import pexpect def creatergb(words,words2,textcolor,backgroundcolor): child = pexpect.spawn('bash') child.expect(r'\$') # TODO: change this according to the raspberry pi that we'll be using child.sendline('cd /home/Keith/Desktop/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/examples-api-use') child.expect(r'\$') # TODO: change this according to the size of LED Matrix which we'll be using child.sendline('sudo ./text-example -C {} -B {} -f ../fonts/8x13.bdf --led-no-hardware-pulse --led-rows=32 --led-cols=64 --led-slowdown-gpio=2 --led-chain=2'.format(str(textcolor),str(backgroundcolor))) # Can play with this child.expect('Enter') child.sendline(words.encode()) child.expect('') child.sendline(words2.encode()) child.wait() class callingRGB: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._background = '0,0,0' # Black background default self._text = '255,0,0' # Red text color default def callrgb(self, words): creatergb(words, words, self._text, self._background)