diff --git a/ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/core/cif/components/commerce/productcollection/v2/productcollection/clientlibs/js/productcollection.js b/ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/core/cif/components/commerce/productcollection/v2/productcollection/clientlibs/js/productcollection.js
index 6ae9616256..27a8f752a3 100644
--- a/ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/core/cif/components/commerce/productcollection/v2/productcollection/clientlibs/js/productcollection.js
+++ b/ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/core/cif/components/commerce/productcollection/v2/productcollection/clientlibs/js/productcollection.js
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class ProductCollection {
constructor(config) {
this._element = config.element;
- let sortKeySelect = document.querySelector(ProductCollection.selectors.sortKey);
+ let sortKeySelect = this._element.querySelector(ProductCollection.selectors.sortKey);
if (sortKeySelect) {
sortKeySelect.addEventListener('change', () => this._applySortKey(sortKeySelect));
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class ProductCollection {
loadMoreButton.addEventListener('click', () => this._loadMore(loadMoreButton));
- let filters = document.querySelector(ProductCollection.selectors.filtersBody);
+ let filters = this._element.querySelector(ProductCollection.selectors.filtersBody);
if (filters) {
let selectedFilter = null;
filters.addEventListener('click', e => {
diff --git a/ui.apps/test/components/commerce/productcollection/productCollectionV2Test.js b/ui.apps/test/components/commerce/productcollection/productCollectionV2Test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fba3902322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui.apps/test/components/commerce/productcollection/productCollectionV2Test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+ ~ Copyright 2021 Adobe
+ ~
+ ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ ~
+ ~ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ ~
+ ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ~ limitations under the License.
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
+'use strict';
+import ProductCollection from '../../../../src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/core/cif/components/commerce/productcollection/v2/productcollection/clientlibs/js/productcollection.js';
+import PriceFormatter from '../../../../src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/core/cif/clientlibs/common/js/PriceFormatter.js';
+describe('Productcollection', () => {
+ let listRoot;
+ let windowCIF;
+ const clientPrices = {
+ 'sku-a': {
+ __typename: 'SimpleProduct',
+ minimum_price: {
+ regular_price: {
+ value: 156.89,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ },
+ final_price: {
+ value: 156.89,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ },
+ discount: {
+ amount_off: 0,
+ percent_off: 0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'sku-b': {
+ __typename: 'ConfigurableProduct',
+ minimum_price: {
+ regular_price: {
+ value: 123.45,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ },
+ final_price: {
+ value: 123.45,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ },
+ discount: {
+ amount_off: 0,
+ percent_off: 0
+ }
+ },
+ maximum_price: {
+ regular_price: {
+ value: 150.45,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ },
+ final_price: {
+ value: 150.45,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ },
+ discount: {
+ amount_off: 0,
+ percent_off: 0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'sku-c': {
+ __typename: 'SimpleProduct',
+ minimum_price: {
+ regular_price: {
+ value: 20,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ },
+ final_price: {
+ value: 10,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ },
+ discount: {
+ amount_off: 10,
+ percent_off: 50
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'sku-d': {
+ __typename: 'GroupedProduct',
+ minimum_price: {
+ regular_price: {
+ value: 20,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ },
+ final_price: {
+ value: 20,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ },
+ discount: {
+ amount_off: 0,
+ percent_off: 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ const convertedPrices = {
+ 'sku-a': {
+ isStartPrice: false,
+ currency: 'USD',
+ regularPrice: 156.89,
+ finalPrice: 156.89,
+ discountAmount: 0,
+ discountPercent: 0,
+ discounted: false,
+ range: false
+ },
+ 'sku-b': {
+ isStartPrice: false,
+ currency: 'USD',
+ regularPrice: 123.45,
+ finalPrice: 123.45,
+ discountAmount: 0,
+ discountPercent: 0,
+ regularPriceMax: 150.45,
+ finalPriceMax: 150.45,
+ discountAmountMax: 0,
+ discountPercentMax: 0,
+ discounted: false,
+ range: true
+ },
+ 'sku-c': {
+ isStartPrice: false,
+ currency: 'USD',
+ regularPrice: 20,
+ finalPrice: 10,
+ discountAmount: 10,
+ discountPercent: 50,
+ discounted: true,
+ range: false
+ },
+ 'sku-d': {
+ isStartPrice: true,
+ currency: 'USD',
+ regularPrice: 20,
+ finalPrice: 20,
+ discountAmount: 0,
+ discountPercent: 0,
+ discounted: false,
+ range: false
+ }
+ };
+ before(() => {
+ // Create empty context
+ windowCIF = window.CIF;
+ window.CIF = {};
+ window.CIF.PriceFormatter = PriceFormatter;
+ });
+ after(() => {
+ // Restore original context
+ window.CIF = windowCIF;
+ });
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ listRoot = document.createElement('div');
+ listRoot.dataset.locale = 'en-US'; // enforce the locale for prices
+ listRoot.insertAdjacentHTML(
+ 'afterbegin',
+ `
+ );
+ window.CIF.CommerceGraphqlApi = {
+ getProductPrices: sinon.stub().resolves(clientPrices)
+ };
+ });
+ it('initializes a product list component', () => {
+ let list = new ProductCollection({ element: listRoot });
