Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Asterius - Asterius, fr. 10 in Ps 14,4–5 (260,10–13.15–19.21–23 Richard); ex Catena Palestinensi
Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Asterius - Asterius, fr. 10 ex Catena Palestinensi in Ps 14,4–5 (260,10–13.15–19.21–23 Richard)
Lemma: Ps 14,4c–5b
Attribution: Ἀστερ(ί)ου
@@ -1542,14 +1539,199 @@
Attribution: Θεοδ(ώρου)
Commentary fragment: top of the page - Anonymous - Didymus, fr. 91 in Ps 15,1b–2 (175,18–176,20)
Lemma: Ps 15,1b–2
Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Eusebius, Theodoretus, Asterius - Eusebius, fr. 2 in Ps 15,1b–2 (Villani) potius quam Thedoretus, comm. in Ps 15,1b–2a
+ (PG 80,957 A8–B3.C3–7.C9–10.C13–15)
The catena of
+ Paris. gr. 139 gives this fragment three attributions. Indeed, Eusebius (fr.
+ 2 in Ps 15,1b–2 [Villani]) and Theodoret (comm. in Ps 15,1b–2a [PG 80,957
+ A8–B3.C3–7.C9–10.C13–D5) coincide almost word for word. However, the
+ paraphrase offered by this catena is rather a paraphrase of Eusebius, and
+ not of Theodoret. This due to the fact that it does not make use of those
+ passages that only Theodoret's commentary on Psalm 15,1b–2a contains. A
+ fragment of Asterius text that can be related to the two indicated texts is
+ not known.
Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Eusebius - Eusebius, fr. 3 in Ps 15,1b–2 (Villani)
Lemma: Ps 15,1b–2
Attribution: Εὐσεβίου
Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Asterius, Eusebius - Eusebius, fr. 4 in Ps 15,1b–2 (Villani)
Lemma: Ps 15,1b–2
Attribution: Ἀστερ(ί)(ου):
+ Ευσ(εβίου):
Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Theodorus - Theodoretus, comm. in Ps 15,3 (PG 80,960 A3–7)
Lemma: Ps 15,3
Attribution: Θεοδώρου:
Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Atanasius - Athanasius, exp. in Ps 15,3
Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Cyrillus - Cyrillus, fr. in Ps 15,5a (PG 69,809 D5–12)
Lemma: Ps 15,5a
Attribution: Κυρίλλου
The indication καὶ μετ(ὰ) (ὀ)λίγα between the
+ first and second part of the fragment indicates that the explanation has
+ been abbreviated.
Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Hesychius - Hesychius, comm. magnus in Ps 15,5a (PG 93,1185 A15–B4)
Lemma: Ps 15,5a
Attribution: Ἡσυχίου
Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Anonymous - Origenes (?), fr. in Ps 15,5a (paulum amplius quam PG 12,1213 A11–B5)
Lemma: Ps 15,5a
Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Eusebius, Theodoretus - Eusebius, fr. 7 in Ps 15,5a (Villani) vel Theodoretus, comm. in Ps 15,5a (PG 80,960
+ B7–14.C2–13)
Lemma: Ps 15,5a
Attribution: Ευσ(εβίου) |
+ Θεοδ(ω)ρ(ή)τ(ου)
Here too
+ (see Ps 15,1b–2a), the catena of Paris. gr. 139 gives the fragment more than
+ one attribution. This is due to the fact that Theodoret (comm. in Ps 15,5a
+ [PG 80,960 B7–961 A7]) and Eusebius (fr. 7 in Ps 15,5a [Villani]) agree
+ almost word for word. At the end of the first line of the paraphrase in
+ question, the scribe used the two separating dots (:). However, the second
+ line is without ekthesis.
Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Asterius - Asterius, fr. 10 in Ps 14,4–5 (260,10–13.15–19.21–23 Richard); ex Catena Palestinensi
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Asterius - Asterius, fr. 10 ex Catena Palestinensi in Ps 14,4–5 (260,10–13.15–19.21–23 Richard)
Lemma: Ps 14,4c–5b
Attribution: Ἀστερ(ί)ου
@@ -1542,14 +1539,199 @@Attribution: Θεοδ(ώρου) αντιοχ(είας)
Commentary fragment: top of the page - Anonymous - Didymus, fr. 91 in Ps 15,1b–2 (175,18–176,20)
+Lemma: Ps 15,1b–2
+ +Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Eusebius, Theodoretus, Asterius - Eusebius, fr. 2 in Ps 15,1b–2 (Villani) potius quam Thedoretus, comm. in Ps 15,1b–2a + (PG 80,957 A8–B3.C3–7.C9–10.C13–15)
+Lemma: Ps 15,1b–2
+ +Attribution: Ευσ(εβίου): Θεοδ(ω)ρ(ή)τ(ου): + Ἀστερίου
+The catena of + Paris. gr. 139 gives this fragment three attributions. Indeed, Eusebius (fr. + 2 in Ps 15,1b–2 [Villani]) and Theodoret (comm. in Ps 15,1b–2a [PG 80,957 + A8–B3.C3–7.C9–10.C13–D5) coincide almost word for word. However, the + paraphrase offered by this catena is rather a paraphrase of Eusebius, and + not of Theodoret. This due to the fact that it does not make use of those + passages that only Theodoret's commentary on Psalm 15,1b–2a contains. A + fragment of Asterius text that can be related to the two indicated texts is + not known.
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Eusebius - Eusebius, fr. 3 in Ps 15,1b–2 (Villani)
+Lemma: Ps 15,1b–2
+ +Attribution: Εὐσεβίου
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Asterius, Eusebius - Eusebius, fr. 4 in Ps 15,1b–2 (Villani)
+Lemma: Ps 15,1b–2
+ +Attribution: Ἀστερ(ί)(ου): + Ευσ(εβίου):
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Theodorus - Theodoretus, comm. in Ps 15,3 (PG 80,960 A3–7)
+Lemma: Ps 15,3
+ +Attribution: Θεοδώρου:
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Atanasius - Athanasius, exp. in Ps 15,3
+Lemma: Ps 15,3
+Ἁγίους εἶναι φησὶ + τοὺς ἡγιασμένους ἐν πνεύματι· Χριστοῦ δὲ γῆν τὴν ἐκκλησίαν· τὸ δὲ + ἐθαυμάστωσεν ἀντι τοῦ ἐδίδαξεν[·] τὸ δὲ αὐτοῦ τοῦ πατρὸς ἰν` ῆ1 τὸ ὄλον οὕτω·2 τοῖς + ἡγιασμένοις ἐν πίστει γνωστὸν ἐποίησεν· τὸ θέλημα τοῦ πατρὸς διὸ καὶ + καλεῖται τῆς μεγάλης3 βουλῆς ἄγγελος:
+Attribution: Ἀθανασίου
+→ Vat. gr. + 754
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Hesychius - Hesychius, comm. magnus (?) in Ps 15,3 (ineditum?)
+Lemma: Ps 15,3
+ +Attribution: Ἡσυχίου
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Didymus - Didymus, fr. 92 in Ps 15,3a (176 Mühlenberg)
+Lemma: Ps 15,3
+ +Attribution: Διδ(ύμου)
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Eusebius - Eusebius, fr. 5 in Ps 15,3–4b (Villani)
+Lemma: Ps 15,3
+ +Attribution: Ευσ(εβίου)
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Didymus - Eusebius, fr. 5 in Ps 15,3–4b (Villani)
+Lemma: Ps 15,3
+ +Attribution: Διδύμου
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Theodorus - Theodoretus, comm. in Ps 15,4a–b (PG 80,960 A9–15)
+Lemma: Ps 15,4a–b
+ +Attribution: Θεοδώρου
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Athanasius - Athanasius, exp. in Ps 15,4b
+Lemma: Ps 15,4a–b
+Κ᾿ἂν ἠσθένουν φησὶν τὸ πρότερον ἐν ἁμαρτίαις ὄντες ἀλλ’ + οὖν ἀκούσαντες τοῦ κηρύγματος ὀξέως ὑπήκουσαν· τοῦτο γάρ ἐστι τὸ ἐτάχυναν + μετὰ ταῦτα· δηλονὅτι εἰς τὸ ὑπακοῦσαι τῶ κηρύγματι:
+Attribution: Ἀθανασίου
+→ Vat. + gr. 754
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Hesychius - Hesychius, comm. magnus (?) in Ps 15,4a–b (ineditum?)
