cheatsheet untuk Firebase Database ReactJS
- Firebase Config
- Multiple Firebase Project
- Retrieve Data
- Functions
- Checking Data
- Callback and Promise
- Get firebase data key
- Online Status
- Firebase Queries
file firebaseConfig.jsx
const config = {
apiKey: "_from_your_firebase_project_",
authDomain: "_from_your_firebase_project_",
databaseURL: "_from_your_firebase_project_",
projectId: "_from_your_firebase_project_",
storageBucket: "_from_your_firebase_project_",
messagingSenderId: "_from_your_firebase_project_"
export default config;
file firebaseRef.jsx
import firebase from '@firebase/app';
import '@firebase/database'; // jika hanya ingin menggunakan firebase database
import config from './firebaseConfig'
firebase.initializeApp( config );
export const rootRef = firebase.databas( ).ref( );
file firebaseInit.jsx
import firebase from "@firebase/app";
import "@firebase/database"; // jika hanya ingin menggunakan firebase database
import config from "./firebaseConfig";
export default (!firebase.apps.length
? firebase.initializeApp(config)
file firebaseRef.jsx
import firebase from "./firebaseInit";
const rootRef = firebase.database( ).ref( )
import firebase from '@firebase/app';
import "@firebase/database"; // jika hanya ingin menggunakan firebase database
import config from "./firebaseConfig";
firebase.initializeApp( config );
const configOther = {
databaseURL: "_from_your_other_firebase_project_"
var firebaseOther = firebase.initializeApp(configOther, "other");
export const rootRefOther = firebaseOther.database().ref()
menerima data secara realtime
firebaseRef.on('value', snap => {
let tmp = [];
snap.forEach(shot => {
// data1: shot
// .val( )
// .data1,
// data2: shot
// .val( )
// .data2,
// data3: shot
// .val( )
// .data3,
...shot.val( )
console.log( tmp )
firebaseRef.child( _key_ ).on("value", snap => {
console.log( snap.val( ).data1 )
menerima data hanya sekali dan tidak realtime
firebaseRef.once('value', snap => {
let tmp = [ ];
snap.forEach(shot => {
// data1: shot
// .val( )
// .data1,
// data2: shot
// .val( )
// .data2,
// data3: shot
// .val( )
// .data3,
...shot.val( )
console.log( tmp )
firebaseRef.child( _key_ ).once("value", snap => {
console.log( snap.val( ).data1 )
menambahkan data dengan key yang dibuat secara otomatis
const PushData = () => {
const content = {
data1: null,
data2: null,
data3: null
firebaseRef.push( content )
menambahkan data dengan key yang ada
const SetData = ( _PRIMARY_KEY_ ) => {
const content = {
data1: null,
data2: null,
data3: null
firebaseRef.child( _PRIMARY_KEY_ ).set( content )
memperbarui data dengan key yang ada
const UpdateData = ( _PRIMARY_KEY_ ) => {
const content = {
data1: null,
data2: null,
data3: null
firebaseRef.child( _PRIMARY_KEY_ ).update( content )
menghapus data dengan key yang ada
const DeleteData = ( _PRIMARY_KEY_ ) => {
firebaseRef.child( _PRIMARY_KEY_ ).remove()
mengecek terdapat data atau tidak meggunakan .once()
Checking = ( _PRIMARY_KEY_ ) => {
firebaseRef.child( _PRIMARY_KEY_ ).once('value', snap => {
if (snap.exists( )) {
//if exists
} else {
//if not
callback on
const Callback = ( ) => {
const content = {
data1: null,
data2: null,
data3: null
firebaseRef.set(content, ( error ) => {
if ( error ) {
//if write fail
} else {
//if write success
promise on
const Promise = ( ) => {
const content = {
data1: null,
data2: null,
data3: null
firebaseRef.update( content )
.then(( ) => {
//if write success
.catch(( error ) => {
//if write fail
const newPostKey = firebaseRef.child('user').push().key;
file firebaseRef.jsx
export const connectedRef = rootRef.child( 'info/connected' );
export const myConnectionsRef = rootRef.child( 'player/1/connections' );
export const lastOnlineRef = rootRef.child( 'player/1/lastOnline' );
on componentWillMount()
// firebaseRefDC.onDisconnect().set("I disconnected!");
connectedRef.on('value', (snap)=> {
if (snap.val() === true) {
// We're connected (or reconnected)! Do anything here that should happen only if online (or on reconnect)
let con = myConnectionsRef.push();
// When I disconnect, remove this device
// Add this device to my connections list
// this value could contain info about the device or a timestamp too
// When I disconnect, update the last time I was seen online
data mahasiswa
"mahasiswa": {
"1": {
"nama" : "ahmad dazzle",
"nim" : 16102201,
"kelas" : "c",
"prodi" : "informatika",
"semester" : 6
"2": {
"nama" : "ahmad suryana",
"nim" : 16102202,
"kelas" : "a",
"prodi" : "elektro",
"semester" : 4
"3": {
"nama" : "eko batrider",
"nim" : 16102203,
"kelas" : "c",
"prodi" : "informatika",
"semester" : 6
"4": {
"nama" : "surya adi",
"nim" : 16102204,
"kelas" : "b",
"prodi" : "informatika",
"semester" : 4
"5": {
"nama" : "bayu adi",
"nim" : 16102205,
"kelas" : "a",
"prodi" : "elektro",
"semester" : 4
"6": {
"nama" : "ajie warlock",
"nim" : 16102206,
"kelas" : "d",
"prodi" : "informatika",
"semester" : 4
"7": {
"nama" : "handoko invoker",
"nim" : 16102207,
"kelas" : "d",
"prodi" : "informatika",
"semester" : 4
"8": {
"nama" : "ajie adi",
"nim" : 16102208,
"kelas" : "b",
"prodi" : "informatika",
"semester" : 4
"9": {
"nama" : "anisa maiden",
"nim" : 16102209,
"kelas" : "c",
"prodi" : "informatika",
"semester" : 6
"10": {
"nama" : "fitria enchantress",
"nim" : 16102210,
"kelas" : "a",
"prodi" : "elektro",
"semester" : 4
get mahasiswa dengan id = 1
get mahasiswa dengan nim = 16102201
get 5 data mahasiswa dari awal
get 5 data mahasiswa dari akhir
get mahasiswa dengan nama depan "ahmad"
get mahasiswa dengan semester < 6
firebaseRef.child('mahasiswa').orderByChild('semester').endAt(5) //semester-1
get mahasiswa dengan semester > 4
get mahasiswa dengan semester antara 2 dan 6
get mahasiswa semester 4 dan prodinya elektro
firebaseRef.child('mahasiswa').orderByChild('semester').equalTo(4).on('value', snap => {
snap.forEach(shot => {
if(shot.val( ).prodi === 'elektro' ){
console.log(shot.val( ));