A fun Java plugin that adds ChatGPT as a god that can modify a server's Minecraft World.
- /start: Starts the plugin. Used if the plugin was previously stopped; plugin starts with the server.
- /stop: Stops the plugin.
- /pray: Pray to ChatGPT to fulfill a wish. Has a random chance of succeeding that can be raised through /sacrifice
- /advice: Talk to ChatGPT about anything and receive advice
- /spy: Ask ChatGPT to get info about another player. Has a random chance of succeeding
- /sacrifice: If at a holy site defined in config.yml, a player can sacrifice an item for a random increase in prayer success
- /start_quest: Start a quest to find a specific item for an NPC.
- /quest_reminder: Get a reminder of the current quest.
- /end_quest: End a quest and receive a reward.