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Release Notes

Version 5.0.13

On Aug. 31, 2023, FMSoft announces the availability of MiniGUI 5.0.13, which is an enhancement release with some minor enhancements of MiniGUI 5.0.x.

What's new in version 5.0.13

In this version, we made some enhancements:

    • Disable BIDI for text in UTF-8 charset by default.
    • Ignore C0CTRL characters when renerding text.
    • Support for vowels.

Version 5.0.12

On May 10, 2023, FMSoft announces the availability of MiniGUI 5.0.12, which is an enhancement release with some minor enhancements of MiniGUI 5.0.x.

What's new in version 5.0.12

In this version, we made some enhancements:

    • Add new API GetACharsExtentPointEx().
    • Add new APIs GetTabbedACharsExtent(), GetTabbedACharsExtentPoint(), and GetTabbedACharsExtentPointEx().
    • Enhance two APIs GetTextExtentPoint() and GetTabbedTextExtentPoint() to support BIDI charsets.
    • Tune management of tick count.
    • Fix a typo: Achar2UChar() to AChar2UChar().

Version 5.0.11

On Dec. 31, 2022, FMSoft announces the availability of MiniGUI 5.0.11, which is a bug fixing release with bug fixes and some minor enhancements of MiniGUI 5.0.x.

What's new in version 5.0.11

In this version, we made some enhancements

    • Fix a bug reported in #94
    • Fix a bug reported in #96
    • Fix a bug reported in #105
    • Fix a bug reported in #106
    • Optimize the refresh of scrolled.
    • Call mg_FreeMsgQueueForThisThread immediately in TerminateGUI().
    • Use CreateLogFontEx instead of CreateLogFont to follow the new style convention of font name when creating the system logfonts, but the orientation is ignored for the system logfont.

Version 5.0.10

On Sep. 30, 2022, FMSoft announces the availability of MiniGUI 5.0.10, which is a bug fixing release with bug fixes and some minor enhancements of MiniGUI 5.0.x.

What's new in version 5.0.10

In this version, we made some enhancements

    • Enhance fbcon engine to support double buffering for Threads and Standalone mode. (Runtime option: fbcon.double_buffering).
    • Cleanup and enhance shadow engine to use SyncUpdate method.
    • Relaying MSG_IDLE messages to the active descendant controls in every 0.5s.
    • Fix a bug reported in #83
    • Fix a bug reported in #87
    • Fix bugs reported in #89
    • Fix some bugs when virtual window enabled under Standalone and Processes runtime modes.
    • Fix some warnings reported by GCC 12.
    • Use inline functions for SetCursor and SetDefaultCursor instead of macros.

Version 5.0.9

On Jan. 14, 2022, FMSoft announces the availability of MiniGUI 5.0.9, which is a bug fixing release with minor enhancements of MiniGUI 5.0.x.

What's new in version 5.0.9

In this version, we fixed some bugs:

    • Fix a crash bug in InitSubDC() of src/newgdi/gdi.c.
    • Change copyright year to 2022.

Version 5.0.8

The MiniGUI development team announces the availability of MiniGUI 5.0.8, which is a bug fixing release with minor enhancements of MiniGUI 5.0.x.

What's new in version 5.0.8

In this version, we fixed some bugs and made some optimizations and enhancements:

    • Support for WebP image format based on libwebp.
    • Support for two ARM64-based hardware platforms: PX30 and R818.
    • New surface pixel format for main window: ST_PIXEL_XRGB565 under compositing schema.
    • Shrink heap size for fixed string.
    • Optimize the memory use of blitting context.
    • Tune code of fbcon video engine for compositing schema.
    • Fix warnings and errors for conditional compilation.

Version 5.0.6

The MiniGUI development team announces the availability of MiniGUI 5.0.6, which is the bug fixing release of MiniGUI 5.0.x.

What's new in version 5.0.6

In this version, we fixed some bugs and made some optimizations and enhancements:

    • Fix bugs of switching layers under MiniGUI-Processes.
    • Fix bugs of FBCon and PC_XVFB engines: the dirty rectangles are not set empty after calling SyncUpdate.
    • Fix memory leaks when using block heap.
    • Fix a bug in ServerGetWinZNodeRegion.
    • Enhance GetGlyphInfo to return the FreeType face, font file path, and glyph index.
    • NEW API StretchBltEx to support different scaling filters and rotation.
    • Use Pixman to support color blending methods for BitBlt and StretchBlt.
    • Enhance fallback compositor to support animation when switching among layers.
    • New API SetMainWindowGestureFlags and MSG_GESTURETEST message for gesture test and setting the gesture flags of a specific main window.
    • Tune implementation of Tooltip window.
    • Optimize the fallback compositor for lucent windows.
    • Use Pixman to optimize FillBox, BitBlt, and StretchBlt.
    • Optimize the management of BLOCKHEAP.
    • Optimize the __mg_lookfor_unused_slot.

