n --------- \\\\__/ \\\\__/\\n .\\' O \\\\ / / \\\\ \"\\n (_____, `._.\\' | } \\\\/~~~/\\n `----. / } | / \\\\__/\\n `-. | / | / `. ,~~|\\n ~-.__| /_ - ~ ^| /- _ `..-\\' f: f:\\n | / | / ~-. `-. _|| _||_\\n |_____| |_____| ~ - . _ _ _ _ __>\\n\\n'\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.stimpy", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "stimpy", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines='\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n . _ .\\n |\\\\_|/__/|\\n / / \\\\/ \\\\ \\\\\\n /__|O||O|__ \\\\\\n |/_ \\\\_/\\\\_/ _\\\\ |\\n | | (____) | ||\\n \\\\/\\\\___/\\\\__/ //\\n (_/ ||\\n | ||\\n | ||\\\\\\n \\\\ //_/\\n \\\\______//\\n __ || __||\\n (____(____)\\n'\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.trex", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "trex", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines='\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n .-=-==--==--.\\n ..-==\" ,\\'o`) `.\\n ,\\' `\"\\' \\\\\\n : ( `.__...._\\n | ) / `-=-.\\n : ,vv.-._ / / `---==-._\\n \\\\/\\\\/\\\\/VV ^ d88`;\\' / `.\\n `` ^/d88P!\\' / , `._\\n ^/ !\\' ,. , / \"-,,__,,--\\'\"\"\"\"-.\\n ^/ !\\' ,\\' \\\\ . .( ( _ ) ) ) ) ))_,-.\\\\\\n ^(__ ,!\\',\"\\' ;:+.:%:a. \\\\:.. . ,\\' ) ) ) ) ,\"\\' \\'\\n \\',,,\\'\\',\\' /o:::\":%:%a. \\\\:.:.: . ) ) _,\\'\\n \"\"\"\\' ;\\':::\\'\\' `+%%%a._ \\\\%:%| ;.). _,-\"\"\\n ,-=\\'_.-\\' ``:%::) )%:| /:._,\"\\n (/(/\" ,\" ,\\'_,\\'%%%: (_,\\'\\n ( (//(`.___; \\\\\\n \\\\ \\\\ ` `\\n `. `. `. :\\n \\\\. . .\\\\ : . . . :\\n \\\\. . .: `.. . .:\\n `..:.:\\\\ \\\\:...\\\\\\n ;:.:.; ::...:\\n ):%:: :::::;\\n __,::%:( :::::\\n ,;:%%%%%%%: ;:%::\\n ;,--\"\"-.`\\\\ ,=--\\':%:%:\\\\\\n /\" \"| /-\".:%%%%%%%\\\\\\n ;,-\"\\'`)%%)\\n /\" \"|\\n'\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.turkey", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "turkey", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines='\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n ,+*^^*+___+++_\\n ,*^^^^ )\\n _+* ^**+_\\n +^ _ _++*+_+++_, )\\n _+^^*+_ ( ,+*^ ^ \\\\\\\\+_ )\\n { ) ( ,( ,_+--+--, ^) ^\\\\\\\\\\n { (\\\\@) } f ,( ,+-^ __*_*_ ^^\\\\\\\\_ ^\\\\\\\\ )\\n {:;-/ (_+*-+^^^^^+*+*<_ _++_)_ ) ) /\\n ( / ( ( ,___ ^*+_+* ) < < \\\\\\\\\\n U _/ ) *--< ) ^\\\\\\\\-----++__) ) ) )\\n ( ) _(^)^^)) ) )\\\\\\\\^^^^^))^*+/ / /\\n ( / (_))_^)) ) ) ))^^^^^))^^^)__/ +^^\\n ( ,/ (^))^)) ) ) ))^^^^^^^))^^) _)\\n *+__+* (_))^) ) ) ))^^^^^^))^^^^^)____*^\\n \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\_)^)_)) ))^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^)\\n (_ ^\\\\\\\\__^^^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^^^^)\\n ^\\\\\\\\___ ^\\\\\\\\__^^^^^^))^^^^^^^^)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n ^^^^^\\\\\\\\uuu/^^\\\\\\\\uuu/^^^^\\\\\\\\^\\\\\\\\^\\\\\\\\^\\\\\\\\^\\\\\\\\^\\\\\\\\^\\\\\\\\^\\\\\\\\\\n ___) >____) >___ ^\\\\\\\\_\\\\\\\\_\\\\\\\\_\\\\\\\\_\\\\\\\\_\\\\\\\\_\\\\\\\\)\\n ^^^//\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_^^//\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_^ ^(\\\\\\\\_\\\\\\\\_\\\\\\\\_\\\\\\\\)\\n ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^\\n'\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.turtle", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "turtle", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines='\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n ___-------___\\n _-~~ ~~-_\\n _-~ /~-_\\n /^\\\\__/^\\\\ /~ \\\\ / \\\\\\n /| O|| O| / \\\\_______________/ \\\\\\n | |___||__| / / \\\\ \\\\\\n | \\\\ / / \\\\ \\\\\\n | (_______) /______/ \\\\_________ \\\\\\n | / / \\\\ / \\\\\\n \\\\ \\\\^\\\\\\\\ \\\\ / \\\\ /\\n \\\\ || \\\\______________/ _-_ //\\\\__//\\n \\\\ ||------_-~~-_ ------------- \\\\ --/~ ~\\\\ || __/\\n ~-----||====/~ |==================| |/~~~~~\\n (_(__/ ./ / \\\\_\\\\ \\\\.\\n (_(___/ \\\\_____)_)\\n'\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.main.tux", "modulename": "cowsay.main", "qualname": "tux", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(\n text,\n char_lines=\"\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n \\\\\\n .--.\\n |o_o |\\n |:_/ |\\n // \\\\ \\\\\\n (| | )\\n /'\\\\_ _/`\\\\\\n \\\\___)=(___/\\n\"\n)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "type": "module", "doc": "
