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A circular, swipeable context menu extension for Cytoscape.js (demo)

This extension creates a widget that lets the user operate circular context menus on nodes in Cytoscape.js. The user swipes along the circular menu to select a menu item and perform a command on either a node, a edge, or the graph background.


  • Cytoscape.js ^3.2.0

Usage instructions

Download the library:

  • via npm: npm install cytoscape-cxtmenu,
  • via bower: bower install cytoscape-cxtmenu, or
  • via direct download in the repository (probably from a tag).

Import the library as appropriate for your project:

ES import:

import cytoscape from 'cytoscape';
import cxtmenu from 'cytoscape-cxtmenu';

cytoscape.use( cxtmenu );

CommonJS require:

let cytoscape = require('cytoscape');
let cxtmenu = require('cytoscape-cxtmenu');

cytoscape.use( cxtmenu ); // register extension


require(['cytoscape', 'cytoscape-cxtmenu'], function( cytoscape, cxtmenu ){
  cxtmenu( cytoscape ); // register extension

Plain HTML/JS has the extension registered for you automatically, because no require() is needed.


You can style the font of the command text with the cxtmenu-content class, and you can style disabled entries with the cxtmenu-disabled class.


You initialise the plugin on the same HTML DOM element container used for Cytoscape.js:

let cy = cytoscape({
	container: document.getElementById('cy'),
	/* ... */

// the default values of each option are outlined below:
let defaults = {
  menuRadius: 100, // the radius of the circular menu in pixels
  selector: 'node', // elements matching this Cytoscape.js selector will trigger cxtmenus
  commands: [ // an array of commands to list in the menu or a function that returns the array
    { // example command
      fillColor: 'rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.75)', // optional: custom background color for item
      content: 'a command name', // html/text content to be displayed in the menu
      contentStyle: {}, // css key:value pairs to set the command's css in js if you want
      select: function(ele){ // a function to execute when the command is selected
        console.log( ) // `ele` holds the reference to the active element
      enabled: true // whether the command is selectable
  ], // function( ele ){ return [ /*...*/ ] }, // a function that returns commands or a promise of commands
  fillColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)', // the background colour of the menu
  activeFillColor: 'rgba(1, 105, 217, 0.75)', // the colour used to indicate the selected command
  activePadding: 20, // additional size in pixels for the active command
  indicatorSize: 24, // the size in pixels of the pointer to the active command
  separatorWidth: 3, // the empty spacing in pixels between successive commands
  spotlightPadding: 4, // extra spacing in pixels between the element and the spotlight
  minSpotlightRadius: 24, // the minimum radius in pixels of the spotlight
  maxSpotlightRadius: 38, // the maximum radius in pixels of the spotlight
   * Open and Close menu events are space-seperated cytoscape events and only support the following combinations.
   * openMenuEvents = 'cxttapstart' and/or 'taphold', closeMenuEvents = 'cxttapend' and/or 'tapend',
   * openMenuEvents = 'cxttap', closeMenuEvents = 'click' or 'cxttap'
  openMenuEvents: 'cxttapstart taphold',
  closeMenuEvents: 'cxttapend tapend',
  itemColor: 'white', // the colour of text in the command's content
  itemTextShadowColor: 'transparent', // the text shadow colour of the command's content
  zIndex: 9999, // the z-index of the ui div
  atMouse: false // draw menu at mouse position

let menu = cy.cxtmenu( defaults );

You get access to the cxtmenu API as the returned value of calling the extension. You can use this to clean up and destroy the menu instance:

let menu = cy.cxtmenu( someOptions );


Build targets

  • npm run test : Run Mocha tests in ./test
  • npm run build : Build ./src/** into cytoscape-cxtmenu.js
  • npm run watch : Automatically build on changes with live reloading (N.b. you must already have an HTTP server running)
  • npm run dev : Automatically build on changes with live reloading with webpack dev server
  • npm run lint : Run eslint on the source

N.b. all builds use babel, so modern ES features can be used in the src.

Publishing instructions

This project is set up to automatically be published to npm and bower. To publish:

  1. Build the extension : npm run build:release
  2. Commit the build : git commit -am "Build for release"
  3. Bump the version number and tag: npm version major|minor|patch
  4. Push to origin: git push && git push --tags
  5. Publish to npm: npm publish .
  6. If publishing to bower for the first time, you'll need to run bower register cytoscape-cxtmenu
  7. Make a new release for Zenodo.


Context menu for Cytoscape.js







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  • JavaScript 93.4%
  • HTML 6.6%