Note that the binary backward-compatibility was broken, two operations added to CompositorOps. You should rebuild all MiniGUI applications.

Also note that the compositing schema is now enabled by default.

Version 5.0.5

The MiniGUI development team announces the availability of MiniGUI 5.0.5, which is the bug fixing release of MiniGUI 5.0.x.

What's new in version 5.0.5

In this version, we fixed some bugs and made some minor enhancements:

    • Adjust the constants for WS_XXXX macros to avoid duplicated values.

Note that the binary backward-compatibility was broken. You should rebuild all MiniGUI applications.

Version 5.0.4

The MiniGUI development team announces the availability of MiniGUI 5.0.4, which is the bug fixing release of MiniGUI 5.0.x.

What's new in version 5.0.4

In this version, we fixed some bugs and made some minor enhancements:

    • Fix bugs in ServerGetWinZNodeRegion: must check for possible empty mask rect and bad assignment of maskrect
    • Fix a potential bug: only increase nr_mask_rects for not empty mask rectangle.
    • Fix a bug: update surface of controls surface in travel_children_with_priv_cdc.
    • New IAL engine: --enable-singletouchkeyial to build the IAL engine for single touch screen and key buttons.

Version 5.0.3

The MiniGUI development team announces the availability of MiniGUI 5.0.3, which is the bug fixing release of MiniGUI 5.0.x.

What's new in version 5.0.3

In this version, we fixed some bugs and made some minor enhancements:

    • Always check expired timers even got EINTR.
    • Add static modifier to refresh_dirty_region method of the fallback compositor.
    • Fix a bug in RegisterListenFD.
    • Fix a bug in allocate_more_fd_slots.
    • Rebuild the private data for all visible z-nodes after selected a new compositor.
    • New configuration option: --enable-mgslicefallback to build a fallback implementation of mgslice.
    • New API: ServerGetTopmostZNodeOfType.
    • Merge some code by @ehello ( for FreeRTOS.

Version 5.0.2

The MiniGUI development team announces the availability of MiniGUI 5.0.2, which is the bug fixing release of MiniGUI 5.0.x.

What's new in version 5.0.2

In this version, we tuned some code for GCC 9 and fixed some bugs:

    • Initialize cfg_res_path in function __sysres_get_system_res_path().
    • Always return TRUE in subtract_rgn_by_node().
    • Use upstream Harfbuzz for glyph shaping of complex scripts instead of the modified version.
    • Tune some code to depress compilation warnings.

Version 5.0.0

The MiniGUI development team announces the availability of MiniGUI 5.0.0, which is the first official release of MiniGUI 5.0.x.

This version brings us some new and exciting features, and we did our best to ensure backward compatibility of the existed APIs so that the old applications can smoothly migrate to the new version. We recommend that you use this version and report any bugs and incompatibilities in

What's new in version 5.0.0

In the development of version 5.0.x, we introduced the following new and exciting features for MiniGUI:

