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177 lines (147 loc) · 5.51 KB

File metadata and controls

177 lines (147 loc) · 5.51 KB


Method 1 (recommended): Composer Autoload, use composer's PSR-4 autoloader


  1. Copy the library files to some directory in the project's root directory, for example we use /my_project/zego,and the /my_project/ directory is the root directory of the project.
  2. vim /my_project/composer.json add psr-4 autoload configuration
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "ZEGO\\": "zego/src/ZEGO"
  1. Excute composer dump-autoload or composer dump-autoload -o(for production) or composer update commands, to generate autoload files.

####general token generate demo

  • in /my_project/xxx.php file
  • The general token is used for simple authorization of service interfaces, and the payload field can be empty.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use ZEGO\ZegoServerAssistant;
use ZEGO\ZegoErrorCodes;

$appId = 1;
$userId = 'demo';
$secret = 'fa94dd0f974cf2e293728a526b028271';
$payload = '';
$token = ZegoServerAssistant::generateToken04($appId,$userId,$secret,3600,$payload);
if( $token->code == ZegoErrorCodes::success ){

strict token generate demo

  • in /my_project/xxx.php file
  • The strict token is used in scenarios where strong authentication is required for login-room/push-stream/pull-stream permissions. The payload field should be generated according to the specifications.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use ZEGO\ZegoServerAssistant;
use ZEGO\ZegoErrorCodes;

const PrivilegeKeyLogin   = 1; 
const PrivilegeKeyPublish = 2; 

const PrivilegeEnable     = 1; 
const PrivilegeDisable    = 0; 

$appId = 1;
$userId = 'demo';
$roomId = "demo";
$secret = 'fa94dd0f974cf2e293728a526b028271';
$rtcRoomPayLoad = [
    'room_id' => $roomId, 
    'privilege' => [    
        PrivilegeKeyLogin => PrivilegeEnable,
        PrivilegeKeyPublish => PrivilegeDisable,
    'stream_id_list' => [] 

$payload = json_encode($rtcRoomPayLoad);

$token = ZegoServerAssistant::generateToken04($appId, $userId, $secret, 3600, $payload);
if( $token->code == ZegoErrorCodes::success ){
Method 2: Symfony Class Auto Loader, for the project with out using composer


  1. copy the library files to some directory in the project's root directory, for example we use /my_project/zego,and the /my_project/ directory is the root directory of the project.

####general token generate demo

  • in /my_project/xxx.php file
  • The general token is used for simple authorization of service interfaces, and the payload field can be empty.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use ZEGO\ZegoServerAssistant;
use ZEGO\ZegoErrorCodes;

$appId = 1;
$userId = 'demo';
$secret = 'fa94dd0f974cf2e293728a526b028271';
$payload = '';
$token = ZegoServerAssistant::generateToken04($appId,$userId,$secret,3600,$payload);
if( $token->code == ZegoErrorCodes::success ){

strict token generate demo

  • in /my_project/xxx.php file
  • The strict token is used in scenarios where strong authentication is required for login-room/push-stream/pull-stream permissions. The payload field should be generated according to the specifications.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use ZEGO\ZegoServerAssistant;
use ZEGO\ZegoErrorCodes;

const PrivilegeKeyLogin   = 1; 
const PrivilegeKeyPublish = 2; 

const PrivilegeEnable     = 1; 
const PrivilegeDisable    = 0; 

$appId = 1;
$userId = 'demo';
$roomId = "demo";
$secret = 'fa94dd0f974cf2e293728a526b028271';
$rtcRoomPayLoad = [
    'room_id' => $roomId, 
    'privilege' => [    
        PrivilegeKeyLogin => PrivilegeEnable,
        PrivilegeKeyPublish => PrivilegeDisable,
    'stream_id_list' => [] 

$payload = json_encode($rtcRoomPayLoad);

$token = ZegoServerAssistant::generateToken04($appId, $userId, $secret, 3600, $payload);
if( $token->code == ZegoErrorCodes::success ){

Error codes

namespace ZEGO;

class ZegoErrorCodes{
    const success                       = 0;  // Token for authentication obtained successfully.
    const appIDInvalid                  = 1;  // App ID parameter is invalid.
    const userIDInvalid                 = 3;  // User ID parameter is invalid.
    const secretInvalid                 = 5;  // Secret parameter is invalid.
    const effectiveTimeInSecondsInvalid = 6;  // effectiveTimeInSeconds parameter is invalid.

generateToken04 parameters description and return codes

     * Use the following parameters to generate the token for authentication when accessing to ZEGO service
     * @param integer $appId App ID assigned by ZEGO, the unique identifier of user.
     * @param string $userId User ID
     * @param string $secret The secret key corresponding to AppID assigned by ZEGO. Please keep it carefully.
     * @param integer $effectiveTimeInSeconds The validity period of token, unit: second
     * @param string $payload Business extension field, JSON string
     * @return ZegoAssistantToken  Returned token content, the value is the ZEGO\ZegoAssistantToken object. Before using the token, check whether the code property of the object is  ZEGO\ZegoErrorCodes::success. The actual token content is stored in the token property.
    public static function generateToken04(int $appId, string $userId, string $secret, int $effectiveTimeInSeconds, string $payload)

Returned value is ZEGO\ZegoAssistantToken object:

namespace ZEGO;

class ZegoAssistantToken{
    public $code;
    public $message = '';
    public $token;