Appium Test Framework for android mobile testing using Selendroid Test App
- As a guest user, I am able to enter the text in a text input field
- As a guest user, I am able to register
- As a guest user, I am able to view text message
- As a guest user, I am able to view simple alert
- As a guest user, I am able to view confirm alert
- Java should be installed and configured.
- Android should be installed and configured.
- Appium client should be installed and configured.
- Create an Android Emulator with name "MyAndroid".
- Install TestNG in Eclipse or Java Editor which is in used.
- Start Android Emulator with name "MyAndroid"
- Start Appium Server at ""
Execute from command line:
i) Open Terminal and CD to project root directory ii) To execute all test cases using TestNG, specify parameters in command line:
mvn clean test
Execute from Eclipse:
i) Go/Open project in eclipse. Right click and execute a TestNG suite.
Report: .\test-output\emailable-report.html Screenshots: .\test-output