\n"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.capture_output", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "capture_output", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(function, arguments)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.delete_empty_lines", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "delete_empty_lines", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(data)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.debug_diff", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "debug_diff", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(output, solution)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay", "type": "class", "doc": "Test Class for cowsay
\n", "bases": ""}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_beavis", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_beavis", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_cheese", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_cheese", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_cow", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_cow", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_dragon", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_dragon", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_fox", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_fox", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_ghostbusters", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_ghostbusters", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_kitty", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_kitty", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_meow", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_meow", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_miki", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_miki", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_milk", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_milk", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_pig", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_pig", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_stegosaurus", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_stegosaurus", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_stimpy", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_stimpy", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_trex", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_trex", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_turkey", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_turkey", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_turtle", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_turtle", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}, {"fullname": "cowsay.test.TestCowsay.test_tux", "modulename": "cowsay.test", "qualname": "TestCowsay.test_tux", "type": "function", "doc": "
\n", "signature": "(self)", "funcdef": "def"}];
- // mirrored in build-search-index.js (part 1)
- // Also split on html tags. this is a cheap heuristic, but good enough.
- elasticlunr.tokenizer.setSeperator(/[\s\-.;&_'"=,()]+|<[^>]*>/);
- let searchIndex;
- if (docs._isPrebuiltIndex) {
-"using precompiled search index");
- searchIndex = elasticlunr.Index.load(docs);
- } else {
- console.time("building search index");
- // mirrored in build-search-index.js (part 2)
- searchIndex = elasticlunr(function () {
- this.pipeline.remove(elasticlunr.stemmer);
- this.pipeline.remove(elasticlunr.stopWordFilter);
- this.addField("qualname");
- this.addField("fullname");
- this.addField("annotation");
- this.addField("default_value");
- this.addField("signature");
- this.addField("bases");
- this.addField("doc");
- this.setRef("fullname");
- });
- for (let doc of docs) {
- searchIndex.addDoc(doc);
- }
- console.timeEnd("building search index");
- }
- return (term) =>, {
- fields: {
- qualname: {boost: 4},
- fullname: {boost: 2},
- annotation: {boost: 2},
- default_value: {boost: 2},
- signature: {boost: 2},
- bases: {boost: 2},
- doc: {boost: 1},
- },
- expand: true
- });
\ No newline at end of file