+ assert.deepEqual(list._state.skus, ['sku-a', 'sku-b', 'sku-c', 'sku-d']);
+ });
+ it('retrieves prices via GraphQL', () => {
+ listRoot.dataset.loadClientPrice = true;
+ let list = new ProductCollection({ element: listRoot });
+ assert.isTrue(list._state.loadPrices);
+ return list._fetchPrices().then(() => {
+ assert.isTrue(window.CIF.CommerceGraphqlApi.getProductPrices.called);
+ assert.deepEqual(list._state.prices, convertedPrices);
+ // Verify price updates
+ assert.equal(listRoot.querySelector('[data-sku=sku-a] .price').innerText, '$156.89');
+ assert.equal(listRoot.querySelector('[data-sku=sku-b] .price').innerText, 'From $123.45 To $150.45');
+ assert.include(listRoot.querySelector('[data-sku=sku-c] .price').innerText, '$20.00');
+ assert.include(listRoot.querySelector('[data-sku=sku-c] .price').innerText, '$10.00');
+ assert.equal(listRoot.querySelector('[data-sku=sku-d] .price').innerText, 'Starting at $20.00');
+ });
+ });
+ it('displays a null price', () => {
+ listRoot = document.createElement('div');
+ listRoot.dataset.locale = 'en-US'; // enforce the locale for prices
+ listRoot.insertAdjacentHTML(
+ 'afterbegin',
+ `
+ `
+ );
+ const priceRange = {
+ 'sku-a': {
+ minimum_price: {
+ regular_price: {
+ value: null,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ },
+ final_price: {
+ value: null,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'sku-b': {
+ minimum_price: {
+ regular_price: {
+ value: null,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ },
+ final_price: {
+ value: null,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ }
+ },
+ maximum_price: {
+ regular_price: {
+ value: null,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ },
+ final_price: {
+ value: null,
+ currency: 'USD'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ window.CIF.CommerceGraphqlApi.getProductPrices.resetBehavior();
+ window.CIF.CommerceGraphqlApi.getProductPrices.resolves(priceRange);
+ listRoot.dataset.loadClientPrice = true;
+ let list = new ProductCollection({ element: listRoot });
+ assert.isTrue(list._state.loadPrices);
+ return list._fetchPrices().then(() => {
+ assert.isTrue(window.CIF.CommerceGraphqlApi.getProductPrices.called);
+ // Verify price updates
+ assert.equal(listRoot.querySelector('[data-sku=sku-a] .price'), null);
+ assert.equal(listRoot.querySelector('[data-sku=sku-b] .price'), null);
+ assert.equal(listRoot.querySelector('[data-sku=sku-c] .price'), null);
+ assert.equal(listRoot.querySelector('[data-sku=sku-c] .price'), null);
+ });
+ });
+ it('skips retrieving of prices if CommerceGraphqlApi is not available', () => {
+ delete window.CIF.CommerceGraphqlApi;
+ listRoot.dataset.loadClientPrice = true;
+ let list = new ProductCollection({ element: listRoot });
+ assert.isTrue(list._state.loadPrices);
+ list._fetchPrices();
+ assert.isEmpty(list._state.prices);
+ });
+ it('skips retrieving of prices via GraphQL when data attribute is not set', () => {
+ let list = new ProductCollection({ element: listRoot });
+ assert.isFalse(list._state.loadPrices);
+ });
+ it('lazy loads products', () => {
+ listRoot.insertAdjacentHTML(
+ 'beforeend',
+ `Load more
+ );
+ listRoot.dataset.loadClientPrice = true;
+ let response = `
+ Load more `;
+ let mockResponse = new window.Response(response, {
+ status: 200,
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-type': 'text/html'
+ }
+ });
+ let list = new ProductCollection({ element: listRoot });
+ // Check the skus before we load more products
+ assert.deepEqual(list._state.skus, ['sku-a', 'sku-b', 'sku-c', 'sku-d']);
+ list._fetchMoreProducts = sinon.stub().resolves(mockResponse);
+ let loadMoreButton = listRoot.querySelector('.productcollection__loadmore-button');
+ return list._loadMore(loadMoreButton).then(() => {
+ assert.isTrue(list._fetchMoreProducts.called);
+ // Verify that the product has been added to the HTML
+ assert.equal(listRoot.querySelectorAll('.productcollection__item').length, 5);
+ // Verify that the first load more button was replaced with the new button
+ assert.equal(
+ listRoot.querySelector('.productcollection__loadmore-button').dataset.loadMore,
+ 'http://more.products2'
+ );
+ // Check the skus after we load more products and check that the price loading function was called twice
+ assert.deepEqual(list._state.skus, ['sku-e']);
+ assert.isTrue(window.CIF.CommerceGraphqlApi.getProductPrices.calledTwice);
+ });
+ });
+ it('lazy loads products with HTTP error', () => {
+ listRoot.insertAdjacentHTML(
+ 'beforeend',
+ `Load more
+ );
+ let mockResponse = new window.Response('Internal server error', {
+ status: 500,
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-type': 'text/html'
+ }
+ });
+ let list = new ProductCollection({ element: listRoot });
+ list._fetchMoreProducts = sinon.stub().resolves(mockResponse);
+ let loadMoreButton = listRoot.querySelector('.productcollection__loadmore-button');
+ return list._loadMore(loadMoreButton).catch(error => {
+ assert.isTrue(list._fetchMoreProducts.called);
+ assert.equal(error.message, 'Internal server error');
+ // Verify that the product has NOT been added to the HTML
+ assert.equal(listRoot.querySelectorAll('.productcollection__item').length, 4);
+ // Verify that the first load more button is still there
+ assert.equal(
+ listRoot.querySelector('.productcollection__loadmore-button').dataset.loadMore,
+ 'http://more.products'
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ it('selects and deselects filter on mouse click', () => {
+ let list = new ProductCollection({ element: listRoot });
+ let priceFilter = listRoot.querySelector('.productcollection__filter-toggler[id="price"]');
+ assert.isNotNull(priceFilter);
+ assert.isFalse(priceFilter.checked);
+ priceFilter.click();
+ assert.isTrue(priceFilter.checked);
+ priceFilter.click();
+ assert.isFalse(priceFilter.checked);
+ });