    • Support for compositing schema under MiniGUI-Processes runtime mode. This feature brings the exciting visual effects which are popular on modern desktop computers or smart phones to MiniGUI.
    • New main window types/levels. You now can easily create main windows in different z-order levels. This enhancement allows us to create a special app which acts as screen lock, docker, or launcher.
    • Virtual Window. You now can easily create message threads under all runtime modes to exploit the messaging mechanism of MiniGUI in non GUI threads - we call them message threads.
    • Enhanced timer support. MiniGUI now manages the timers per message thread. Under MiniGUI-Threads runtime mode, you can set up 32 (64 on 64-bit architecture) timers for each GUI threads. If you enabled virtual window, you can also do this for each message thread.
    • Support for listening a file descriptor as long as the underlying system has the select() system call for all runtime modes. Now you can call RegisterListenFD() to register a file descriptor to be listened, and handle MSG_FDEVENT in your window callback procedure to read/write from/to the file descriptor. Before this version, this feature only available for MiniGUI-Processes runtime mode.
    • Support for local data of windows. You can now set or retrieve a local data which is bound with a string name for a window. This will give you an eays-to-use interface to manage various data of a window.
    • Support for hardware cursors under compositing schema. MiniGUI now can utilize the hardware cursors if your graphics device support it. You can also load a cursor from a PNG file.
    • Support for loading icon from a bitmap file. You can now load an icon from a bitmap file such as a PNG file.
    • Unified the message hook functions for all runtime modes. MiniGUI now provides the consistent message hook functions for all runtime modes.
    • Use the update regions for cumulative updating the screen. This will eliminate the flickers due to the frequently redrawing of controls.
    • g_rcScr now is defined a macro calling function GetScreenRect().
    • mgIsServer now is define a macro calling function IsServer().
    • Tune the drm (DRM) engine to support MiniGUI-Processes runtime mode and compositing schema.
    • Tune the fbcon (Linux Frame Buffer) engine to support compositing schema.
    • Tune the commlcd (common LCD) engine to support cumulative updating and compositing schema.
    • Tune the dummy GAL engine to support MiniGUI-Processes runtime mode. compositing schema.
    • Fix some bugs.
    • Cleaned up a lot of internal symbols (the external functions and global variables) in order to avoid name polution.
    • Refactored the code for the following modules: z-order management, message queue, event/message handling, and part of graphics abstract layer.

Compositing schema

In this version, we enhanced the MiniGUI-Processes runtime mode to support the compositing schema. Under compositing schema, regardless a main window is created by the server (mginit) or a client, it renders the content in a separate rendering buffer, and the server composites the contents from all visible main windows to the ultimate scan-out frame buffer according to the z-order information.

On the contrary, the legacy schema of MiniGUI-Processes uses the same frame buffer for all processes (and all main windows) in the system. So the legacy schema is also called the shared frame buffer schema.

Note that we often call a rendering buffer as a surface.

MiniGUI Core implements a compositor called 'fallback' as the built-in compositor, which composites the contents of all windows in the classical overlapped way.

But you can implement your own compositor by writing your own server, i.e., mginit. You can also implement your customized compositor in a shared library which can be loaded by MiniGUI Core dynamically.

By enabling the compositing schema, MiniGUI now provides a better implementation for multi-process environment:

  • Easy to implement advanced user interfaces with rounded corners, shadows, alpha blending, blurring, and so on.
  • Easy to implement animations for switching among main windows.
  • Better security. One client created by different user cannot read/write contents in/to another windows owned by other clients.

The major flaws of the compositing schema are as follow:

  • It needs larger memory than the legacy schema to show multiple windows at the same time. Therefore, we may need a client manager to kill a client which runs in background and in full screen mode if you are running MiniGUI on an embedded system, like Android or iOS does.
  • It may need a hardware-accelerated NEWGAL engine to get a smooth user experience.

Compile-time configuration for compositing schema

  • Use --enable-compositing to enable the compositing schema when you configure the runtime mode of MiniGUI as MiniGUI-Processes (--with-runmode=procs).
  • Use --disable-compositing to disable the compositing schema and enable the legacy schema (the shared frame buffer schema).

Note that, the compositing schema only works under MiniGUI-Processes runtime mode.

Runtime configuration for compositing schema

# The size of wallpaper pattern surface (the fake screen for clients).
# Optional values: <w>x<h>, full, half, quarter, octant, and empty.
# Default value is empty.
# wallpaper_pattern_size=half
# wallpaper_pattern_size=quarter
# wallpaper_pattern_size=octant
# wallpaper_pattern_size=empty
# wallpaper_pattern_size=32x32

As mentioned above, when using the compositing schema, the client processes can not access the ultimate scan out frame buffer. However, MiniGUI provides a graphics device context called HDC_SCREEN for apps. In order to provide a backward compatibility, we implement the HDC_SCREEN as a special surface which can be shared among all processes under MiniGUI-Processes runtime mode, and one compositor can use the contents in this surface to render the wallpaper.

We call the special surface as the wallpaper pattern. You can specify the size via the runtime configuration key compsoting_schema.wallpaper_patter_size. All contents you rendered by using HDC_SCREEN in your applications will appears in the shared surface ultimately. And the compositor can use the contents in the shared surface to show a wallpaper or just ignore it.

The key in the runtime configuration compsoiting_schema.compsoitor specify the shared library to load as the default compositor. If it is not specified, or failed to load it, MiniGUI will use the built-in compositor: the fallback compositor.

