Dublin Release
This github tag is tied to the newly released PYNQ-Z1 v1.4 SDCard image
Within that image file, PYNQ v1.4 is already installed. Updates to PYNQ since the last release include:
- Python upgraded to 3.6.
- Linux kernel upgraded to 4.6.0.
- In base overlay, Programmable logic interrupt support added (i.e. PL can interrupt Python using asyncio).
- In base overlay, Microblazes now have direct acccess to DRAM using High Performance (HP) ports.
- Arduino_LCD18 class added.
- Optimized mmio using numpy arrays.
- Audio processing optimizations.
Note: Please upgrade to the v1.4 SDCard image before installing this version of PYNQ. We are leveraging new features in Python3.6 within the pynq package.