Java: https://bintray.com/ably-io/ably/ably-java/1.0.1
Android: https://bintray.com/ably-io/ably/ably-android/1.0.1
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow custom transportParams #327
Fixed bugs:
- authHeaders are being included in requests to non authUrl endpoints #331
- 1.0.0 sending v=0.9 #324
- 1.0 not automatically re-authing when token expires if initialized with key + clientId? #322
Closed issues:
- UTF-8 / ASCII detection issue in compile #334
- Allow authUrl to contain querystring params #328
- Dependency management for ably-android #316
- Exceptions thrown in client onMessage callbacks are silently swallowed #314
Merged pull requests:
- Spec RTC1f: implement support for ClientOptions.transportParams #342 (paddybyers)
- Implement spec for handling of queryParams in authURL #340 (paddybyers)
- Preemptive HTTP authentication #339 (paddybyers)
- Rest token renewal fix + tests #338 (paddybyers)
- Don't send authHeaders or authParams in calls to requestToken #337 (paddybyers)
- Replace StandardCharset.UTF-8 with Charset.forName(“UTF-8”) #333 (liuzhen2008)
- Crypto default 256 bit length like all other libraries #329 (mattheworiordan)
- Add log message if a client's listener throws an exception whilst handling a message #318 (paddybyers)