The fallback compositor implement a group of basic compositing actions. It renders the contents of all visible main windows in the classical overlapped way in their intrinsic z-order information. It keeps as simple as possible, so it does not implement the following features:

  • no border shadows.
  • no support for complex compositing types, e.g., blurred.
  • no any visual animations.

New APIs for compositing schema

In order to use the compositing schema under MiniGUI-Processes runtime mode, we introduce some new APIs for the app:

  • CreateMainWindowEx2: This function is an extension of CreateMainWindowEx. It creates a main window by using the legacy create information and the specified compositing type, the compositing argument, the surface type, the background color, and returns the handle to the new main window:
    • The compositing type: one of CT_OPAQUE, CT_COLORKEY, CT_ALPHACHANNEL, CT_ALPHAPIXEL, CT_BLURRED, or other compositing types defined by a customized compositor. By using this argument, you specify how the contents in a main window will be composited to the screen.
    • The compositing argument: one DWORD value. You generally pass a color for this argument. For example, for the compositing type CT_COLORKEY, you need to use this argument to tell the compositor the color acts as the key.
    • The surface type: you can specify the new main window uses a different surface type instead of the one same as the screen. Here the surface type mainly means the pixel format of the surface. For example, on a screen with RGB656 pixel format, if you want to use the compositing type CT_ALPHAPIXEL, you need to create a surface with type ST_PIXEL_ARGB8888 or ST_PIXEL_ARGB4444.
    • The background color in DWORD representation. When you use a surface type other than ST_PIXEL_DEFAULT, you need this argument to pass the background color of the main window in a DWORD value. This is because that you can only pass a pixel value in the default screen surface type via the legacy create information structure (MAINWINCREATE).
  • SetMainWindowCompositing: This function sets the compositing type and the compositing argument of a main window. By using this function, you can change the compositing type and the argument of a main window on the fly.

MiniGUI defines the following built-in compositing types:

  • CT_OPAQUE: The main window is opaque. This is the default compositing type if you create a main window by calling legacy CreateMainWindow and CreateMainWindowEx functions.
  • CT_COLORKEY: Use a specific color as the transparency key when composting the contents of the main window to the screen. You should specify the color along with the compositing argument in a DWORD representation.
  • CT_ALPHACHANNEL: Use a specific alpha channel value when compositing the contents of the main window to the screen.
  • CT_ALPHAPIXEL: Use the alpha component of the rendering buffer when composting the contents of the main window.
  • CT_BLURRED: Apply a Gaussian blur to the contents blew of the main window. Generally, when using this composting type, the alpha component of the pixels will go into effect.

Note that MiniGUI allows a customized compositor to define new compositing types.

If you want to develop a new compositor, you may need the following new APIs:

  • ServerRegisterCompositor: Register a compositor.
  • ServerUnregisterCompositor: Unregister a compositor.
  • ServerSelectCompositor: Select a compositor.
  • ServerGetCompositorOps: Get the operations of a specific compositor.

As mentioned before, MiniGUI will try to load the default compositor defined by the runtime configuration key compositing_schema.compositor first. MiniGUI will call a stub called __ex_compositor_get in the shared library to get the pointer to the compositor operation structure for the default compositor, and select the compositor as the current compositor.

When implementing your customized compositor, you may need the following APIs to get the z-order information and the information of a z-order node:

  • ServerGetNextZNode or ServerGetPrevZNode: travels the z-order nodes.
  • ServerGetWinZNodeHeader and ServerReleaseWinZNodeHeader: get/lock and release a z-node of a main window.
  • ServerGetPopupMenusCount, ServerGetPopupMenuZNodeHeader, and ServerReleasePopupMenuZNodeHeader: get/lock and release a z-order node of pop-up menus.
  • ServerGetPopupMenuZNodeRegion and ServerGetWinZNodeRegion:
  • ServerSetWinZNodePrivateData and ServerGetWinZNodePrivateData:
  • ServerSetPopupMenuZNodePrivateData and ServerGetPopupMenuZNodePrivateData:

By using the information returned by the functions above and the basic GDI functions of MiniGUI, you can easily implement a customized compositor.

Note that:

  • A compositor always runs in the server, i.e., mginit. A client of MiniGUI-Processes can not call these functions.
  • A compositor always compositing the contents from z-nodes to the special DC called HDC_SCREEN_SYS. This DC is the only one represents the ultimate screen under compositing schema.
  • You should call SyncUpdateDC (HDC_SCREEN_SYS); when you need to update the rendering result to the screen.
  • You can use a third-party graphics library like Cairo, OpenGL, OpenGL ES, or mGPlus to render the contents in your customized compositor.

