Releases: acdh-oeaw/arche-schema
Minor improvements
Most importantly acdh:hasMetadataPid
There might be some small changes (especially data migration script updates) but we should start testing.
Many major changes
Version 1.11.2
Another bunch of fixes making it possible to ingest all necessary properties:
- all recommended annotations use URIs (and not literals)
is anowl:ObjectProperty
(which btw makes it impossible to be equivalent todc:identifier
as well as otheracdh:has{whatever}Identifier
DatatypeProperties to inherit from itacdh:hasIdentifier
range and domain set toowl:Thing
and cardinality set tomin 1
Version 1.11.1
All qualified cardinalities turned into normal ones so all cardinalities can be imported and other libraries tests can pass.
Version 1.11
Properties using vocabularies turned into ObjectProperties so they can be properly imported and various libraries tests can pass.
Version 1.10
Restored v1.7.1 which is the last one allowing import.
Version 1.9
Two new annotation properties, a helper class and a new sub-date data property
Version 1.8
Change type of hasLanguage to xsd:anyURI.
Introduced helper class CollectionOrImageorResource.
Introducted hasDigitisingAgent, hasLinceseSummary, hasAccessRestrictionSummary.
Version 1.7.1
Import scripts moved to the arche-schema-ingest repository so code versioning doesn't interfere with the ontology versioning.
acdh:vocabs annotation property values adjusted to point to endpoints providing actual vocabulary data
Previously acdh:vocabs
pointed to a WWW GUI making it impossible to fetch the vocabulary data by any tool using the ontology.