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Releases: acdh-oeaw/arche-schema

Minor improvements

10 Feb 10:26
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Most importantly acdh:hasMetadataPid added.

There might be some small changes (especially data migration script updates) but we should start testing.

Many major changes

05 Feb 15:29
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Version 1.11.2

29 Jul 14:33
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Another bunch of fixes making it possible to ingest all necessary properties:

  • all recommended annotations use URIs (and not literals)
  • acdh:hasIdentifier is an owl:ObjectProperty
    (which btw makes it impossible to be equivalent to dc:identifier as well as other acdh:has{whatever}Identifier DatatypeProperties to inherit from it
  • acdh:hasIdentifier range and domain set to owl:Thing and cardinality set to min 1 on owl:Thing

Version 1.11.1

27 Jul 19:23
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All qualified cardinalities turned into normal ones so all cardinalities can be imported and other libraries tests can pass.

Version 1.11

27 Jul 19:15
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Properties using vocabularies turned into ObjectProperties so they can be properly imported and various libraries tests can pass.

Version 1.10

23 Jul 20:33
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Restored v1.7.1 which is the last one allowing import.

Version 1.9

16 Jul 10:02
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Two new annotation properties, a helper class and a new sub-date data property

Version 1.8

07 Jul 09:43
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Change type of hasLanguage to xsd:anyURI.
Introduced helper class CollectionOrImageorResource.
Introducted hasDigitisingAgent, hasLinceseSummary, hasAccessRestrictionSummary.

Version 1.7.1

22 Jun 15:06
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Import scripts moved to the arche-schema-ingest repository so code versioning doesn't interfere with the ontology versioning.

acdh:vocabs annotation property values adjusted to point to endpoints providing actual vocabulary data

08 May 09:07
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Previously acdh:vocabs pointed to a WWW GUI making it impossible to fetch the vocabulary data by any tool using the ontology.