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# XenoAtom.Allocators User Guide
-This is a default project description.
+## Overview
+The main entry point of the library is the `TlsfAllocator` class. This class provides a TLSF (Two-Level Segregated Fit) allocator implementation. The TLSF allocator is a low-level memory allocator that provides a good balance between speed, fragmentation, and memory overhead. It is particularly well suited for real-time systems.
+### Creating a TLSF allocator
+In order to use the TLSF allocator, you need to provide a Chunk allocator. The chunk allocator is responsible for allocating and deallocating memory chunks. The TLSF allocator will then use these chunks to allocate and deallocate memory blocks within these chunks.
+You simply need to implement the interface `IMemoryChunkAllocator` that will provide the basic blocks for allocation / deallocation.
+For example:
+/// Implementation of a chunk allocator for the TLSF allocator using native memory.
+public unsafe class BasicChunkAllocator : IMemoryChunkAllocator
+ private readonly Dictionary _chunks = new Dictionary();
+ private const int ChunkSize = 65536;
+ public MemoryChunk AllocateChunk(MemorySize minSize)
+ {
+ var blockSize = (uint)Math.Max(ChunkSize, (int)minSize.Value);
+ var address = NativeMemory.AlignedAlloc(blockSize, 64);
+ var chunk = new MemoryChunk((ulong)_chunks.Count, (ulong)address, blockSize);
+ _chunks.Add(_chunks.Count, chunk);
+ return chunk;
+ }
+ public void FreeChunk(in MemoryChunk chunk)
+ {
+ NativeMemory.AlignedFree((void*)(ulong)chunk.BaseAddress);
+ _chunks.Remove((int)chunk.Id.Value);
+ }
+Then you can create a TLSF allocator with this chunk allocator:
+var chunkAllocator = new BasicChunkAllocator();
+// Create an allocator with a minimum alignment of 64 bytes
+var allocator = new TlsfAllocator(chunkAllocator, 64);
+### Allocating memory
+You can allocate memory using the `Allocate` method:
+var allocation = allocator.Allocate(128);
+The `Allocate` method returns an `TlsfAllocation` structure that represents the allocated memory.
+A TlsfAllocation has the following properties, with Address and Size representing the address and size of the allocated block:
+public readonly record struct TlsfAllocation
+ ///
+ /// Gets the index of the block allocated (used internally by the allocator).
+ ///
+ public readonly TlsfAllocationToken Token;
+ ///
+ /// Gets the address of the allocated block.
+ ///
+ public readonly MemoryAddress Address;
+ ///
+ /// Gets the size of the allocated block.
+ ///
+ public readonly MemorySize Size;
+### Freeing memory
+You can free memory using the `Free` method by passing a `TlsfAllocationToken` stored in the `TlsfAllocation` structure via the `Token` property:
+// Or you can use the implicit cast operator:
+// allocator.Free(allocation);