+Lemma: Ps 15,4a–b
+ +Attribution: Ἡσυχίου
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Theodorus Antiochenus - Theodorus Mops., fr. in Ps 15,4 (92,26–93,9 Devreesse)
+Lemma: Ps 15,4a–b
+ +Attribution: Θεοδ(ώρου) + αντ(ιο)χ(είας)
+Commentary fragment: top of the page - Eusebius - Theodoretus, comm. in Ps 15,4c–d (PG 80,960 B2–5)
+Lemma: Ps 15,4c–d
+ +Attribution: Εὐσεβίου
+Commentary fragment: top of the page - Athanasius - Athanasius, exp. in Ps 15,4c
+Lemma: Ps 15,4c–d
+Συνάγων φησὶν + συναγωγὰς ἐκ τῶν ἐθνῶν οὐ διαιμάτων αὐτὰς συνάξω τοῦτέστιν1 οὐ παρασκευάσω + διατῆς νομικῆς μοι προσέρχεσθαι λατρείας· δι’ αινέσεως δὲ μᾶλλον καὶ τῆς + ἀναιμάκτου θυσίας:
+Attribution: Ἀθανασί(ου):
+→ Vat. gr. 754
+Commentary fragment: top of the page - Cyrillus - Cyrillus, fr. in Ps 15,4c (PG 69,809 A6–C5)
+Lemma: Ps 15,4c–d
+ +Attribution: Κυρ(ίλλου)
+Commentary fragment: top of the page - Apolinaris - Apolinaris Laod., fr. 4 in Ps 15,4c–d (4 Mühlenberg); ex Paris. gr 139 et Marc. gr. + Z. 17
+Lemma: Ps 15,4c–d
+ +Attribution: Ἀπολιναρ(ί)(ου)
+Commentary fragment: top of the page - Eusebius - Theodoretus, comm. in Ps 15,4c–d (PG 80,960 B3–4)
+Lemma: Ps 15,4c–d
+ +Attribution: Εὐσεβίου
+Commentary fragment: top of the page - Eusebius - Eusebius, fr. 6 in Ps 15,4c–d (Villani)
+Lemma: Ps 15,4c–d
+ +Attribution: Ευσ(εβίου) | + Κυρ(ί)λ(λου)
+Commentary fragment: middle of the page - Asterius - Asterius, fr. 12 ex catena Palestinensi in Ps 15,4–5 (261 Richard)
+Lemma: Ps 15,4c–d
+ +Attribution: Ἀστερίου:
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Didymus - Didymus, fr. 93 in Ps 15,4b–c (177 Mühlenberg)
+Lemma: Ps 15,4c–d
+ +Attribution: Διδ(ύμου)
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Theodorus - Theodoretus, comm. in Ps 15,5a (PG 80,960 C11–961 A3)
+Lemma: Ps 15,5a
+ +Attribution: Θεοδώρου:
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Athanasius - Athanasius, exp. in Ps 15,5
+Lemma: Ps 15,5a
+Ὡσει σαφέστερον + ἔλεγεν ὁ πατήρ μου εἰς κλήρον μου1 καὶ μερίδα τὰ ἔθνη δεδώρηται[·] ῶ καὶ γέγονα ὑπήκοος μέχρι + θανάτου[·] τὸ γὰρ + ποτήριον τὸν θάνατον σημαίνει κατὰ τὸ εἰρημένον πάτερ εἰ δυνατὸν παρελθέτω + μοι2 τὸ ποτήριον τουτο: –
+Attribution: Αθ(ανασίου)
+→ Vat. gr. + 754
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Cyrillus - Cyrillus, fr. in Ps 15,5a (PG 69,809 D5–12)
+Lemma: Ps 15,5a
+ +Attribution: Κυρίλλου
+The indication καὶ μετ(ὰ) (ὀ)λίγα between the + first and second part of the fragment indicates that the explanation has + been abbreviated.
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Hesychius - Hesychius, comm. magnus in Ps 15,5a (PG 93,1185 A15–B4)
+Lemma: Ps 15,5a
+ +Attribution: Ἡσυχίου
+Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Anonymous - Origenes (?), fr. in Ps 15,5a (paulum amplius quam PG 12,1213 A11–B5)
+Lemma: Ps 15,5a
+ +Commentary fragment: bottom of the page - Eusebius, Theodoretus - Eusebius, fr. 7 in Ps 15,5a (Villani) vel Theodoretus, comm. in Ps 15,5a (PG 80,960 + B7–14.C2–13)
+Lemma: Ps 15,5a
+ +Attribution: Ευσ(εβίου) | + Θεοδ(ω)ρ(ή)τ(ου)
+Here too + (see Ps 15,1b–2a), the catena of Paris. gr. 139 gives the fragment more than + one attribution. This is due to the fact that Theodoret (comm. in Ps 15,5a + [PG 80,960 B7–961 A7]) and Eusebius (fr. 7 in Ps 15,5a [Villani]) agree + almost word for word. At the end of the first line of the paraphrase in + question, the scribe used the two separating dots (:). However, the second + line is without ekthesis.