You can refer to the source code of the fallback compositor for the usage of the functions above:


New main window styles

In this version, we also enhanced the window manager of MiniGUI Core to support some special main window types.

Before 5.0.0, you can create a topmost main window with the style WS_EX_TOPMOST in order to show the main window above all normal main windows, and if you use MiniGUI-Processes runtime mode, the server (mginit) will always create global main windows, which are shown on other main windows created by clients.

Since 5.0.0, we introduce a concept of z-order levels for main windows. There are eight levels in MiniGUI from top to bottom:

  • The tooltip level (WS_EX_WINTYPE_TOOLTIP).
  • The system/global level (WS_EX_WINTYPE_GLOBAL).
  • The screen lock level (WS_EX_WINTYPE_SCREENLOCK).
  • The docker level (WS_EX_WINTYPE_DOCKER).
  • The higher level (WS_EX_WINTYPE_HIGHER).
  • The normal level (WS_EX_WINTYPE_NORMAL).
  • The launcher level (WS_EX_WINTYPE_LAUNCHER).
  • The desktop or wallpaper.

We use new extended styles like WS_EX_WINTYPE_GLOBAL to create main windows in different levels. For historical reasons, you can still use the legacy style WS_EX_TOPMOST, but MiniGUI will create a main window in the higher level for this style.

By default, without the style WS_EX_TOPMOST or a style like WS_EX_WINTYPE_GLOBAL, MiniGUI will create a main window in the normal level.

The main windows in the desktop level are managed by MiniGUI. Any MiniGUI process instance has a virtual desktop window. The desktop window is an internal object, so no API is provided for app to create or manage the desktop window.

Note that, under MiniGUI-Processes runtime mode, only the first client creates the first main window in a z-order level other than higher and normal levels can create another main window in the same z-order level. And only the server can create a main window in the global z-order level.

This is a security design for the multi-process runtime environment.

In this version, we also introduce a new extended style called WS_EX_AUTOPOSITION.

If a main window has this extended style when creating it, MiniGUI will determine the position in the screen for the main window. If the width or the height of the window specified in MAINWINCREATE structure is zero, MiniGUI will also determine a default size for the main window.

Under the compositing schema, the compositor is responsible to calculate the position and the size for a main window.

The new WS_ALWAYSTOP style can be used to pin a main window on the top of other main windows in the same z-order level.

Virtual window

You know that we can post or send a message to other windows which may run in another thread under MiniGUI-Threads. The MiniGUI messaging functions such as PostMessage(), SendMessage(), SendNotifyMessage(), and the window callback procedure provide a flexible, efficient, safe, and flexible data transfer and synchronization mechanism for your multithreaded applications.

For example, you can send or post a message to a window from a general purpose thread which may download a file from a remote server under MiniGUI-Threads.

But can we use the MiniGUI messaging mechanism under MiniGUI-Processes and MiniGUI-Standalone runtime modes for multithreading purpose? For example, we may download a file in a general thread and inform a window when the file is ready.

Furthermore, if we want to use the MiniGUI messaging mechanism in a general thread to handle messages from other threads, how to do this?

The virtual window provides a solution for the requirements above. A virtual window is a special window object which does not have a visible window area. But after you create a virtual window in a different thread, you can use the MiniGUI messaging mechanism to post or send messages between the current main window thread and the new thread.

In MiniGUI, we call a thread creating a main window as a GUI thread, and a thread creating a virtual window as a message thread.

It is important to know the following key points about virtual window:

  • It is enabled automatically under MiniGUI-Threads runtime mode.
  • It can be enabled by using the compile-time configuration option --enable-virtualwindow, or define _MGHAVE_VIRTUAL_WINDOW macro under MiniGUI-Processes and MiniGUI-Standalone runtime modes.
  • You can create multiple GUI threads under MiniGUI-Threads, but you cannot create multiple GUI threads under MiniGUI-Processes and MiniGUI-Standalone runtime modes. In other words, there is only one GUI thread (the main thread) under MiniGUI-Processes and MiniGUI-Standalone runtime modes.
  • Regardless of the runtime mode, you can create multiple message threads, and you can also create multiple virtual windows in one message thread.
  • It is possible to create a virtual window in a GUI thread, although we do not encourage to do this.
  • Essentially, a virtual window is a simplified main window. It consumes very little memory space, but provides a complete MiniGUI messaging mechanism for a general multithreaded app.
  • When virtual window is enabled (or under MiniGUI-Threads runtime mode), you can use the MiniGUI messaging facilities to post or send messages to a window, or notify a window from a general thread.

