From c79d675bfd7db0632ea4cc1037bb78203b9ace30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Xinlan Emily Hu Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 14:14:07 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] update test csv --- tests/data/cleaned_data/test_vector_edge_cases.csv | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/tests/data/cleaned_data/test_vector_edge_cases.csv b/tests/data/cleaned_data/test_vector_edge_cases.csv index 219aa7f3..90a96ad6 100644 --- a/tests/data/cleaned_data/test_vector_edge_cases.csv +++ b/tests/data/cleaned_data/test_vector_edge_cases.csv @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ conversation_num,speaker_nickname,message -1,A,"Once upon a time in the bustling city of Byteville, there was a young programmer named Alex who had a passion for coding. Alex loved the feeling of creating something out of nothing, of transforming ideas into functional software that could help people in their daily lives. Byteville was a city that thrived on technology, and programmers like Alex were considered artisans of the modern age. Alex had always been intrigued by the possibilities of coding, but there was one lesson that stood out more than any other during their journey: the paramount importance of testing code. In the early days of AlexÕs career, they were eager to dive straight into writing code. The thrill of seeing their ideas come to life was intoxicating, and Alex quickly built a reputation for developing features at a swift pace. However, this rapid development came at a cost. Despite the initial excitement, Alex found that their code often contained bugs, leading to frequent crashes and frustrated users. It was a humbling experience, and Alex realized that there was more to being a great programmer than just writing code. One day, Alex was working on a project for a new client. The client had requested a complex application that promised to revolutionize the way people managed their daily tasks. Excitement coursed through AlexÕs veins, and they threw themselves into the project with gusto. Hours turned into days, and days into weeks, as Alex painstakingly coded every feature that the client had envisioned. Finally, the day came when Alex was ready to present the finished product. The client gathered their team to witness the unveiling, and Alex began the demonstration with confidence. But soon, things started to go awry. Buttons that were supposed to trigger specific actions did nothing. Data that was meant to be saved was lost. The application crashed multiple times, leaving the client and their team frustrated and unimpressed. Alex felt a pang of embarrassment and disappointment. After the failed presentation, Alex decided to seek advice from an experienced programmer named Maya, who was known for her meticulous and bug-free code. Maya had been in the industry for many years and had a wealth of knowledge about best practices in software development. Alex visited MayaÕs office, and after explaining the situation, Maya nodded knowingly. ÒAlex,Ó she said gently, Òcoding is both an art and a science. While your enthusiasm and creativity are wonderful, you must also embrace the discipline of testing. Testing your code is essential to ensure that it functions as intended and to deliver a reliable product to your users.Ó Maya spent the next several hours teaching Alex about different types of testing. They covered unit testing, which involves testing individual components of the code to ensure they work correctly. They delved into integration testing, where multiple components are tested together to ensure they function seamlessly as a whole. Maya also explained the importance of system testing, where the entire application is tested in an environment that simulates real-world usage. She emphasized the value of automated testing frameworks, which could run tests repeatedly, catch regressions, and provide quick feedback during the development process. Alex began to see testing in a new light. It wasnÕt just an afterthought or a tedious chore; it was an integral part of the development cycle that could make the difference between a functional, reliable application and a buggy, frustrating one. Inspired by MayaÕs wisdom, Alex returned to their project with renewed determination. They wrote unit tests for every component, ensuring that each piece of the codebase was robust and free from errors. They created integration tests to check how well different parts of the application worked together. Finally, they conducted system tests to simulate how users would interact with the application in the real world. The process was time-consuming, but Alex quickly discovered that it was worth every minute. The tests caught several issues that would have otherwise slipped through the cracks, and Alex was able to fix these problems before they reached the client. The application became more stable, reliable, and user-friendly. When the time came for the second presentation, Alex stood before the client with newfound confidence. The application ran smoothly, every feature working as intended. The client and their team were impressed, and Alex couldnÕt help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. This was the result of not just hard work, but also a commitment to quality through thorough testing. Word of AlexÕs successful project spread throughout Byteville, and soon, other programmers and clients began to take notice. Alex became an advocate for the importance of testing code, sharing the lessons they had learned with anyone willing to listen. Testing became a mantra not just for Alex, but for a new generation of programmers who understood that excellence in coding wasnÕt just about rapid development but also about ensuring reliability and functionality. From that day forward, Alex continued to create innovative applications, each one meticulously tested to ensure it met the highest standards of quality. Byteville thrived on these advancements, and the cityÕs residents knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they could rely on the software created by dedicated programmers like Alex. And so, the story of Alex and the importance of testing code became a legend in Byteville, a timeless reminder that behind every great line of code is the diligent effort to make sure it works flawlessly." +1,A,Once upon a time in the bustling city of Byteville, there was a young programmer named Alex who had a passion for coding. Alex loved the feeling of creating something out of nothing, of transforming ideas into functional software that could help people in their daily lives. Byteville was a city that thrived on technology, and programmers like Alex were considered artisans of the modern age. Alex had always been intrigued by the possibilities of coding, but there was one lesson that stood out more than any other during their journey: the paramount importance of testing code. In the early days of AlexÕs career, they were eager to dive straight into writing code. The thrill of seeing their ideas come to life was intoxicating, and Alex quickly built a reputation for developing features at a swift pace. However, this rapid development came at a cost. Despite the initial excitement, Alex found that their code often contained bugs, leading to frequent crashes and frustrated users. It was a humbling experience, and Alex realized that there was more to being a great programmer than just writing code. One day, Alex was working on a project for a new client. The client had requested a complex application that promised to revolutionize the way people managed their daily tasks. Excitement coursed through AlexÕs veins, and they threw themselves into the project with gusto. Hours turned into days, and days into weeks, as Alex painstakingly coded every feature that the client had envisioned. Finally, the day came when Alex was ready to present the finished product. The client gathered their team to witness the unveiling, and Alex began the demonstration with confidence. But soon, things started to go awry. Buttons that were supposed to trigger specific actions did nothing. Data that was meant to be saved was lost. The application crashed multiple times, leaving the client and their team frustrated and unimpressed. Alex felt a pang of embarrassment and disappointment. After the failed presentation, Alex decided to seek advice from an experienced programmer named Maya, who was known for her meticulous and bug-free code. Maya had been in the industry for many years and had a wealth of knowledge about best practices in software development. Alex visited MayaÕs office, and after explaining the situation, Maya nodded knowingly. ÒAlex,Ó she said gently, Òcoding is both an art and a science. While your enthusiasm and creativity are wonderful, you must also embrace the discipline of testing. Testing your code is essential to ensure that it functions as intended and to deliver a reliable product to your users.Ó Maya spent the next several hours teaching Alex about different types of testing. They covered unit testing, which involves testing individual components of the code to ensure they work correctly. They delved into integration testing, where multiple components are tested together to ensure they function seamlessly as a whole. Maya also explained the importance of system testing, where the entire application is tested in an environment that simulates real-world usage. She emphasized the value of automated testing frameworks, which could run tests repeatedly, catch regressions, and provide quick feedback during the development process. Alex began to see testing in a new light. It wasnÕt just an afterthought or a tedious chore; it was an integral part of the development cycle that could make the difference between a functional, reliable application and a buggy, frustrating one. Inspired by MayaÕs wisdom, Alex returned to their project with renewed determination. They wrote unit tests for every component, ensuring that each piece of the codebase was robust and free from errors. They created integration tests to check how well different parts of the application worked together. Finally, they conducted system tests to simulate how users would interact with the application in the real world. The process was time-consuming, but Alex quickly discovered that it was worth every minute. The tests caught several issues that would have otherwise slipped through the cracks, and Alex was able to fix these problems before they reached the client. The application became more stable, reliable, and user-friendly. When the time came for the second presentation, Alex stood before the client with newfound confidence. The application ran smoothly, every feature working as intended. The client and their team were impressed, and Alex couldnÕt help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. This was the result of not just hard work, but also a commitment to quality through thorough testing. Word of AlexÕs successful project spread throughout Byteville, and soon, other programmers and clients began to take notice. Alex became an advocate for the importance of testing code, sharing the lessons they had learned with anyone willing to listen. Testing became a mantra not just for Alex, but for a new generation of programmers who understood that excellence in coding wasnÕt just about rapid development but also about ensuring reliability and functionality. From that day forward, Alex continued to create innovative applications, each one meticulously tested to ensure it met the highest standards of quality. Byteville thrived on these advancements, and the cityÕs residents knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they could rely on the software created by dedicated programmers like Alex. And so, the story of Alex and the importance of testing code became a legend in Byteville, a timeless reminder that behind every great line of code is the diligent effort to make sure it works flawlessly. 1,B,This is a much shorter message. 2,B,:-) 2,A, \ No newline at end of file