A virtual window will get the following system messages in its life life-cycle:

  • MSG_CREATE: this message will be sent to the virtual window when you call \a CreateVirtualWindow function.
  • MSG_CLOSE: this message will be sent to the virtual window when the system asks to close the virtual window.
  • MSG_DESTROY: this message will be sent to the virtual window when the system tries to destroy the virtual window, or after you called \a DestroyVirtualWindow function.
  • MSG_IDLE: When there is no any message in the message queue, all virtual windows living in the message thread will get this idle message.
  • MSG_TIMER: When a timer expired after you call SetTimer to set up a timer for a virtual window.
  • MSG_QUIT: quit the message loop.
  • MSG_GETTEXT: To query the caption of the virtual window.
  • MSG_SETTEXT: To set the caption of the virtual window.
  • MSG_GETTEXTLENGTH: To query the caption length of the virtual window.
  • MSG_FDEVENT: Send to the window procedure when there is a read/write/except event on a listened file descriptor.

You can call DefaultVirtualWinProc in your window procedure for a virtual window for the default handling of the messages above.

A virtual window has the following properties:

  • The additional data and the additional data 2.
  • The identifier in a LINT value.
  • The notification callback procedure.
  • The caption.
  • The local data.

Therefore, the following APIs can be called for a virtual window:

  • DefaultWindowProc
  • GetWindowId
  • SetWindowId
  • GetThreadByWindow
  • GetWindowAdditionalData
  • SetWindowAdditionalData
  • GetWindowAdditionalData2
  • SetWindowAdditionalData2
  • GetClassName: always returns VIRTWINDOW for a virtual window.
  • GetWindowCallbackProc
  • SetWindowCallbackProc
  • GetWindowCaption
  • SetWindowCaption
  • GetWindowTextLength
  • GetWindowText
  • SetWindowText
  • GetNotificationCallback
  • SetNotificationCallback
  • SetWindowLocalData
  • GetWindowLocalData
  • RemoveWindowLocalData
  • RegisterEventHookWindow
  • UnregisterEventHookWindow
  • RegisterKeyHookWindow
  • RegisterMouseHookWindow
  • RegisterListenFD
  • UnregisterListenFD

Like a main window, when you want to create a virtual window, you call CreateVirtualWindow, and when you wan to destroy a virtual window, you call DestroyVirtualWindow. You must call VirtualWindowCleanup to cleanup the system resource used by the virtual window after done with it, e.g., after quitting the message loop.

Other enhancements

Window identifier

Before 5.0.0, MiniGUI only provides the APIs to retrieve a control based on the identifier. Since 5.0.0, you can calling the following APIs on a main window or a virtual window on the basis of identifier:

  • GetWindowId: return the identifier of a specific window.
  • SetWindowId: set the identifier of a specific window.

Note that all main windows and/or virtual windows in a thread form a window tree. The root window of the tree may be HWND_DESKTOP or the first main/virtual window created in the thread. You can call GetRootWindow to retrieve the root window of the current thread.

You can travel the window tree by calling the old API GetNextHosted. Since 5.0.0, you can retrieve a hosted main window or virtual window via a specific identifier by calling GetHostedById function.

Local data of a window

Local data of a window are some void objects represented in DWORD values, and they are bound with different string names. In a window's life cycle, you can set, get, or remove a local data which is bound a specific name. This provides a easy-to-use way to manage multiple and complex objects of a window.

  • SetWindowLocalData: set a local data.
  • GetWindowLocalData: get a local data.
  • RemoveWindowLocalData: remove a local data.

Note that all local data will be removed automatically when you destroy a window.

Hardware cursor

Under the compositing schema, MiniGUI now can use the hardware cursor to show the mouse pointer. And you can use the following APIs to load a PNG file as the cursor:

  • LoadCursorFromPNGFile
  • LoadCursorFromPNGMem

For a GAL engine which supports hardware cursors, it needs to implement the following new methods:

  • AllocDumbSurface/FreeDumbSurface: allocate/free a dumb surface. Note that each hardware cursor uses a specific dumb surface. Here, a dumb surface is a term introduced by the DRM driver of Linux. It means that the surface does not provide any hardware acceleration functions.
  • SetCursor: Set a dumb surface as the cursor, along with the hotspot of of the cursor.
  • MoveCursor: Move the cursor to a new position.

Loading an icon from bitmap files

As described before, you can create a main window to use a special surface type under compositing schema. That is, the surface for the main window will have a different pixel type from the screen. In other words, it is not compatible with the screen. Therefore, we have to change some internal implementation to reflect this enhancement. One of the changes is the icon of a window.

Since 5.0.0, an icon for a main window is always stored in a ARGB8888 surface, so that it can be rendered correctly into the surface of any main window.

We also introduced some new APIs to load an icon from a PNG file or other bitmap files:

  • LoadBitmapIconEx, LoadBitmapIconFromFile, and LoadBitmapIconFromMem.

Loading system bitmaps for private surface

Another change is about the system bitmaps. The system bitmaps are often used by a look-and-feel renderer to render the caption bar or the border of a main window or a control. For a main window which may have a different surface type under compositing schema, one L&F renderer can not use the system bitmaps loaded by GetSystemBitmapEx function. Because the function only loads the system bitmaps for HDC_SCREEN.

Therefore, we introduce a new function to load the system bitmaps:

  • GetSystemBitmapEx2. This function will load the system bitmaps for the specific device context.

We have tuned the built-in look and feel renderers to use the new function to load the system bitmaps. If you want to use a customized look and feel renderer under compositing schema, you must change the code to use the new function to load the system bitmaps.

Unified event hook functions

  • RegisterEventHookFunc
  • RegisterEventHookWindow and UnregisterEventHookWindow

Listening file descriptor under all runtime modes

Since 5.0.0, MiniGUI provides support for listening a file descriptor as long as the underlying system has the select() system call for all runtime modes. Now you can call RegisterListenFD() to register a file descriptor to be listened, and handle MSG_FDEVENT in your window callback procedure to read/write from/to the file descriptor.

Before this version, this feature only available for MiniGUI-Processes runtime mode.

By using this feature, you can listen and handle a file descriptor in a message thread by using the virtual window. This is a powerful mechanism for a multithreaded application.

Note that MiniGUI no longer limits the max number of listening file descriptors, MiniGUI will try to allocate space to manage all listening file descriptors.

Enhanced timer

Since 5.0.0, MiniGUI manages the timers per message thread. Under MiniGUI-Threads runtime mode, you can set up 32 (64 on 64-bit architecture) timers for each GUI threads. If you enabled virtual window, you can also do this for each message thread.

The function IsTimerInstalled checks the timers installed for the current thread, and the function HaveFreeTimer also checks the free timer slots for the current thread.

Other new APIs

For MiniGUI-Processes runtime mode:

  • IsServer: Under MiniGUI-Processes runtime mode, return whether the process is the server (mginit) or a client.
  • MoveToLayer: Called by a client to move itself to a specific layer. .
  • ServerMoveClientToLayer: The server version of MoveToLayer.
  • ServerSendReplyEx: The extended version of legacy ServerSendRely. It can transfer a file descriptor between the server and the client.
  • RegisterRequestHandlerV1: To register a request handler in version 1. The request handler can handle the file descriptor received from the client.
  • GetRequestHandlerV1: Get the registered request handler in version 1.
  • GetRequestHandlerEx: Get the registered request handler and its version.

Global scope:

  • GetScreenRect: Return a RECT as the screen rectangle.

For MiniGUI-Threads or when virtual window enabled:

  • GetThreadByWindow: Return the thread identifier of a window.
  • IsWindowInThisThread: Determine whether a window is created by the current thread.
  • IsVirtualWindow: Determine whether a window is a virtual window.
  • CreateThreadForMessaging: Create a thread for messaging.

For messaging mechanism:

  • SendPriorNotifyMessage: Send a prior notification message. Generally, a notification message is put at the tail of the message list. This function put the notification message at the head of the list.

  • NotifyWindow: Send a notification message to a specific window.

  • BroadcastMessageInThisThread: Broadcast a message in the current thread.

  • PreDefVirtualWinProc: The pre-defined window procedure for a virtual window.

  • DefaultVirtualWinProc: The default window procedure for a virtual window.

  • GetDCEx: A extended version of GetDC and GetClientDC.

  • GetEffectiveCDC: Get a effective device context for painting a window.

  • GetDCInSecondarySurface: Get a device content for a main window or a control in the secondary surface if the main window has set the secondary DC.

  • DWORD2PixelByWindow: Convert a DWORD color to pixel value for a window..

  • AreRegionsIntersected: Determine whether two regions are intersected.

  • SyncUpdateSurface: Synchronize the update rectangles of the backing surface of a window to screen.

  • SyncUpdateDC: Synchronize the update rectangles of the surface corresponding to a DC to screen.

  • LoadBitmapEx2: The extended version of legacy LoadBitmapEx function. You can specify a callback to allocate the buffer for the MiniGUI bitmap loader.

  • MSG_MOVEWINDOW: This message will be sent as a notification after calling MoveWindow.

Changes leading to incompatibility

Look and feel renderer

As we mentioned before. If you want to use a customized look and feel renderer under compositing schema, you must change the code to use the new function GetSystemBitmapEx2 to load the system bitmaps. For example, the old code:

const BITMAP* radio_bmp;

radio_bmp =
    GetSystemBitmapEx (, SYSBMP_RADIOBUTTON);

should be revised:

const BITMAP* radio_bmp;

radio_bmp =
    GetSystemBitmapEx2 (hdc,, SYSBMP_RADIOBUTTON);

For the same reason, you should always call GetWindowElementPixelEx to get the pixel value of a window element for a specific device context.

Fortunately, MiniGUI has passed the correct device context (hdc) for all operations of a L&F renderer. So it is every easy to revise the code to use the new function.


In order to support the private surface of a main window under compositing schema, the WNDCLASS structure to register a control class also changed.

Since 5.0.0, the field iBkColor only available for shared frame buffer schema. Under compositing schema, you must use dwBkColor field to specify the background color for a control.

This introduces a source code incompatibility, you should change you code with a conditional compilation statement block:

     MyClass.dwBkColor   = RGBA_lightwhite;
     MyClass.iBkColor    = PIXEL_lightwhite;

Note that the macros with the prefix RGBA_ are new constants introduced for the standard colors in DWORD representation. While the legacy macros with the prefix PIXEL_ give the pixel values for the screen.


We make mgIsServer to be a macro calling IsServer. That is, mgIsServer is no longer a global variable. Generally, this change will not break the source code compatibility.


Before version 5.0.0, g_rcScr is a global variable of RECT structure. Since 5.0.0, we define it as a macro calling GetScreenRect:

RECT GUIAPI GetScreenRect (void);

#define g_rcScr (GetScreenRect())

This change breaks the source code compatibility. The compiler will complain if you use &g_rcScr:

    RECT rc;
    CopyRect (&rc, &g_rcScr);

To fix it, you need to change the source code in this way:

    RECT rc = g_rcScr;

Note that the legacy g_rcDesktop symbol is also defined as the macro calling GetScreenRect() function.


Some code use HDC_SCREEN to determine the screen resolution by calling function GetGDCapability, or draw some things directly to the screen. This will not work under MiniGUI-Processes with the compositing schema.

As described before, under MiniGUI-Processes with compositing schema, HDC_SCREEN stands for a global shared surface for wallpaper pattern. This surface is the ONLY surface that can be accessed by all processes (including the server and all clients) under compositing schema.

This surface will have the same pixel format as the real screen. Therefore, one app can still use HDC_SCREEN to create a compatible memory DC, load bitmaps, or draw something to the surface. However, the content in the wallpaper surface will not be reflected to the whole screen; the compositor decides how to display the contents in it.

On the other hand, you can configure MiniGUI to create a smaller surface than the whole screen as the underlying surface of HDC_SCREEN, and the compositor may use it as a pattern to tile the content to the whole wallpaper.

Because of the change of HDC_SCREEN's connotation, you should avoid to use \a GetGDCapability to determine the screen's resolution. Instead, you use the macro g_rcScr or the new function GetScreenRect().

Note that, you can still use HDC_SCREEN under a runtime mode other than MiniGUI-Processes, and MiniGUI-Processes with the shared frame buffer schema.

WINDOWINFO structure

The WINDOWINFO structure changed, all legacy members were reserved, but the order changed. Do not assume the first field of the structure is the position of the window.

Deprecated APIs

The following APIs are deprecated:

  • InitVectorialFonts and TermVectorialFonts, no need to call these functions.
  • GetWindowElementColor and GetWindowElementColorEx, use GetWindowElementPixelEx instead.
  • SetServerEventHook, use RegisterEventHookFunc instead.
  • GetMainWinThread, use GetThreadByWindow instead.
  • WaitMainWindowClose, use system pthread_join instead.
  • MainWindowThreadCleanup, use MainWindowCleanup instead.

Note that the functions are marked as deprecated, but you can still use them. We recommend that you no longer use the functions in new applications.